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Ce que votre corps révèle vraiment de vous : la communication non verbale
ISBN: 9782738151803 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris : Odile Jacob,

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Pourquoi certains parlent-ils avec les mains et d’autres pas ? Que révèle une voix aiguë ou bien basse ? Quelles différences entre un vrai et un faux sourire ? Pourquoi gesticulons-nous quand nous sommes au téléphone ? Que signifie le fait de cligner souvent des yeux quand on parle ? Le non-verbal, c’est tout ce que nos gestes, nos intonations de voix, nos sourires, nos postures disent de nous, sans que nous le comprenions toujours. Tout comme Obélix tombé en son temps dans la marmite de potion magique, nous plongeons dès la naissance dans ce bain de communication non verbale, mais sans en connaître les bases, les règles ou les limites. À partir des résultats d’études sérieusement menées, Claudine Biland nous permet ici de mieux connaître cet aspect, essentiel, de la communication : à quoi sert exactement le non-verbal ? Quand et comment l’utilisons-nous ? Peut-on y recourir pour manipuler autrui ? Peut-on, à l’inverse, contrôler les signes non verbaux que nous émettons et qui pourraient nous trahir ? Assorti d’exemples concrets et quotidiens, le livre pour tout savoir sur ce que le non-verbal révèle vraiment de vous et des autres, sans qu’un mot soit prononcé !

Sociologie du rire comme réalisation pratique interactionnelle
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782336318899 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris : Turin (Italie) : L'Harmattan, L'Harmattan Italia,

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Une étude sociologique du rire en tant que phénomène social omniprésent dans la vie de tout individu. Les auteurs analysent ses diverses modalités d'expression et son rôle tant dans la communication interpersonnelle que dans l'établissement d'un ordre social. ©Electre 2020

L'aventure du corps : la communication corporelle, une voie vers l'émancipation
ISBN: 9782706149351 2706149353 2706149353 Year: 2020 Publisher: Fontaine : PUG,

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Notre corps est une aventure. Femme, homme, autres, chacun de nous la vit intensément, et elle nous arrime au monde. Fabienne Martin‑Juchat fait ici la synthèse de trente ans de recherches en communication non verbale et en anthropologie du corps et des émotions. Elle reprend les principales questions contemporaines relatives au corps : la santé et la maladie, les médecines conventionnelles et non conventionnelles, la sensualité et la sexualité, le travail émotionnel, ou encore l’impact sur le corps du développement des technologies. La communication corporelle entre les êtres mobilise des pratiques essentielles qui engagent le mouvement et le toucher. La crise sanitaire de la Covid‑19 a perturbé brusquement notre socialité reposant sur la proximité avec autrui, et semble menacer cette dernière. Comment pouvons‑nous réinventer des pratiques pour préserver la construction harmonieuse de notre identité, de nos liens ? Le questionnement de Fabienne Martin‑Juchat interroge jusqu’au nouveau culte voué au « dieu corps » par les puissances du capitalisme. Comment, aujourd’hui, accorder au corps ce qui lui est nécessaire, sans s’enfermer dans un nouveau narcissisme ?

Comunicazione multimodale e influenza sociale : Il corpo e il potere
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788829001583 Year: 2020 Publisher: Roma Carocci

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Morality at the margins : youth, language, and Islam in coastal Kenya
ISBN: 9780823286515 0823286517 9780823286508 0823286509 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York Fordham University Press

