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Tijdschrift voor Jeugdrecht
ISSN: 25903500 Year: 2019 Publisher: Den Haag Boom Juridische uitgevers

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Ancient philosophy today
ISSN: 25161164 25161164 Year: 2019 Publisher: Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press

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Philosophy --- E-journals


Online jihadist magazines to promote the caliphate : communicative perspectives
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781433163258 1433163780 1433163772 9781433163777 1433163799 143316325X Year: 2019 Publisher: New York Peter Lang

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This book examines online jihadist magazines published by three terrorist organizations--Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Al-Shabaab--and their aggressive promotion of the Caliphate. The magazines are Inspire, Dabiq, Rumiyah, and Gaidi Mtaani. They have played an important role in the diffusion of Islamist ideas such as jihad and sharia (Islamic law). The Caliphate is an Islamic system of world government that seeks to create a new world order ruled by sharia. Divided into ten chapters, this book extends existing research by offering fresh insights on the communicative strategies, radicalization processes, and recruitment methods used by jihadist organizations as well as their effects on readers. In particular, this book includes (1) the application of communication theories and models to both global jihad and online jihadist propaganda, (2) meticulous descriptions of the four online jihadist magazines in question (in terms of their missions, stylistic formats, and tactics), including excerpts from each magazine, (3) a thorough explanation of the jihadisphere (e.g., as a vehicle for extreme propaganda and an overarching "training manual" for jihad), (4) the procedures and complexities of online Islamic radicalization, and (5) strategies to combat online jihadist magazines (e.g., by developing counter-narratives and online counter-radicalization magazines).


Jihad --- Terrorism --- Terrorism and mass media --- Internet and terrorism --- Electronic journals --- Communication --- Religious aspects --- Islam --- Political aspects --- Qaida (Organization) --- IS (Organization) --- Shabaab (Organization) --- Communication and politics --- Politics and communication --- Cyber journals --- Cyber magazines --- Cyber periodicals --- Cyber serials --- E-journals --- Ejournals --- Electronic magazines --- Electronic periodicals --- Electronic serials --- Internet journals (Electronic publications) --- Internet magazines (Electronic publications) --- Internet periodicals (Electronic publications) --- Internet serials (Electronic publications) --- Online journals --- Online magazines --- Online periodicals --- Online serials --- Periodicals in machine-readable form --- Web journals (Electronic publications) --- Web magazines (Electronic publications) --- Web periodicals (Electronic publications) --- Web serials (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web journals (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web magazines (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web periodicals (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web serials (Electronic publications) --- Electronic publications --- Periodicals --- Terrorism and the Internet --- Mass media and terrorism --- Mass media --- Holy war (Islam) --- Islamic holy war --- Jahad --- Jehad --- Muslim holy war --- War (Islamic law) --- Islam and terrorism --- Terrorism - Religious aspects - Islam --- Electronic journals - Middle East --- Communication - Political aspects

Politics of the Low Countries.

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Politics of the Low Countries (PLC) provides scientific insights in Belgian and Dutch politics. It is the official journal of the Flemish (VPW), Francophone (ABSP) and Luxembourg (LuxPol) political science associations in cooperation with the Dutch Political Science Association (NKWP). The journal has a comprehensive scope, embracing all the major political developments in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. PLC publishes research articles from a wide variety of methodological perspectives and on a broad range of topics such as political behaviour, political parties, political communication, parliamentary studies, public administration, political philosophy and even EU- and international politics. All these areas of study are considered in relation to Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg. Either as specific case studies or as part of comparative research. Besides research articles PLC also provides space for descriptive notes on politics in the Low Countries, PhD-reviews and literature reviews on the academic evolutions within political science in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. This makes it essential reading for both political practitioners and academics. All research articles in this journal have undergone blind peer review, ensuring that all the articles we publish meet high academic standards. The peer review is based on editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two anonymous referees.


Current periodicals --- Revue périodique --- Science politique --- Science administrative --- 200 Politiek --- științe administrative --- διοικητική επιστήμη --- наука за администрацијата --- hallinto-oppi --- administratieve wetenschap --- ciência administrativa --- наука о управи --- administrācijas zinātne --- ciencia administrativa --- förvaltningsvetenskap --- shkencë administrative --- správní věda --- Verwaltungswissenschaft --- forvaltningsvidenskab --- scienze amministrative --- upravna znanost --- xjenza amministrattiva --- igazgatástudomány --- haldusteadus --- administravimas --- administrative science --- administratívna veda --- административна наука --- nauki administracyjne --- znanost o upravi --- administravimo mokslas --- administrativní věda --- valdymo mokslas --- наука за управата --- politikas zinātne --- valtio-oppi --- ciencia política --- политички науки --- politične vede --- scienze politiche --- nauki polityczne --- politológia --- politisk videnskab --- ciência política --- politieke wetenschap --- политичке науке --- političke znanosti --- political science --- politische Wissenschaft --- politologija --- politologie --- shkenca politike --- politoloogia --- πολιτική επιστήμη --- știință politică --- политическа наука --- xjenza politika --- statsvetenskap --- политичка теорија --- Politologie --- statskundskab --- politikatudomány --- politické vědy --- státověda --- Politikwissenschaft --- ştiinţe politice --- politicologie --- statskunskap --- teorie politiky --- politoloģija --- политикологија --- politikos mokslas --- правно-политички науки --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- Periodicals --- E-journals --- International relations. Foreign policy --- Political science --- Politieke wetenschappen. --- Politics and government. --- Political science. --- Benelux countries --- Benelux countries. --- Politics and government --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Low countries --- eolaíocht riaracháin --- eolaíocht pholaitiúil --- sraitheachán --- Revue périodique --- Online periodicals

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