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Security and human rights
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781849467308 Year: 2019 Publisher: Oxford ; Chicago, Illinois : Hart,

Theoterrorism v. Freedom of Speech
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9048550270 9789048550272 9789463722728 9463722726 Year: 2019 Publisher: Amsterdam

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The Rushdie Affair, the Danish Cartoon Affair, the assault on Charlie Hebdo, and the earlier Carrell Affair, are examples of religious fanatics' extreme reactions to religious satire and criticism. Perpetrators of these actions consider themselves as true believers. This book aims to understand their motives by means of the concept of theoterrorism: terrorism grounded in religious zealotry.

A World Divided
ISBN: 9780691145440 9780691185552 0691185557 Year: 2019 Publisher: Princeton, NJ

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A global history of human rights in a world of nation-states that grant rights to some while denying them to othersOnce dominated by vast empires, the world is now divided into close to 200 independent countries with laws and constitutions proclaiming human rights-a transformation that suggests that nations and human rights inevitably developed together. But the reality is far more problematic, as Eric Weitz shows in this compelling global history of the fate of human rights in a world of nation-states.Through vivid histories drawn from virtually every continent, A World Divided describes how, since the eighteenth century, nationalists have struggled to establish their own states that grant human rights to some people. At the same time, they have excluded others through forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing, or even genocide. From Greek rebels, American settlers, and Brazilian abolitionists in the nineteenth century to anticolonial Africans and Zionists in the twentieth, nationalists have confronted the question: Who has the "right to have rights?" A World Divided tells these stories in colorful accounts focusing on people who were at the center of events. And it shows that rights are dynamic. Proclaimed originally for propertied white men, rights were quickly demanded by others, including black slaves, women, and American Indians.A World Divided also explains the origins of many of today's crises, from the existence of more than 65 million refugees and migrants to the growth of right-wing nationalism. The book argues that only the continual advance of international human rights will move us beyond the quandary of a world divided between those who have rights and those who don't.

Investment and human rights in armed conflict : Charting an elusive intersection
ISBN: 9781509911660 Year: 2019 Publisher: Oxford...[and four others] : Hart Publishing,

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"This book analyses the way in which international human rights law (IHRL) and international investment law (IIL) are deployed - or fail to be deployed - in conflict countries within the context of natural resources extraction. It specifically analyses the way in which IIL protections impact on the parallel protection of economic, social and cultural rights (ESC rights) in the host state, especially the right to water. Arguing that current responses have been unsatisfactory, it considers the emergence of the 'Protect, Respect and Remedy' framework and the Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (jointly the Framework) as a possible analytical instrument. In so doing, it proposes a different approach to the way in which the Framework is generally interpreted, and then investigates the possible applicability of this 'recalibrated' Framework to the study of the IHRL-IIL interplay in a host country in a protracted armed conflict: Afghanistan. Through the emblematic example of Afghanistan, the book presents a practical dimension to its legal analysis. It uniquely portrays the elusive intersection between these two bodies of international law within a host country where the armed conflict continues to rage and a full economic restructuring is taking place away from the public eye, not least through the deployment of IIL and the inaction - or merely partial consideration - of IHRL. The book will be of interest to academics, policy-makers, and practitioners of international organisations involved in IHRL, IIL and/or deployed in contexts of armed conflict"--

Innovating in a secret world
ISBN: 1640122087 1640122109 9781640122086 9781640122109 9781640120860 1640120866 9781640122093 Year: 2019 Publisher: [Lincoln]

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"Our national security increasingly depends on access to the most sophisticated and advanced technology. Yet the next time we set out to capture a terrorist leader, we may fail. Why? The answer lies in a conflict between two worlds. One is the dynamic, global, commercial world with its thriving innovations. The other is the world of national security, in which innovation is a matter of life or death. The conflict is about secrecy. Innovating in a Secret World is a detailed examination of the U.S. government and innovation landscapes and of the current trends in often secret national security-related research and development (R&D). Based on case studies, detailed research, and interviews with executives at Fortune 500s, startup entrepreneurs, and military directors and program managers, this accessible and timely book is a must-read. Tina P. Srivastava evaluates whether the strategy of technology innovation in the world of national security unintentionally leaves certain innovations behind or unintentionally precludes certain classes of innovators from participating. She identifies the unintended consequences and emergent behaviors of this conflict. This examination unfolds in a complex, dynamic system that includes the legal framework in which technology innovation must exist. For more than a decade Srivastava has been on the front lines of cutting-edge technology innovation. She suggests focusing on an emerging class of R&D strategy called "open innovation"--a strategy that broadens participation in innovation beyond an individual organization or division traditionally assigned to perform R&D activities. Through compelling stories of commercial and early government applications, she shows how open technology innovation strategies can enable, accelerate, and enhance technology innovation. Successful incorporation of open innovation into the previously closed U.S. government R&D landscape can yield profound benefits to both national security and global leadership."--

