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New pathways for European bioethics
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789050956703 905095670X Year: 2007 Publisher: Antwerpen Oxford Intersentia

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Medical law --- Europe --- Bioethics --- Medical laws and legislation --- Medical jurisprudence --- Bioéthique --- Médecine --- Médecine légale --- Congresses. --- Congrès --- Droit --- Bioethics. --- Ethics, Medical. --- Legislation, Medical. --- Jurisprudence. --- Academic collection --- BPB0802 --- 351.84*7 --- 17.023.33 --- 351.77 --- 061 Ethische problemen --- Constitutional Law --- Court Decision --- Law --- Legal Aspects --- Legal Obligations --- Legal Status --- State Interest --- Litigation --- Medical Jurisprudence --- Aspect, Legal --- Aspects, Legal --- Constitutional Laws --- Court Decisions --- Decision, Court --- Decisions, Court --- Interest, State --- Interests, State --- Jurisprudence, Medical --- Law, Constitutional --- Laws --- Laws, Constitutional --- Legal Aspect --- Legal Obligation --- Litigations --- Obligation, Legal --- Obligations, Legal --- State Interests --- Status, Legal --- Defamation --- Lawyers --- Medical Legislation --- Medicine --- Medical Ethics --- Professionalism --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethicists --- Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen --- Biologische doeleinden. Bio-ethiek; bioethiek. Übermensch. Medische deontologie --- Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628}. --- legislation & jurisprudence --- ethics --- Europe. --- Northern Europe --- Southern Europe --- Western Europe --- 17.023.33 Biologische doeleinden. Bio-ethiek; bioethiek. Übermensch. Medische deontologie --- 351.84*7 Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen --- 351.77 Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628}. --- Bioéthique --- Médecine --- Médecine légale --- Congrès --- Congresses --- Medical care --- Law and legislation --- Medical ethics --- Legislation, Medical --- Jurisprudence --- Biologische doeleinden. Bio-ethiek; bioethiek. Übermensch. Medische deontologie --- Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628} --- Droit médical --- Cellules souches --- Droits de l'homme --- Organes

Justice, luck & responsibility in health care : philosophical background and ethical implications for end-of-life care.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789400753358 9789400753341 Year: 2013 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer

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In this book, an international group of philosophers, economists and theologians focus on the relationship between justice, luck and responsibility in health care. Together, they offer a thorough reflection on questions such as: How should we understand justice in health care? Why are health care interests so important that they deserve special protection? How should we value health? What are its functions and do these make it different from other goods? Furthermore, how much equality should there be? Which inequalities in health and health care are unfair and which are simply unfortunate? Which matters of health care belong to the domain of justice, and which to the domain of charity? And to what extent should we allow personal responsibility to play a role in allocating health care services and resources, or in distributing the costs?

Between technology and humanity : the impact of technology on health care ethics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9058672514 9789058672513 Year: 2002 Publisher: Leuven Leuven University Press

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In the last decade health care has witnessed a host of technological novelties in the field of diagnostic and therapeutic practices, as well as in the supportive information and communication technology and in various applications of genetics, microbiology and informatics. As a result a few questions need to be answered: -Is health care ethics due dor a splitting up into an ethics of technology (focusing on the ethical implications of new technologies) and an ethics of care (focusing on the ethical problems concerning chronic diseases, decay, disability, end of life)? -How to cope with dependence, limitation, finiteness, suffering, ... in spite of technological progress? -Could a better integration of technology and care preclude situations where patients are being dehumanised? Starting with a philosophical ethical reflection about the possibilities and dangers of technologies in health care, this book highlights both the relation between technology and care, and the normative aspects of economic analyses in health care. Finally, a series of concrete examples from various clinical fields (prenatal diagnosis, genetic tests, digital imaging in psychiatry, tube feeding in care for the elderly, and palliative sedation) will help the authors to consider how to integrate these technologies in a care context aimed upon humaneness. Since each topic is analysed by leading European clinicians and health care ethicists, this book clearly stands for the interdisciplinary approach in health care ethics. This book may be a rich source of material for reflection on the role, meaning and ends of technology and care, as harmonious aspects of clinical health care practice. However, the authors main concern is to show what such a reflection may consist of and how it can contribute to the inquiry into the experience of technology, the needs of humanity and the development of appropriate health care. This book highlights both the relation between technology and care, and the normative aspects of economic analyses in health care. A series of concrete examples from various clinical fields (prenatal diagnosis, genetic tests, digital imaging in psychiatry, tube feeding in care for the elderly, and palliative sedation) helps the authors to consider how to integrate these technologies in a care context aimed upon humaneness. Each topic is analysed by leading European clinicians and health care ethicists.


Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Ethique médicale --- Medische ethiek --- Medische technologie --- Technologie médicale --- Medical care --- Medical ethics --- Soins médicaux --- Technological innovations --- Congresses --- Innovations --- Congrès --- Medical technology --- Medical ethics. --- Nursing ethics. --- Genetic screening. --- Biomedical Technology --- Bioethical Issues --- Nursing ethics --- Genetic screening --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- bejaarden (ouderen) --- 670 Gezondheid --- Biomedical Technology. --- Health Care Rationing. --- Bioethics. --- Ethics, Medical. --- Bioethical Issues. --- 241.63*2 --- 61 --- 174.2 --- -Nursing ethics --- bio-ethiek --- gezondheidszorg --- #GGSB: Bio-ethiek --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #gsdb5 --- Caritas Catholica Vlaanderen (1982-heden) --- gezondheidszorg [verplegend] --- technologie --- abortus --- psychiatrie --- euthanasie --- christelijke ethiek --- C5 --- sociaal beleid --- 17.023.33 --- #A0301A --- 061 Ethische problemen --- biomedische technologie --- ethiek van de technologie (technologiekritiek, technologiemisbruik) --- zorgethiek (ethiek van de zorg, zorgrelatie) --- prenatale diagnostiek (prenatale test) --- genetische screening --- ouderenzorg --- palliatieve zorgen, (terminale, continue) sedatie, pijnbestrijding met levensverkortend effect, stervensbegeleiding --- Medische uitrusting --- Geneeskundige beeldvorming --- Genetica --- Psychiatrie --- Palliatieve zorgen --- Academic collection --- 603.1 --- aangeboren afwijkingen (congenitale afwijkingen, hartafwijkingen) --- abortus provocatus (vruchtafdrijving, zwangerschapsafbreking) --- dementie (dementia, dementia senilis) --- eetstoornissen --- ethiek (moraal) --- genetica --- genetisch advies --- gezondheidseconomie --- medische technologie --- palliatieve zorgen --- parenterale voeding (TPN) --- prenatale diagnose --- psychodiagnostiek --- stervensbegeleiding --- Nurses --- Nursing --- Professional ethics --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medicine --- Bioethics --- Social medicine --- Human chromosome abnormalities --- Medical screening --- Bioethical Issue --- Issue, Bioethical --- Issues, Bioethical --- Euthanasia --- Human Experimentation --- Patient Rights --- Animal Experimentation --- Medical Ethics --- Professionalism --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethicists --- Healthcare Rationing --- Rationing, Health Care --- Rationing, Healthcare --- Health Resources --- Patient Selection --- Biomedical Technologies --- Technology, Biomedical --- Technology, Health --- Technology, Health Care --- Health Care Technology --- Health Technology --- Biomedical Engineering --- Medical Informatics --- Health care technology --- Health technology --- Technology --- Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- Geneeskunde. Hygiëne. Farmacie --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Moral and ethical aspects --- soins de santé --- Maatschappelijke organisaties en maatschappelijk leven --- technologie biomédicale --- éthique de la technologie (critique de la technologie, abus de la technologie) --- éthique des soins --- diagnostic prénatal (test prénatal, DPN) --- dépistage génétique --- soins des personnes âgées --- soins palliatifs, lutte contre la douleur ayant pour effet d'abréger la vie, sédation palliative (terminale, continue), accompagnement de fin de vie --- Equipement médical --- Imagerie médicale --- Génétique --- Soins palliatifs --- (zie ook: orthopedie, seksuele ontwikkelingsstoornissen, vaatziekten) --- (zie ook: genetisch advies) --- (zie ook: dood, euthanasie, palliatieve zorgen, rouw, terminale zorgen) --- Diagnosis --- ethics --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- 241.63*2 Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- Soins médicaux --- Ethique médicale --- Congrès --- Health Care Rationing --- medische ethiek --- Bio-ethiek

