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EG-Vertrag : Kommentar zu dem Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft.
ISBN: 3406364594 Year: 1993 Publisher: München Beck

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European Economic Community. --- Europe --- Economic integration. --- Intégration économique --- 341.17 EC --- European Union. --- AA / International- internationaal --- 334.154.0 --- 334.150.0 --- B - Codes --- -341.2422 --- Uc1 --- Europese Gemeenschappen--EC --- Gemeenschapsrecht. Integratie van de wetgeving: algemeenheden. --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden. --- Economic integration --- Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community --- EC Treaty --- EEC Treaty --- EØFT --- Euroopan Talousyhteisön perustamissopimus --- Rome Treaty --- Romfördraget --- Rooman sopimus --- Synthēkē EOK --- Synthēkē tēs EOK --- Synthēkē tēs Rōmēs --- SynthEOK --- TFEU --- Traité de Rome --- Traité instituant la CEE --- Traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne --- Traktat om oprettelse af det Europæiske økonomiske fælleskab --- Tratado de Roma --- Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeia --- Trattato istitutivo della Comunità economica europea --- Treaty Establishing the European Community --- Treaty of Rome --- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union --- 341.17 EC Europese Gemeenschappen--EC --- Intégration économique --- 341.2422 --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden --- Gemeenschapsrecht. Integratie van de wetgeving: algemeenheden --- CEE --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- EEC (European Economic Community)

Les traités de Rome, Maastricht et Amsterdam : le traité sur l'Union européenne et le traité instituant la Communauté européenne modifiés par le traité d'Amsterdam : textes comparés
ISBN: 2110039973 9782110039972 Year: 1998 Publisher: Paris La Documentation française

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European Economic Community --- European Union --- Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community --- Treaty on European Union --- Politique économique --- Economic policies --- Politique sociale --- Social policies --- Participation sociale --- Social participation --- droit communautaire --- ce --- ume --- traités internationaux --- 341.2422 --- Ua1 --- gemeenschapsrecht --- eg --- emu --- internationale verdragen --- Treaty of Rome (1957) --- Fördrag om Europeiska unionen --- Maastricht-traktaten --- Maastricht Treaty --- Maastricht Treaty on European Union --- Maastrichtin sopimus --- Perjanjian Maastricht --- Sopimus Euroopan Unionista --- Synthēkē tou Maastricht --- TEU --- Traité de Maastricht --- Traktat o Unii Europejskiej --- Traktat on den Europæiske Union --- Tratado da União Europeia --- Tratado de la Union Europea --- Tratado de Maastricht --- Trattato di Maastricht sull'Unione Europea --- Treaty of Maastricht --- Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie --- Vertrag über die Europäische Union --- Vertrag von Maastricht --- EC Treaty --- EEC Treaty --- EØFT --- Euroopan Talousyhteisön perustamissopimus --- Rome Treaty --- Romfördraget --- Rooman sopimus --- Synthēkē EOK --- Synthēkē tēs EOK --- Synthēkē tēs Rōmēs --- SynthEOK --- TFEU --- Traité de Rome --- Traité instituant la CEE --- Traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne --- Traktat om oprettelse af det Europæiske økonomiske fælleskab --- Tratado de Roma --- Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeia --- Trattato istitutivo della Comunità economica europea --- Treaty Establishing the European Community --- Treaty of Rome --- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union --- European Union. --- E.U. --- Amsterdam Treaty --- Amsterdamfördraget --- Amsterdamin sopimus --- Amsterdamo sutartis --- Amszterdami Szerződés --- Traité d'Amsterdam --- Tratado de Amesterdão --- Tratado de Amsterdam --- Tratado de Amsterdão --- Trattato di Amsterdam --- Treaty of Amsterdam --- Verdrag van Amsterdam --- Vertrag von Amsterdam --- Rome [Treaty of ], 1957 --- Sources --- Maastricht [Treaty of ], 1992 --- Treaty of European Union (1992). Protocols, etc., 1997 Oct. 2 --- European communities --- Law and legislation

The Rome, Maastricht and Amsterdam treaties : comparative texts.
ISBN: 2930066539 Year: 1999 Publisher: Genval Euroconfidentiel