General principles of the European Convention on Human Rights
ISBN: 9781108718288 1108718280 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York : Cambridge University Press,

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The European Convention of Human Rights is one of the world's most important and influential human rights documents. It owes its value mainly to the European Court of Human Rights, which applies the Convention rights in individual cases --


Civil rights --- Human rights --- POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Freedom & Security / Human Rights. --- Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms --- AİHS --- Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözles̜mesi --- CEDU --- Convención Europea para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y de las Libertades Fundamentales --- Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos --- Convenția Europeană a Drepturilor Omului --- Convenția Europeană Pentru Drepturile Omului și Protecția Persoanelor Care Necesită Protecție Internațională --- Convention de sauvegarde des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales --- Convention européenne des droits de l'homme --- Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo --- E.M.R.K. --- EKPC --- EMRK --- ESDA --- Euroopa Inimõiguste Konventsioon --- Euroopan ihmisoikeussopimus --- Eurōpaïkē Symvasē --- Eurōpaikē Symvasē Dikaiōmatōn tou Anthrōpou --- Europäische Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten --- Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention --- Europakonventionen om mänskliga rättigheter --- European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms --- European Convention of Human Rights --- European Convention on Human Rights --- European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms --- Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens --- Europeiska konventionen om de mänskliga rättigherna --- Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna --- Europeiska människorättskonventionen --- Europejska Konwencja o Ochronie Praw Człowieka i Podstawowych Wolności --- Europejska Konwencja Praw Człowieka --- Europese Conventie voor de Rechten van de Mens --- Europese Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de Fundamentele Vrijheden --- EVRM --- Evropeĭska konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ za pravata na choveka --- Evropeĭska konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ za zashtita na pravata na choveka i osnovnite svobodi --- Evropeĭskai︠a︡ Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ o zashchite prav cheloveka i osnovnykh svobod --- Evropska konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda --- İHAS --- İ.H.A.S. --- İnsan Hakları Avrupa Sözleşmesi --- Konvencija za zaštita na čovekovite prava i osnovni slobodi --- Konvencijah o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin (1950 November 5) --- Konvensjon om beskyttelse av menneskerettighetene og de grunnleggende friheter --- Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten --- Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ o zashchite prav cheloveka i osnovnykh svobod --- Konwencja Europejska --- Konwencja o Ochronie Praw Człowieka i Podstawowych Wolności --- Konwencja Praw Człowieka --- Lajnah al-Ūrūbbīyah li-Ḥuqūq al-Insān --- Rom-Konvention für Menschenrechte --- Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de Fundamentele Vrijheden --- Yleissopimus ihmisoikeuksien ja perusvapauksien suojaamiseksi --- Droits de l'homme --- Droits civils et politiques --- European law

Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782802765424 9782802760412 2802765426 Year: 2019 Volume: 2 Publisher: Bruylant

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Le 1er décembre 2009, entrait en vigueur le traité de Lisbonne. Par ce biais, la Charte des droits fondamentaux acquérait la valeur contraignante pleine et entière dont elle s’était vue initialement privée lors de sa proclamation par le Parlement européen, le Conseil et la Commission, le 7 décembre 2000.En pratiquement vingt années, l’application de la Charte a conduit à la production d’une jurisprudence abondante et complexe, tant à l’égard des droits et libertés qu’elle consacre – songeons par exemple au principe ne bis idem, à la matière de la protection des données à caractière personnel, ou encore à l’interdicton des discriminations –, qu’en lien avec les clauses transversales qui en gouvernent l’interprétation et la mise en oeuvre : délimitation de son invocablité vis-à-vis des actes étatiques, lien avec la Convention européenne des droits de l’Homme et articulation avec la protection constitutionnelle des droits et libertés.Une synthèse de cet acquis, et des perspectives qu’il laisse entrevoir, a paru utile, voire indispensable.Le présent ouvrage s’y emploie sous la forme d’un commentaire article par article, systématique, de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne du 7 décembre 2000, telle qu’adaptée le 12 décembre 2007 à Strasbourg, à laquelle l’article 6 du traité sur l’Union européenne confère la même valeur juridique que les traités constitutifs. La deuxième édition de ce livre fut l’occasion d’ajouter, au travail originellement réalisé (2017), un nombre considérable de nouveaux développements, voire, dans certains cas, de refondre entièrement les analyses livrées pour intégrer tel ou tel arrêt de principe ou de revirement intervenu dans l’intervalle.Chaque commentaire intègre donc les références doctrinales et jurisprudentielles les plus récentes et les plus pertinentes sur les sujets traités, et opère les renvois aux autres instruments de protection des droits de l’Homme susceptibles d’offrir un éclairage à la Charte. Issu des efforts conjugués d’une équipe franco-belge, cet ouvrage.


