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Nostalgia now : cross-disciplinary perspectives on the past in the present
ISBN: 9780367254025 0367254026 9780429287602 0429287607 9781000034097 1000034097 9781000034059 1000034054 9781000034073 1000034070 Year: 2020 Publisher: Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY Routledge

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"This volume explores the nature of nostalgia as an important emotion in contemporary society and social theory. Situated between the 'sociology of emotions' and 'nostalgia studies', it considers the reasons for which nostalgia appears to be becoming an increasingly significant and debated emotion in late-modern culture. With chapters offering studies of nostalgia at micro-, meso- and macro-levels of society, it offers insights into the rise to prominence of nostalgia and the attendant consequences. Thematically organised and examining the role of nostalgia on an individual level - in the lives of concrete individuals - as well as analysing its function on a more historical social level as a collective and culturally shared emotion Nostalgia Now brings together the latest empirical and theoretical work on an important contemporary emotion and proposes new agendas for research. As such, it will appeal to scholars of sociology, social theory, psychology and cultural studies, with interests in the emotions"--

Food heritage and nationalism in Europe
ISBN: 9780367234157 0367234157 100072963X 0429279752 Year: 2020 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY Routledge

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"Food Heritage and Nationalism in Europe contends that food is a fundamental element of heritage, and a particularly important one in times of crisis. Arguing that food, taste, cuisine, and gastronomy are crucial markers of identity that are inherently connected to constructions of place, tradition and the past, the book demonstrates how they play a role in intangible, as well as tangible, heritage. Featuring contributions from experts working across Europe and beyond, and adopting a strong historical and transnational perspective, the book examines the various ways in which food can be understood and used as heritage. Including explorations of imperial spaces, migrations and diasporas; the role of commercialisation processes; and institutional practices within the political and cultural domains, the volume considers all aspects of this complex issue. Arguing that the various European cuisines are the result of exchanges, hybridities, and complex historical processes, Porciani and the chapter authors offer up a new way of deconstructing banal nationalism and of moving away from the idea of static identities. Suggesting a new and different approach to the idea of so-called national cuisines, Food Heritage and Nationalism in Europe will be a compelling read for academic audiences in museum and heritage studies, cultural and food studies, anthropology and history"--

Ik, wij, zij : sociologische wegwijzers voor onze tijd
ISBN: 9789463931489 9789463931236 Year: 2020 Publisher: Gent Owl Press

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'Ik, wij, zij' is een verrijkend boek voor iedereen die het doen en laten van de hedendaagse mens wil vatten. De drie persoonlijke voornaamwoorden vormen het uitgangspunt voor een reeks sociologische beschouwingen over onze tijd. Ik. We leven in een geïndividualiseerd tijdperk. Mensen kunnen hun leven beter vormgeven dan tijdens pakweg de jaren vijftig, maar die toegenomen vrijheid gaat samen met onvrijheid, met een arbeidend zichzelf-zijn en een gemoedsstemming die pendelt tussen manie en depressie. Wij. Het populisme van 'wij' tegen 'zij' is doortastend. Een als homogeen voorgestelde volkswil zet de democratie onder druk. Tegelijk ontluikt in de creatieve economie, het onderwijs of de kunstensector een heel ander 'wij' dat inzet op samenwerking. Zijn die twee voorstellingen verzoenbaar? Zij. Geen samenleving zonder communicatie. Oude en nieuwe media bieden communicatieve soevereiniteit: tv of smartphone zet je naar believen aan of uit. De media functioneren echter ook als een polariserend 'zij' dat ons voortdurend opjut om te spreken en te moraliseren. Met essayistische flair neemt auteur Rudi Laermans onze maatschappij onder de loep, op een afwisselend speelse en stellige manier. Daarbij komen de kerngedachten aan bod van toonaangevende denkers als Ulrich Beck, Michel Foucault of Niklas Luhmann. (


