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Biais, hiatus et absences en archéologie

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L’archéologie est communément distinguée des autres sciences humaines, en particulier des sciences du passé, par son objet d’étude qui est, par essence, l’homme à travers les vestiges matériels, de l’objet jusqu’au site archéologique et son environnement. Mais alors que ces restes tangibles des sociétés passées sont descriptibles, caractérisables, classables dans des typologies, comment aborder et interpréter les vides et les silences documentaires qui n’ont pas laissé de traces manifestes ? La problématique de l’absence est commune à toutes les approches archéologiques et à toutes les aires chronoculturelles. Dans les articles de ce volume, issus de communications présentées lors de la 12e Journée Doctorale d’archéologie de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (ED 112), les doctorants tentent, à travers des indices indirects, de définir, de mesurer, d’expliquer ces vides et ces silences, voire de les combler. Face à la nature incomplète ou biaisée des sources archéologiques, des solutions méthodologiques sont proposées et appliquées à des problématiques et à des contextes variés, à la faveur d’approches croisées, multidimensionnelles et multiscalaires.

Visões Interdisciplinares sobre a Europa e o Mundo: Uma experiência de convergência disciplinar em homenagem a Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9892618491 9892618483 Year: 2019 Publisher: Coimbra University Press

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The book "Interdisciplinary visions of Europe and the World", is a tribute to Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro. This timely tribute is the just recognition of her work and her intellectual and human dimension. This work represents a sample, on the one hand, of the diversity within the Europeanism, Atlanticity and Globalization Group, and on the other, of how it is possible to establish interdisciplinary bridges between the many scientific areas represented in the research group. To embark on an interdisciplinary adventure is to depart from our comfort zone. It is an adventure, because the path can be winding, the difficulties are often greater than were expected, and the result is normaly unpredictable. It generates discomfort, because the practice of interdisciplinarity obliges us to understand different languages, to explain several times what seems obvious, to consensualize concepts, to negotiate methods, to compromise in principles that were considered, from the point of view of each science, unquestionable.

Equity & cultural responsiveness in the middle grades
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1641136758 9781641136754 9781641136730 9781641136747 1641136731 164113674X Year: 2019 Publisher: Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, Inc,

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"While developmental responsiveness is a deservingly key emphasis of middle grades education, this emphasis has often been to the detriment of focusing on the cultural needs of young adolescents. This Handbook volume explores research relating to equity and culturally responsive practices when working with young adolescents. Middle school philosophy largely centers on young adolescents as a collective group. This lack of focus has great implications for young adolescents of marginalized identities including but not limited to those with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, LGBTQ youth, and those living in poverty. If middle level educators claim to advocate for young adolescents, we need to mainstream conversations about supporting all young adolescents of marginalized identities. It empowers researchers, educators, and even young adolescents to critically examine and understand the intersectionality of identities that historically influenced (and continue to affect) young adolescents and why educators might perceive marginalized youth in certain ways. It is for these reasons that researchers, teachers, and other key constituents involved in the education of young adolescents must devote themselves to the critical examination and understanding of the historical and current socio-cultural factors affecting all young adolescents. The chapters in this volume serve as a means to open an intentional and explicit space for providing a critical lens on early adolescence-a lens that understands that both developmental and cultural needs of young adolescents need to be emphasized to create a learning environment that supports every young adolescent learner"--

Portugal, Espanha e o Atlântico – I
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9892618777 9892618769 Year: 2019 Publisher: Coimbra University Press

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In this work we try to make an approach to the shared history between two brothers countries and not always friends such as Portugal and Spain and the atlantic projection that has presided over much of its historical evolution and is also an essential part of its contemporary foreign policy. A dialogue that also acquires different nuances, since the same concept of atlanticity has different connotations for Spain and Portugal. From these various perspectives, Spain and Portugal continue to have an important mission in the challenges in today's world as interlocutors and transmission belts between different global spaces. This historical evolution and the new challenges of the atlantic world are intended to be addressed in the texts of the authors presented to them in this dossier and that address very diverse historical periods from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. Facing the most diverse possible perspectives, whether political, geostrategic, economic, social and cultural.

Experimentieren : Einblicke in Praktiken und Versuchsaufbauten zwischen Wissenschaft und Gestaltung
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3839446384 3837646386 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Forschen und Gestalten sind experimentelle Vorgehensweisen, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, etwas Neues, noch nicht Existierendes hervorzubringen. Sie haben beide Projektcharakter, denn sie führen an einen Nullpunkt des Wissens. Doch welche Strategien und Verfahren sind es, die aus diesem Nichtwissen, diesen Vermutungen und Ideen zu konkreten Ergebnissen führen? ForscherInnen aus 23 Wissenschafts- und Gestaltungsdisziplinen berichten in diesem Band über ihr Experimentieren und geben Einblicke in ihre Praktiken und Versuchsaufbauten. Er bietet damit eine Bestandsaufnahme zeitgenössischer Experimentalkulturen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaft und Gestaltung und skizziert eine Praxeologie des Experiments.