BPB9999 --- Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne (2000) --- Droits de l'homme (droit européen) --- Interprétation. --- Élection --- Protection de la vie privée --- Union européenne --- Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne --- Santé publique --- Droits de l'homme --- Droits politiques --- Droits et libertés --- BPB2005 --- STRADALEX --- εκλογές --- elecciones --- verkiezing --- election --- alegeri --- избори --- valg --- választás --- vēlēšanas --- voľby --- volby --- zgjedhje --- vaalit --- volitve --- val --- izbori --- Wahl --- eleição --- elezione --- rinkimai --- wybory --- valimised --- elezzjoni --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- European Union --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- privatumo apsauga --- beskyttelse af privatlivet --- varstvo zasebnosti --- eraelu puutumatuse kaitse --- Schutz der Privatsphäre --- заштита на приватноста --- protezione della vita privata --- заштита приватности --- ochrana soukromí --- proteção da vida privada --- protection of privacy --- privatlivets helgd --- privātās dzīves aizsardzība --- protección de la vida privada --- προστασία της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- a magánélet védelme --- ochrana súkromia --- prawo do prywatności --- неприкосновеност на частен живот --- yksityisyyden suoja --- mbrojtja e jetës private --- zaštita privatnosti --- eerbiediging van het privé-leven --- protezzjoni tal-privatezza --- protecția vieții private --- Recht auf Respektierung der Privatsphäre --- тајност на писмата --- teisė į privatumą --- diritto della vita privata --- derecho a la intimidad --- tutela della vita privata --- a magán- és családi élet tiszteletben tartásához való jog --- právo na súkromie --- ochrana soukromého a rodinného života --- recht op privacy --- δικαίωμα σεβασμού της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- dreptul la respectatrea viații private --- õigus eraelu puutumatusele --- ret til privatliv --- right to privacy --- rätt till privatliv --- direito ao respeito da vida privada --- tiesības uz privāto dzīvi --- pravo na privatnost --- oikeus yksityisyyteen --- e drejtë për jetë private --- интегритет на личноста --- право на приватност --- právo na soukromí --- protecção da vida privada --- recht op privé-leven --- droit au respect de la vie privée --- derecho al honor --- rispetto della vita privata --- politická práva --- politieke rechten --- direitos políticos --- политически права --- politische Grundrechte --- politične pravice --- politiska rättigheter --- politikai jogok --- drittijiet politiċi --- poliittiset oikeudet --- politiske rettigheder --- politické práva --- drepturi politice --- politinės teisės --- politiskās tiesības --- të drejta politike --- политичка права --- prawa polityczne --- political rights --- politička prava --- derechos políticos --- diritti politici --- политички права --- poliitilised õigused --- πολιτικά δικαιώματα --- основни граѓански и политички слободи и права --- liberté politique --- poliittinen vapaus --- politinė laisvė --- граѓански и политички права --- political freedom --- politieke vrijheid --- πολιτική ελευθερία --- liberdade política --- politisko uzskatu brīvība --- političke slobode --- politické svobody --- politikai szabadság --- poliitiline vabadus --- politisk frihed --- libertà politica --- libertà di organizzazione politica --- politická sloboda --- politische Freiheit --- политичка слобода --- politisk frihet --- libertate politică --- libertad política --- rahvatervis --- shëndet publik --- обществено здраве --- zdraví veřejnosti --- public health --- volksgezondheid --- veselības aizsardzība --- javno zdravje --- közegészség --- saħħa pubblika --- sanità pubblica --- јавно здравје --- salud pública --- saúde pública --- Volksgesundheit --- kansanterveys --- јавно здравље --- zdrowie publiczne --- sláinte phoiblí --- javno zdravstvo --- sănătate publică --- folkhälsa --- offentlig sundhed --- δημόσια υγεία --- visuomenės sveikata --- zdravie verejnosti --- zdravie obyvateľstva --- gezondheid van de bevolking --- υγεία του πληθυσμού --- Закон за јавно здравје --- befolkningens hälsa --- gyventojų sveikata --- salute della popolazione --- zdraví lidu --- јавни здравствени установи --- népegészségügy --- santé de la population --- sănătate populație --- saúde da população --- здравјето на населението --- javno zdravlje --- sanidad pública --- shëndet i popullatës --- здравство --- health of the population --- zdraví obyvatelstva --- väestön terveydentila --- rahva tervis --- zdraví národa --- јавно ветеринарно здравство --- iedzīvotāju veselība --- befolkningssundhed --- veřejné zdraví --- človekove pravice --- derechos humanos --- ľudské práva --- prawa człowieka --- ljudska prava --- δικαιώματα του ανθρώπου --- човешки права --- human rights --- inimõigused --- cilvēktiesības --- rechten van de mens --- lidská práva --- cearta an duine --- ihmisoikeudet --- direitos humanos --- људска права --- emberi jogok --- menneskerettigheder --- човекови права --- drittijiet tal-bniedem --- mänskliga rättigheter --- žmogaus teisės --- të drejtat e njeriut --- diritti umani --- drepturile omului --- Menschenrechte --- kršenje ljudskih prava --- Verletzung der Menschenrechte --- diritti fondamentali dell'uomo --- Verteidigung der Menschenrechte --- nezadatelná práva --- ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα --- nepromlčitelná práva --- pasikėsinimas į žmogaus teises --- фундаментални слободи и права на човекот и граѓанинот --- zaštita ljudskih prava --- porušování lidských práv --- atentado a los derechos humanos --- Schutz der Menschenrechte --- mbrojtje e të drejtave të njeriut --- krænkelse af menneskerettighederne --- cilvēktiesību apdraudējums --- παραβίαση των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- violarea drepturilor omului --- aantasting van de rechten van de mens --- porušenie ľudských práv --- Beeinträchtigung der Menschenrechte --- mensenrechten --- emberi jogok védelme --- emberi jogok megsértése --- kränkning av mänskliga rättigheter --- atteinte aux droits de l'homme --- útok na ľudské práva --- ihmisoikeusloukkaus --- προσβολή των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- attack on human rights --- protección de los derechos humanos --- cilvēktiesību aizsardzība --- bescherming van de rechten van de mens --- salvaguardia dei diritti dell'uomo --- proteção dos direitos humanos --- tilsidesættelse af menneskerettighederne --- ihmisoikeuksien suojelu --- protezione dei diritti umani --- Конвенција за заштита на човековите права и основните слободи --- skydd av mänskliga rättigheter --- violación de los derechos humanos --- cilvēktiesību pārkāpums --- ochrana ľudských práv --- žmogaus teisių apsauga --- ihmisoikeuksien uhkaaminen --- prava čovjeka --- derechos del hombre --- rispetto dei diritti dell'uomo --- schending van de rechten van de mens --- inimõiguste kaitse --- protecția drepturilor omului --- shkelje e të drejtave të njeriut --- violação dos direitos humanos --- brott mot mänskliga rättigheter --- beskyttelse af menneskerettigheder --- ochrana lidských práv --- inimõiguste ohustamine --- violation des droits de l'homme --- повреда на граѓанските права --- cenim i të drejtave të njeriut --- žmogaus teisių pažeidimas --- cilvēka pamattiesības --- граѓански слободи и права --- προστασία των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- ofensa aos direitos humanos --- заштита на правата и слободите на граѓаните --- кршење на човековите права --- human rights violation --- violazione dei diritti umani --- protection of human rights --- inimõiguste rikkumine --- reato contro i diritti dell'uomo --- protection des droits de l'homme --- Europeiska unionens stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna --- χάρτης των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie --- EU Charter of Fundamental Rights --- az Európai Unió alapjogi chartája --- Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea --- Karta Praw Podstawowych Unii Europejskiej 2000 --- Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea --- Povelja EU-a o temeljnim pravima --- Karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- Cairt um Chearta Bunúsacha an Aontais Eorpaigh --- Повеља ЕУ о основним људским правима --- EÜ põhiõiguste harta --- Grundrechtscharta der Europäischen Union --- Carta Drepturilor Fundamentale a Uniunii Europene --- Charta základních lidských práv Evropské unie --- Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia --- Listina EU o temeljnih pravicah --- Den Europæiske Unions charter om grundlæggende rettigheder --- Повелба на ЕУ за основните права --- Харта за защита на човешките права --- Euroopan unionin perusoikeuskirja --- Karta e BE-së për të Drejtat Themelore --- ES pagrindinių teisių chartija --- Charta EÚ o základných právach --- ES Pamattiesību harta --- Pamattiesību harta --- Повелба на ЕУ --- EU's charter om grundlæggende rettigheder --- Europos Sąjungos pagrindinių teisių chartija --- Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību harta --- európai alapjogi charta --- Euroopa põhiõiguste harta --- europæisk charter om grundlæggende rettigheder --- Karta e të Drejtave Themelore --- Karta e të Drejtave Themelore të Bashkimit Europian --- Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union --- Fundamental Rights Charter --- Euroopa Liidu põhiõiguste harta --- Evropská charta základních lidských práv --- Carta Europeia dos Direitos Fundamentais --- ευρωπαϊκός χάρτης των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων --- Euroopan perusoikeuskirja --- Carta Europea de los Derechos Fundamentales --- Повелба за основните права --- Carta Europeană a Drepturilor Fundamentale --- Alapjogi Charta --- Carta europea dei diritti fondamentali --- charte européenne des droits fondamentaux --- Charta základních lidských práv EU --- Karta Europiane e të Drejtave Themelore --- põhiõiguste harta --- europeiska stadgan om de grundläggande rättigheterna --- Charta základních lidských práv Společenství --- Carta Drepturilor Fundamentale --- Eiropas Pamattiesību harta --- Europees handvest van de grondrechten --- EU-Grundrechtscharta --- European Charter of Fundamental Rights --- Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union --- EU:s stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna --- europäische Grundrechtscharta --- Pagrindinių teisių chartija --- E-books --- toghchán --- cosaint príobháideachais --- cearta polaitiúla --- Droits et libertés --- Élection --- Protection de la vie privée --- Union européenne --- Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne --- Santé publique --- droits politiques --- droits de l'homme