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European Economic Community --- European Union --- Accord commercial --- Trade agreements --- Accord international --- International agreements --- Acier --- Steel --- Charbon --- Coal --- Énergie nucléaire --- nuclear energy --- Droit --- law --- Coopération --- Cooperation --- Économie --- economics --- health --- environment --- Technologie --- technology --- Éducation --- education --- Administration --- administration --- Communautés européennes Europese Gemeenschap --- Droit international Internationaal recht --- Europe Europa --- Textes de lois Wetteksten --- Union européenne Europese Unie --- traites internationaux --- union europeenne --- ce --- AA / International- internationaal --- 341.242 --- 334.150.0 --- T02 Traités UE - EU-verdragen --- internationale verdragen --- europese unie --- eg --- Handelsakkoorden. Douaneovereenkomsten. Economische gemeenschappen. --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden. --- European federation. --- European federation --- Federation of Europe --- Pan Europa movement --- Paneuropean federation --- United States of Europe (Proposed) --- Federal government --- Regionalism (International organization) --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden --- Handelsakkoorden. Douaneovereenkomsten. Economische gemeenschappen --- European Union. --- E.U. --- Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community --- Treaty on European Union --- Amsterdam Treaty --- Amsterdamfördraget --- Amsterdamin sopimus --- Amsterdamo sutartis --- Amszterdami Szerződés --- Traité d'Amsterdam --- Tratado de Amesterdão --- Tratado de Amsterdam --- Tratado de Amsterdão --- Trattato di Amsterdam --- Treaty of Amsterdam --- Verdrag van Amsterdam --- Vertrag von Amsterdam --- Fördrag om Europeiska unionen --- Maastricht-traktaten --- Maastricht Treaty --- Maastricht Treaty on European Union --- Maastrichtin sopimus --- Perjanjian Maastricht --- Sopimus Euroopan Unionista --- Synthēkē tou Maastricht --- TEU --- Traité de Maastricht --- Traktat o Unii Europejskiej --- Traktat on den Europæiske Union --- Tratado da União Europeia --- Tratado de la Union Europea --- Tratado de Maastricht --- Trattato di Maastricht sull'Unione Europea --- Treaty of Maastricht --- Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie --- Vertrag über die Europäische Union --- Vertrag von Maastricht --- EC Treaty --- EEC Treaty --- EØFT --- Euroopan Talousyhteisön perustamissopimus --- Rome Treaty --- Romfördraget --- Rooman sopimus --- Synthēkē EOK --- Synthēkē tēs EOK --- Synthēkē tēs Rōmēs --- SynthEOK --- TFEU --- Traité de Rome --- Traité instituant la CEE --- Traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne --- Traktat om oprettelse af det Europæiske økonomiske fælleskab --- Tratado de Roma --- Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeia --- Trattato istitutivo della Comunità economica europea --- Treaty Establishing the European Community --- Treaty of Rome --- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union --- Europe --- Economic integration. --- Cooperation. --- education. --- administration. --- Justice

Versions consolidées du traité sur l'Union européenne et du traité instituant la communauté européenne
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9282431916 9789282431917 Year: 2007 Publisher: Luxembourg Office des publications

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EUROPEAN UNION --- Treaty of Athens --- Treaty of Nice --- Treaty of Rome --- EC Treaty --- EEC Treaty --- EØFT --- Euroopan Talousyhteisön perustamissopimus --- Rome Treaty --- Romfördraget --- Rooman sopimus --- Synthēkē EOK --- Synthēkē tēs EOK --- Synthēkē tēs Rōmēs --- SynthEOK --- TFEU --- Traité de Rome --- Traité instituant la CEE --- Traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne --- Traktat om oprettelse af det Europæiske økonomiske fælleskab --- Tratado de Roma --- Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeia --- Trattato istitutivo della Comunità economica europea --- Treaty Establishing the European Community --- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union --- P4 --- 337.9 (4) --- European federation --- 334.150.0 --- 341.242 --- AA / International- internationaal --- T02 Traités UE - EU-verdragen --- Treaty of Amsterdam --- Treaty on European Union --- 341.2422 --- Ua1 --- Federation of Europe --- Pan Europa movement --- Paneuropean federation --- United States of Europe (Proposed) --- Federal government --- Regionalism (International organization) --- Europa --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap - EEG (zie ook 341.176 (4), etc.) (zie 337.9 EU) --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden. --- Handelsakkoorden. Douaneovereenkomsten. Economische gemeenschappen. --- European Communities. --- Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community --- Fördrag om Europeiska unionen --- Maastricht-traktaten --- Maastricht Treaty --- Maastricht Treaty on European Union --- Maastrichtin sopimus --- Perjanjian Maastricht --- Sopimus Euroopan Unionista --- Synthēkē tou Maastricht --- TEU --- Traité de Maastricht --- Traktat o Unii Europejskiej --- Traktat on den Europæiske Union --- Tratado da União Europeia --- Tratado de la Union Europea --- Tratado de Maastricht --- Trattato di Maastricht sull'Unione Europea --- Treaty of Maastricht --- Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie --- Vertrag über die Europäische Union --- Vertrag von Maastricht --- Europe --- Economic integration. --- Construction européenne --- European Union --- European Economic Community --- Intégration économique --- European Union. --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden --- Handelsakkoorden. Douaneovereenkomsten. Economische gemeenschappen

