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Les nouveaux justiciers : Réflexions sur la cancel culture
ISBN: 9782382920480 2382920483 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris Bouquins

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Tous les citoyens sont désormais susceptibles d'être victimes de ce nouvel acharnement, de cette forme de lynchage dénommé par l'anglicisme de cancel culture. Tous les citoyens sont désormais susceptibles d'être victimes de ce nouvel acharnement, de cette forme de lynchage dénommé par l'anglicisme de cancel culture. Né sur les campus américains, ce phénomène s'est d'abord manifesté dans la culture où des créations ont été interdites au motif que leurs auteurs auraient eu un comportement répréhensible, et s'est ensuite étendu à toutes les facettes de la société. La plupart du temps, la cause est juste, puisqu'il est question de lutter contre les inégalités et en faveur d'une plus grande diversité. Mais les nombreux exemples récents, du plus absurde au plus tragique, montrent que les moyens utilisés sont souvent hors de proportion, irrationnels et contraires à l'Etat de droit dont le principe de présomption d'innocence est un pilier. Ne pas juger d'un bloc, voilà un exercice dont nos contemporains ne sont plus familiers. Et c'est normal : dès l'instant où l'on abandonne le critère politique ou juridique, qui consiste à juger quelqu'un sur ses actes, pour y substituer le critère moral, qui consiste à juger quelqu'un pour ce qu'il est, toute tentative de faire la part des choses est vaine. Avocat, Emmanuel Pierrat se situe à un poste d'observation stratégique ; il explore tous les aspects de cette nouvelle méthode de protestation depuis le contexte qui rend son emploi légitime et nécessaire jusqu'aux pistes qui permettraient de s'en affranchir, sans pour autant priver les victimes ni de leur légitimité ni de leur droit à être entendues.

Censorship of Literature in Austria, 1751-1848
ISBN: 9004519289 9004519270 Year: 2022 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands : Koninklijke Brill nv,

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"The influence of censorship on the intellectual and political life in the Habsburg Monarchy during the period under scrutiny can hardly be overstated. This study examines the institutional foundations, operating principles, and results of the censorial activity through analysis of the prohibition lists and examination of the censors themselves. The effects of censorship on the authors, publishers, and booksellers of the time are illustrated with the help of contemporary documents. Numerous case studies focus on individual works forbidden by the censors: Romanticists like Ludwig Tieck and E. T. A. Hoffmann and even authors of classic German literature like Wieland, Goethe, and Schiller saw their works slashed, as did writers of popular French and English novels and plays. An annex documents the most important regulations along with a selection of censorial reports"--


Censorship, Habsburg Monarchy, Bohemia, Lombardy-Venetia, Enlightenment, Pre-March, Classics, Romanticism, German literature, French literature, English literature, Theater, Statistics of banned books --- ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- Linguistics and Literature (602) -- Linguistics and Literature (6020) -- Comparative literature studies (602053) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- Linguistics and Literature (602) -- Linguistics and Literature (6020) -- History of literature (602031) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- History, Archaeology (601) -- History, Archaeology (6010) -- European history (601005) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- Linguistics and Literature (602) -- Linguistics and Literature (6020) -- German studies (602014) --- Zensur, Habsburgermonarchie, Böhmen, Lombardei, Venezien, Aufklärung, Vormärz, Klassik, Romantik, deutsche Literatur, französische Literatur, englische Literatur, Theater, Statistik der verbotenen Werke --- ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (602) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (6020) -- Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (602053) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (602) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (6020) -- Literaturgeschichte (602031) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Geschichte, Archäologie (601) -- Geschichte, Archäologie (6010) -- Europäische Geschichte (601005) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (602) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (6020) -- Germanistik (602014) --- Censorship --- History --- Book censorship --- Books --- Literature --- Literature and morals --- Anticensorship activists --- Challenged books --- Expurgated books --- Intellectual freedom --- Prohibited books --- Law and legislation --- Censorship.

Spin dictators : the changing face of tyranny in the 21st century
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780691211411 9780691224466 0691211418 0691224463 9780691224473 Year: 2022 Publisher: Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press,

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Spin Dictators traces how leaders such as Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and Peru's Alberto Fujimori pioneered less violent, more covert, and more effective methods of monopolizing power. The book reveals why most of today's authoritarians are spin dictators--and how they differ from the remaining "fear dictators" such as Kim Jong-un and Bashar al-Assad, as well as from masters of high-tech repression like Xi Jinping.


