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Autonomie et design : La réalisation de la communalité
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Toulouse : EuroPhilosophie Éditions,

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La crise que nous traversons aujourd'hui n'est pas uniquement la crise d'un modèle économique, pas plus qu'elle ne peut être attribuée à l'humanité dans sa totalité. Elle est bien plutôt la crise du modèle de civilisation imposé par la modernité/colonialité/capitaliste/patriarcale occidentale. C'est ce constat effectué par des activistes amérindiens, afrodescendants et paysans, et de plus en plus explicitement élaboré par la pensée critique du continent, que le livre d'Arturo Escobar prend comme point de départ afin de proposer des alternatives à un mode de vie qui s'est révélé non soutenable et intrinsèquement meurtrier. Grâce à un riche dialogue entre les senti-pensées des communautés amérindiennes et des afrodescendants d'une part, et les théories appartenant à des disciplines hétérogènes telles que la philosophie, l'écologie politique, la théorie féministe et la biologie d'autre part, A. Escobar examine dans ce livre les potentialités du design pour la transition vers des modes de vie basés sur l'interdépendance radicale entre tous les êtres (humains et non humains), la réciprocité et l'autonomie des peuples. Pour ce faire, l'auteur adopte un double point de départ : premièrement, le postulat théorique selon lequel le design est ontologique, puisque chaque objet ou service qu'il crée produit des façons particulières d'être et de faire ; deuxièmement, l'observation de l'ubiquité du design dans nos sociétés modernes. Compte tenu des origines capitalistes, fonctionnalistes et rationalistes du design, pourrait-il être réorienté pour fonctionner non pas en faveur de l'accumulation de capital qui nécessite l'infériorisation de l'Autre, mais la reconstitution et la guérison du tissu de la vie ? Dans quelles conditions le design peut-il contribuer à la transition vers de nouveaux modes de vie où les êtres humains se sentent appartenir à la Terre et comprennent, comme dans la philosophie Ubuntu, que "je suis parce que nous sommes"?.



Decolonising the Human : Reflections from Africa on difference and oppression
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Johannesburg : Wits University Press,

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The 'human' emerges as a deeply political category, historically constructed as a scarce existential resource. Once weaponised, it allows for the social, political and economic elevation of those who are centred within its magic circle, and the degradation, marginalisation and immiseration of those excluded as the different and inferior Other, the less than human.Speaking from Africa, a key site where the category of the human has been used throughout European modernity to control, exclude and deny equality of being, the contributors use decoloniality as a potent theoretical and philosophical tool, gesturing towards a liberated, pluriversal world where human difference will be recognised as a gift, not used to police the boundaries of the human. Here is a transdisciplinary critical exploration of a wide range of subjects, including history, politics, philosophy, sociology, anthropology and decolonial studies.



(u)Mzantsi Classics : Dialogues in Decolonisation from Southern Africa
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liverpool : African Minds,

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Though Graeco-Roman antiquity ('classics') has often been considered the handmaid of colonialism, its various forms have nonetheless endured through many of the continent's decolonising transitions. Southern Africa is no exception. This book canvasses the variety of forms classics has taken in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and especially South Africa, and even the dynamics of transformation itself. How does (u)Mzantsi classics (of southern Africa) look in an era of profound change, whether violent or otherwise? What are its future prospects? Contributors focus on pedagogies, historical consciousness, the creative arts and popular culture. The volume, in its overall shape, responds to the idea of dialogue - in both the Greek form associated with Plato's rendition of Socrates' wisdom and in the African concept of ubuntu. Here are dialogues between scholars, both emerging and established, as well as students - some of whom were directly impacted by the Fallist protests of the late 20-teens. Rather than offering an apologia for classics, these dialogues engage with pressing questions of relevance, identity, change, the canon, and the dynamics of decolonisation and potential recolonisation. The goal is to interrogate classics - the ways it has been taught, studied, perceived, transformed and even lived - from many points of view.



Decolonization of French India
Authors: ---
Year: 1997 Publisher: Pondichéry : Institut Français de Pondichéry,

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The central theme of the book has been woven round the five French settlements in India with Pondicherry as their headquarters which France intended to retain even after Britain had quitted on 15 August 1947. France had neglected her Indian settlements over the years and finding a profound change in the attitude of her people after 1947, she tried to mollify them by introducing certain doses of administrative reforms which were unacceptable to them. Inspired by the events of the neighbouring subcontinent, they expressed their desire to identify themselves with their brethren across the border and demanded the merger of the settlements with Indian Union which was, quite naturally, rejected by France. The rejection was followed by the launching of liberation movement. Repressive measures unleashed by Pondicherry government proved ineffective. Along with this there was a strong diplomatic pressure exerted by New Delhi on Paris for withdrawing from the five pockets. France dithered and delayed the solution which further exasperated the people. Events in North Africa and Indo-China were also going against her. The stalemate continued for seven years until Pierre Mendès France came to power. Meanwhile Chandemagore was transferred to India by referendum. However, diplomatic parleys started at the initiative of the French Prime Minister broke the thaw and facilitated the path for peaceful merger of the four south Indian settlements with India. Thanks to the diplomatic efforts and the spirit of conciliation manifested by the two governments, the problem of the French Indian settlements was amicably resolved thereby opening an era of cordiality between the two countries. Le thème central de ce livre se développe autour du destin des cinq comptoirs français de l'Inde (dont le chef-lieu, Pondichéry) que la France entendait conserver, y compris après le départ des Britanniques le 15 août 1947. La métropole avait négligé ces territoires pendant des années et lorsqu'elle prit conscience du changement profond qui s'était opéré dans l'attitude de leurs habitants, elle tenta de les satisfaire par un certain nombre de réformes qu'ils jugèrent irrecevables. S'inspirant de ce qui s'était passé dans le reste du sous-continent, les sujets de l'Inde Française exprimèrent le désir de s'identifier à leurs frères vivant de l'autre côté des limites territoriales et demandèrent le transfert des comptoirs à l'Union indienne, ce que la France ne pouvait accepter. Ce refus fut alors suivi d'un vaste mouvement de protestation que les mesures répressives des autorités de Pondichéry ne purent enrayer. New Delhi, en même temps, exerçait sur Paris une forte pression diplomatique pour que la France se retirât de ses cinq enclaves, mais les négociations traînèrent, ce qui exaspéra encore plus la population locale. A cela, il faut ajouter les événements d'Indochine et d'Afrique qui jouaient contre la puissance coloniale. Cette situation sans issue dura sept ans jusqu'à l'arrivée au pouvoir à Paris de Pierre Mendès France. Entre-temps, il est vrai, Chandernagor avait été rattaché à l'Inde à la suite d'un référendum. Les initiatives diplomatiques du Premier Ministre français permirent de sortir de l'impasse et de rendre possible le transfert paisible des quatre établissements du Sud à l'Inde. Ainsi, grâce aux efforts diplomatiques et à l'esprit de conciliation des deux gouvernements, le problème des territoires français de l'Inde fut résolu à l'amiable, ouvrant une ère de cordialité entre les deux pays.



