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La culture comme facteur d’européanisation : le rôle de l’argument culturel dans la politique européenne de la Grèce (1944–1979)
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ISSN: 09442294 ISBN: 9782807615175 2807615171 Year: 2020 Volume: 110 Publisher: Bruxelles Peter Lang

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Ce livre examine les initiatives gouvernementales grecques dans le domaine de la culture, leur relation à la politique européenne ainsi que le rôle de l'argument culturel dans le cadre des efforts de la Grèce en vue de son insertion dans la famille européenne du lendemain de la Seconde guerre mondiale jusqu'à la signature du traité d'adhésion à la CEE (1944-1979).Dès la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, les gouvernements grecs choisissent l'Occident à travers l'affirmation de la priorité à l'ancrage européen de leur pays. A la suite de la création de la CEE, la Grèce réussit à devenir le premier pays associé à la CEE (1961). Ce processus, interrompu par la dictature (1967- 1974), se conclut par la signature du traité d'adhésion en 1979. Mais à côté de motivations économique, ce choix renvoyait en réalité à des motivations beaucoup plus profondes.Relevant de l'histoire des relations internationales et plus précisément de l'histoire de l'intégration européenne durant la période d'après-guerre, ce livre cherche à combler les lacunes historiographiques sur les relations entre la Grèce et l'Europe occidentale, en donnant une image renouvelée de cette relation au-delà de sa dimension économique. Il s'agit d'une tentative d'expliquer comment se développe une politique culturelle, comment cette politique est liée aux questions d'identité, de modernisation et d'appartenance à un certain environnement, et dans quelle mesure les initiatives dans le domaine culturel constituent le coeur de la politique européenne de la Grèce.

Geschichtsschreibung in der Emigration : Deutschsprachige Historikerinnen und Historiker in Großbritannien
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110684853 3110684772 Year: 2020 Publisher: München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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Die Arbeit untersucht Leben, Werk und Wirken von emigrierten Historiker/-innen in Großbritannien in Form einer Kollektivbiographie. 4 große Themenkomplexe werden untersucht: die Emigration und Integration der Historiker/-innen, ihre universitären Karrieren, ihre Forschungsthemen und -methoden sowie ihre Position in der britischen und deutschen Historikerschaft. The work examines the lives, works, and impact of emigrated historians in Great Britain in the form of a collective biography. It investigates four major thematic areas: the historians’ emigration and integration, their university careers, their research interests and methods, and their status among British and German historians.

On the hunt for medieval whales : zooarchaeological, historical and social perspectives on cetacean exploitation in medieval northern and western Europe
ISBN: 9781407357201 1407357204 Year: 2020 Publisher: Oxford : BAR Publishing,

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Medieval cetacean (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) exploitation has frequently been connected to various medieval societies, including the Basques, Norse, Normans, and Flemish. Primarily for the ninth to the twelfth centuries AD, it has been argued that the symbolic significance of cetaceans surpassed their utilitarian value and that their consumption was restricted to the social elite. The extent to which active whaling was practised remains unclear. The identification of zooarchaeological cetacean fragments to the species level is hard and as a result they are frequently merely identified as 'whale', resulting in a poor understanding of human-cetacean interaction in the past. Zooarchaeological research as part of this study has revealed that medieval cetacean exploitation was widespread and especially the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), and the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) were frequently targeted. The exploitation additionally seems to have often been restricted to the social elite.

Les rythmes du labeur : enquête sur le temps de travail en Europe occidentale, XIVe-XIXe siècle
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ISSN: 21059616 ISBN: 9782843033001 2843033004 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris : La Dispute,

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Temps, rythmes et intensité du travail sont des questions qui traversent depuis des siècles les sociétés occidentales. Cet ouvrage aborde les différents rythmes du labeur, du temps court de la journée à celui des saisons et de l'année, depuis le XIVe jusqu'à la fin du XIXe siècle. A rebours des idées convenues et des illusions statistiques, l'ambition est ici d'aborder les différentes temporalités du travail dans toute leur complexité. En variant les échelles temporelles et spatiales, en s'appuyant sur des reconstitutions de vies au travail, les auteur-e-s remettent en cause l'idée d'une évolution linéaire : lors de l'industrialisation, hommes, femmes et enfants ne travaillent pas nécessairement plus longtemps et l'intensification du travail précède parfois le machinisme. Cette perspective historique de longue durée nourrit les réflexions actuelles autour des temps du travail

Byzantium and the West : perception and reality (11th – 15th c.)
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780367661373 0367661373 Year: 2020 Publisher: London Routledge

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On hospitals : welfare, law, and Christianity in western Europe, 400-1320
ISBN: 9780198847533 019884753X 0192586777 0191882216 0192586769 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press,