Academic skills for interdisciplinary studies
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9048550068 9789048550067 Year: 2019 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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Academic skills are the tools that enable you to gain, develop and critically discuss new knowledge during and after your Bachelor's and Master's programme. This handbook offers practical instructions, tips, and tricks that help undergraduate students to develop the skills needed for an interdisciplinary curriculum. The book focuses on the following elements:- how to study effectively- reading scientific literature- collecting and assessing literature for your research- argumentation- academic writing- presentation skills- scientific interviews- debating- reflection- critical thinking

Interdisziplinäre Teams in inklusiven Schulen : Eine ethnografische Studie zu Fallbesprechungen in multiprofessionellen Gruppen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 383764796X 3839447968 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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David Labhart analysiert in Form einer ethnografischen Studie Fallbesprechungen in multiprofessionell zusammengesetzten Gruppen in der inklusiven Schule. Dabei bedient er sich der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie und zeigt am Beispiel des Kantons Zürich, wie das »Interdisziplinäre Team« in der Praxis agiert: Welche Aufgaben werden bearbeitet, wie werden Probleme verortet und welches Wissen wird integriert? »Insgesamt gelingt es Labhart, in dem derzeit vielbeforschten Gebiet der multiprofessionellen Kooperation im Kontext von Inklusion neue Akzente zu setzen und mittels interessanter Methodik den ebenso vielfach rezipierten Herausforderungen multiprofessioneller Zusammenarbeit detailliert auf den Grund zu gehen.« Magdalena Muckenthaler, Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue, 19/1 (2020) Besprochen in: FIS Bildung, 1 (2020) InfoDienst Migration, 2 (2020)

Inklusionen und Exklusionen des Humanen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3781557774 378152342X Year: 2019 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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In gesellschaftlichen Debatten um Inklusion läuft das Humane, der einzelne Mensch, Gefahr, aus dem Blick zu geraten, da die Diskussionen oftmals nur auf systemisch-struktureller Ebene geführt werden. Betroffen sind dabei jedoch auch Aspekte der konkreten pädagogischen und konzeptionellen Arbeit und der erzieherischen Begegnung. Dieser Band widmet sich der Vielfalt von Individuen in ihren jeweiligen Kontexten im Spektrum zwischen Inklusionen und Exklusionen aus unterschiedlichen theoretischen und praktischen Perspektiven. Von alltäglichen Situationen in deutschen und amerikanischen Klassenzimmern über schulische Inklusionsmodelle und das Bundesteilhabegesetz hin zu humanen Exklusionen im international vernetzten Digitalzeitalter; von Diskursen über Vulnerabilität, Ethik und Exklusion bis hin zum Topos des Fremden in der pädagogischen Inklusionsdebatte eröffnen sich multiperspektivische Betrachtungsweisen.

Converting STEM into STEAM Programs : Methods and Examples from and for Education
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030251012 3030251004 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book examines the push and pull of factors contributing to and constraining conversion of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education programs into STEAM (science, technology, engineering, math and arts) education programs. The chapters in this book offer thought-provoking examples, theory, and suggestions about the advantages, methods and challenges involved in making STEM to STEAM conversions, at levels ranging from K12 through graduate university programs. A large driving force for STEM-to-STEAM conversions is the emerging awareness that the scientific workforce finds itself less than ideally prepared when engaging with so-called ‘wicked problems’ – the complex suite of emerging, multifaceted issues such as global climate change, social injustice, and pandemic diseases. Dealing with these issues requires cross-disciplinary expertise and the ability to insert technical and scientific understanding effectively into areas of public planning and policy. The different models and possibilities for STEAM, as the next phase of the STEM revolution, laid out in this book will promote research and further our understanding of STEAM as a forward-thinking approach to education. Gillian Roehrig, STEM Education, University of Minnesota, USA The ideal teacher sees opportunities for integrating ideas from multiple disciplines into every lesson. This book offers many worthwhile suggestions on how to do that deliberately and systematically George DeBoer, Project 2061 of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, USA For the last several years, calls for expanding STEM education have grown, but so too have concerns about technocratic approaches to STEM. This volume challenges the community to consider broader views on STEM by focusing on the place of arts education within this movement. The chapters offer much needed, new perspectives on the (re)integration of the arts and sciences Troy Sadler, School of Education, University of North Carolina, USA.

Hybrid practices : art in collaboration with science and technology in the long 1960s
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780520296596 0520296591 Year: 2019 Publisher: Oakland, Calif. University of California Press

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"In Hybrid Practices, essays by established and emerging scholars investigate the rich ecology of practices that typified the era of the Cold War. The volume showcases three projects that were at the forefront of unprecedented collaboration between the arts and new sectors of industrial society in the 1960s and 70s --Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.), the Art and Technology Project at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (A&T), and the Artist Placement Group (APG) in the U.K. The subjects covered range from collaborative projects between artists and scientists to commercial ventures and experiments in intermedia, onto to multi-disciplinary undertakings, effacing authorship to activate the spectator, suturing gaps between art and government, or remapping the landscape of everyday life in terms of technological mediation. Among the artists discussed in the volume and of interest to a broad public beyond the art world include John Cage, Hans Haacke, Robert Irwin, John Latham, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Sol LeWitt, Carolee Schneemann, James Turrell, Yvonne Rainer, Robert Rauschenberg, and Robert Whitman. This valuable collection aims to introduce readers not only to hybrid work in and as depth, but also to work in and as breadth, across disciplinary practices where the real questions of hybridity are determined."--Provided by publisher.

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