Political systems --- BPB9999 --- BPB2210 --- dictatuur --- desinformatie --- censuur --- sensuuri --- ċensura --- cinsireacht --- λογοκρισία --- cenzūra --- Zensur --- cenzura --- censure --- cenzúra --- censurë --- censorship --- cenzură --- цензура --- censur --- tsensuur --- censura --- förhandsgranskning --- прелиминарна цензура --- předběžná cenzura --- následná cenzura --- автоцензура --- dezinformacja --- disinformaatio --- παραπληροφόρηση --- dezinformáció --- desinformação --- dezinformare --- desinformatsioon --- dezinformācija --- désinformation --- diżinformazzjoni --- дезинформација --- bréagaisnéis --- дезинформация --- keqinformim --- dezinformácia --- dezinformacija --- desinformación --- Desinformation --- disinformation --- disinformazione --- dezinformace --- desinformation --- погрешна информација --- viltus ziņa --- falske nyheder --- maldināšana --- αναληθές δημοσίευμα --- bulo --- fausses informations --- lažne vijesti --- nepnieuws --- fejknyheter --- noticias falsas --- ψευδείς ειδήσεις --- fałszywa informacja --- bufala --- știri false --- falošné správy --- aħbarijiet foloz --- notizie false --- potegavščina --- fake news --- неточна информација --- álhír --- embuste --- qerq --- falešná informace --- nieprawdziwe informacje --- nepravdivá informace --- невярна информация --- falska nyheter --- Falschmeldung --- pettus --- gezielte Falschmeldungen --- libauudised --- fakenieuws --- melagingos naujienos --- canular --- bluff --- hamis információ --- измислица --- menzogna --- boato --- falešné zprávy --- misinformation --- лажна информација --- melagingi pranešimai --- valeuutiset --- hoax --- lažna vijest --- фалшиви новини --- Hoax --- lažne novice --- notícia falsa --- diktatur --- dictatorship --- δικτατορία --- diktatuur --- diktatúra --- diktatūra --- Diktatur --- dictatură --- deachtóireacht --- diktatuuri --- diktatura --- ditadura --- dictadura --- dittatura --- диктатура --- diktaturë --- dictature --- dyktatura --- диктаторски режим --- diktátorství --- diktátori rendszer --- апсолутна власт --- régimen dictatorial --- авторитарна власт --- regime dittatoriale --- diktatórikus rendszer --- неограничена власт --- parancsuralom --- режим --- vláda neomezené moci --- mal-information --- Authoritarianism. --- Dictators. --- Mass media --- Mass media Political aspects --- Political aspects --- Communication in politics --- Tyrants --- Heads of state --- Political science --- Authority --- Political aspects. --- Despotism. --- félretájékoztatás --- škodlivá informácia --- informare rău-voitoare --- informazzjoni ħażina --- informare greșită --- irreführende Information --- misinformaatio --- väärinfo --- zlonamerne informacije --- hamis tájékoztatás --- má informação --- väärä tieto --- mífhaisnéis --- informacja szkodliwa --- neúmyselne nepravdivá informácia --- virheellinen tieto --- bevidst misinformation --- misinformatie --- pogrešna informacija --- miżinformazzjoni --- informação errada --- nepareiza informācija --- εσφαλμένη πληροφόρηση --- maldinoša informācija --- nesprávná informace --- falsk information --- klaidinga informacija --- pakenkti skirta informacija --- información falsa --- informacja wprowadzająca w błąd --- mésinformation --- drochfhaisnéis --- Fehlinformation --- zavádějící informace --- napačne informacije --- malinformazione --- lažna informacija --- Falschinformation --- κακόβουλη πληροφόρηση --- Schadinformation --- información errónea --- cattiva informazione --- Propaganda. --- Spin doctors. --- Autoritarisme. --- Dictateurs. --- Propagande. --- Activism. --- Alberto Fujimori. --- Amnesty International. --- Animal Farm. --- António de Oliveira Salazar. --- Appellate Body. --- Aristocracy. --- Autocracy. --- Ayatollah. --- Ballot. --- Beijing. --- Bersih. --- Bill Clinton. --- Burberry. --- Censorship. --- Communism. --- Communist state. --- Corruption. --- Currency. --- Debt. --- Dictatorship. --- Disinformation. --- Dissident. --- Economic development. --- Economy of the Soviet Union. --- El Comercio (Peru). --- Electronic media. --- Enlace. --- Entrepreneurship. --- Erich Honecker. --- Estado Novo (Portugal). --- External debt. --- Flagellation. --- Flattery. --- Foreign direct investment. --- Fraud. --- Freelancer. --- French Revolution. --- Gastarbeiter. --- Google Translate. --- Ideology. --- Immigration. --- Income. --- Incumbent. --- Industrial society. --- Infrastructure. --- Institution. --- International law. --- Isaias Afwerki. --- Jeune Afrique. --- Judicial deference. --- Kazakhstan. --- Language interpretation. --- Lee Kuan Yew. --- Legitimation. --- Leninism. --- Liberal democracy. --- Liberalism. --- Liberia. --- Life and Fate. --- Loyalty. --- Lyndon B. Johnson. --- Marketing. --- Mexico City. --- Military. --- Moscow Metro. --- Multilateralism. --- National Front Party (Libya). --- Newspaper. --- Norbert Elias. --- Nursultan Nazarbayev. --- Opinion poll. --- Persuasion (novel). --- Politics. --- Presidente (beer). --- Print Media. --- Printing. --- Red Army Faction. --- Respondent. --- Robert Mundell. --- Rule of thumb. --- Ruler. --- Security forces. --- Shame. --- Silvio Berlusconi. --- Soviet Union. --- State of emergency. --- Supermajority. --- Supporter. --- Terrorism. --- The Law Firm. --- United States dollar. --- Vladimir Putin. --- Voting. --- War. --- Waterboarding. --- Wealth. --- Work of art. --- Workforce. --- AUTHORITARIANISM --- DICTATORS --- MASS MEDIA--POLITICAL ASPECTS --- PROPAGANDA

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