Verpleegkundige excellentie : verpleegkunde tussen praktijk en ethiek.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9035222709 Year: 2000 Publisher: Maarssen : Elsevier Gezondheidszorg,

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Veel maatschappelijke en verpleegkundige evoluties maken het noodzakelijk dat duidelijke oriëntaties aangereikt worden over goede zorg en excellente verpleegkunde. Hoe kan de verpleegkunde zich aan het begin van de 21ste eeuw blijven profileren als daad geworden bekommernis voor de hulpbehoevende medemens? Hoe verhoudt verpleegkunde zich tot haar traditie, de technologie en het ethisch debat in onze samenleving? Hoe kijken andere hulpverleners uit de gezondheidszorg (artsen, beleidsverantwoordelijken, pastores, docenten, ethici) aan tegenover de verpleegkunde als zorgzame praktijk? In het 1ste deel wordt getracht vanuit een meer theoretische benadering en eigen visie over verpleegkundige ethiek te ontwikkelen. De ethische betekenis wordt vanuit verschillende invalshoeken beschreven. In het tweede deel staat de dialoog tussen theorie en praktijk centraal. Vanuit verschillende posities en functies in de gezondheidszorg wordt nagedacht over de ethische betekenis van de verpleegkunde.


Ethics, Nursing. --- 241.63*2 --- #GBIB:CBMER --- Academic collection --- ethiek --- verpleegkunde --- zorg (zorgverstrekking, zorgverlening) --- zorgethiek (ethiek van de zorg, zorgrelatie) --- zorgverstrekker-patiëntrelatie (verpleegkundige-patiëntrelatie) --- 603.1 --- bio-ethiek --- medische ethiek --- Medische ethiek --- Verpleegkunde --- 613.3 --- gezondheidszorg --- verpleegkundige ethiek --- zorgethiek --- (verpleegkundig) --- 614.22 --- Ethiek (moraal, zedenleer) --- Gezondheidsethiek --- Moraal (ethiek) --- Verpleegkundig beroep --- 613 --- 616.083 ) Verpleegkundige ethiek --- ethiek (gez) --- gezondheidszorg (gez) --- verpleegkunde (gez) --- verpleegkundig beroep (gez) --- autonomie --- beroepsuitoefening --- deontologie (beroepscode, code, plichtenleer) --- ethiek (moraal) --- euthanasie --- palliatieve zorgen --- patiënt-verpleegkundige relatie (verpleegkundige-patiënt relatie) --- professionalisering --- stervensbegeleiding --- terminale zorgen --- verpleegkundig beroep --- verpleegkundige interventies --- zelfbeschikking --- zorgbehoefte --- 604.22 --- Nursing Ethics --- Ethic, Nursing --- Nursing Ethic --- Nurses --- Nursing --- Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- soins infirmiers --- soins (prestation de soins) --- éthique des soins --- relation soignant-patient (relation infirmier-patient) --- medische ethiek, euthanasie --- Ethique médicale --- Beroep en opleiding --- (zie ook: terminale zorgen) --- (zie ook: dood, euthanasie, palliatieve zorgen, rouw, terminale zorgen) --- (zie ook: euthanasie) --- ethics --- verpleegmethoden --- beroepsethiek --- 241.63*2 Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- beroepsethiek. --- Beroepsethiek. --- Social medicine --- Ethics, Nursing

Care, compassion and recognition : an ethical discussion
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789042924598 9042924594 Year: 2010 Volume: 1 Publisher: Leuven Peeters

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Since Carol Gilligan's in a Different Voice (1982) the ethics of care has developed as a movement of allied thinkers, in different continents, who have a shared concern and who reflect on similar topics. This shared concern is that care can only be revalued and take its societal place if existing asymmetrical power relations are unveiled, and if the dignity of care givers and care receivers is better guaranteed, socially, politically and personally. In this first volume of a new series leading care ethicists from Europe and the United States focus on the moral significance of two concepts in the devate that ask for further reflection. In discussion with the work of Axel Honneth on recognition and the work of Emmanuel Housset on compassion from an ethics of care perspective.

