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Les 'sola' de la Réforme : relectures protestantes et catholiques
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 0771601X ISBN: 9789042942257 9042942258 9789042942264 Year: 2020 Volume: 44 Publisher: Leuven Paris Bristol, CT Peeters

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À l’occasion du cinquième centenaire de la Réforme, il a paru stimulant d’instaurer un débat théologique entre catholiques et protestants sur des positions qui, aujourd’hui encore, semblent séparatrices entre les deux traditions. Ainsi, les fameuses formules exclusives de la Réforme (les sola) sont-elles toujours matière à discussion, voire à opposition? Pour répondre à cette interrogation, six théologiens protestants et cinq catholiques ont traité deux par deux, un de chaque confession, les expressions respectives sola gratia, sola scriptura/solo verbo, sola fide et solus Christus, ainsi que la situation oecuménique actuelle; ces relectures sont elles-mêmes précédées d’une évaluation du jubilé de la Réforme et suivies d’une réflexion sur la question: «Qu’est-ce qu’un sujet luthérien?»

Ecclesia semper reformanda : renewal and reform beyond polemics
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789042941427 9789042941434 9042941421 Year: 2020 Volume: 306 Publisher: Leuven Paris Bristol, CT Peeters

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This volume is the fruit of the eleventh Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology (LEST XI) which was organized by Leuven’s Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies from 11-14 October, 2017. On the occasion of the five-hundredth anniversary of the Reformation, this conference focused on the ongoing need for the renewal and reform of the Churches, a desideratum encapsulated in the well-known adage, Ecclesia semper reformanda. The quest for such renewal constitutes a challenge for theologians of all confessional traditions. This volume focuses particularly on the themes and topics that were at the forefront of the theological controversies which raged during the transitional period between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, some of which are still unresolved. Part I focuses on the foundations of theology, viz. Scripture, tradition(s), and/or reason. Part II investigates the important theological issues that have their roots in the Reformation Era, including the tensile relationship between sin, grace, free will, justification and sanctification, and the controversies related to the Eucharist, including the notion of sacrifice. Part III examines democratization and leadership structures in the Church. Part IV explores what a historically-informed awareness can contribute to an ecumenically-oriented reflection on the renewal and reform of the Church today.

Contract law : text, cases and materials.
ISBN: 9780198855293 019885529X Year: 2020 Publisher: Oxford Oxford university press

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A complete guide to contract law in a single volume. Comprising a unique balance of 60% text to 40% cases and materials, Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials combines the best features of a textbook with those of a traditional casebook. The author's clear explanations and analysis of the law provide invaluable support to students, while the extracts from cases and materials promote the development of essential case-reading skills and allow for a more detailed appreciation of the practical workings of the law

Juden, Christen und Muslime im Zeitalter der Reformation
ISBN: 9783579059990 3579059998 Year: 2020 Publisher: Gütersloh Gütersloher Verlagshaus

The law and politics of Brexit. Volume II : The withdrawal agreement
ISBN: 9780198848363 9780198848356 0198848358 0198848366 Year: 2020 Volume: 2 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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The book provides the first comprehensive analysis of the withdrawal agreement concluded between the United Kingdom and the European Union to to create the legal framework for Brexit. The book — which builds on a prior volume "The Law & Politics of Brexit" (OUP 2017) - overviews the process of Brexit negotiations that took place between the UK and the EU from 2017 to 2019, and examines the key provisions of the Brexit deal. The volume assesses the withdrawal agreement provisions on the protection of citizens' rights, the Irish border and the financial settlement - as well as the governance provisions on transition, decision-making and adjudication, and the prospects for future EU-UK trade relations. Finally, the book reflects on the longer-term challenges that the implementation of the 2016 Brexit referendum poses for the UK territorial system, for British-Irish relations, as well as for the future of the EU beyond Brexit

Een vaccin voor de arbeidsmarkt : Werken na corona
ISBN: 9789048639335 Year: 2020 Publisher: Brugge Die Keure

