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Revista educa UMCH.
ISSN: 26170337 Year: 2016 Publisher: Lima : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat

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Conditions and Practices Associated with Teacher Professional Development and Its Impact on Instruction in TALIS 2013
Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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A key lever for improving teaching is provision of effective professional development. This paper uses TALIS 2013 data to consider personal and school-level factors associated with teacher participation in effective professional development and reports of impact on instruction. Results of the analyses indicate that levels of teacher co-operation and instructionally-focused leadership in schools are associated with higher levels of effective professional development participation and reported instructional impact. Systems also vary significantly on the percentage of teachers in schools with supportive conditions and this is associated with differences in teacher participation in professional development types and reported instructional impact.



Ver, fazer e viver cinema : experiências envolvendo curso de extensão universitária
Year: 2016 Publisher: SciELO Books - Editora UNESP

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Esta obra deriva de um curso de extensão dedicado a refletir sobre cinema e educação e, a partir daí, apresenta a convicção da importância da cultura nos processos educacionais, da linguagem fílmica para a formação docente, da promoção critica do conhecimento, enfim, da valorização de experiências que busquem a construção do diálogo entre o epistemológico, o estético, o político e o ético no campo do ensino. Trata-se de coletânea, composta por nove capítulos, cujos temas em foco se articulem de acordo com o propósito em questão: história do cinema, roteiro cinematográfico, plano cinematográfico, manuseio de câmera, edição de som, edição e imagem, experiências envolvendo mostra de curtas e site, experiência em sala de aula e formação docente e tecnologias. Em comum, buscaram os autores aqui agrupados destacar que a soma de esforços visa possibilitar uma nova forma de ver cinema, capaz de estimular o fazer de narrativas fílmicas e, mediante isso, oportunizar certo viver diferenciado dessa arte, ao incentivar sua apropriação, especialmente, para fins educativos.



Comment s'organise le temps d'apprentissage dans l'enseignement primaire et secondaire ?
Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Comment s’organise le temps d’apprentissage dans l’enseignement primaire et secondaire ? Les vacances scolaires varient sensiblement entre les pays de l’OCDE, tant en termes de nombre que de durée, avec un nombre de jours d’instruction dans l’enseignement primaire et secondaire allant de 162 jours par an en France à plus de 200 jours en Israël et au Japon. Le nombre d’heures d’instruction par jour d’école augmente avec l’élévation du niveau d’enseignement. En moyenne, dans les pays de l’OCDE, les élèves sont ainsi censés recevoir 4.3 heures d’instruction par jour dans l’enseignement primaire, contre 5.2 heures dans le deuxième cycle du secondaire. En moyenne, dans les pays de l’OCDE, la moitié environ du temps d’instruction obligatoire dans l’enseignement primaire est consacrée à trois matières : la lecture, l’expression écrite et la littérature ; les mathématiques ; et les sciences – soit 2.2 heures par jour d’école. Dans le premier cycle du secondaire, ces matières ne représentent plus que 1.8 heure par jour. L’organisation du temps d’apprentissage varie sensiblement entre les pays de l’OCDE, en classe comme ailleurs, mais on observe depuis peu une tendance à l’augmentation du temps d’instruction consacré en classe aux matières fondamentales telles que les mathématiques, et à la réduction du temps consacré aux devoirs en dehors de la classe.



Budgeting and Accounting in OECD Education Systems : A Literature Review
Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Recent demographic, economic and political trends have drawn attention to the issue of effectiveness and efficiency in the use of resources in the education sector. In the context of the renewed interest for the optimisation of resource use, this paper attempts to review the literature on budgeting and accounting in OECD education systems. The analysis of accounting and budgeting in education systems provides an understanding of decision-making processes regarding education policies and projects, in terms of prioritisation, planning, allocation, monitoring and evaluation of resource use. The subjects covered in the paper also help to understand how resources are distributed. Greater requests for transparency from citizens are indeed pressuring governments to justify how public resources are allocated, and which variables determine the levels of funding flowing to schools. Finally, accounting standards and budgeting methods are studied in the current paper as they may also have an impact on effectiveness and efficiency of resource use. This report first explores governance questions underlying budgeting and accounting. Subsequently, the report reviews procedures and tools adopted by countries for budgeting and accounting. Finally, it presents methods for evaluation and monitoring of resource use. The paper attempts to identify trends and commonalities in country practices in primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education; however, there are great variations on the studied topics across and within countries.



