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Ordination et ministères
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 8886655088 9788886655088 Year: 1996 Volume: 85 Publisher: Roma CLV - Ed. Liturgiche

The trinitarian foundation of human sexuality as revealed by Christ according to Hans Urs von Balthasar : the revelatory significance of the male Christ and the male ministerial priesthood.
ISBN: 8876528598 9788876528590 Year: 2000 Volume: 63 Publisher: Roma Pontificia Università Gregoriana

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The present study is an attempt to understand the teaching of the Magisterium reserving priestly ordination to men by an exposition and analysis of the revelatory significance of the incarnation of Christ as male, and the relation of his maleness ro priestly ordination according to the theology of von Balthasar. [publisher's description]

Das Priestertum bei Sacharja : historische und traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur frühnachexilischen Herrschererwartung
ISBN: 3161476670 9783161476679 Year: 2003 Volume: 35 Publisher: Tübingen Mohr Siebeck

Priestertum und Diakonat : Der Empfänger des Weihesakramentes in schöpfungstheologischer und christologischer Sicht
ISBN: 389411360X Year: 2000 Publisher: Freiburg Johannes

Origène : théologie sacrificielle du sacerdoce des chrétiens
ISBN: 2701013313 2701017165 9782701013312 Year: 1996 Volume: 102 Publisher: Paris Beauchesne

Opferkult und Priestertum in Alt-Israel : ein kultur- und religionswissenschaftlicher Beitrag
ISBN: 3110176696 3110897032 9783110176698 Year: 2003 Volume: 327 Publisher: Berlin New York Walter de Gruyter

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Die Arbeit untersucht den altisraelitischen Opferkult und die Priestergenealogien der hebräischen Bibel aus religionsgeschichtlicher und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Im ersten Teil wird die kollektive Biographie der aharonidischen Hohenpriesterschaft über Genealogien-Analysen erschlossen. Der Beginn ihres Hohenpriesteramts kann in das 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. datiert werden. Eine mehrdimensionale Annäherung an das Levitentum läßt sich nachweisen. Im zweiten Teil werden Opferriten (Ex 12 und Lev 1-7) analysiert und kulturwissenschaftlich als Kommunikationsmedien ausgewiesen. Die Aussagen und Botschaften der Pesach- und anderer Riten werden im einzelnen rekonstruiert. Eine Verfasserhypothese auf Grundlage kulturanthropologischer Ergebnisse schließt die Arbeit ab, die insgesamt Religions- und Machtpolitik (z.B. Entwicklungen zum Monotheismus und zur Theokratie) im nachexilischen Israel neu bewertet. The study examines the ancient Israelite sacrificial cult and the priestly genealogies of the Hebrew Bible from a cultural and historical religious perspective. The first section accesses the collective biography of the Zadokite-Aaronite lineages through genealogical analysis. The beginnings of their office as High Priests can be dated back to the 4th century BC. A multidimensional approach to the Levites can be demonstrated. The second section analyses the sacrificial rites (Ex 12 and Lev 1-7) and shows them to be cultural communication media. The statements and messages of Pesach and other rites are presented. An authorship hypothesis on the basis of cultural anthropological findings concludes this study which proposes a revaluation of the development of the priesthood in the era of the Second Temple.

Kapan poród ludu kapanskiego : praca zbiorowa pod redakcja Waleriana Somki .
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8385291490 9788385291497 Year: 1993 Volume: 101 14 Publisher: Lublin Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego

Royal messianism and the Jerusalem priesthood in the Gospel of Mark
ISBN: 9780567685759 0567685756 9780567685766 9780567685780 Year: 2019 Volume: 607 Publisher: London Bloomsbury T&T Clark

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Bernardo K. Cho investigates how Jewish messianism from the mid-second century BCE to the late first-century CE envisaged the proper relation between the Israelite king and the Jerusalem priests in the ideal future, and then proceeds to describe how the Gospel of Mark addresses this issue in depicting Jesus. Cho responds to claims that the Markan Jesus regards the kingdom of God as fundamentally opposed to the ancient Levitical system, and argues that, just as with most of its related Jewish literature, the earliest Gospel assumes the expectation that the royal messiah would bring the Jerusalem institution to its eschatological climax. But Mark also depicts Jesus's stance towards the priests in terms of a call to allegiance and warning of judgement. Cho concludes that the Markan Jesus anticipates the destruction of the Jerusalem temple because the priests have rejected Israel's end-time ruler and thus placed themselves outside the messianic kingdom. -- ‡c From publisher's description.

A perfect priest : studies in the Letter to the Hebrews
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3161542894 9783161542893 9783161563638 Year: 2018 Volume: 477 Publisher: Tübingen, Germany Mohr Siebeck

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"Albert Vanhoye is one of the most significant French biblical scholars of recent times. This volume presents, for the first time in English translation, sixteen of his essays on the Letter to the Hebrews, with an emphasis on the key themes of priesthood and sacrifice."-- Back cover.

The Mormon Church and blacks
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780252097843 025209784X 9780252039744 0252039742 9780252081217 0252081218 Year: 2015 Publisher: Urbana

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