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Women Writing Portuguese Colonialism in Africa
ISBN: 1789628245 178962231X Year: 2020 Publisher: [s.l.] : Liverpool University Press,

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This book represents the first attempt to query the contribution of women as cultural agents to the colonization, the anti-colonial opposition and the decolonization of territories ruled by Portugal in the African continent between the turn of the twentieth century and the early twenty-first. In contrast to the longstanding scholarship on the subject as regards other European empires, the entanglement of gender and colonialism has been ignored in the Portuguese case. Hence, this book takes a long view, surveying mostly little known historical and literary records that evince how "women" and "colonialism" were discursively constructed at particular points in time in view of a colonialist project that became the reason for being of the fascist authoritarian regime (1933-1974). A cultural studies approach of radical contextualization informs each of the five main chapters, in which documents from a range of disciplines are brought to bear on the main problematic of the female-authored works in focus. The latter are all written in the metropole as a place of colonial return and critical reflection. Beyond recuperating women's voices, this book suggests a story of Portuguese colonialism in the African continent that is anything but Lusotropicalist.

Black Love, Black Hate
ISBN: 0814255035 0814276660 0814213863 Year: 2018 Publisher: Columbus, OH The Ohio State University Press

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Felice D. Blake's Black Love, Black Hate: Intimate Antagonisms in African American Literature highlights the pervasive representations of intraracial deceptions, cruelties, and contempt in Black literature. Literary criticism has tended to focus on Black solidarity and the ways that a racially linked fate has compelled Black people to counter notions of Black inferiority with unified notions of community driven by political commitments to creative rehumanization and collective affirmation. Blake shows how fictional depictions of intraracial conflict perform necessary work within the Black community, raising questions about why racial unity is so often established from the top down and how loyalty to Blackness can be manipulated to reinforce deleterious forms of subordination to oppressive gender, sexual, and class norms.

Biofictions : Race, Genetics and the Contemporary Novel.
ISBN: 1350099856 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic

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In this important interdisciplinary study, Josie Gill explores the ways in which the contemporary novel has drawn on and helped shape debates about race and identity in 21st century genetic science. Reading works by leading contemporary writers such as Zadie Smith, Alex Haley, Octavia Butler and Salman Rushdie, Biofictions demonstrates how ideas of race are produced from intersecting genetic and fictional narratives which together create stories about racism, ancestry and kinship.

Romantik jenseits des Nationalen : Geopoetik der südslavischen Romantiken im imperialen Raum
ISBN: 3205211146 3205211138 Year: 2020 Publisher: Wien Böhlau

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Was der gerade im post-jugoslawischen Raum heute wieder diskursprägende 'nationale' Blick auf die Kultur verbirgt, das zeigt diese Untersuchung, in der kanonische Literatur aus dem 19. Jahrhundert auf ihre geopoetische Vielschichtigkeit hin betrachtet wird, wie sie für imperiale Räume typisch ist. Die imperialen Strukturen, wie sie den europäischen Raum politisch und kulturell über Jahrhunderte prägten, sind auch für die südslavischen Identitäts- und Gemeinschaftsentwürfe aus der Zeit der ,Entdeckung des Nationalen' von großer Bedeutung. Insbesondere die Literatur in ihrer Fähigkeit, Uneindeutiges, Überlagertes und Verschobenes mitzutransportieren, kann zeigen, wie sich das imperiale Moment vielschichtig und teilweise auch widersprüchlich in mentalen Karten, narrativen Konstruktionen von Eigen- und Fremdräumen, von Zentren und Peripherien, Grenz- und Kommunikationsräumen sowie von pluralen Identitäten niederschlägt. Eine geopoetische Betrachtung der Literaturen der Romantik jenseits des Nationalen eröffnet neue Perspektiven auf die jeweiligen nationalen Referenzepochen der heutigen Bosnier*innen, Kroat*innen, Montenegriner*innen, Serb*innen und Sloven*innen und legt die Grundlagen für eine transnational pluralistische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung im postjugoslawischen Raum.

