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Navigating Socialist Encounters : Moorings and (Dis)Entanglements between Africa and East Germany during the Cold War

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This edited volume examines entanglements and disentanglements between Africa and East Germany during and after the Cold War from a global history perspective. Extending the view beyond political elites, it asks for the negotiated and plural character of socialism in these encounters and sheds light on migration, media, development, and solidarity through personal and institutional agency. With its distinctive focus on moorings and unmoorings, the volume shows how the encounters, albeit often brief, significantly influenced both African and East German histories. This edited volume firmly places African history into global history by highlighting connections between African and East German actors and institutions during the Cold War. With a special focus on negotiations and African influences on East Germany (and vice versa), the volume sheds light on personal and institutional agency, cultural cross-fertilization, migration, development, and solidarity.

Lysias 21
ISBN: 9783110354331 3110354330 3110362260 3110391112 9783110362275 3110362279 9783110362268 9783110391114 Year: 2014 Volume: 28 Publisher: Berlin De Gruyter

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Lysias' 21st speech "On a charge of taking bribes" is an important example of Attic oratory that sheds significant light on Classical history and society. Delivered after the restoration of democracy in 402 B.C.E., this speech provides information that is critical for our understanding of the relationship between the Athenian demos and aristocrats, Athenian civic institutions (e.g., taxation, liturgies and conscription), religious beliefs, moral values, political behavior, and, in particular, of the legal and rhetorical treatment of embezzlement and bribery. It also supplies unique information about the military engagement of the Athenians at Aegospotami and the role of Alcibiades in the political life of Athens. Despite its importance, however, Lysias' speech has never been the subject of an extensive study in its own right. This volume seeks to fill that gap by presenting the first systematic commentary on this speech. The author puts much emphasis on its structure, strategy, and argumentation, focusing especially on the tension between the actual practices of the anonymous client of the logographer and civic ideals invoked in the present case. The book is intended to be of interest to classicists, ancient historians and political theorists, but also to the general reader.

Fahrenheit 4.0 : essai sur la disparition du livre
ISBN: 9782343096087 2343096082 Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : L'Harmattan,

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Fahrenheit 4.0 caractérise la fusion du monde virtuel et du monde réel. C?est également la ± température à laquelle le livre papier disparaît au profi t du tout-numérique. À partir du temps de lecture d?un livre sur une liseuse, les algorithmes prédisent la rentrée littéraire. Les entreprises de commerce électronique envoient désormais des livres avant même que nous les ayons commandés. Seule une politique de terre brûlée peut tuer dans l?œuf cette révolution. Aussi, je décide symboliquement de brûler les livres de ma bibliothèque, tous ces livres de ± référence qui bombent dans leur reliure. Mais comme chacun sait, au jour des Cendres débute le Carême, pé- riode de quarante jours qui se termine par la Passion et la Résurrection. Ce jour est marqué par une célébration au cours de laquelle je décide de chanter les louanges de la lecture sous toutes ses formes. C?est l?objet de ce livre. Rien de plus normal : au commencement était le Verbe ! ± Qu?est-ce qui justifi e cet optimisme béat de tous ces lettrés versificateurs ? Sans doute l?interdiction de l?euthanasie poétique encourage l?acharnement thérapeutique. Conclusion, il faut cesser d?alimenter Houellebecq. Mais il est sans doute déjà trop tard, d?Ormesson est entré dans la Pléiade, et Beckett n?y est pas encore. ± Un homme sur cinq fait semblant de lire en public pour attirer l?attention et un quart des hommes posent volontairement de façon visible le livre dont ils ont parlé pour attirer leurs conquêtes dans leur lit. [?] À l?inverse, l?arrière d?un Kindle n?a vraiment rien de sexy ! Je vous conseille sans fausse pudeur la chronique familiale Ada ou l?ardeur de Nabokov, dans une version plus charnelle, en papier. ± J?ai fait mes humanités en couchant avec la marquise de Merteuil et en fantasmant sur Ada de Nabokov. Animateur d'une rubrique littéraire au Finyear magazine, l'auteur propose ici un essai mêlant considérations littéraires, analyse de la chaîne du livre, constat du remplacement progressif du livre papier par le livre numérique et louanges de la lecture. ©Electre 2016

Approches critiques de la mythologie chinoise
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9791036504396 2760625176 276062076X Year: 2007 Publisher: Montréal [Que.] : Presses de l'Université de Montréal,

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Si les mythes de la Chine ancienne sont encore aujourd'hui mal connus, c'est sans doute parce que les grandes écoles de pensée comme le confucianisme les tenaient en suspicion. Le Maître n'évoquait pas volontiers les légendes et les esprits, sinon pour dire qu'il fallait les garder à distance. En fait, contrairement au monde gréco-romain, la Chine n'a pas reconnu comme tels ses propres mythes, même dans les textes qui en font amplement usage. À tel point qu'on a pu se demander s'il avait existé une mythologie chinoise au sens où on l'entend généralement en Occident. Les récits qui sont parvenus jusqu'à nous sont dispersés dans des ouvrages appartenant à des domaines très différents, et qui ne permettent pas d'en découvrir facilement l'origine ou la signification. Les textes réunis dans cet ouvrage unique viennent jeter un éclairage nouveau sur les rapports de quelques grands mythes anciens avec l'histoire et la philosophie chinoises.