The treaty of Amsterdam : text and commentary
ISBN: 0901573655 0901573671 Year: 1997 Publisher: London Federal Trust

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Treaty on European Union --- European Union countries --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Treaties. --- Politics and government. --- Social policy. --- Economic policy. --- Traités --- Politique et gouvernement --- Politique sociale --- Politique économique --- Law --- -334.150.0 --- AA / International- internationaal --- T02 Traités UE - EU-verdragen --- 341.2422 --- Uc1 --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden. --- Treaty of Amsterdam. --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Traités --- Politique économique --- 334.150.0 --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden --- European Economic Community. --- European Union. --- E.U. --- CEE --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community --- Amsterdam Treaty --- Amsterdamfördraget --- Amsterdamin sopimus --- Amsterdamo sutartis --- Amszterdami Szerződés --- Traité d'Amsterdam --- Tratado de Amesterdão --- Tratado de Amsterdam --- Tratado de Amsterdão --- Trattato di Amsterdam --- Treaty of Amsterdam --- Verdrag van Amsterdam --- Vertrag von Amsterdam --- Fördrag om Europeiska unionen --- Maastricht-traktaten --- Maastricht Treaty --- Maastricht Treaty on European Union --- Maastrichtin sopimus --- Perjanjian Maastricht --- Sopimus Euroopan Unionista --- Synthēkē tou Maastricht --- TEU --- Traité de Maastricht --- Traktat o Unii Europejskiej --- Traktat on den Europæiske Union --- Tratado da União Europeia --- Tratado de la Union Europea --- Tratado de Maastricht --- Trattato di Maastricht sull'Unione Europea --- Treaty of Maastricht --- Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie --- Vertrag über die Europäische Union --- Vertrag von Maastricht --- EC Treaty --- EEC Treaty --- EØFT --- Euroopan Talousyhteisön perustamissopimus --- Rome Treaty --- Romfördraget --- Rooman sopimus --- Synthēkē EOK --- Synthēkē tēs EOK --- Synthēkē tēs Rōmēs --- SynthEOK --- TFEU --- Traité de Rome --- Traité instituant la CEE --- Traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne --- Traktat om oprettelse af det Europæiske økonomiske fælleskab --- Tratado de Roma --- Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeia --- Trattato istitutivo della Comunità economica europea --- Treaty Establishing the European Community --- Treaty of Rome --- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union --- Treaty of European Union (1992). Protocols, etc., 1997 Oct. 2 --- Sources --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- EEC (European Economic Community)

Consolidated versions of the treaty on European Union and the treaty establishing the European community.
ISBN: 9282431908 9789282431900 Year: 2006 Publisher: Luxembourg Office for official publications of the European communities

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European federation. --- Construction européenne --- European Union. --- European Economic Community. --- Treaty on European Union --- Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community --- Europe --- Economic integration. --- Intégration économique --- European federation --- BPB0801 --- 334.150.0 --- 341.242 --- AA / International- internationaal --- T02 Traités UE - EU-verdragen --- Treaty of Amsterdam --- Treaty of Athens --- Treaty of Nice --- Treaty of Rome --- 339.92 --- 341.17 EC --- 341.2422 --- Ua1 --- Federation of Europe --- Pan Europa movement --- Paneuropean federation --- United States of Europe (Proposed) --- Federal government --- Regionalism (International organization) --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden. --- Handelsakkoorden. Douaneovereenkomsten. Economische gemeenschappen. --- Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie --- Europese Gemeenschappen--EC --- European Communities. --- Fördrag om Europeiska unionen --- Maastricht-traktaten --- Maastricht Treaty --- Maastricht Treaty on European Union --- Maastrichtin sopimus --- Perjanjian Maastricht --- Sopimus Euroopan Unionista --- Synthēkē tou Maastricht --- TEU --- Traité de Maastricht --- Traktat o Unii Europejskiej --- Traktat on den Europæiske Union --- Tratado da União Europeia --- Tratado de la Union Europea --- Tratado de Maastricht --- Trattato di Maastricht sull'Unione Europea --- Treaty of Maastricht --- Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie --- Vertrag über die Europäische Union --- Vertrag von Maastricht --- EC Treaty --- EEC Treaty --- EØFT --- Euroopan Talousyhteisön perustamissopimus --- Rome Treaty --- Romfördraget --- Rooman sopimus --- Synthēkē EOK --- Synthēkē tēs EOK --- Synthēkē tēs Rōmēs --- SynthEOK --- TFEU --- Traité de Rome --- Traité instituant la CEE --- Traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne --- Traktat om oprettelse af det Europæiske økonomiske fælleskab --- Tratado de Roma --- Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeia --- Trattato istitutivo della Comunità economica europea --- Treaty Establishing the European Community --- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union --- 339.92 Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie --- 341.17 EC Europese Gemeenschappen--EC --- Construction européenne --- Intégration économique --- Law --- Institutionele aspecten EG: algemeenheden --- Handelsakkoorden. Douaneovereenkomsten. Economische gemeenschappen --- E.U. --- CEE --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- EEC (European Economic Community)