Ethisch zorg verlenen : handboek voor de verpleegkundige
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9055743666 Year: 2002 Publisher: Baarn HB Uitgevers

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De verpleegkundige krijgt door tal van ontwikkelingen binnen en buiten zijn beroep steeds meer te maken met ethische vraagstukken en beslissingen. Ethisch zorg verlenen wil een bijdrage leveren aan een kwalitatieve verbetering van de ethische reflectie binnen de verpleegkunde. Het dagelijks functioneren van de gezondheidszorg en in het bijzonder de rol van verpleegkundigen daarin zijn nog maar weinig object geweest van ethische discussie. Dit boek wil een gedeelte van deze leemte opvullen.

Verpleegkundige excellentie : verpleegkunde tussen praktijk en ethiek
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789036812726 Year: 2016 Publisher: Houten Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum

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Een vernieuwende uitgave over verpleegkundige ethiek. Vele maatschappelijke en verpleegkundige evoluties maken het noodzakelijk dat duidelijke oriëntaties aangereikt worden over 'goede zorg' en 'excellente verpleegkunde'. Hoe kan de verpleegkundige zich aan het begin van de 21e eeuw blijven profileren als 'daadgeworden bekommeris' voor de hulpbehoevende medemens? Hoe verhoudt verpleegkunde zich tot haar traditie, de technologie en het ethisch debat in onze samenleving? Hoe kijken andere hulpverleners uit de gezondheidszorg zoals artsen, beleidsverantwoordelijken, pastores, docenten, ethici aan tegen de verpleegkunde als 'zorgzame praktijk'? In het eerste deel wordt getracht vanuit een meer theoretische benadering een eigen visie over verpleegkundige ethiek te ontwikkelen. De ethische betekenis van de verpleegkundige praktijk wordt vanuit verschillende invalshoeken beschreven. In het tweede deel staat de dialoog tussen theorie en praktijk centraal. Vanuit verschillende posities en functies in de gezondheidszorg wordt nagedacht over de ethische betekenis van de verpleegkunde. In het derde deel wordt een aantal verpleegdilemma's uit de dagelijkse praktijk besproken. Verpleegkundige excellentie nodigt u uit mee te denken over wat 'meer' is in de zorg. Het boek is gericht op het ruime publiek van verpleegkundigen en geïnteresseerden in de verpleegkundige ethiek en meer in het bijzonder leidinggevenden, docenten en (verpleegkundige) leden van commissies voor medische ethiek.

Verpleegkundige excellentie : Verpleegkunde tussen praktijk en ethiek
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789035222700 Year: 2000 Publisher: Maarssen Elsevier Gezondheidszorg

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Justice, Luck & Responsibility in Health Care : Philosophical Background and Ethical Implications for End-of-Life Care
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9400753349 9400796293 9400753357 1283945002 Year: 2013 Volume: v. 30 Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer,

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In this book, an international group of philosophers, economists and theologians focus on the relationship between justice, luck and responsibility in health care. Together, they offer a thorough reflection on questions such as: How should we understand justice in health care? Why are health care interests so important that they deserve special protection? How should we value health? What are its functions and do these make it different from other goods? Furthermore, how much equality should there be? Which inequalities in health and health care are unfair and which are simply unfortunate? Which matters of health care belong to the domain of justice, and which to the domain of charity? And to what extent should we allow personal responsibility to play a role in allocating health care services and resources, or in distributing the costs?   With this book, the editors meet a double objective. First, they provide a comprehensive philosophical framework for understanding the concepts of justice, luck and responsibility in contemporary health care; and secondly, they explore whether these concepts have practical force to guide normative discussions in specific contexts of health care such as prevention of infectious diseases or in matters of reproductive technology. Particular and extensive attention is paid to issues regarding end-of-life care.