Decolonising the Human : Reflections from Africa on difference and oppression
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Johannesburg : Wits University Press,

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The 'human' emerges as a deeply political category, historically constructed as a scarce existential resource. Once weaponised, it allows for the social, political and economic elevation of those who are centred within its magic circle, and the degradation, marginalisation and immiseration of those excluded as the different and inferior Other, the less than human.Speaking from Africa, a key site where the category of the human has been used throughout European modernity to control, exclude and deny equality of being, the contributors use decoloniality as a potent theoretical and philosophical tool, gesturing towards a liberated, pluriversal world where human difference will be recognised as a gift, not used to police the boundaries of the human. Here is a transdisciplinary critical exploration of a wide range of subjects, including history, politics, philosophy, sociology, anthropology and decolonial studies.



THE PROCESS OF DECOLONISATION 1945-1975 : The military Experience in Comparative Perspective
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9070937166 Year: 1987 Publisher: Rotterdam CASP

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Decolonising the Mediterranean : European colonial heritages in North Africa and the Middle East
ISBN: 1443874876 9781443874878 9781443800709 1443800708 Year: 2016 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,

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Decolonising the Human : Reflections from Africa on difference and oppression
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Johannesburg : Wits University Press,

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Fachkräfte für die Entwicklung : Fortbildungskooperationen zwischen Ghana und den beiden deutschen Staaten, 1956-1976
Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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Mit der Dekolonisation nahm die Bildungsmigration aus Afrika in den Globalen Norden schlagartig zu. Internationale Stipendienprogramme gewannen im Kontext des Kalten Krieges an Bedeutung. Aber auch für die Entwicklungspläne postkolonialer Staaten stellten sie ein wichtiges Instrument dar. Am Beispiel der berufspraktischen Bildungskooperation zwischen Ghana und den beiden deutschen Staaten zeigt Jana Otto auf der Grundlage ghanaischer und deutscher Quellen, welche Ziele alle drei Staaten dabei verfolgten und wie sich Konzepte, Herangehensweisen und Machtverhältnisse im Laufe der Zeit wandelten. Sie zeichnet nach, welche Interessen die ghanaischen Fachkräfte mit ihrer Teilnahme an den Fortbildungsprogrammen verbanden und welche Handlungsspielräume sie besaßen. Die transnationale Verflechtungsgeschichte erschließt nicht nur das bislang vernachlässigte Feld der berufspraktischen Bildungskooperation, sondern bereichert auch die ghanaische Zeitgeschichtsschreibung um neue Einsichten.



The West New Guinea Debacle : Dutch Decolonisation and Indonesia, 1945-1962
ISBN: 9789004487239 9789067181938 Year: 2002 Publisher: Leiden; Boston : BRILL

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This is a history which deals with the end of the Dutch colonial rule, the early independent Indonesia, the West New Guinea question, and the emergence of Papuan nationalism. The book chiefly concentrates on Dutch policies ands perspectives, which have so far generally been ignored in existing English language publications. Netherlands-Indonesian relations between 1950 and 1958 are treated in depth, with a description and analysis of the struggle for power between the early, more Western-attuned and economic-rationalist cabinets, on the support of which the fate of the vast Netherlands-controlled export economy was dependent, and the masses, driven by Sukarno and the populist parties. West New Guinea and Papua nationalism began as early as the 1920s and 1930s, and by the early 1950s the Dutch had set about guiding the Papuans towards independence. This policy had to be aborted, however, with the threat of an Indonesian invasion and the unwillingness of the US to provide armed support to Dutch forces. As a result, Australia, too, was reluctantly forced to abandon the Dutch. Australia was forced to accept the inevitable. It had actively encouraged the Netherlands to hold onto West New Guinea, completed agreements on economic and social cooperation, and conducted in-depth studies about a possible Australia-Dutch defence system against Indonesian aggression. Without US military support, however, the situation became untenable. This book will be required for those seeking to understand the genesis of the situation in West New Guinea today, where Papuan nationalism is again in the ascendant following the recent dramatic events leading to the independence of East Timor. Co-published with Crawford House Publishing.



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