Agency : The Entrepreneurial Self in Narratives of Transformation: Debuting in the Literary Field at the Dawn of the Twenty-First-Century
ISBN: 3826070364 Year: 2020 Publisher: [s.l.] : Königshausen & Neumann,

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Which forms of agency does literature offer to the reader in the twenty-first century? This study investigates migrant lives in contemporary fiction published by young British Asian writers. Examining the protagonists' ideas of ›success‹ in becoming a full member of their society, Jessica Fischer carves out the naturalised model of homo economicus in these texts and in contemporary fiction more generally. She draws attention to the enterprising self as the preferred subject in today's hegemonic discourses and postulates a new conceptualisation of ›agency‹. This book offers an interdisciplinary approach to narratives of transformation. Moreover, it is an urgently needed combination of cultural and postcolonial studies that tackles ethical questions concerning the normative construction of the subject in identity politics.

Contemporary Irish Women Poets : Memory and Estrangement
ISBN: 178138469X Year: 2015 Publisher: Oxford : Liverpool University Press,

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Original study of contemporary women poets in Ireland, presenting readings of four important poets (Eavan Boland, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Mairéad Byrne and Vona Groarke) and exploring themes and patterns in contemporary Irish women's poetry.

Señales mutuas : Estudios transatlánticos de literatura española y mexicana hoy
ISBN: 3964567949 Year: 2019 Publisher: [s.l.] : Iberoamericana Vervuert,

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Los textos que constituyen este volumen llevan a cabo un análisis comparativo entre la producción literaria de España y México desde las últimas décadas del siglo XX hasta nuestros días, atendiendo a novelas y poemarios, pero también a otros géneros y discursos como el diario, el aforismo, el cine o la novela gráfica, sin olvidar los espacios de creciente transmedialidad.

El mar no es ancho ni ajeno : Complicidades transatlánticas entre el Perú y España
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3954879239 Year: 2020 Publisher: [s.l.] : Iberoamericana Vervuert,

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La historia de las relaciones culturales entre Perú y España desde la época del Virreinato hasta la actualidad demuestra que el mar que separa los dos continentes no es tan ancho ni tan ajeno. La huella del Siglo de Oro o del Quijote en autores andinos contemporáneos, la presencia de Lorca en la literatura popular peruana, los avatares de Mario Vargas Llosa en la Península desde los años cincuenta, y de autores posteriores como Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Alonso Cueto, Fernando Iwasaki, Jorge Eduardo Benavides, etc., los paralelismos e influencias mutuas entre los poetas y músicos de las generaciones del fin del siglo XX a ambos lados del Atlántico, son algunos de los indicadores de una complicidad que no ha dejado de crecer con el paso del tiempo.

Migrating Texts : Circulating Translations around the Eastern Mediterranean
ISBN: 1474439020 Year: 2019 Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press,

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Explores translation in the context of the multi-lingual, multi-ethnic late-Ottoman Mediterranean world. Fénelon, Offenbach and the Iliad in Arabic, Robinson Crusoe in Turkish, the Bible in Greek-alphabet Turkish, excoriated French novels circulating through the Ottoman Empire in Greek, Arabic and Turkish: literary translation at the eastern end of the Mediterranean offered worldly vistas and new, hybrid genres to emerging literate audiences in the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Whether to propagate 'national' language reform, circulate the Bible, help audiences understand European opera, argue for girls' education, institute pan-Islamic conversations, introduce political concepts, share the Persian Gulistan with Anglophone readers in Bengal, or provide racy fiction to schooled adolescents in Cairo and Istanbul, translation was an essential tool. But as these essays show, translators were inventors, and their efforts might yield surprising results.

Thin Culture, High Art : Gogol, Hawthorne, and Authorship in Nineteenth-Century Russia and America
ISBN: 1644696681 Year: 2021 Publisher: [s.l.] : Academic Studies Press,

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Russian-language edition: In Russia and America a perceived absence of literature gave rise to grandiose notions of literature's importance. This book examines how two traditions worked to refigure cultural lack, not by disputing it but by insisting on it, by representing the nation's (putative) cultural deficit as a moral and aesthetic advantage. Through a comparative study of Gogol and Hawthorne, this book examines parallels that seem particularly striking when we consider that these traditions had virtually no points of contact. Yet the unexpected parallels between these authors are the result of historical similarities: Russians and Americans felt obliged to develop a manifestly national literature ex nihilo, and to do so in an age when an unprecedented diversity of printed texts were circulating among an ever more heterogeneous reading public. Responding to these conditions, Gogol and Hawthorne articulated ideas that would prove influential for their nations' literary development: that is, despite the culture's thinness and deviation from European norms, it would soon produce works that would surpass European literature in significance.

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