Ethics, Medical. --- Medical ethics. --- Primary care (Medicine) -- Practice. --- Primary health care. --- Medical care --- Justice --- Fortune --- Responsibility --- Ethics, Clinical --- Patient Care --- Philosophy --- Morals --- Therapeutics --- Ethics, Professional --- Psychology, Social --- Humanities --- Health Services --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethics --- Terminal Care --- Philosophy, Medical --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Medical Ethics & Philosophy --- Terminal care --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Health care ethics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Philosophy. --- Ethics. --- Public health. --- Health promotion. --- Health economics. --- Medical economics. --- Philosophy of Medicine. --- Public Health. --- Health Economics. --- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. --- Economics, Medical --- Health --- Health economics --- Hygiene --- Health promotion programs --- Health promotion services --- Promotion of health --- Wellness programs --- Preventive health services --- Health education --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Sanitary affairs --- Social hygiene --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Medical logic --- Deontology --- Ethics, Primitive --- Ethology --- Moral philosophy --- Morality --- Philosophy, Moral --- Science, Moral --- Values --- Mental philosophy --- Economic aspects --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Medicine-Philosophy. --- Medicine. --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Physicians --- Health Workforce --- Medicine—Philosophy.

Euthanasia and assisted suicide : lessons from Belgium
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781107198869 9781316648353 9781108182799 1316648354 1107198860 1108182798 1108187676 1108194885 110819608X 1108197299 110819849X 1108203299 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Examining the evidence from Belgium - one of only five countries where euthanasia is practised legally - an international panel of experts considers the implications of legalised euthanasia and assisted suicide. Looking at the issue from an international perspective, the authors have written an invaluable in-depth analysis of the ethical aspects of this complex area. The discussion forms a solid foundation for informed debate about assisted dying. With contributors from a broad range of disciplines, this book is ideal for students, academics, legislators and anyone interested in legal, medical, social and philosophical ethics. A vital and timely examination of a growing phenomenon and one of the most challenging ethical questions of our time.