Sociologie. --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- General ethics --- politieke communicatie --- politieke sociologie --- sociologie --- cultuursociologie --- BPB2007 --- #SBIB:316.7C121 --- 316.323.9 --- maatschappijleer --- levensomstandigheden --- populisme --- mass media --- media masowe --- sredstva javnoga priopćavanja --- media tal-massa --- масмедия --- meios de comunicação de massas --- средства за јавно информирање --- massamedia --- mezzo di comunicazione di massa --- mediji --- масовни медији --- plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- masmédiá --- Massenmedium --- tömegmédia --- medio de comunicación de masas --- massmedier --- hromadné sdělovací prostředky --- μέσο μαζικής επικοινωνίας --- masmedia --- žiniasklaida --- joukkoviestintävälineet --- massekommunikationsmiddel --- mass-media --- moyen de communication de masse --- massiteabevahendid --- massikommunikatsioonivahendid --- sredstva javnoga informiranja --- joukkoviestimet --- masinės komunikacijos priemonės --- Massenkommunikationsmittel --- massimeediumid --- mjete të komunikimit masiv --- μίντια --- μέσο μαζικής ενημέρωσης --- мас-медиум --- tömegmédiumok --- massemedier --- medier --- média --- means of mass communication --- meios de comunicação social --- meedia --- masovokomunikačné prostriedky --- tömegtájékoztatási eszközök --- visuomenės informavimo priemonės --- Medien --- masovni mediji --- mijloace de comunicare în masă --- massacommunicatiemiddel --- médias --- veřejné sdělovací prostředky --- media --- masu informācijas līdzekļi --- масовни медиуми --- massmedia --- masmédia --- populisms --- populizëm --- populizm --- популизам --- λαϊκισμός --- populizam --- Populismus --- populismo --- populismi --- populiżmu --- populism --- популизъм --- populizem --- populizmus --- populizmas --- politický populizmus --- politický populismus --- populismus --- condiții de viață --- condition de vie --- συνθήκες διαβίωσης --- uvjeti života --- životní podmínky --- kushte jetese --- gyvenimo sąlygos --- condizioni di vita --- living conditions --- elamistingimused --- življenjske razmere --- Lebensbedingungen --- условия на живот --- levnadsvillkor --- životné podmienky --- condições de vida --- poziom życia --- kundizzjonijiet tal-għixien --- услови за живот --- életkörülmények --- elinolot --- животни услови --- dzīves apstākļi --- condición de vida --- levevilkår --- levevis --- spôsob života --- elutingimused --- životní styl --- zlepšenie životných podmienok --- modo de vida --- način života --- titjib tal-kundizzjonijiet tal-għixien --- életritmus --- življenjski stil --- elämänrytmi --- elämäntyyli --- ритам на живеење --- levnadssätt --- življenjski ritem --- livsrytm --- életkörülmények javulása --- gyvenimo stilius --- styl życia --- τύπος ζωής --- gyvenimo sąlygų gerinimas --- начин на живот --- dzīves apstākļu uzlabošana --- elustiil --- темпо на живот --- ритъм на живот --- genre de vie --- lifestyle --- Lebensart --- izboljšanje življenjskih razmer --- életmód --- Lebensweise --- livsrytme --- mod de viață --- amélioration des conditions de vie --- elutingimuste parandamine --- ρυθμός της ζωής --- stil života --- životný rytmus --- rytm życia --- poboljšanje uvjeta života --- mënyrë e jetesës --- genere di vita --- stile di vita --- Lebensstil --- животен стил --- livsstil --- levnadsstil --- gyvenimo būdas --- verbetering van levensomstandigheden --- ritmo di vita --- poprawa warunków życia --- начин живота --- животни стил --- tip ta' ħajja --- warunki życiowe --- levensstijl --- mejora de las condiciones de vida --- βελτίωση των συνθηκών διαβίωσης --- pace of life --- îmbunătățirea condițiilor de trai --- životní rytmus --- стил на живот --- miglioramento delle condizioni di vita --- stil de viață --- življenjski slog --- improvement of living conditions --- stil ta' ħajja --- përmirësim i kushteve të jetesës --- életfeltételek --- όροι διαβίωσης --- eluviis --- način življenja --- zlepšení životních podmínek --- elinolojen parantaminen --- ritmu tal-ħajja --- elämäntapa --- levenswijze --- levensvoorwaarde --- ritmo de vida --- τρόπος ζωής --- forbedring af levevilkår --- dzīves ritms --- género de vida --- gyvenimo ritmas --- životný štýl --- dzīvesveids --- estilo de vida --- подобрување на условите за живот --- mode de vie --- Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen --- způsob života --- modo di vita --- ritëm i jetës --- livsvillkor --- way of life --- подобряване на условията на живот --- ritm de viață --- életfeltételek javulása --- style de vie --- elurütm --- életstílus --- Lebensrhythmus --- stil jete --- förbättring av levnadsvillkor --- melhoria das condições de vida --- rythme de vie --- Gemeinschaftskunde --- občianska náuka --- samfundslære --- edukazzjoni ċivika --- educação cívica --- educazione civica --- állampolgári nevelés --- instruction civique --- ühiskonnaõpetus --- wychowanie obywatelskie --- civics --- учение за общността --- pilsoniskā audzināšana --- nauk o građanskim pravima --- настава о грађанским правима --- pilietiškumo ugdymas --- αγωγή του πολίτη --- educación cívica --- kansalaistaito --- qytetari --- educație civică --- samhällskunskap --- občanská výchova --- državljanska vzgoja --- основи на граѓанското право --- politická výchova --- kodanikuõpetus --- educación política --- éducation politique --- politické vzdělávání --- politisk undervisning --- educazione stradale --- Bürgerkunde --- κυκλοφοριακή αγωγή --- educazione politica --- educação política e civil --- политичко образование --- trafikundervisning --- verkeersonderwijs --- formazione civica --- færdselslære --- politické vzdelávanie --- instrucción cívica --- éducation routière --- educação rodoviária --- samhällslära --- политичка едукација --- Straßenverkehrskunde --- liikennekasvatus --- istruzione civica --- educación vial --- politiskā izglītība --- formación cívica --- állampolgári ismeretek oktatása --- liikluskasvatus --- οδική αγωγή --- občanská nauka --- 316.323.9 Postmoderne maatschappij. Sociologie van het postmodernisme --- Postmoderne maatschappij. Sociologie van het postmodernisme --- 008 --- Cultuursociologie: gedragspatronen, levensstijl --- Sociology --- Sociologie --- Individualisme --- Populisme --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen --- Communicatie --- Neoliberalisme --- Media --- Massamedia --- Maatschappijkritiek --- Communicatiemedia --- Cultuursociologie --- Levensstijl --- Maatschappij --- Participatiesamenleving --- communicatiemedia --- individualisme --- maatschappij --- participatiesamenleving --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkeling --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Verpleegkunde --- mórmheáin --- pobalachas --- dálaí maireachtála --- saoránaíocht

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