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Bernini, Baciccio, and the dome fresco in the Gesù : a reconsideration
Year: 2019

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The cross before me
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0830778594 9780830778591 9780781413336 Year: 2019 Publisher: Colorado Springs, CO

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Are you flourishing in the life Jesus promised? Christians think of the cross as the instrument of their eternal salvation, not as the way to a beautiful life here and now..

Screening divinity
ISBN: 1474425755 9781474425759 9781474425735 1474425739 9781474425766 1474425763 Year: 2019 Publisher: Edinburgh

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Lisa Maurice examines screen portrayals of gods-- covering Greco-Roman mythology, the Judeo-Christian God and Jesus - from the beginning of cinema to the present day. Focussing on the golden age of the Hollywood epic in the fifties and the twenty-first century second wave of big screen productions, she provides an over-arching picture that allows historical trends and developments to be demonstrated and contrasted. Engaging with recent scholarship on film, particularly film and theology as well as classical reception, she considers the presentation of these gods through examination of their physical and moral characteristics, as well as their interaction with the human world, against the background of the social contexts of each production.

The Black Christ
ISBN: 1608337782 9781608337781 9781626983168 162698316X Year: 2019 Publisher: Maryknoll

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In this classic work, first published in 1994, Kelly Brown Douglas offers a compelling portrait of who Jesus is for the Black community. Beginning with the early testimonies of the enslaved, through the writings and thought of religious and literary figures, voices from the Civil Rights and Black Power era, including Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X, up through the contemporary work of Black and Womanist theologians, Douglas presents a living tradition that speaks powerfully to the message of our day: Black Lives Matter.

Mort pour nos péchés
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2802800043 2802803131 9782802800040 Year: 2019 Volume: 4 Publisher: Bruxelles : Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis,

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« Mort pour nos péchés ». Cette antique formule exprime le sens que prend pour la foi l'événement historique de la mort de Jésus. Elle est liée à un ensemble de catégories archaïques (sacrifice, expiation, substitution, rachat, rédemption, etc.) dont l'homme contemporain ne semble plus pouvoir faire usage. Comment faut-il donc la comprendre aujourd'hui ? C'est à cette question que tente de répondre ce volume, résultant d'une session théologique pour enseignants et universitaires, tenue en 1975 à l'Ecole des sciences philosophiques et religieuses des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis à Bruxelles. La démarche est pluridisciplinaire et comporte quatre moments : enquête exégétique, analyse anthropologique, ethnosociologie des religions et réflexion théologique.


Redemption --- Anthropologie biblique --- --mélanges --- --Jésus-Christ, --- Rédemption --- --Péché --- --Théologie --- --Sciences humaines --- --Jesus Christ --- Crucifixion --- 232.31 --- #GROL:SEMI-232.96 --- Religion --- Verlossing. Middelaarschap van Jezus Christus --- Jesus Christ --- -Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Jezus --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- عيسىٰ --- Redemption. --- -Crucifixion --- 232.31 Verlossing. Middelaarschap van Jezus Christus --- Christ --- Crucifixion. --- ‏عيسىٰ‏ --- Péché --- Théologie --- Sciences humaines --- Jesus Christ - Crucifixion --- Jésus-Christ, 1-33 --- foi --- rédemption --- mort --- Nouveau Testament --- ethnosociologie --- exégèse --- christianisme --- théologie

God visible : Patristic Christology reconsidered
ISBN: 0199281335 9780199281336 9780198845898 0198845898 0191746924 019252156X Year: 2019 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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This work considers the early development and reception of what is today the most widely professed Christian conception of Christ. The development of this doctrine admits of wide variations in expression and understanding, varying emphases in interpretation that are as striking in authors of the first millennium as they are among modern writers. The seven early ecumenical councils and their dogmatic formulations are crucial way-stations in defining the shape of this study. Brian E. Daley argues that the scope of previous enquiries, which focused on the declaration of the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451 that Christ was one Person in two natures, the Divine of the same substance as the Father, and the human of the same substance as us, now seems excessively narrow and distorts our understanding. Daley sets aside the Chalcedonian formula and instead considers what some major Church Fathers-from Irenaeus to John Damascene-say about the person of Christ.

Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John : a christological spectrum
ISSN: 25138790 ISBN: 9780567675125 0567675122 9780567675132 9780567684837 Year: 2019 Volume: 589 Publisher: London Bloomsbury T&T Clark

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John's Gospel is best known for its presentation of Jesus as the Word of God made flesh. But as the narrative unfolds, readers discover that the identity of Jesus is surprisingly complex. He is depicted as a teacher, a healer, a prophet, and Messiah. He is Jewish and Galilean, a human being who is Son of Man and Son of God. Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John considers each of these roles in detail, showing how each makes a distinctive contribution to the Gospel's rich mosaic of images for Jesus. John's multifaceted portrait of Jesus draws on a broad spectrum of early Christian traditions, and the contributors to this collection of essays explore the ways in which these traditions are both preserved and transformed in the Fourth Gospel. The writers draw us more deeply into the questions of the way in which traditions about Jesus developed in the early church and how the Gospel of John might contribute to our understanding of that dynamic process.

Die Königsmacher : wie die synoptischen Evangelien Herrschaftslegitimierung betreiben
ISBN: 3847109294 9783847109297 Year: 2019 Volume: 186 Publisher: Gottingen V&R unipress

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Jesus ist der einzig wahre König und als socher anzuerkennen. Davon wollen die drei Synoptiker ihre antike Leserschaft überzeugen - gut begründet. Sie legitmieren Jesus literarisch als König - bei gleichzeitiger Abgrenzung von potenziellen Konkurrenten. Bei aller Einigkeit im Grundplädoyer dominiert in jedem der drei synoptischen Evangelien eine spezifische Hautplegitimierungsstrategie (Markus: aretalogisch-charismatisch; Matthäus: genealogischdynastisch; Lukas: religiös-theokratisch). Die Synoptiker schalten sich in antike machtpolitische Diskurse ein und betreiben "Wahlkampf" für Jesus. Sie positionieren sich im antiken Herrschaftsuniversum mit seinen konkurrierenden personellen Optionen klar zugunsten ihres Favoriten Jesus and mischen damit im "Konzert" der "antiken Königsmacher" kräftig mit. --

Jésus : une grande figure biblique du Coran
ISBN: 9782343168319 2343168318 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris L'Harmattan

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La personne de Jésus fascine et intrigue. Rien concernant Jésus ne semble relever de l'ordinaire : les conditions de sa naissance, de sa vie et de sa mort. Son identité reste un mystère pour de nombreux historiens. Ceci, au moment où le Coran, livre sacré de l'Islam, en fait un être exceptionnel. Il y est cité 35 fois, 27 fois par son nom et 8 fois comme le Messie. Quant à sa mère Marie, elle est citée plus souvent dans le Coran que dans l'ensemble du Nouveau Testament, soit 34 fois contre seulement 19 fois dans les Evangiles et les Actes des Apôtres. Jésus est qualifié par le Coran de Souffle de Dieu, d'Esprit de Dieu, de Sa Parole. Il le cite au nombre des plus proches et des intimes de Dieu. Par ailleurs, à part sa crucifixion et la question de sa divinité, le Coran conforte les chrétiens dans la plupart de leurs croyances concernant Jésus, affirmant que c'est un prophète, un messager de Dieu et c'est le Messie attendu par le peuple d'Israël. Il confirme sa naissance miraculeuse, les miracles qu'il a accomplis et son ascension. Ce sont ces réflexions que l'on trouve dans ce livre qui traite de l'histoire et du statut exceptionnels de Jésus et de la place de choix qui lui est réservée dans le Coran, en tant que grande figure biblique.

Strangeness and Recognition : mystery and familiarity in Renaissance paintings of Christ
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782503581200 250358120X Year: 2019 Volume: 4 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols Publishers

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How do you paint a figure who is fully human and fully divine?  How do you paint Christ? Strangeness and Recognition takes a fresh look at well-known Renaissance paintings of Christ and shows how surprising and deeply 'strange' they can be.  This book brings an imaginative and affective theological perspective to the viewing experience as it explores the twin roles played by ‘strangeness’ and ‘recognition’ in responding to the challenge of creating and relating to images of Christ.  By confounding expectations and defamiliarising subject matter, the ambiguity and mystery of these paintings disturbs viewers’ expectations and reconnects them with the extraordinary mystery of the Incarnation. While neither words nor images can fully describe God, through a questioning, challenging dialogue with paintings, whose visual language disrupts itself, viewers can be brought to the limits of their own understanding and can enter into transformative and personlike relationships with paintings.  These personal exchanges lead through estrangement to the rediscovery of the familiar within the strange and the renewed within the familiar, and to the ultimately unspeakable, unpaintable, mystery of the Incarnation. Drawing on a diverse range of theologians, philosophers, art historians and art theorists, and building on her own earlier work, Chloë Reddaway shows the theological potential of Christian images, even when they are far removed from their original contexts. A major contribution to the emerging field of visual theology, this book will appeal to scholars of theology and art history alike, as well as to the museum-going public.  

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