Four anti-Pelagian writings
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0813211867 9780813211862 0813200865 9780813200866 0813213061 9780813213064 Year: 1992 Publisher: Washington, D.C. Catholic University of America Press

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"This volume brings together writings from early and late stages of Augustine's involvement in the Pelagian controversy. On Nature and Grace and on the Proceedings of Pelagius both date from A.D. 415-16 and constitute two of Augustine's most extensive treatments of the actual words of Pelagius. On the Predestination of the Saints and On the Gift of Perseverance were written in A.D. 428, near the end of Augustine's life. Augustine's opponents in his writings, he admits, are not really Pelagians at all. They were monks of Provence, led by John Cassian, who were disturbed by the more extreme consequences of the theology of grace and predestination that Augustine had worked out in his controversy with the Pelagians. Since the sixteenth century, they have been labeled "semi-Pelagians."" "Taken together, these writings provide an occasion to examine the continuity and development of Augustine's theology of grace. They also afford much insight into the fifth-century status of many theological questions that are alive today, such as the extent of the damage done to human nature by sin, the theology of original sin, the effects of baptism, and the true meaning and scope of God's salvific will." "These treatises include some of Augustine's most significant statements on grace. Intended for scholars and students of theology and philosophy, this edition includes three treatises translated for the first time since the nineteenth century, two of which are the first from modern critical texts. William Collinge's trenchant introductions offer detailed accounts of the historical and critical work done over the hundred years since the last publication."--Jacket.

A career as a social worker
ISBN: 1417597313 9781417597314 Year: 2005 Publisher: Chicago : Institute for Career Research,

Human sacrifice and the supernatural in African history
ISBN: 9870827047 9789870827047 9789987082421 Year: 2013 Publisher: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania : Mkuki na Nyota Publishers,

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Since time immemorial, human beings the world over have sought answers to the vexing questions of their origins, sickness, death and after death; the meaning of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, eclipses of the sun and moon, birth of twins etc. and how to protect themselves from such mysterious events. They invented God and gods and the occult sciences (witch craft, divination and soothsaying) in order to seek the protection of supernatural powers while individuals used them to gain power to dominate others and to accumulate wealth. Human sacrifice was one way in which they sought to expiate the gods for what they believed were punishments for their transgressions. One example, the Ghana Asante Kingdom's very origins are associated with human sacrifice. On the eve of war against Denkyira, individuals volunteered themselves to be sacrificed in order to guarantee victory. Later, human sacrifice in Asante was mainly politically motivated as kings and religious leaders offered human sacrifice in remembrance of their ancestral spirits and to seek their protection against their enemies. The Asante Kingdom is one of several examples included in this study of human sacrifice and ritual killing on the African continent. Case studies include practices in Sierra Leone, Tanzania (Mainland), Zanzibar, Uganda and Swaziland. Advertisements relating to the occult was a common feature of Drum magazine, the popular South African magazine in Southern, Eastern and Central Africa in late years of colonial and early years of postcolonial periods, indicating a wide belief in these practices among the people in these countries? Each case examined is introduced by an expose of folklore that puts in perspective beliefs in the supernatural and how folklore continues to perpetuate them. Through careful study of these select cases, this book highlights general features of human sacrifice which recur with striking uniformity in all parts of sub Saharan Africa, and why they persist until today. He draws upon extensive written sources to expose these practices in other cultures including those in Western societies.

The complete guide to writing & publishing your first e-book : insider secrets you need to know to become a successful author
ISBN: 1601388667 9781601388667 9781601386083 1601386087 Year: 2015 Publisher: Ocala : Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc.,

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Learn the differences between traditional and digital publishing and the details of the best-selling e-readers. You will employ the basics of analyzing your audience, brainstorming, writing, editing, and marketing - according to the type of e-reader. You will learn the process of getting your book published, how to change or alter the format or style of your book to match the necessities of the e-reader, and how to optimize the format of any text for e-reading.

Slow boat to China and other stories
Authors: ---
ISBN: 023154099X 9780231540995 0231168128 9780231168120 9780231168120 Year: 2016 Publisher: New York Columbia University Press

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"Dream and Swine and Aurora," "Deep in the Rubber Forest," "Fish Bones," "Allah's Will," "Monkey Butts, Fire, and Dangerous Things"-Ng Kim Chew's stories are raw, rural, and rich with the traditions of his native Malaysia. They are also full of humor and spirit, demonstrating a deep appreciation for human ingenuity in the face of poverty, oppression, and exile. Ng creatively captures the riot of cultures that roughly coexist on the Malay Peninsula and its surrounding archipelago. Their interplay is heightened by the encroaching forces of globalization, which bring new opportunities for cultural experimentation, but also an added dimension of alienation. In prose that is intimate and atmospheric, these sensitively crafted, resonant stories depict the struggles of individuals torn between their ancestral and adoptive homes, communities pressured by violence, and minority Malaysian Chinese in dynamic tension with the Islamic Malay majority. Told through relatable characters, Ng's tales show why he has become a leading Malaysian writer of Chinese fiction, representing in mood, voice, and rhythm the dislocation of a people and a country in transition.

The Maltese Archipelago at the dawn of history : reassessment of the 1909 and 1959, excavations at Qlejgha tal-Bahrija and other essays
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781789694949 1789694949 9781789694932 1789694930 Year: 2020 Publisher: Oxford : Archaeopress Publishing Ltd,

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