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Die Dynamik des europäischen Gemeinschaftsrechts : die Auslegung des europäischen Gemeinschaftsrechts im Lichte nachfolgender Praxis der Mitgliedstaaten und der EG-Organe
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3789013900 Year: 1987 Publisher: Baden-Baden Nomos

Aufbaujahre der Europäischen Gemeinschaft : das Ringen um den Gemeinsamen Markt und die politische Union (1958-1966)
ISBN: 3789007994 Year: 1982 Publisher: Baden-Baden Nomos

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European communities --- 341.17 EC <430.1> --- 341.17 EC <430.1> Internationale organisaties. Regionale internationale organisaties--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- 341.17 EC <430.1> Regionale associaties of unies van staten--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- Internationale organisaties. Regionale internationale organisaties--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- Regionale associaties of unies van staten--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- European federation --- History --- European Economic Community --- CEE --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- History. --- European law --- anno 1950-1959 --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- EEC (European Economic Community)

Ziele und Methoden der europäischen Integration; : Bericht über eine Arbeitsgemeinschaft im Zentrumfür interdisziplinäre Forschung der Universität Bielefeld
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3761031319 Year: 1972 Publisher: [Frankfurt am Main] : Athenäum,

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European law --- European federation --- Construction européenne --- European Economic Community --- Europe --- Economic integration --- Intégration économique --- 341.17 EC <430.1> --- Regionale associaties of unies van staten--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- European federation. --- European Economic Community. --- Economic integration. --- 341.17 EC <430.1> Internationale organisaties. Regionale internationale organisaties--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- 341.17 EC <430.1> Regionale associaties of unies van staten--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- Internationale organisaties. Regionale internationale organisaties--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- Construction européenne --- Intégration économique --- Federation of Europe --- Pan Europa movement --- Paneuropean federation --- United States of Europe (Proposed) --- Federal government --- Regionalism (International organization) --- CEE --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- EEC (European Economic Community)

Die Gründung der europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft
ISBN: 3789007951 Year: 1982 Publisher: Baden-Baden Nomos

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334.150.0 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 341.17 EC <430.1> --- 341.17 EC <430.1> Internationale organisaties. Regionale internationale organisaties--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- 341.17 EC <430.1> Regionale associaties of unies van staten--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- Internationale organisaties. Regionale internationale organisaties--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- Regionale associaties of unies van staten--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden. --- European Economic Community --- CEE --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- History. --- European law --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- EEC (European Economic Community)

GATT und Europäische Gemeinschaft : referate der Tagung des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V. in Bielefeld vom 6.-8. September 1984
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3789011517 Year: 1986 Publisher: Baden-Baden Nomos

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European law --- Law of international organizations --- World Trade Organization --- Tariff --- -341.125 GATT --- 341.17 EC <430.1> --- AA / International- internationaal --- DE / Germany - Duitsland - Allemagne --- 334.153.1 --- 334.81 --- Referate der Tagung des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V. in Bielefeld vom 6.-8. September 1984. --- T08 Intégration européenne - Europese integratie --- Ad valorem tariff --- Border taxes --- Customs (Tariff) --- Customs duties --- Duties --- Fees, Import --- Import controls --- Import fees --- Tariff on raw materials --- Commercial policy --- Indirect taxation --- Revenue --- Customs administration --- Favored nation clause --- Non-tariff trade barriers --- Reciprocity (Commerce) --- Law and legislation --- -General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade--GATT --- Regionale associaties of unies van staten--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- Handel, douanetarief en handelsakkoorden in de Europese Gemeenschappen. --- Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WHO). Algemene overeenkomst voor handel en tarieven (GATT). --- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization) --- Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce (Organization) --- Acordo Geral de Tarifas e Comércio (Organization) --- Contracting Parties to GATT --- Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade --- G.A.T.T. --- GĀT (Organization) --- GATT --- Generalʹnoe soglashenie po tarifam i torgovle (Organization) --- Genikē Symphōnia Dasmōn kai Emporiou --- GHĀT --- GHĀTT --- JĀT (Organization) --- JĀTT --- Kuan mao tsung hsieh ting (Organization) --- Kuan shui ho mao i tsung hsieh ting (Organization) --- Kuan shui yü mao i tsung hsieh ting (Organization) --- Kwase Muyŏk Ilban Hyŏpchŏng --- Muvāfaqatnāmah-i ʻUmūmī-i Taʻrifah va Tijārat --- Partes Contratantes del Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio --- Parti contraenti dell'Accordo generale sulle tariffe doganali e sul commercio --- Parties contractantes à l'accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce --- Vertragsparteien des Allgemeinen Zoll- und Handelsabkommens --- جات --- United Nations. --- 341.17 EC <430.1> Internationale organisaties. Regionale internationale organisaties--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- 341.17 EC <430.1> Regionale associaties of unies van staten--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- Internationale organisaties. Regionale internationale organisaties--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- 341.125 GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade--GATT --- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade--GATT --- Referate der Tagung des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V. in Bielefeld vom 6.-8. September 1984 --- 341.125 GATT --- Handel, douanetarief en handelsakkoorden in de Europese Gemeenschappen --- Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WHO). Algemene overeenkomst voor handel en tarieven (GATT)

The Federal Republic of Germany and the European Community
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0043820468 004382045X Year: 1987 Publisher: London Allen and Unwin

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International relations. Foreign policy --- International economic relations --- Germany --- European Economic Community --- 327 <43> --- European Union --- #SBIB:327.7H120 --- #SBIB:327.7H220 --- #SBIB:327.7H21 --- 341.17 EC <430.1> --- Buitenlandse betrekkingen. Buitenlandse politiek. Internationale betrekkingen. Internationale politiek. Wereldpolitiek--Duitsland voor 1945 en na 1989 --- Verenigde Naties: algemeen --- Europese Unie: instellingen en besluitvorming --- Ontwikkeling van de Europese Unie (historische en toekomstige evolutie) --- Regionale associaties of unies van staten--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- 327 <4> --- 341.17 EC --- 341.175 --- 327 EUR --- DE / Germany - Duitsland - Allemagne --- 334.152.0 --- Buitenlandse betrekkingen. Buitenlandse politiek. Internationale betrekkingen. Internationale politiek. Wereldpolitiek--Europa --- Europese Gemeenschappen--EC --- Betrekkingen tussen de Europese Gemeenschappen en de lidstaten: algemeenheden. --- 341.17 EC Europese Gemeenschappen--EC --- 327 <4> Buitenlandse betrekkingen. Buitenlandse politiek. Internationale betrekkingen. Internationale politiek. Wereldpolitiek--Europa --- 341.17 EC <430.1> Internationale organisaties. Regionale internationale organisaties--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- 341.17 EC <430.1> Regionale associaties of unies van staten--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- Internationale organisaties. Regionale internationale organisaties--Westduitsland. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland--EC --- 327 <43> Buitenlandse betrekkingen. Buitenlandse politiek. Internationale betrekkingen. Internationale politiek. Wereldpolitiek--Duitsland voor 1945 en na 1989 --- Betrekkingen tussen de Europese Gemeenschappen en de lidstaten: algemeenheden --- CEE --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- EEC (European Economic Community)

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