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The land of contrarieties : British attitudes to the Australian colonies, 1828-1855
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 0522841120 Year: 1977 Publisher: Carlton, Victoria : Melbourne University Press,

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Examines both the popular and official views of Australia current in nineteenth century Britain.

Interessekonflikter i forskning
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Oslo Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)

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"This anthology examines various ethical issues related to conflicts of interest in research and raises fundamental questions about the role of research in society. In recent years, researchers and others have expressed concern on several occasions about how research has been conducted or used for political or economic gain, where outcomes of research have been called into question and accusations of rigging or poor quality have been leveled. “Conflict of interest” is a term from research ethics that can help clarify what is at the core of many of these cases.Questions posed and explored in this anthology include: What exactly is a conflict of interest within the context of research? Is the ideal of pure, unbiased objectivity even realistic? To what degree can transparency remediate challenges associated with conflicts of interest?The objective with this collection of chapters is to encourage reflection and discourse about the ethical principles and norms that insure quality and integrity in research. The anthology will be of interest to researchers in particular, and all others concerned with ethics in research." "Denne antologien belyser ulike forskningsetiske aspekter ved interessekonflikter i forskning, og reiser grunnleggende spørsmål om forskningens rolle i samfunnet. I løpet av de siste årene har forskere og andre i flere tilfeller uttrykt bekymring over hvordan forskning styres og brukes av politiske og økonomiske interesser, der forskningsresultater trekkes i tvil, og der det fremmes anklager om fusk eller dårlig kvalitet. «Interessekonflikter» er et begrep fra forskningsetikken som kan bidra til å avklare hva som står på spill i mange av disse sakene. Spørsmål som tas opp i antologien, inkluderer:Hva er egentlig interessekonflikter i forskning?Er idealet om interesseløshet realistisk?I hvilken grad kan åpenhet bøte på utfordringene knyttet til interessekonflikter?Målet er at tekstene i denne boken skal bidra til refleksjon og debatt om de etiske prinsippene og normene som skal verne om forskningens kvalitet og troverdighet. Antologien henvender seg til forskere og en bredere offentlighet som er opptatt av forskningsetiske spørsmål. Bidragsyterne er forskere, hovedsakelig innenfor naturvitenskapelige og teknologiske fag."

What Was Artificial Intelligence?
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bethlehem, PA

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When it was originally published in 2002, Sue Curry Jansen’s “What Was Artificial Intelligence?” attracted little notice. The long essay was published as a chapter in Jansen’s Critical Communication Theory, a book whose wisdom and erudition failed to register across the many fields it addressed. One explanation for the neglect, ironic and telling, is that Jansen’s sheer scope as an intellectual had few competent readers in the communication studies discipline into which she published the book. “What Was Artificial Intelligence?” was buried treasure. In this edition, Jansen’s prescient autopsy of AI self-selling—the rhetoric of the masculinist sublime—is reprinted with a new introduction. Now an open access book, “What Was Artificial Intelligence?” is a message in a bottle, addressed to Musk, Bezos, and the latest generation of AI myth-makers.

Human behavior and the corporate social responsibility of firm leaders
ISBN: 1608768341 1611229464 9781611229462 9781608768349 Year: 2010 Publisher: New York : Nova Science Publishers,

Stem Cells and Cloning : Advances and Applications
ISSN: 11786957

Etats végétatifs chroniques : répercussions humaines, aspects médicaux, juridiques et éthiques
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2859525726 9782859525729 Year: 1991 Publisher: Rennes Ecole nationale de la santé publique

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A morally deep world : an essay on moral significance and environmental ethics
ISBN: 0521447062 Year: 1993 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University press

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Dies Irae
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1912656302 1912656310 9781912656318 Year: 2019 Publisher: London, England : University of Westminster Press,

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What does it mean to judge when there is no general and universal norm to define what is right and what is wrong? Can laws be absent and is law always necessary? This is the first publication of an English translation of Jean-Luc Nancy’s acclaimed consideration of the law’s most pervasive principles in the context of actual systems and contemporary institutions, power, norms, laws. In a world where it is clearly impossible to imagine the realization of an ideal of justice that corresponds to every person’s ideal of justice, Nancy probes the limits of legal normativity starting from this problem. Moreover, the question is asked: how can legal normativity be legitimized? A legal order based on performativity and formal validity is questionable and forces below that of juridical normativity are at the heart of Dies Irae’s critical inquiry. This leads inevitably to the processes of inclusion and exclusion that characterize contemporary juridical systems and those issues of identity, hostility and self-representation so central to contemporary European and global political and legal debates.

Norge etter 22. juli.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9788202591007 Year: 2018 Publisher: Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing),

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"At the time of this book’s publication, almost seven years have passed since the dramatic and brutal terror attacks at Norway’s Government Headquarters in Oslo and the island of Utøya on 22 July 2011. How have we coped during this time? Which values have been important? Have we managed to protect the ideals of democracy, openness and humanity? And not least: Who is this ""we"" that we are referring to?This scholarly anthology includes articles from researchers associated with the project NECORE (Negotiating Values: Collective Identities and Resilience after 22 July) and other researchers whose work is closely associated with the project. They give us insights, opinions and sharp perspectives on not just 22 July, but also about Norway today, about values, identities and resilience in Norwegian society in the wake of the terror attacks. An important backdrop for the book and the project is the assertion that, as the events themselves recede into the past, it is even more important to focus on what the terror events have led to and how we can learn from them. In a world where terrorism has become an all too common part of political reality, it is crucial that we understand how we ought to think about terror, and how we as a society encounter it."

Deafness, community, and culture in Britain
ISBN: 1526129671 9781781704752 1781704759 9781526129673 9780719084676 0719084679 0719099781 Year: 2012 Publisher: Manchester Manchester University Press

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'Many authors have identified the importance of deaf clubs in the emergence of a distinct community of deaf people, both in Britain and abroad. This, however, is the first book to provide any real insights in to precisely what went on in these clubs that made them so important. For the first time, Atherton offers a detailed analysis of how and why deaf people gathered together in their own social clubs and what they did in passing their leisure time together. More than this, this study examines the importance of deaf leisure as a means of defining and celebrating the common values and experiences that arise from shared deafness. Based on these views and opinions of deaf people themselves, as expressed in the newspaper British Deaf News, this book draws upon a previously neglected source to reveal just how deaf people came to develop a communal identity that challenges received wisdom on deafness as a disability. Touching on concepts such as topophilia, imagined communities and the breakdown of community ties, the book uses a case study of north-west England during the second half of the twentieth century to show how closely deaf people’s leisure practices were influenced by those around them, while remaining a culturally defining aspect of deaf life. This book will appeal not only to anyone interested in deafness, but also to those studying and researching disability, leisure, social and cultural history, sport, community formation, cultural minorities and regional studies' --Back cover. Setting a case study of deaf people’s leisure practices in north-west England within a wider examination of communal deaf leisure across Britain, this book offers new insights into a misunderstood and misrepresented community. The book provides a detailed analysis of deaf people’s leisure during the second half of the twentieth century, which questions perceptions of deafness as a disability, investigates the importance of shared leisure in community formation more generally and examines the ways in which changing patterns of socialisation are affecting British society. Although focusing on the British deaf community, the concepts and principles explored in this book can be applied across a wide range of social, cultural and ethnic groups. This book draws upon a wide range of subject areas and will consequently be of interest to students and academics working in the fields of disability, history, community and cultural minority studies, sport, leisure and regional studies.

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