Medical law --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Belgium --- #SBIB:17H10 --- #SBIB:316.334.3M30 --- Ethiek en moraalfilosofie: algemeen. --- Medische sociologie: gezondheidsgedrag. --- Euthanasia --- Right to die --- Assisted suicide --- Law and legislation --- Law and legislation. --- Euthanasie --- Droit à la mort --- Aide au suicide --- Droit --- BPB9999 --- Ethiek en moraalfilosofie: algemeen --- Medische sociologie: gezondheidsgedrag --- euthanasie --- BPB1803 --- begeleide zelfmoord --- Suicide --- Libre disposition de soi-même --- Bioéthique --- Belgique --- 241.63*4 --- 241.63*4 Theologische ethiek: euthanasie --- Theologische ethiek: euthanasie --- Zelfmoord --- Vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- Bio-ethiek --- België --- Droit. --- 061 Ethische problemen --- apsisprendimo teisė --- právo na sebeurčení --- liria për vetëvendosje --- vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- itsemääräämisoikeus --- pravica do samoodločbe --- Recht auf Selbstbestimmung --- enesemääramisõigus --- sloboda samoodređenja --- önrendelkezési jog --- fri rådighed over egen person --- freedom of self-determination --- pašnoteikšanās tiesības --- свобода на самоопределение --- liberdade de autodeterminação --- prawo do śmierci --- libre disposición de la propia persona --- право на самоопредељење --- libertatea de autodeterminare --- awtodispożizzjoni libera --- libertà di disporre di se stessi --- слобода на самоопределување --- ελευθερία αυτοδιάθεσης --- sloboda sebaurčenia --- rätt till självbestämmande --- dignidade da pessoa --- recht op zelfdoding --- akt eutanázie --- Menschenwürde --- tiesības izdarīt pašnāvību --- Recht auf Freitod --- e drejtë për të kryer vetëvrasje --- dignidad de la persona --- rätt att begå självmord --- човеково достоинство --- waardigheid van de persoon --- ljudsko dostojanstvo --- människans värdighet --- dignità della persona --- demnitate umană --- emberi méltóság --- svoboda rozhodnout o sobě samém --- δικαίωμα αυτοκτονίας --- oikeus tehdä itsemurha --- ľudská dôstojnosť --- lidská důstojnost --- cilvēka cieņa --- droit au suicide --- inimväärikus --- diritto al suicidio --- pravo na samoubojstvo --- right to commit suicide --- právo na eutanáziu --- derecho al suicidio --- právo spáchať samovraždu --- ret til selvmord --- direito ao suicídio --- teisė nusižudyti --- human dignity --- liberdade de dispor de si mesmo --- dinjiteti njerëzor --- õigus enesetappu sooritada --- öngyilkosság elkövetéséhez való jog --- ihmisarvo --- αξιοπρέπεια του ανθρώπινου προσώπου --- individens värdighet --- dignité de la personne --- eitanāzijas tiesības --- žmogaus orumas --- eutanasi --- eutanázia --- eutanaasia --- euthanasia --- eutanazia --- ευθανασία --- eutanasia --- eutanazija --- еутаназија --- evtanazija --- eutanazie --- eutanazja --- eutanásia --- ewtanażja --- eutanasie --- евтаназия --- евтаназија --- eitanāzija --- e drejtë për eutanazi --- убиство од милосрдие --- droit à l'euthanasie --- rätt till dödshjälp --- ret til dødshjælp --- asistovaná sebevražda --- právo na milosrdnou smrt --- diritto all'eutanasia --- dödshjälp --- eutanáziához való jog --- убиство од благородни побуди --- milosrdná smrt --- dødshjælp --- direito à eutanásia --- derecho a la eutanasia --- aktív eutanázia --- kegyes halál --- dreptul la eutanasie --- recht op euthanasie --- tiesības uz eitanāziju --- teisė į eutanaziją --- õigus eutanaasiale --- kegyes halálhoz való jog --- δικαίωμα ευθανασίας --- oikeus eutanasiaan --- right to euthanasia --- pravo na eutanaziju --- Recht auf Euthanasie --- právo na eutanazii --- passzív eutanázia --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- βιοηθική --- bijoetika --- bioética --- bioetica --- bioētika --- bio-ethics --- bioeetika --- биоетика --- bioetyka --- bioetiikka --- bio-ethiek --- bioetică --- bioetik --- Bioethik --- bioetika --- lääkärin etiikka --- κώδικας ιατρικής ηθικής --- etică medicală --- etica medica --- медицинска етика --- ética médica --- medical ethics --- bioëthiek --- arstieetika --- medizinische Ethik --- medicīniskā ētika --- orvosi etika --- éthique médicale --- medicinos etika --- etikë mjekësore --- medicinska etika --- medische ethiek --- meditsiinieetika --- medicinsk etik --- sinucidere --- zelfmoord --- vetëvrasje --- itsemurha --- suicide --- pašnāvība --- öngyilkosság --- savižudybė --- suicidio --- Freitod --- samovražda --- samobójstwo --- enesetapp --- självmord --- suicídio --- selvmord --- самоубийство --- самоубиство --- αυτοκτονία --- samoubojstvo --- sebevražda --- samomor --- suwiċidju --- Suizid --- zelfdoding --- Selbstmord --- Selbsttötung --- suicida --- обид за самоубиство --- одземање живот --- Bioética --- Derecho de los pacientes --- Eutanasia --- Death, Right to --- Death with dignity --- Natural death (Right to die) --- Death --- Life and death, Power over --- Advance directives (Medical care) --- Do-not-resuscitate orders --- Assisted death (Euthanasia) --- Assisted dying (Euthanasia) --- Death, Assisted (Euthanasia) --- Death, Mercy --- Dying, Assisted (Euthanasia) --- Killing, Mercy --- Mercy death --- Mercy killing --- Homicide --- Medical ethics --- Assisted death (Assisted suicide) --- Assisted dying (Assisted suicide) --- Death, Assisted (Assisted suicide) --- Doctor-assisted suicide --- Dying, Assisted (Assisted suicide) --- Patient-directed death --- Patient-directed dying --- Physician-assisted suicide --- Medical laws and legislation --- saoirse féinchinntiúcháin --- eotanáis --- bitheitic --- féinmharú --- Bioéthique --- Libre disposition de soi-même --- Droit médical

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