EU Economic Governance en het recht op collectief onderhandelen
ISBN: 9789048634453 9048634458 Year: 2019 Publisher: die Keure / la Charte

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Naast wetgeving maakt de Europese Unie ook gebruik van een hybride beleidsmethode, genaamd ?economic governance?, om o.a. jaarlijks aanbevelingen te geven aan de lidstaten, waarvan de EU de opvolging monitort via het Europees semester. Deze aanbevelingen hebben betrekking op de begroting en de economie, maar ook op het sociaal en werkgelegenheidsbeleid van de lidstaten. Terwijl de EU geen sterke wetgevingsbevoegdheden heeft inzake de sociale dimensie, maakte het ? zeker tijdens de crisis ? uitvoerig gebruik van EU ?economic governance? om ?soft law?-richtsnoeren uit te delen inzake werkgelegenheid, arbeidsrecht en sociale zekerheid. Een groot aantal aanbevelingen hadden betrekking op de loonvorming of rechtstreeks op een hervorming van het collectieve onderhandelingssysteem.00Een aanvaring met het fundamentele recht op collectief onderhandelen (en sociale dialoog) van de sociale partners was dan ook onvermijdelijk. Dit recht, dat een zekere autonomie aan de sociale partners geeft om met elkaar over sociale aangelegenheden te onderhandelen, is niet alleen beschermd door de EU-rechtsorde zelf, maar ook door de Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie en de Raad van Europa (EVRM en ESH). Het onderzoek heeft nagegaan in welke mate EU ?economic governance? problematisch is in het licht van het recht op collectief onderhandelen, wat tot schendingen van dit recht in de verschillende rechtsorden kan leiden. Uit de evaluatie van de aanbevelingen en de maatregelen trekt het onderzoek lessen voor de EU (en de lidstaten) om EU ?economic governance? beter met het recht op collectief onderhandelen te verzoenen, rekening houdend met het postcrisisklimaat en de hernieuwde aandacht voor de sociale dimensie van de EU.