The seventh member state : Algeria, France, and the European community
ISBN: 9780674276246 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cambridge : Harvard University Press,

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The surprising story of how Algeria joined and then left the postwar European Economic Community and what its past inclusion means for extracontinental membership in today’s European Union. On their face, the mid-1950s negotiations over European integration were aimed at securing unity in order to prevent violent conflict and boost economies emerging from the disaster of World War II. But French diplomats had other motives, too. From Africa to Southeast Asia, France’s empire was unraveling. France insisted that Algeria—the crown jewel of the empire and home to a nationalist movement then pleading its case to the United Nations—be included in the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community. The French hoped that Algeria’s involvement in the EEC would quell colonial unrest and confirm international agreement that Algeria was indeed French. French authorities harnessed Algeria’s legal status as an official département within the empire to claim that European trade regulations and labor rights should traverse the Mediterranean. Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany conceded in order to move forward with the treaty, and Algeria entered a rights regime that allowed free movement of labor and guaranteed security for the families of migrant workers. Even after independence in 1962, Algeria remained part of the community, although its ongoing inclusion was a matter of debate. Still, Algeria’s membership continued until 1976, when a formal treaty removed it from the European community. The Seventh Member State combats understandings of Europe’s “natural” borders by emphasizing the extracontinental contours of the early union. The unification vision was never spatially limited, suggesting that contemporary arguments for geographic boundaries excluding Turkey and areas of Eastern Europe from the European Union must be seen as ahistorical.


Postcolonialism --- Post-colonialism --- Postcolonial theory --- Political science --- Decolonization --- History. --- E-books --- European Economic Community. --- Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community --- Algeria --- France --- Europe --- History --- Foreign relations --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC (European Economic Community) --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- EC Treaty --- EEC Treaty --- EØFT --- Euroopan Talousyhteisön perustamissopimus --- Rome Treaty --- Romfördraget --- Rooman sopimus --- Synthēkē EOK --- Synthēkē tēs EOK --- Synthēkē tēs Rōmēs --- SynthEOK --- TFEU --- Traité de Rome --- Traité instituant la CEE --- Traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne --- Traktat om oprettelse af det Europæiske økonomiske fælleskab --- Tratado de Roma --- Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeia --- Trattato istitutivo della Comunità economica europea --- Treaty Establishing the European Community --- Treaty of Rome --- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union --- al-Dzāyīr --- al-Jazāʼir --- Algérie --- Algerien --- Algeriet --- Alg'eryah --- Algieria --- Algierska Republika Ludowo-Demokratyczna --- Alg'iryah --- Alzhir --- Alžir --- Argelia --- Cezayir --- Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria --- Democratic Republic of Algeria --- Dżumhurija al-Dżazajrija asz-Szaabija ad-Dimukratija --- Gouvernement général de l'Algérie --- Jumhūrīyah al-Jazāʼirīyah al-Dīmuqrāṭīyah wa-al-Shaʻbīyah --- Jumhūrīyah al Jazāʼirīyah ash Shaʻbīyah --- People's Democratic Republic of Algeria --- République algérienne démocratique et populaire --- אלג'יריה --- الجزائر‎ --- الدزاير --- Алжир --- Algeria (Provisional Government, 1958-1962) --- Council of Europe countries --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Eurasia --- Bro-C'hall --- Fa-kuo --- Fa-lan-hsi --- Faguo --- Falanxi --- Falanxi Gongheguo --- Faransā --- Farānsah --- França --- Francia (Republic) --- Francija --- Francja --- Francland --- Francuska --- Franis --- Franḳraykh --- Frankreich --- Frankrig --- Frankrijk --- Frankrike --- Frankryk --- Fransa --- Fransa Respublikası --- Franse --- Franse Republiek --- Frant︠s︡ --- Frant︠s︡ Uls --- Frant︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- Frantsuzskai︠a︡ Rėspublika --- Frantsyi︠a︡ --- Franza --- French Republic --- Frencisc Cynewīse --- Frenska republika --- Furansu --- Furansu Kyōwakoku --- Gallia --- Gallia (Republic) --- Gallikē Dēmokratia --- Hyãsia --- Parancis --- Peurancih --- Phransiya --- Pransiya --- Pransya --- Prantsusmaa --- Pʻŭrangsŭ --- Ranska --- República Francesa --- Republica Franzesa --- Republika Francuska --- Republiḳah ha-Tsarfatit --- Republikang Pranses --- République française --- Tsarfat --- Tsorfat --- Γαλλική Δημοκρατία --- Γαλλία --- Франц --- Франц Улс --- Французская Рэспубліка --- Францыя --- Франция --- Френска република --- פראנקרייך --- צרפת --- רפובליקה הצרפתית --- فرانسه --- فرنسا --- フランス --- フランス共和国 --- 法国 --- 法蘭西 --- 法蘭西共和國 --- 프랑스 --- France (Provisional government, 1944-1946) --- 30 Glorious Years. --- Abdennour Tamzali. --- Christian Pineau. --- Eugène Guernier. --- European identity. --- European unification. --- Fortress Europe. --- French colonies. --- French overseas departments. --- Jacques Ferrandi. --- Leopold Senghor. --- Maurice Couve de Murville. --- Robert Lemaignen.