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"What does it mean to be young, modern, and Muslim? Documenting everyday life in Lamu (Kenya), this book explores the mundane practices of behavior and speech that create moral personhood. In elaborating everyday practices of Islamic pluralism, the book shows how Muslim societies critically engage with change while sustaining a sense of integrity and morality.This book considers the day-to-day lives of young Muslims on Kenya’s island of Lamu, who live simultaneously on the edge and in the center. At the margins of the national and international economy and of Western notions of modernity, Lamu’s inhabitants nevertheless find themselves the focus of campaigns against Islamic radicalization and of Western touristic imaginations of the untouched and secluded. What does it mean to be young, modern, and Muslim here? How are these denominators imagined and enacted in daily encounters? Documenting the everyday lives of Lamu youth, this ethnography explores how young people negotiate cultural, religious, political, and economic expectations through nuanced deployments of language, dress, and bodily comportment. Hillewaert shows how seemingly mundane practices—how young people greet others, how they walk, dress, and talk—can become tactics in the negotiation of moral personhood.Morality at the Margins traces the shifting meanings and potential ambiguities of such everyday signs—and the dangers of their misconstrual. By examining the uncertainties that underwrite projects of self-fashioning, the book highlights how shifting and scalable discourses of tradition, modernity, secularization, nationalism, and religious piety inform changing notions of moral subjectivity. In elaborating everyday practices of Islamic pluralism, the book shows the ways in which Muslim societies critically engage with change while sustaining a sense of integrity and morality."--

Morality at the margins : youth, language, and Islam in coastal Kenya
ISBN: 0823288781 0823286525 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York : Fordham University Press,

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This book considers the day-to-day lives of young Muslims on the island of Lamu (Kenya) who live simultaneously "on the edge and in the centre": they are situated at the edge of the (inter)national economy and at the margins of Western notions of modernity; yet they are concurrently the focus of (inter)national campaigns against Islamic radicalization and are at the heart of Western (touristic) imaginations of the untouched and secluded. What does it mean to be young, modern, and Muslim in this context? And how are these denominators differently imagined and enacted in daily encounters? Documenting the everyday lives of Lamu youth, this ethnography explores how young people negotiate different cultural, religious, political and economic pressures and expectations through nuanced deployments of language, dress, and bodily comportment.

Social Intelligence and Nonverbal Communication
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030349640 9783030349646 3030349632 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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“This book on people's wisdom in using and understanding nonverbal communication marks a new level of maturity in the nonverbal field. First we figured out how to measure such ability, then we asked about its correlates, and finally we are asking what it's actually good for. Kudos to the field and to these talented authors!” - Judith Hall, University Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Northeastern University, USA “This book is a ‘must have’ resource for anyone seeking a greater understanding of how we accurately (and inaccurately) send and receive messages. A remarkable cast of distinguished international scholars clearly report the most recent research on a variety of fascinating topics ranging from the evolutionary roots of social intelligence to human-machine interaction.” - Mark L. Knapp, Jesse H. Jones Centennial Professor Emeritus and University of Texas Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, USA “I wholeheartedly recommend this new compendium of research and theory on the non-verbal communication dimension of social intelligence. This book is essential reading for both academics and laypersons wishing to have a clearer and more profound understanding of modern society as a whole.” - Philip Zimbardo, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Stanford University, USA and author of The Lucifer Effect This book offers a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in the social psychology of nonverbal communication. It explores topics including social skill, empathy, adaptive advantage, emotion-reading and emotion-hiding; and examines personal charisma, memory and communicating with robots. Together, the authors present diverse, cutting-edge research on nonverbal social intelligence as an adaptive strategy for survival and success. The collection provides an effective demonstration of the interdisciplinary nature of this topic, and it’s relevance to researchers across the social sciences and beyond. Robert J. Sternberg is Professor of Human Development at Cornell University, USA and Honorary Professor of Psychology, University of Heidelberg, Germany. Aleksandra Kostić is Retired Professor of Social Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, University of Niš, Serbia.

