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التطلّع إلى المستقبل في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا بعد جائح&amp;#157.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9264560076 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development,

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يعكس التطلّع إلى المستقبل في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا بعد جائحة فيروس كورونا آثار أزمة COVID-19 المستجدة على بلدان الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا والتغييرات المحتملة التي قد تجلبها على أجندات الإصلاح الخاصة بها. فهو لا يعالج الآثار المستمرة للأزمة فحسب، بل يبحث أيضًا في العواقب طويلة المدى ويحدد الاتجاهات الجديدة الناشئة. تم الانتهاء من التحاليل قبل وقت قصير من بدء العدوان الروسي ضد أوكرانيا، عندما لوحظت مؤشرات على أن التعافي كان يتعثر بالفعل في الاقتصاد العالمي. منذ ذلك الحين، تأثرت آفاق النمّو العالمي بشكل أكبر بسبب الحرب. ومع ذلك، لم تتغير التوصيات المتعلقة بالسياسات العامة لبناء القدرة على الصمود على المدى الطويل في بلدان الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. على العكس من ذلك، فهي كلها وثيقة الصلة بالموضوع، حيث أن العديد من التحديات القادمة تأتي من عوامل هيكلية. ومع ذلك، ستعتمد الاستراتيجيات الواقعية على القدرة المالية على تحمل التكاليف.

Good Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa : Opportunities and Lessons
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Governance and corruption issues have taken the center stage in international discussions, especially after the adoption by the IMF in 2018 of a new framework for engagement on governance and corruption. Sound institutions that guarantee integrity in the management of public affairs are critical on the path toward higher and more inclusive growth. Corruption undermines the quality of institutions, weakens the effectiveness of government programs, and compromises social trust in government policies. Indeed, countries around the world that improved their governance systems are reaping a "governance dividend," and governance-enhancing reformist countries in sub-Saharan Africa include Botswana, Rwanda, and Seychelles. In addition, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Angola demonstrate that important reforms are possible, including in fragile environments. The importance of good governance has acquired even more importance as countries try to introduce policies to fight the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Special attention to governance in an emergency context, including situations associated with conflict, other health crises and natural disasters, is therefore essential. Innovation and new technologies are critical instruments that policymakers can use in their efforts to improve governance and transparency.

Résister à la corruption
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2072992184 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : Gallimard,

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La Déclaration des droits de l'homme de 1789 ne s'y est pas trompée en proclamant, dès la première phrase de son préambule, que « l'ignorance, l'oubli ou le mépris des droits de l'homme sont les seules causes des malheurs publics et de la corruption des gouvernements ». La corruption est donc l'ennemie jurée de la démocratie et la garantie des droits de l'homme, la meilleure arme pour la combattre. Selon le Conseil de l'Europe, la corruption est « une menace pour la prééminence du droit, la démocratie et les droits de l'homme, sape les principes de bonne administration, d'équité et de justice sociale, fausse la concurrence, entrave le développement économique et met en danger la stabilité des institutions démocratiques et les fondements moraux de la société ». On dit toujours que « le pouvoir corrompt ». Nous constatons chaque jour à Anticor à quel point c'est vrai. Peut-être que notre système politique évoluera un jour vers davantage de démocratie directe, mais en attendant, faute de meilleur système, il faut que le pouvoir arrête le pouvoir. Le pouvoir appartient normalement au peuple dans une démocratie, mais il n'est pas toujours facile pour les citoyens de l'exercer. La corruption est définie comme l'action de soudoyer quelqu'un, de pervertir, d'altérer. C'est fondamentalement un abus qui implique un détournement du pouvoir confié à un responsable politique ou administratif à des fins personnelles. Dans un sens strictement juridique, la corruption est un délit commis par une autorité publique, une personne investie d'une mission de service public ou un élu qui sollicite ou agrée sans droit, directement ou indirectement, offres, promesses, dons, présents ou avantages pour accomplir ou s'abstenir d'accomplir un acte relevant de ses fonctions ou facilité par celles-ci ...

Sociologie de la corruption
ISBN: 234807334X Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : La Découverte,

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« Pratique sociale très répandue dont la définition reste pourtant délicate, la corruption est devenue tardivement un objet d'étude pour les sociologues, les anthropologues, les économistes et les juristes. Quels sont les effets, positifs ou négatifs, de cet échange inégal entre des protagonistes privés et/ou publics ? Et peut-on déterminer les causes socioculturelles ou institutionnelles à l'origine de ces comportements ? Quels sont les avantages recherchés par les acteurs ? Comment le public réagit-il face à la médiatisation des affaires de corruption ? Enfin, quels sont les instruments déployés à l'échelle internationale pour lutter contre ces agissements ? Les réponses théoriques et empiriques des sciences sociales à ces interrogations éclairent un sujet auquel les citoyens à la recherche d'informations fiables portent une attention croissante. »--Quatrième de couverture.

