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Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789462082212 Year: 2015 Publisher: Rotterdam nai010 publishers

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Today, concrete experiences a renaissance; one could speak of a neo-concrete era. The advantages adjudicated to this material have fundamentally changed. Modern types of concrete are available on the market for a multitude of applications - ranging from light and insulating to filigree and high pressure resistant. Concrete fascinates as no other material does since in its fluid state it can be forced into any conceivable mould while becoming highly pressure resistant and massive when hardened. However, the advantage also becomes the material’s main disadvantage: concrete and formwork are closely interdependent. Only with formwork does concrete become a usable building material. Thus elaborate concrete parts require elaborate formwork. The book 'imagine 08. Concretable' illustrates what concrete is already capable of as well as what else is possible. Furthermore, it also shows future developments in the material - where concrete’s technological, constructive and - always a driving factor - aesthetic and design-related potential lie.

Matter Aggregation : A Design Studio at Uva
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781951541750 1951541758 Year: 2021 Publisher: California ORO Editions

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Based on the pedagogical exploration of the design studio—Matter Aggregation at UVA, the book seeks new values of wood craft for contemporary architectural design, by introducing digital design and robotic fabrication techniques into the design process for timber building. The book integrates explorations of traditional crafts with digital fabrication technique, establishing a digital crafting as a new field for contemporary practice. The book explores the computational mechanisms and diagrammatic grammar within these craft-based aggregation systems, paying close attention to geometrical configurations, material effects and fabrication details and take advantage of these qualities to produce a unique spatiality.

Concrete : microstructure, properties, and materials.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780071797870 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York (N.Y.) McGraw-Hill

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"Comprehensive coverage of the properties, behavior, and technology of concrete--complete with PowerPoint slides and videos--updated to include the latest advances in concrete technology"-- "THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE AND CURRENT GUIDE TO THE PROPERTIES, BEHAVIOR, AND TECHNOLOGY OF CONCRETEThis thoroughly updated edition contains new information on: Recently built construction projects worldwide Shrinkage-reducing admixtures Self-consolidating concrete, pervious concrete, internal curing, and other cutting-edge innovations Modeling of ice formation and alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete Environmental impact of concrete Each chapter begins with a preview of the contents and ends with a self-test and a guide for further reading. More than 300 drawings and photographs illustrate the topics discussed in this definitive text on concrete.Comprehensive coverage includes: Microstructure of concrete Strength Dimensional stability Durability Hydraulic cements Aggregates Admixtures Proportioning concrete mixtures Concrete at early age Nondestructive methods Progress in concrete technology Advances in concrete mechanics Global warming and concrete in the future "--

Traité de couverture traditionelle : histoire - matériaux - techniques.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2851010360 9782851010360 Year: 2001 Publisher: S.l. H. Vial

Baustofflehre Kunststoffe für Bauingenieure und Architekten.
ISBN: 3446119663 Year: 1975 Publisher: München Carl Hanser Verlag

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PAB : PIERREACTUAL Belgique-België.
ISSN: 17678544 Year: 2004 Publisher: Ternay Editions Le Mausolée

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Planning and design handbook on precast building structures : Bulletin 74: Manual - textbook
ISBN: 9783944069067 Year: 2014 Publisher: Köln ad media

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In 1994 fib Commission 6: Prefabrication edited a successful Planning and Design Handbook that ran to approximately 45,000 copies and was published in Spanish and German.Nearly 20 years later Bulletin 74 brings that first publication up to date. It offers a synthesis of the latest structural design knowledge about precast building structures against the background of 21st century technological innovations in materials, production and construction. With it, we hope to help architects and engineers achieve a full understanding of precast concrete building structures, the possibilities they offer and their specific design philosophy. It was principally written for non-seismic structures.The handbook contains eleven chapters, each dealing with a specific aspect of precast building structures. The first chapter of the handbook highlights best practice opportunities that will enable architects, design engineers and contractors to work together towards finding efficient solutions, which is something unique to precast concrete buildings. The second chapter offers basic design recommendations that take into account the possibilities, restrictions and advantages of precast concrete, along with its detailing, manufacture, transport, erection and serviceability stages. Chapter three describes the precast solutions for the most common types of buildings such as offices, sports stadiums, residential buildings, hotels, industrial warehouses and car parks. Different application possibilities are explored to teach us which types of precast units are commonly used in all those situations. Chapter four covers the basic design principles and systems related to stability. Precast concrete structures should be designed according to a specific stability concept, unlike cast in-situ structures. Chapter five discusses structural connections. Chapters six to nine address the four most commonly used systems or subsystems of precast concrete in buildings, namely, portal and skeletal structures, wall-frame structures, floor and roof structures and architectural concrete facades. In chapter ten the design and detailing of a number of specific construction details in precast elements are discussed, for example, supports, corbels, openings and cutouts in the units, special features related to the detailing of the reinforcement, and so forth. Chapter eleven gives guidelines for the fire design of precast concrete structures. The handbook concludes with a list of references to good literature on precast concrete construction. [Publisher]

Light earth building
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783035606454 3035606455 303560634X 9783035606348 3035606463 9783035606485 303560648X 9783035606461 Year: 2016 Publisher: Basel

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Seit drei Jahrzehnten gibt es ein wachsendes Interesse am umweltfreundlichen Baustoff Lehm, der seine beispielhafte Nachhaltigkeit schon über Jahrhunderte bewiesen hatte. Gerade der Leichtlehmbau, bei dem Holzskelett- oder Fachwerkwände mit Lehm und Faserstoffen ausgefacht werden, hat besonders gute bauphysikalische Eigenschaften. Dass Lehmbau heute nichts Exotisches mehr an sich hat, ist unter anderem diesem Standardwerk zu verdanken, das den Einsatz dieses „alten“ Baustoffes umfassend und aktuell darstellt. Es enthält neben vielen praktischen Tipps Informationen über konstruktive Vereinfachungen und den Gebrauch von Lehm-Fertigbaustoffen für die zeitgemäße Bauabwicklung. Die Auswahl der Projektebeispiele zeigt die Vielfalt des Baustoffes; Selbstbauprojekte demonstrieren darüber hinaus die einzigartige Möglichkeit, den Leichtlehmbau mit eigenen Händen zu entdecken. Für die 8. Auflage wurde der Beispielteil aktualisiert, die Kapitel „Planung und Kosten“ sowie „Bauphysik“ adaptiert, die Normenangaben wurden auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Das Buch richtet sich an Bauherren, Architekten und Ingenieure, Hersteller und Handwerker sowie an Selbstbauer. The interest in clay as a building material – which has proved its sustainable characteristics over centuries – is growing. Light clay, which is light in weight and easy to work, is presented here as a versatile and forward-looking building material for modern computer-aided timber construction and the renewal of historic timber-framed buildings with clay infill. The balanced building physics properties of the material, which can be controlled through the mixing proportions, make it suitable for resource-efficient building in various different climate zones. Thermal storage, sound insulation, protection against moisture and fire in conventional timber construction are improved, and the construction is simplified. This standard publication describes detailed production methods, includes practical tips for self-building, and demonstrates the application of ready-made materials in modern construction. The book is aimed at architects, engineers, and their clients, as well as for listed building officers, manufacturers, tradesmen and self-builders

World communication and information report 1999-2000.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9231036114 9789231036118 Year: 1999 Publisher: Paris Unesco

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