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Medieval trinitarian thought from Aquinas to Ockham
ISBN: 9781107685451 9780521117142 9780511674600 9780511675300 0511675305 0511672055 9780511672057 0521117143 1107685451 0511674600 0511739060 1107203287 1282546937 9786612546938 0511674112 051167077X 0511673329 Year: 2010 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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How can the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be distinct and yet identical? Prompted by the doctrine of the divine Trinity, this question sparked centuries of lively debate. In the current context of renewed interest in Trinitarian theology, Russell L. Friedman provides the first survey of the scholastic discussion of the Trinity in the 100-year period stretching from Thomas Aquinas' earliest works to William Ockham's death. Tracing two central issues - the attempt to explain how the three persons are distinct from each other but identical as God, and the application to the Trinity of a 'psychological model', on which the Son is a mental word or concept, and the Holy Spirit is love - this volume offers a broad overview of Trinitarian thought in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, along with focused studies of the Trinitarian ideas of many of the period's most important theologians.

The nature of God
ISBN: 0415109507 0415120756 Year: 1995 Publisher: London Routledge

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Mystery unveiled : the crisis of the Trinity in early modern England
ISBN: 0199713146 019997909X 0195339460 9780195339468 9780199979097 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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Paul C. H. Lim offers an insightful examination of the polemical debates about the doctrine of the Trinity in seventeenth-century England, showing that this philosophical and theological re-configuration significantly impacted the politics of religion in the early modern period.

The trinity : rediscovering the central Christian mystery.
ISBN: 0742532259 0742532267 9780742532267 9780742532250 Year: 2005 Publisher: Lanham Rowman & Littlefield

Les émotions de Dieu : indices d'engagement
ISBN: 9782204130653 2204130656 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris Cerf

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Dieu a choisi non seulement de parler la langue des hommes, mais aussi de se faire l’un d’entre eux. Pour s’adresser à l’humanité en sa condition réelle, Dieu a fait sienne la chair humaine, affectivité incluse. Le Dieu biblique est sujet d’émotions : jalousie, colère, regret, joie, etc. Pourtant, un Dieu incorporel paraît de soi inapte aux émotions. Ce Dieu émotif est-il simplement une projection humaine ? Le Dieu biblique tombe-t-il sous la critique ? Cet ouvrage trace un itinéraire anthropologique, littéraire et théologique. Pour interpréter les émotions de Dieu, il faut d’abord entrevoir la signification des émotions et des passions humaines. Il convient aussi d’explorer les scénarios bibliques dans lesquels interviennent les émotions de Dieu. Celles-ci deviennent alors les indices d’un engagement total. Amour, joie, espoir, colère, regret et tristesse sont ici envisagés de façon sémantique ou narrative, non seulement comme des notions à élucider, mais aussi comme les traits d’un Dieu en action.

Understanding the attributes of God.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 363134466X 0820443085 Year: 1999 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main Lang

God the Father almighty : a contemporary exploration of the divine attributes
ISBN: 080101154X Year: 1998 Publisher: Grand Rapids (Mich.): Baker Book House

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Revelation, redemption, and response : Calvin's trinitarian understanding of the divine-human relationship
ISBN: 1280442190 0195358856 1423758617 9781423758617 9781280442193 0195086007 9780195086003 0197740928 Year: 2023 Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press,

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Most Calvin scholars have seen a dialectical opposition between God and humanity as fundamental to Calvin's thought. Butin's study upsets this understanding by addressing Calvin's views on the doctrine of the Trinity and his understanding of the divine-human relationship.

Can God be free?
ISBN: 1281346438 9786611346430 0191513482 142946920X 9781429469203 1383013861 Year: 2023 Publisher: Oxford : Clarendon,

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'Can God Be Free?' studies a central philosophical problem of religion: can it be right to regard God as free, and as praiseworthy for being perfectly good? The author questions this idea and proposes the need for some substantive revision in contemporary thinking about the nature of God.

Theological treatises on the trinity
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0813211697 9780813211695 Year: 2001 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press,

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