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Na de bankencrisis en de vluchtelingencrisis kennen we de COVID-19-crisis die niet alleen de arbeidsmarkt en de economie impacteert, maar ook ons dagelijks handelen, onze gewoontes, onze denkbeelden ... Deze crisis legt eveneens haarscherp de pijnpunten van ons arbeidsmarktbeleid bloot en doet ons reflecteren over de waarde en de organisatie van werk, de relatie van werk tot de persoonlijke levenssfeer en het verduurzamen van ons sociaal-economisch bestel. Dit boek biedt inspiratie voor een vaccinatiekuur om een betere wereld van werk te ontwerpen en te realiseren.


gezondheidscrisis --- récession économique --- arbeidsomgeving --- darba vide --- arbejdsmiljø --- работна средина --- ambiente di lavoro --- pracovné prostredie --- mediu de lucru --- arbetsmiljö --- radno okruženje --- ambjent tax-xogħol --- working environment --- darbo aplinka --- εργασιακό περιβάλλον --- pracovní prostředí --- радно окружење --- Arbeitsumgebung --- milieu de travail --- środowisko pracy --- delovno okolje --- munkakörnyezet --- entorno laboral --- работна среда --- mjedis pune --- työympäristö --- ambiente de trabalho --- töökeskkond --- mediu ocupațional --- medio profesional --- ambiente professionale --- berufliche Umgebung --- ammatillinen ympäristö --- mjedisi në punë --- prostredie na pracovisku --- Arbeitsumwelt --- επαγγελματικό περιβάλλον --- occupational environment --- ambiente de trabajo --- fagligt miljø --- Arbeitswelt --- yrkesmiljö --- Arbeitsmilieu --- medio laboral --- profesionālā vide --- ambiente lavorativo --- ametialane keskkond --- работно опкружување --- ambiente profissional --- munkahelyi környezet --- milieu professionnel --- професионална средина --- prostředí na pracovišti --- beroepsomgeving --- економска рецесија --- rënie ekonomike --- ekonomikas lejupslīde --- recesiune economică --- Rezession --- икономическа рецесия --- ekonomikos nuosmukis --- ekonomska recesija --- economische recessie --- hospodářská recese --- gospodarska recesija --- økonomisk recession --- gazdasági recesszió --- recessione economica --- economic recession --- talouden taantuma --- reċessjoni ekonomika --- recession --- οικονομική ύφεση --- привредна рецесија --- recesión económica --- majanduslangus --- recesja gospodarcza --- recessão económica --- cúlú eacnamaíochta --- hospodárska recesia --- decelerazione della crescita economica --- økonomisk afmatning --- bankovna kriza --- criză economică --- hospodářská deprese --- krizë ekonomike --- ekonominės padėties blogėjimas --- deterioramento dell'economia --- desaceleración de la economía --- zhoršení hospodářství --- deterioração da economia --- détérioration de l'économie --- talouden laskusuhdanne --- crisi economica --- економска криза --- majanduse madalseis --- ekonomisk recession --- forringelse af økonomien --- wirtschaftliche Depression --- lågkonjunktur --- majanduse halvenemine --- gazdasági depresszió --- økonomisk depression --- depresion ekonomik --- hospodářská krize --- lama --- økonomisk krise --- hospodárska kríza --- economische crisis --- verval van de economie --- Verschlechterung der Wirtschaft --- konjunkturální krize --- crise économique --- përkeqësim i ekonomisë --- zastavení hospodářského růstu --- economic crisis --- Konjunkturkrise --- οικονομική καταστροφή --- depresión económica --- ekonominė krizė --- глобална финансиска криза --- deterioration of the economy --- hospodársky pokles --- økonomisk tilbagegang --- economische depressie --- ekonomska depresija --- κατάρρευση της οικονομίας --- majanduskriis --- crise económica --- gazdasági válság --- contracción económica --- lavkonjunktur --- ekonomisk kris --- οικονομική κρίση --- depressão económica --- financijska kriza --- dépression économique --- економска депресија --- ekonomický útlum --- depression --- a gazdaság hanyatlása --- depressione economica --- úpadok hospodárstva --- stagnace --- ekonominis nuosmukis --- talouskriisi --- pokles konjunktury --- crisis económica --- ekonomiskā krīze --- Rückgang der Konjunktur --- economic depression --- försämring av ekonomin --- ekonomisk depression --- Wirtschaftskrise --- επιδείνωση της οικονομίας --- ekonomska kriza --- hanyatló gazdaság --- konjunkturnedgång --- ekonomiskās situācijas pasliktināšanās --- crise sanitaire --- maladie à coronavirus --- Coronavirus-Erkrankung --- boala provocată de coronavirus --- coronavirus disease --- marda tal-coronavirus --- koronaviruso sukeliama liga --- koroonaviirushaigus --- coronavirusziekte --- koronavīrusa slimība --- malattia da coronavirus --- doença por coronavírus --- bolest uzrokovana koronavirusom --- ochorenie spôsobené koronavírusom --- koronavirusna bolezen --- koronavírus-betegség --- koronavirustauti --- coronavirusinfektion --- choroba koronawirusowa --- enfermedad por coronavirus --- νόσος από κορονοϊό --- coronavirussygdom --- заболяване от коронавирус --- onemocnění koronavirem --- koronavirové onemocnění --- SARS --- coronavirus pandemic 2019-2020 --- COVID-19 --- COVID --- SARS-CoV-2 --- MERS-CoV --- coronavirus disease 2019 --- 616.988 --- 331.63 VDAB --- 654.1 --- 681.3.003 --- 331.6 --- 368.44 --- 007.52 --- virusinfectie --- Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding - VDAB --- thuiswerk - telewerk --- automatisering, maatschappelijke gevolgen - automatisering en samenleving --- arbeidsmarkt - arbeidsmarktvraagstukken - arbeidsmarktstudie - arbeidsmarkt, analyse van de - arbeidsplaatsen --- werkloosheidsverzekering - werkloosheidsuitkering - werkloosheidsvergoeding (zie ook 331.66) --- robots --- коронавирусна болест --- Artimųjų Rytų respiracinis sindromas --- αναπνευστικό σύνδρομο της Μέσης Ανατολής --- Sindromu Respiratorju tal-Lvant Nofsani --- Nahost-Atemwegssyndrom --- közel-keleti légzőszervi szindróma --- syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient --- közel-keleti légzőszervi tünetegyüttes --- respirační syndrom z Blízkého východu --- sars-cov-1 --- mers --- Lähis-Ida respiratoorne sündroom --- covid-19-tauti --- bliskoistočni akutni respiratorni sindrom --- SARS-CoV-1 --- Middle East respiratory syndrome --- близкоизточен респираторен синдром --- Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome --- közel-keleti respiratorikus szindróma --- blízkovýchodný respiračný syndróm --- síndrome respiratorio de Oriente Próximo --- síndrome respiratória do Médio Oriente --- Tuvo Austrumu respiratorais sindroms --- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome --- bliskowschodni zespół niewydolności oddechowej --- Middle-East respiratory syndrome --- MERS --- sindrome respiratoria medio-orientale --- közel-keleti légúti szindróma --- Lähi-idän hengitystieoireyhtymä --- Labour market --- Personnel management --- digitalisering --- werkloosheid --- telewerken --- loopbaanontwikkeling --- 331.1 --- 331.1 Theorie van de arbeidsverhoudingen. Human relations --- Theorie van de arbeidsverhoudingen. Human relations --- cúlú eacnamaíoch --- Crise Crisis --- Société Maatschappij --- Travail Arbeid --- galar coróinvíris --- Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie. --- Arbeidsmarkt. --- Werken. --- 097 Personeelsbeleid --- 130 Sociaal recht --- 131 Arbeidsrecht --- 450 Werkgelegenheid en arbeid --- 453 Arbeidsverhoudingen --- Telewerk --- Thuiswerk --- timpeallacht oibre --- maladie à coronavirus --- récession économique

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