European law --- Economic law --- Social law. Labour law --- European Union --- Droit social (droit européen) --- Gouvernance économique --- Négociations collectives --- BPB1903 --- 368.4 --- 342.701 --- 351.83 --- 331.152 : sociaal overleg - democratisering, economisch - democratisering van/in de onderneming - industriële democratie (zie ook 301.173.8, 321.7) --- 337.9 EU --- Droit de l'Union européenne --- Gouvernance --- Politique économique --- Droits politiques --- Union européenne --- Droit de l'individu --- Droits économiques --- Droits sociaux --- europese unie --- economisch beleid --- arbeidswetgeving --- sociale wetgeving --- sociaal overleg --- drepturi sociale --- soziale Rechte --- të drejta sociale --- социјална права --- социални права --- sociale rechten --- sociala rättigheter --- sosiaaliset oikeudet --- diritti sociali --- sotsiaalsed õigused --- derechos sociales --- prawa socjalne --- cearta sóisialta --- direitos sociais --- sociálne práva --- socialne pravice --- socijalna prava --- drittijiet soċjali --- sociale rettigheder --- socialinės teisės --- социјални права --- κοινωνικά δικαιώματα --- sociālās tiesības --- social rights --- sociální práva --- szociális jogok --- socijalne slobode --- libertà sociale --- социална свобода --- libertate socială --- social frihedsrettighed --- të drejta ekonomike dhe shoqërore --- drepturi economice și sociale --- ekonominės ir socialinės teisės --- droits sociaux fondamentaux --- sosiaaliset vapaudet --- diritti economici e sociali --- wirtschaftliche Grundrechte --- libertà soċjali --- prawa gospodarcze i społeczne --- social frihet --- prawa społeczne --- liberté sociale --- socialinė laisvė --- ekonomická a sociální práva --- szociális szabadság --- икономически и социални права --- економско-социјални права --- κοινωνική ελευθερία --- derechos económicos y sociales --- sotsiaalne vabadus --- soziale Freiheit --- sociālās pamattiesības --- социјална слобода --- ekonomiska och sociala rättigheter --- economische en sociale rechten --- taloudelliset ja sosiaaliset oikeudet --- економска и социјална права --- soziale Grundrechte --- družbena svoboda --- droits économiques et sociaux --- sociální svoboda --- direitos económicos e sociais --- libertad social --- economic and social rights --- οικονομικά και κοινωνικά δικαιώματα --- економско социјални права --- social freedom --- majanduslikud ja sotsiaalsed õigused --- gazdasági és szociális jogok --- sociální spravedlnost --- sociālā brīvība --- wolność społeczna --- hospodárske a sociálne práva --- ekonomske in socialne pravice --- sociale vrijheden --- wirtschaftliche und soziale Rechte --- здравствени и социјални права --- liberdade social --- sociálna sloboda --- sociālās un ekonomiskās tiesības --- økonomiske og sociale rettigheder --- të drejta ekonomike --- diritti economici --- derechos económicos --- ekonomiska rättigheter --- wirtschaftliche Rechte --- prawa ekonomiczne --- οικονομικά δικαιώματα --- gazdasági jogok --- økonomiske rettigheder --- economische rechten --- direitos económicos --- ekonominės teisės --- икономически права --- mantiskās tiesības --- ekonomická práva --- hospodárske práva --- економски права --- drepturi economice --- economic rights --- ekonomska prava --- економска права --- ekonomske pravice --- majanduslikud õigused --- drittijiet ekonomiċi --- taloudelliset oikeudet --- економски и социјални права --- основни политички и економски слободи --- економска слобода --- libertà di iniziativa economica --- libertà economiche --- hospodářská práva --- Recht des Einzelnen --- rights of the individual --- üksikisiku õigused --- лична права --- egyének jogai --- yksilön oikeudet --- individets rettigheder --- drittijiet tal-individwu --- direitos do indivíduo --- të drejtat e individit --- práva jednotlivca --- ατομικά δικαιώματα --- diritto dell'individuo --- asmens teisės --- personas tiesības --- individens rättigheter --- индивидуални права --- prawa jednostki --- drepturile individului --- derecho del individuo --- права на индивида --- prava pojedinca --- práva jednotlivce --- rechten van het individu --- pravice posameznika --- права на индивидуата --- personenrecht --- naudojimasis politinėmis teisėmis --- Freiheit der Person --- individuell frihet --- perusvapaudet --- põhivabadused --- využívanie politických práv --- alapvető szabadságjogok --- kodaniku õigused --- osobná sloboda --- rechten van de burger --- direitos fundamentais --- liberdade individual --- alapvető szabadságok --- fundamentele vrijheid --- ατομικές ελευθερίες --- isiku õigused --- liri personale --- openbare vrijheden --- pilntiesīgs pilsonis --- direito dos cidadãos --- temeljne slobode --- libertà pubbliche --- diritti del cittadino --- asmens laisvė --- libertades fundamentales --- politisko tiesību esamība --- bescherming van de burger --- уживање политички права --- základní svobody --- protezione del cittadino --- základné práva --- derechos fundamentales --- derechos constitucionales --- diritti della