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Brique et architecture dans l’Espagne médiévale (xiie-xve siècle)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8495555530 849096114X Year: 2017 Volume: 25 Publisher: Madrid : Casa de Velázquez,

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L'architecture est matériau avant que d'être forme. L'histoire traditionnelle de l'architecture tend à faire oublier cette évidence au bénéfice d'une approche dominée par des concepts stylistiques. Or ceux-ci s'avèrent toujours impropres à rendre compte de l'extraordinaire complexité du mouvement créatif qui conduit le génie humain à passer du produit manufacturé de base - ici la brique - à l'œuvre d'art qui constitue l'église, la porte de ville, le château ou la maison médiévale. L'enjeu de cet ouvrage est de montrer comment la brique s'est imposée en Espagne comme matériau de construction à la fin de l'époque médiévale, au terme d'un parcours historique au cours duquel elle fut, tour à tour et de manière infiniment variée, appréciée pour ses qualités pratiques, architectoniques, décoratives, mais aussi, de façon plus ambiguë ou subtile, pour sa légèreté, son coût modéré, sa valeur plastique, esthétique, voire idéologique. Une appréciation nuancée des caractéristiques et des modalités d'emploi du matériau, basée sur un vaste corpus d'œuvres architecturales, est seule en mesure de faire comprendre les raisons de son succès et de remettre en question un certain nombre de poncifs qui nuisent à la juste appréciation du rôle majeur joué par la brique dans l'histoire de l'architecture espagnole.

Restaurer au XIXe siècle
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2845165285 9782845165281 Year: 2012 Publisher: Clermont-Ferrand Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal

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Das Burgbauprojekt Guédelon : Wissensaneignung und -vermittlung bei öffentlich zugänglicher Experimenteller Archäologie
ISBN: 3959342861 9783959342865 Year: 2015 Publisher: Hamburg, [Germany] : Diplomica Verlag,

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Architecture and landscape in medieval Anatolia, 1100-1500
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781474411295 1474411290 9781474411301 9781474411318 1474411304 1474411312 1474411312 Year: 2017 Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press,

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Anatolia was home to a large number of polities in the medieval period. Given its location at the geographical and chronological juncture between Byzantines and the Ottomans, its story tends to be read through the Seljuk experience. This obscures the multiple experiences and spaces of Anatolia under the Byzantine empire, Turko-Muslim dynasties contemporary to the Seljuks, the Mongol Ilkhanids, and the various beyliks of eastern and western Anatolia.

This book looks beyond political structures and towards a reconsideration of the interactions between the rural and the urban; an analysis of the relationships between architecture, culture and power; and an examination of the region's multiple geographies. In order to expand historiographical perspectives it draws on a wide variety of sources (architectural, artistic, documentary and literary), including texts composed in several languages (Arabic, Armenian, Byzantine Greek, Persian and Turkish). Original in its coverage of this period from the perspective of multiple polities, religions and languages, this volume is also the first to truly embrace the cultural complexity that was inherent in the reality of daily life in medieval Anatolia and surrounding regions.

Unknown crusader castles
ISBN: 1282024701 9786612024702 0826432018 9780826432018 1852852615 9781852852610 9781282024700 6612024704 Year: 2001 Publisher: New York Hambledon and London

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The capture of Jerusalem by the ""First Crusade"" in 1099 heralded the beginning of an armed struggle in Palestine. It was a war dominated by the building, securing and besieging of castles. This work covers the military history of the crusades and investigates the role of a wide range of castles.