Bribery, Plant Size and Size Dependent Distortions
Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper studies the relationship between distortions, plant size, and bribery possibilities. In a distorted economy, bribery is a transfer from a private party to government officials to 'get things done'. Enterprise Surveys data shows that small plants spend a higher fraction of their output on bribery than big plants. In this paper, a one-sector growth model is developed in which size-dependent distortions, bribery opportunities, and different plant sizes coexist. In the model, bribery is endogenous in the sense that managers decide to use it as a way to deal with distortions. Two sets of exercises are conducted to quantify the interplay of size-dependent distortions and bribery. First, the model parameters are calibrated to generate the plant size distribution of the U.S., by assuming the U.S. is free of distortions. Then, size-dependent distortions are introduced to the undistorted economy, and their effects with and without bribery opportunities are compared. Counterfactual exercises show that size-dependent distortions become less distortionary in the presence of bribery opportunities since plants are able to avoid distortions by paying larger bribes. Second, the model is calibrated with distortions and bribery opportunities using Turkish data. The choice of this country for analysis does not imply that bribery or size-dependent distortions are particularly large in Türkiye relative to countries of comparable development. The choice is driven by the availability of data on both the plant size distribution and spending on bribery in the country. The results indicate that the inferred level of distortions is sizable for all plants. The removal of distortions, which would eliminate the incentive for paying bribes, can have a substantial effect on both the output and the mean plant size which could increase by 63.6 and 82.5 percent, respectively.

Good Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa : Opportunities and Lessons
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1513596209 Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Governance and corruption issues have taken the center stage in international discussions, especially after the adoption by the IMF in 2018 of a new framework for engagement on governance and corruption. Sound institutions that guarantee integrity in the management of public affairs are critical on the path toward higher and more inclusive growth. Corruption undermines the quality of institutions, weakens the effectiveness of government programs, and compromises social trust in government policies. Indeed, countries around the world that improved their governance systems are reaping a "governance dividend," and governance-enhancing reformist countries in sub-Saharan Africa include Botswana, Rwanda, and Seychelles. In addition, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Angola demonstrate that important reforms are possible, including in fragile environments. The importance of good governance has acquired even more importance as countries try to introduce policies to fight the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Special attention to governance in an emergency context, including situations associated with conflict, other health crises and natural disasters, is therefore essential. Innovation and new technologies are critical instruments that policymakers can use in their efforts to improve governance and transparency.

Ethics or the right thing? : corruption, care, and family in an age of good governance
Year: 2022 Publisher: Chicago : HAU Books,

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A sympathetic examination of the failure of anti-corruption efforts in contemporary Indonesia. Combining ethnographic fieldwork in the city of Kupang with an acute historical sensibility, Sylvia Tidey shows how good governance initiatives paradoxically perpetuate civil service corruption while also facilitating the emergence of new forms of it. Importing critical insights from the anthropology of ethics to the burgeoning anthropology of corruption, Tidey exposes enduring developmentalist fallacies that treat corruption as endemic to non-Western subjects. In practice, it is often indistinguishable from the ethics of care and exchange, as Indonesian civil servants make worthwhile lives for themselves and their families. This book will be a vital text for anthropologists and other social scientists, particularly scholars of global studies, development studies, and Southeast Asia.

Sociologie de la corruption
ISBN: 9782707199515 2707199516 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : La Découverte,

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Pratique sociale très répandue dont la définition reste pourtant délicate, la corruption est devenue tardivement un objet d'étude pour les sociologues, les anthropologues, les économistes et les juristes. Quels sont les effets, positifs ou négatifs, de cet échange inégal entre des protagonistes privés et/ou publics ? Et peut-on déterminer les causes socioculturelles ou institutionnelles à l'origine de ces comportements ? Quels sont les avantages recherchés par les acteurs ? Comment le public réagit-il face à la médiatisation des affaires de corruption ? Enfin, quels sont les instruments déployés à l'échelle internationale pour lutter contre ces agissements ? Les réponses théoriques et empiriques des sciences sociales à ces interrogations éclairent un sujet auquel les citoyens à la recherche d'informations fiables portent une attention croissante

El lavado de activos y su afectación a la Administración Pública del Estado ecuatoriano
ISBN: 0311000266 Year: 2022 Publisher: Estados Unidos : Editorial Tecnocientífica Americana,

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Cartels in Infrastructure Procurement : Evidence from Lebanon
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : World Bank,

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This paper studies cartels in public infrastructure procurement and analyzes the conditions under which they succeed in generating rents. It first conceptualizes the interplay of the central actors of a procurement project, notably the contractor, the procurement agency, as well as the supervision and design consultants. By focusing on consultants, the framework includes important yet understudied actors in cartels that design tenders, evaluate bids, and supervise the implementation of projects. The paper then explores an original data set of infrastructure procurement contracts in Lebanon and analyzes the conditions under which powerful political elites can broker deals to overprice and/or over-spend contracts. To examine how cartels operate, the analysis identifies the political connections of contractors and consultants and classifies them according to their "quality" in terms of access to institutional functions of the implementing agency. The paper argues that design consultants serve as the lynchpin of the cartel by reducing transaction costs for searching, bargaining, and enforcing of corrupt deals.

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