persona --- pilsoņu tiesības --- persönliche Freiheit --- temeljna prava --- Persönlichkeitsrecht --- pamatintereses --- diritto della personalità --- pagrindinė laisvė --- θεμελιώδεις ελευθερίες --- prava građana --- personlig frihed --- liberdades essenciais --- основни права и слободи --- të drejta themelore --- drepturi fundamentale --- liberdade fundamental --- forfatningsmæssig frihedsrettighed --- põhiõigused --- derecho de la personalidad --- yksilön vapaus --- gëzimi i të drejtave politike --- libertad individual --- fundamental rights --- polgári szabadságjogok --- poliitiliste õiguste omamine --- fri- och rättigheter --- лични права --- személyes szabadságjogok --- θεμελιώδη δικαιώματα --- лични права и слободи --- fundamental freedom --- perusoikeudet --- personal freedom --- droit de la personnalité --- liri themelore --- persoonlijke vrijheid --- personligt retsværn --- Grundrechte --- liberté fondamentale --- práva občanov --- pamattiesības --- libertà individuale --- βασικές ελευθερίες --- liberté individuelle --- Grundfreiheiten --- diritti fondamentali --- права на поединците --- personlig frihet --- pagrindinės teisės --- grundläggande friheter --- citizens' rights --- základní práva --- isiku vabadus --- pamatbrīvības --- základné slobody --- poliittisten oikeuksien nautinta --- grundläggande rättigheter --- liberté publique --- piliečių teisės --- práva osobnosti --- enjoyment of political rights --- droits fondamentaux --- libertà fondamentali --- liberdades públicas --- të drejtaë e shtetasve --- indivīda tiesības --- alapvető jogok --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- politická práva --- politieke rechten --- direitos políticos --- политически права --- politische Grundrechte --- politične pravice --- politiska rättigheter --- politikai jogok --- drittijiet politiċi --- poliittiset oikeudet --- politiske rettigheder --- politické práva --- drepturi politice --- politinės teisės --- politiskās tiesības --- të drejta politike --- политичка права --- prawa polityczne --- political rights --- politička prava --- derechos políticos --- diritti politici --- политички права --- poliitilised õigused --- πολιτικά δικαιώματα --- основни граѓански и политички слободи и права --- liberté politique --- poliittinen vapaus --- politinė laisvė --- граѓански и политички права --- political freedom --- politieke vrijheid --- πολιτική ελευθερία --- liberdade política --- politisko uzskatu brīvība --- političke slobode --- politické svobody --- politikai szabadság --- poliitiline vabadus --- politisk frihed --- libertà politica --- libertà di organizzazione politica --- politická sloboda --- politische Freiheit --- политичка слобода --- politisk frihet --- libertate politică --- libertad política --- politika ekonomike --- økonomisk politik --- majanduspoliitika --- hospodárska politika --- hospodářská politika --- política económica --- икономическа политика --- polityka gospodarcza --- ekonomikas politika --- ekonomisk politik --- Wirtschaftspolitik --- gazdaságpolitika --- talouspolitiikka --- οικονομική πολιτική --- beartas eacnamaíoch --- politică economică --- politica economica --- politika ekonomika --- economic policy --- ekonomska politika --- економска политика --- ekonominė politika --- wirtschaftspolitische Leitlinien --- ekonomisk inriktning --- hospodářské rozhodování --- escolha económica --- opzione economica --- gazdaságpolitikai elképzelések --- ekonomický prístup --- gestión económica --- gazdasági megközelítés --- orientamento economico --- taloudellinen lähestymistapa --- majanduslik lähenemisviis --- ekonomisk kurs --- gazdaságpolitikai döntés --- економски пристап --- ekonomiskt val --- obiettivo economico --- economische keuze --- opțiune economică --- Globalsteuerung der Wirtschaft --- qasje ekonomike --- wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidung --- gazdaságpolitikai iránymutatás --- choix économique --- orientation économique --- ekonominis pasirinkimas --- decisione economica --- orientação económica --- ekonomiskā izvēle --- økonomisk kurs --- ekonomický přístup --- стопанска политика --- økonomisk valg --- opción económica --- ekonomická volba --- ekonomiskā pieeja --- wirtschaftliche Zielvorstellungen --- οικονομική επιλογή --- obiectiv economic --- ekonomická politika --- economische koers --- metody řízení národního hospodářství --- ekonomická voľba --- ekonomski pristup --- taloudellinen valinta --- majanduslik valik --- zgjedhje ekonomike --- scelta economica --- economic approach --- οικονομικός προσανατολισμός --- ekonominis požiūris --- gospodarska politika --- economic choice --- valdīšana --- vladanje --- διακυβέρνηση --- valdžia --- gobernanza --- správa věcí veřejných --- kormányzás --- владеење --- styrelseskick --- governance --- guvernare --- governanza --- държавно управление --- valitsemistava --- izvršavanje vlasti --- Governance --- styreformer --- rządzenie --- výkon riadenia --- governação --- rialú --- qeverisje --- hallintotapa --- управљање --- modernes Regieren --- e-pārvaldība --- е-демократија --- e-governance --- styrelseformer --- добро владеење --- behoorlijk bestuur --- elektronikus kormányzás --- governanza elettronica --- qeverisje elektronike --- e-demokrácia --- styrelsesätt --- ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση --- obnašanje vlasti --- političko upravljanje --- valitsemiskorraldus --- Regierungsstil --- E-Governance --- e-styreformer --- e-gobernanza --- e-gouvernance --- rialachas --- e-kormányzás --- elektroninė valdžia --- pravo EU-a --- ES tiesības --- право ЕУ --- pravo EU --- prawo unijne --- EU-ret --- δίκαιο της ΕΕ --- právo EU --- EU law --- diritto dell'UE --- e drejta e BE-së --- uniós jog --- Derecho de la UE --- unionin oikeus --- EU-Recht --- EU-recht --- ES teisė --- právo EÚ --- legislația UE --- direito da UE --- право на ЕУ --- EU-rätt --- ELi õigus --- liġi tal-UE --- право на ЕС --- pravo Europske unije --- právo Spoločenstva --- normativa comunitaria --- drept comunitar --- diritto europeo --- e drejtë e Bashkimit Europian --- droit de l'Union européenne --- право на Европската заедница --- κοινοτικό δίκαιο --- droit européen --- evropské právo --- réglementation communautaire --- EG-förordningar --- pravo Evropske unije --- direito da União Europeia --- Europos Sąjungos teisė --- uniós jogszabályok --- Euroopa Liidu õigus --- Kopienas noteikumi --- europeisk rätt --- communautaire wetgeving --- Community law --- drept european --- Eurooppa-oikeus --- δίκαιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- nariadenia Spoločenstva --- legislația Uniunii Europene --- právo Evropské unie --- reglementări comunitare --- Euroopa Ühenduse õigus --- regulamentação comunitária --- prawo Unii Europejskiej --- közösségi jogszabályok --- Community regulations --- fællesskabsbestemmelser --- ευρωπαϊκό Δίκαιο --- právo ES --- European Union law --- Derecho comunitario --- európai uniós jogszabályok --- liġi tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- communautair recht --- yhteisön asetukset --- közösségi rendeletek --- gemenskapsrätt --- az Európai Unió joga --- Derecho europeo --- регулативи на Заедницата --- europsko pravo --- droit communautaire --- direito comunitário --- európai jog --- diritto comunitario --- legislazione comunitaria --- право на ЕЗ --- recht van de Europese Unie --- fællesskabsregler --- Europäisches Recht --- Recht der Europäischen Union --- Bendrijos teisė --- közösségi jog --- EU-jog --- Eiropas Savienības tiesības --- právo Unie --- Derecho de la Unión Europea --- Euroopan unionin oikeus --- право Заједнице --- Gesetzgebung der Gemeinschaft --- EF-ret --- pravo Zajednice --- prawo wspólnotowe --- yhteisön oikeus --- fællesskabsret --- norme comunitarie --- право на Европските заедници --- EG-rätt --- Europees recht --- communautaire voorschriften --- direito europeu --- европско право --- právo Európskej únie --- Право на Общността --- disposizioni comunitarie --- κοινοτική νομοθεσία --- reglamentación comunitaria --- Gemeinschaftsrecht --- право на Европейския съюз --- komunitární právo --- az EU joga --- Kopienas tiesības --- Bendrijos reglamentai --- regolamentazione comunitaria --- európske právo --- communautaire rechtsorde --- legislativa EU --- право на Европската Унија --- pravo Skupnosti --- Euroopa õigus --- EU:n oikeus --- ühenduse õigus --- diritto dell'Unione europea --- право Уније --- EG-recht --- pravni propisi Europske unije --- Europos teisė --- sociale zekerheid - sociale verzekering --- sociale grondrechten --- arbeidswetgeving - arbeidsrecht - sociaal recht (zie ook 331.16) --- Europese Unie - EU --- union europeenne --- politique economique --- législation du travail --- legislation sociale --- concertation sociale --- E-books --- cearta eacnamaíocha --- cearta polaitiúla --- cearta an duine aonair --- dlí an Aontais Eorpaigh --- transporte transnacional --- transport transgraniczny --- přeshraniční doprava --- drittijiet fundamentali --- piiriülene transport --- transport över gränserna --- grensoverschrijdend vervoer --- транспорт през граници --- grænseoverskridende transport --- temeljne pravice --- rajatylittävä liikenne --- grondrechten --- transport transfrontalier --- határokon átívelő szállítás --- trasporto transfrontaliero --- cearta bunúsacha --- trasport transfruntier --- основни права --- transporte transfronterizo --- iompar trasteorann --- tarpvalstybinis vežimas --- pārrobežu transports --- cezhraničná doprava --- διασυνοριακές μεταφορές --- grundlæggende rettigheder --- prawa podstawowe --- čezmejni prevoz --- prekogranični prijevoz --- grenzüberschreitender Verkehr --- grenzüberschreitender Transport --- droit de l'individu --- Droit de l'Union européenne --- Politique économique --- Union européenne --- Droits économiques --- Social rights --- Droits économiques et sociaux --- Collective bargaining --- Law --- Droit --- Law and legislaion --- Economic aspects --- Aspect économique

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