Gazetteer of Buildings in Muslim Palestine
ISBN: 9781739730208 Year: 2001 Publisher: Oxford : Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL),

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Berkeley Castle Tales
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1803275693 1803275685 Year: 2023 Publisher: [s.l.] : Archaeopress Publishing Ltd,

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Berkeley Castle Tales presents the outcomes of the 15-year-long University of Bristol excavations and landscape research at the Berkeley Castle estate in South Gloucestershire. The project, which in 2016 won the prestigious Current Archaeology award for the Archaeology Project of the Year, aimed at writing, through material culture and extensive archival and geophysical research, the narrative behind the construction of Berkeley Castle, the corresponding town, and the area of the Severn valley that overlooks the borders with Wales. By combining the results of archaeological fieldwork with information contained in the castle's impressive collection of 20,000 historical documents, the project adds greatly to our knowledge and understanding of the early medieval period and the subsequent changes in landscape and society that occurred with the coming of the Normans, with the erection of a castle on the former minster site. Throughout the publication the advances that the Berkeley Castle project offered to archaeological practice, to excavation and geophysics methodology, and to the community and public archaeology are evident, since the editors intend the volume to be a milestone not only for the study of a castle landscape but also for archaeological method and practice.

The spolia churches of Rome : recycling antiquity in the Middle Ages
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8771248986 Year: 2015 Publisher: Aarhus : Aarhus University Press,

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"A particularly robust approach to Rome's antique past was taken in the Middle Ages, spanning from the Late Antiquity in the fourth century, until roughly the thirteenth century AD. The Spolia Churches of Rome looks at how the church-builders treated the architecture of ancient Rome like a quarry full of prefabricated material and examines the cultural, economic and political structure of the church and how this influenced the building's design. It is this trend of putting old buildings to new uses which presents an array of different forms of architecture and design within modern day Rome. This book is both an introduction to the spolia churches of medieval Rome, and a guide to eleven selected churches."--Provided by the publisher.

Greater medieval houses of England and Wales, 1300-1500.
ISBN: 052158132X 052149723X 0521581311 1316084930 0511540345 9786612155581 051154068X 0511538049 0511581319 128215558X 0511538871 0511539711 9780521497237 9780521581325 9780521581318 9780511540684 9781316084939 9780511581311 6612155582 9780511538872 9780511540349 9780511538049 9780511539718 Year: 2006 Volume: 3 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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This is the third volume of Anthony Emery's magisterial survey, Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300-1500, first published in 2006. Across the three volumes Emery has examined afresh and re-assessed over 750 houses, the first comprehensive review of the subject for 150 years. Covered are the full range of leading homes, from royal and episcopal palaces to manor houses, as well as community buildings such as academic colleges, monastic granges and secular colleges of canons. This volume surveys Southern England and is divided into three regions, each of which includes a separate historical and architectural introduction as well as thematic essays prompted by key buildings. The text is complemented throughout by a wide range of plans and diagrams and a wealth of photographs showing the present condition of almost every house discussed. This is an essential source for anyone interested in the history, architecture and culture of medieval England and Wales.

Organiser l’espace sacré au Moyen Âge : Topographie, architecture et liturgie (Rhône-Alpes - Auvergne)
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2356681949 2356680519 Year: 2018 Publisher: Lyon : Alpara,

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Percevoir ce qu’était l’espace sacré au Moyen Âge est à la fois simple et complexe, car si la société médiévale est profondément christianisée, il n’en demeure pas moins que déterminer l’espace sacré dans sa dimension spatiale n’est guère aisé. Le lieu sacré est lié à la pratique du culte qui se traduit par des rites et des choix liturgiques. La dimension ecclésiale et collective implique un partage physique et spirituel de cet espace entre d’une part les fidèles, les clercs et les moines et d’autre part les vivants et les morts. Cette partition génère une organisation spatiale perceptible à travers les études architecturales, les aménagements liturgiques et les circulations, mais aussi grâce à la diversité ou la permanence des programmes iconographiques. Le terme d’espace ecclésial ne se rapportant pas uniquement à l’église, il a été jugé nécessaire de s’intéresser également aux lieux qui lui sont associés, comme le cloître et le cimetière. C’est ainsi qu’à travers un grand nombre d’exemples puisés dans les régions Rhône-Alpes et Auvergne, des archéologues, historiens de l’art et liturgistes, issus des diverses institutions de recherche françaises et réunis en « Action collective de recherche », offrent ici une approche croisée de l’espace sacré depuis l’Antiquité tardive jusqu’au xve siècle. L’ouvrage s’appuie sur des études régionales dont plusieurs sont inédites.

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