Education, Labour Market Experience and Cognitive Skills : A First Approximation to the PIAAC Results
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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This paper examines how formal education and experience in the labour market correlate with measures of human capital available in The Survey of Adult Skills, a product of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). The findings are consistent with the notion that, in producing human capital, work experience substitutes formal education at the bottom of the schooling distribution. First, the number of years of working experience correlates with literacy proficiency only among low-educated individuals. Secondly, low-educated workers who only perform simple tasks on their jobs (calculating percentages or reading emails) do better in numeracy and literacy tests than similar employees who did not perform those tasks. Thirdly, workers in jobs intensive in numeric tasks perform relatively better in the numeracy section of the PIAAC test than in the literacy part. Overall, our results suggest that the contribution of on-the-job learning to skill formation is about a third of that of compulsory schooling in most of the countries that participated in PIAAC.



Ageing and Literacy Skills : Evidence from IALS, ALL And PIAAC
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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This paper examines the relationship between age and literacy using data from the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS), the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey (ALL) and The Survey of Adult Skills, a product of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). A negative partial relationship between literacy and age exists with literacy declining with age, especially after age 45. However, this relationship could reflect some combination of age and birth cohort effects. The analysis shows that in most participating countries the negative literacy-age profile observed in cross-sectional data arises from offsetting ageing and cohort effects. With some exceptions, more recent birth cohorts have lower levels of literacy and individuals from a given birth cohort lose literacy skills after they leave school at a rate greater than indicated by cross-sectional estimates. The results for birth cohort suggest that there is not a general tendency for literacy skills to decline from one generation to the next, but that the majority of the countries examined are doing a poorer job of developing literacy skills in successive generations.



PISA For Development Technical Strand A : Enhancement of PISA Cognitive Instruments
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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The OECD is planning to enhance existing PISA assessment instruments in reading, mathematics and science so that they will be more suitable to the context of developing countries. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the main technical issues associated with this aim. The paper reports detailed analysis of the existing PISA item pool and its suitability for countries which have students of average limited capacity. The paper cautions that the fit of developing country data to the PISA model is not good and that modifications to address some of the deviations should be explored. The use of learning metrics to describe dimensions of educational progression is at the core of the PISA reporting methodology and requires a consistency across countries in item behaviour that is not apparent for developing countries. The paper recommends that any process to move towards enhancing the instruments must be undertaken with extensive consultation with the countries involved.



Is memorisation a good strategy for learning mathematics?
Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Fewer 15-year-olds in East Asian countries reported that they use memorisation than did 15‑year‑olds in some of the English-speaking countries to whom they are often compared. In no PISA-participating education system did boys report more intensive use of memorisation than girls when learning mathematics. Memorisation as a learning strategy may work with easy problems, but it is unlikely to be effective if it is the only strategy used when confronted with complex mathematics problems.



Qui sont les élèves peu performants ?
Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Aucun pays ou économie ayant participé à l’enquête PISA 2012 ne peut affirmer que tous ses élèves de 15 ans ont acquis un bagage de compétences minimum en mathématiques, en comprehension de l’écrit et en sciences. Quelque 28 % des élèves se situent en deçà du niveau seuil de competences dans au moins l’une de ces matières, en moyenne, dans les pays de l’OCDE. L’obtention de mauvais résultats scolaires à l’âge de 15 ans ne résulte pas de l’action d’un facteur de risque isolé, mais plutôt de la combinaison et de l’accumulation de différents obstacles et désavantages entravant le parcours des élèves tout au long de leur vie. Les élèves fréquentant des établissements où le soutien et le moral des enseignants, ainsi que leurs attentes à leur égard, sont d’un niveau plus élevé, sont moins susceptibles d’être peu performants en mathématiques, même après contrôle du niveau socio-économique des élèves et des établissements.



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