Prendre le pouvoir : force et légitimité
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2909628817 2379280991 Year: 2020 Volume: 2002/no 6. Publisher: Toulouse : Presses de l’Université Toulouse Capitole,

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Pour la troisième fois, après « Justice et politique : La Terreur dans la Révolution française » (1997) et « Droit romain, ius civile et Droit français » (1999), Études d’histoire du droit et des idées politiques accueille les actes d’une réunion de travail, la troisième « table ronde » du réseau de laboratoires du Grand Sud, tenue à Toulouse les 16 et 17 mars 2001. Ce réseau joint au Centre toulousain d’histoire du droit et des idées politiques le Centre d’études et de recherches en histoire des idées politiques d’Aix-Marseille III et le Centre lyonnais d’histoire du droit et de la pensée politique de Lyon III. Quatorze universitaires ont apporté leur contribution au thème choisi, celui des rapports entre la force et la légitimité. Leurs recherches couvrent un champ très vaste, notamment d’un point de vue chronologique, depuis l’époque romaine avec une étude fondée sur le xxe Panégyrique latin et l’Histoire Auguste, jusqu’au xxe siècle, avec l’analyse des circonstances d’installation de la Ve république, en 1958. Entre ces deux extrêmes, les travaux présentés portent sur l’Angleterre de la guerre des deux roses, sur le Moyen Âge français de l’époque de Louis XI, sur les Temps modernes avec Louis de Condé, le cardinal de Bernis et le chancelier Maupeou, sur les xixe et xxe siècles avec le Concordat de 1801, les analyses de Benjamin Constant, de Louis-Auguste Blanqui et de Raymond Théodore Troplong, avec les rêves de retour au pouvoir de la famille de Bourbon...

Orale e scritto, verbale e non verbale : la multimodalità nell'ora di lezione
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9788876678110 8876678115 Year: 2020 Publisher: Firenze : Franco Cesati editore,

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In una qualsiasi giornata di lavoro in classe, le attività didattiche più comuni si basano su continui passaggi tra parlato, scritto, disegnato, riprodotto tramite grafici, carte, mappe ecc. È quindi normale usare una moltitudine di codici e ausili non verbali. I saggi di questo volume mettono a fuoco, da un lato, il ruolo della modalità di comunicazione nella relazione tra insegnanti e allievi e nella costruzione dei testi e, dall'altro, la necessità di utilizzare attività didattiche dedicate alle diverse modalità di comunicazione. Il volume si apre con una raccolta di passi di Tullio De Mauro dedicati a questi argomenti: Le parole non sono tutto. Seguono tre sezioni. La prima, Imparare e insegnare le lingue nell'età della comunicazione multimodale, è dedicata alla comunicazione multimodale all'interno e all'esterno della comunicazione scolastica. La seconda, Modalità a confronto, presenta saggi dedicati alle differenze nelle produzioni degli studenti nelle varie modalità di comunicazione. La terza, infine, Comunicazione verbale e non verbale, è dedicata all'importanza dell'integrazione della comunicazione verbale e non verbale nel contesto scolastico, come strumento di efficienza didattica.

Gregory Bateson on relational communication : from octopuses to nations
ISBN: 303052101X 3030521001 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This book develops Gregory Bateson’s ideas regarding “communication about relationship” in animals and human beings, and even nations. It bases itself on Bateson’s theory of relational communication, as he described it in the zoosemiotics of octopus, mammals, birds, and human beings. This theory includes, for example, the roles of metaphor, play, analog and digital communication, metacommunication, and Laws of Form. It is organized around a letter from Gregory Bateson to his fellow cybernetic thinker Warren McCulloch at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. In this letter Bateson argued that what we would today call zoosemiotics, including Bateson’s own (previously unpublished) octopus research, should be made a basis for understanding the relationship between the two blocs of the Cold War. Accordingly the book shows how Bateson understood interactive processes in the biosemiotics of conflict and peacemaking, which are analyzed using examples from recent animal studies, from primate studies, and from cultural anthropology. The Missile Crisis itself is described in terms of Bateson’s critique of game theory which he felt should be modified by an understanding of the zoosemiotics of relational communication. The book also includes a previously unpublished piece by Gregory Bateson on wolf behavior and metaphor/ abduction.

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