The case against joining the common market.
ISBN: 0333126394 9780333126394 Year: 1971 Publisher: London Macmillan

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International economic relations --- European Union --- European Economic Community --- GB / United Kingdom - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Royaume Uni --- 334.153.0 --- 339.92 --- European Union. --- Betrekkingen tussen de Europese Gemeenschappen en de geassocieerde of derde landen: algemeenheden. --- Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie --- European Economic Community. --- 339.92 Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie --- Betrekkingen tussen de Europese Gemeenschappen en de geassocieerde of derde landen: algemeenheden --- CEE --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- EEC (European Economic Community)

Development Co-operation Reviews: European Community 1998
ISBN: 1280030445 9786610030446 9264164073 9264169652 Year: 1999 Volume: 1998, no. 30 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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The European Community (EC) is the world's second largest multilateral channel for development assistance (after the World Bank). Its combined programmes are the fifth-largest among the 22 Members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), and EC programmes have grown an average 3.3 per cent annually over the past five years, while the combined effort of DAC countries declined by 4.7 per cent annually. The Community's allocation of resources to lower income countries has not kept pace, however, with the overall growth of the ODA budget over recent years. EC programmes operate within a complex organisation and management structure, and Brussels faces serious challenges of implementation in adapting its operations to achieve agreed development objectives. There have been important steps in the evolution of the European Commission structures: a Common Service has been created to implement co-operation activities for the four Directorates General. But there is still a need to strengthen the capacity of delegations in the field to work fully with partners in advancing local ownership and co-ordination. The EC has a strong role to play in improving the coherence of policies affecting developing countries. The report analyses this question in fields such as agriculture, trade, fisheries agreements and Community fishing fleet subsidies. Co-ordination with other donors also seems to be improving, which bodes well for better overall partnerships between donors and partner countries. In 1998, the development co-operation policy of the following DAC Member countries will be reviewed: Canada, Finland, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, and the United States.


Economic development projects --- Evaluation. --- European Economic Community --- Economic assistance --- Technical assistance --- Development projects, Economic --- Projects, Economic development --- CEE --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- EEC (European Economic Community)

European business journal
ISSN: 0955808X Publisher: London

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Business --- European Economic Community --- CEE --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunità economica europea --- EEC --- EC --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- EHS --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- EEG --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- EWG --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- EØF --- Koinē Agora --- EOK --- MCE --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- MEC --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- EZZ --- Common Market --- Marché commun --- EĖS --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- AET --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Mercado Comum --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Mercato comune --- EEZ --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- EY --- EIO --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Suq Komuni --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Comunidade Européia --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Unia Europejska --- Koinotēta --- E.G. --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- EF --- Europe --- Council of Europe countries --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Eurasia --- Economic conditions --- Economic relations. Trade --- Business, Economy and Management --- General and Others --- Trade and Commerce

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