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This book offers a fundamental reconception of the place of welfare institutions in the medieval church, and so of the significance of welfare in western Christianity. It takes as its subject the treatment of hospitals, xenodochia, alms-houses, and leprosaria in church law from the late antique period to the fourteenth century, when the council of Vienne issued its so-called 'magna carta of hospitals'. The place of hospitals 'between church and world' has long caused confusion, not least because popes, canonists, and bishops seem not to have cared about their wayward state. This book charts the legal development of a distinctively western form of welfare. It goes beyond the councils, collections, and commentaries that made up canon law, into Carolingian capitularies, Justinian's Code and Novels, and late Roman testamentary law. In so doing, it identifies new legislation and legal initiatives in every period, the contradictory products of law-makers who were working without legal precedent. Here, at the fringes of law, pioneers worked, and forgers played. Their efforts shed light on councils, both familiar and forgotten, and on major figures, including Abbot Ansegis of Saint Wandrille, Abbot Wala of Corbie, the Pseudo-Isidorian forgers, Pope Alexander III, Bernard of Pavia, and Robert de Courson. A new and fundamentally European history of the hospital emerges, which reveals the central place, across a thousand years, of caritas in medieval Christianity. It also charts the rise of a Christian institution that belonged not to the Church and canon law but to any of the faithful.--

Freedom's laboratory : The Cold War struggle for the soul of science
ISBN: 9781421439082 1421439085 Year: 2020 Publisher: Baltimore, Maryland Johns Hopkins University Press

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Scientists like to proclaim that science knows no borders. Scientific researchers follow the evidence where it leads, their conclusions free of prejudice or ideology. But is that really the case? In Freedom's Laboratory, Audra J. Wolfe shows how these ideas were tested to their limits in the high-stakes propaganda battles of the Cold War. Wolfe examines the role that scientists, in concert with administrators and policymakers, played in American cultural diplomacy after World War II. During this period, the engines of US propaganda promoted a vision of science that highlighted empiricism, objectivity, a commitment to pure research, and internationalism. Working (both overtly and covertly, wittingly and unwittingly) with governmental and private organizations, scientists attempted to decide what, exactly, they meant when they referred to "scientific freedom" or the "US ideology." More frequently, however, they defined American science merely as the opposite of Communist science. Uncovering many startling episodes of the close relationship between the US government and private scientific groups, Freedom's Laboratory is the first work to explore science's link to US propaganda and psychological warfare campaigns during the Cold War. Closing in the present day with a discussion of the recent March for Science and the prospects for science and science diplomacy in the Trump era, the book demonstrates the continued hold of Cold War thinking on ideas about science and politics in the United States.

Marginalized groups, inequalities and the post-war welfare state : whose welfare?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780429424359 0429754744 0429754752 0429424353 9781138388826 9781032087412 Year: 2020 Publisher: London Routledge

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Examining the ways in which societies treat their most vulnerable members has long been regarded as revealing of the bedrock beliefs and values that guide the social order. However, academic research about the post-war welfare state is often focused on mainstream arrangements or on one social group. With its focus on different marginalized groups: migrants and people with disabilities, this volume offers novel perspectives on the national and international dimensions of the post-war welfare state in Western Europe and North America.

Immigration Policy and Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe
ISBN: 3030417611 3030417603 9783030417604 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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Immigration has become one of the central issues dominating the agenda of political parties, and has also played a crucial role in the rise of right-wing populism in Western Europe. This book explores the role of conservative parties in immigration policy change. The following questions are addressed: What explains the introduction of restrictive immigration policies across a number of European states? Why do conservative parties choose to toughen their immigration policy stances? How can we explain the variation in the factors that affect conservative parties’ immigration policy-making logics? What mechanisms account for the dynamics of immigration policy change or policy deadlock? Based on interviews with political elites and policy makers in the UK, Switzerland and France, the book explains why governmental conservative parties in these countries revised their immigration policy stances and steered immigration policy in a more restrictive direction between 2002 and 2015. Anna McKeever is Lecturer in Social Sciences at the University of the West of Scotland, UK. Her research interests include party politics, immigration and populism.

Le plan Marshall : à l'aube de la guerre froide
Authors: ---
ISSN: 11402539 ISBN: 9782251451343 225145134X Year: 2020 Volume: 149 Publisher: Paris : les Belles lettres,

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Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, alors que l'Empire britannique s'effondre et que rien ne ralentit l'expansion de Staline, l'équipe du nouveau secrétaire d'Etat George C. Marshall planifie la reconstruction de l'Europe de l'Ouest comme un rempart contre l'autoritarisme communiste. Cette entreprise massive, ambitieuse et coûteuse, confronte aussi bien les Européens que les Américains à une vision en désaccord avec leur histoire et leurs conceptions personnelles. Dans sa lancée, elle entraîne la création de l'OTAN, de l'Union Européenne et de l'identité occidentale telles qu'elles façonnent encore les relations internationales. Dans cet essai haletant, Benn Steil s'attache aux années critiques de 1947 à 1949 et redonne vie aux épisodes essentiels qui ont jalonné, dans l'Europe d'après-guerre, la dégradation des relations américanosoviétiques : le coup de Prague, le blocus de Berlin et la partition de l'Allemagne. A chaque fois, il nous est donné d'observer et comprendre la détermination de Staline à détruire le plan Marshall et miner l'influence américaine en Europe. A partir de nouvelles sources américaines, russes, allemandes et d'autres archives européennes, Benn Steil livre une histoire limpide du plan Marshall. Il change de manière pérenne notre façon de percevoir ce plan, l'émergence de la Guerre Froide mais aussi l'après-Guerre Froide, pendant laquelle le futur de l'Europe et l'imbrication des Etats-Unis dans celui-ci, sont une fois encore en jeu. -- Quatrième de couverture

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