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The life of Jesus, critically examined.
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ISBN: 0511736290 1108019552 Year: 2010 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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The German theologian David Friedrich Strauss (1808-1874) published his highly controversial The Life of Jesus in three volumes between 1835 and 1836. This translation by George Eliot is based on the fourth German edition (1840). Strauss applied strict historical method to the gospel narratives and caused scandal across the Protestant world by concluding that all miraculous elements were mythical and ahistorical. Strauss introduces Volume 1 with a survey of 'de-mythology' in Western thought. He applies modern historical and scientific criticism to the annunciation and birth narratives; the Davidic descent and genealogies of Jesus; Jesus' visit to the temple; Jesus' baptism and temptation and his relationship with John the Baptist. The volume ends with a chapter on chronology and locality in the life of Jesus. This is a key text of nineteenth-century theology that pioneered the application of historical and scientific methods to the study of religious texts.

The divine goodness of Jesus : impact and response
ISBN: 1009031708 1009033247 1316516024 1009033050 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press,

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In this book, Paul Moser explores Jesus' role as God's filial inquirer and clarifies a method of inquiry regarding Jesus, one that offers a compelling explanation regarding his experiential impact and his audience's response. Moser's method values the roles of history and moral/religious experience in inquiry about him, and it saves inquirers from distorting biases in their inquiry. His study illuminates Jesus' puzzling features, including his challenging question for inquirers of him (Who do you say I am?), his distinctive experience of God as father, his reference to himself as 'the son of man', his attitude toward his suffering and death, his unique role in the kingdom of God, and his understanding of his allegedly miraculous signs and of his parables and good news. The book also makes sense of evidence for the reality and the main purpose of Jesus.

Jesus in context : making sense of the historical figure
ISBN: 1108647014 1108757588 1108752233 1108476260 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Jesus changed our world forever. But who was he and what do we know about him? David Wenham's accessible volume is a concise and wide-ranging engagement with that enduring and elusive subject. Exploring the sources for Jesus and his scholarly reception, he surveys information from Roman, Jewish, and Christian texts, and also examines the origins of the gospels, as well as the evidence of Paul, who had access to the earliest oral traditions about Jesus. Wenham demonstrates that the Jesus of the New Testament makes sense within the first century CE context in which he lived and preached. He offers a contextualized portrait of Jesus and his teaching; his relationship with John the Baptist and the Qumran community (and the Dead Sea Scrolls); his ethics and the Sermon on the Mount, his successes and disappointments. Wenham also brings insights into Jesus' vision of the future and his understanding of his own death and calling.

The humility of the eternal son : reformed kenoticism and the repair of Chalcedon
ISBN: 1009000128 1316518299 1009003089 1009003283 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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The Chalcedonian Definition of 451 never completely resolved one of the critical issues at the heart of Christianity: the unity of the 'person' of Christ. In this eagerly-awaited volume - the result of deep and sustained reflection - distinguished theologian Bruce Lindley McCormack examines the reasons for this philosophical and theological failure. His book serves as a critical history that traces modern attempts at resolution of this problem, from the nineteenth-century Lutheran emphasis on Kenoticism (or the 'self-emptying' of the Son in order to be receptive to the will of the Father) to post-Barthian efforts that evade the issue by collapsing the second person of the Trinity into the human Jesus - thereby rejecting altogether the logic of the classical 'two-natures' Christology. McCormack shows how New Testament Christologies both limit and authorize ontological reflection, and in so doing offers a distinctively Reformed version of Kenoticism. Proposing a new and bold divine ontology, with a convincing basis in Christology, he persuasively argues that the unity of the 'person' is in fact guaranteed by the Son's act of taking into his 'being' the lived existence of Jesus.

Jesus as Healer
ISBN: 0521584698 0521585740 0511621426 Year: 1997 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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This 1997 book presents in readable, non-technical language the findings of scholarship on one important aspect of 'who Jesus was' - the many reports in the New Testament and other early Christian writings that Jesus performed healings. The book paints a picture of the sick and sickness in Jesus' world and the means available to deal with sickness. It shows how Jesus as healer fits - and doesn't fit - into that world. We see him as one of the many healers of his day, but set apart as a 'wounded healer' who in his own death achieves the ultimate 'healing', victory over death. In addressing the question 'did Jesus really heal?' the author provides readers with resources from biblical scholarship, medicine, sociology and anthropology to help arrive at their own answers to the question. The suggestions for further reading as well as the questions for discussion make this book ideal both for personal reading and for group study.

What can we know about Jesus?
ISBN: 0521369150 0521360579 0511625421 Year: 1990 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Growing interest in the historical Jesus can be frustrated by diverse and conflicting claims about what he said and did. This series brings together in accessible form the conclusions of an international team of distinguished scholars regarding various important aspects of Jesus' teaching. All of the authors have extensively analyzed the biblical and contextual evidence about whom Jesus was and what he taught, and they summarize their findings here in easily readable and stimulating discussions.

The other friars : the Carmelite, Augustinian, Sack and Pied friars in the Middle Ages
ISBN: 1843832585 9781843832584 9781846154973 1322607389 1782043322 1846154979 9781782043324 Year: 2006 Volume: *2 Publisher: Suffolk : Boydell & Brewer,

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In 1274 the Council of Lyons decreed the end of various 'new orders' of Mendicants which had emerged during the great push for evangelism and poverty in the thirteenth-century Latin Church. The Franciscans and Dominicans were explicitly excluded, while the Carmelites and Austin friars were allowed a stay of execution. These last two were eventually able to acquire approval, but other smaller groups, in particular the Friars of the Sack and Pied Friars, were forced to disband. This book outlines the history of those who were threatened by 1274, tracing the development of the two larger orders down to the Council of Trent, and following the fragmentary sources for the brief histories of the discontinued friaries. For the first time these orders are treated comparatively: the volume offers a total history, from their origins, spirituality and pastoral impact, to their music, buildings and runaways. FRANCES ANDREWS teaches at the University of St Andrews and is the author of The Early Humiliati (CUP 1999).


Christian religious orders --- Augustins --- Carmelites --- anno 500-1499 --- Monasticism and religious orders --- History --- Augustinians --- Friars of the Sack --- Pied Friars --- 271.73 --- 271.4 --- Karmelieten --- Augustijnen --- -Friars of the Blessed Mary --- -Augustinians --- -Friars of the Sack --- -Ordine della penitenza di Gesù Cristo --- Fratres de Paenitentia Iesu Christi --- Fratres de Paenitentia Jhesu Christi --- Frati delle penitenza di Gesù Cristo --- Ordo penitencie Jesu Christi --- Sack Friars --- Saccati (Religious order) --- Boni Homines (Religious order) --- Fratres Saccati --- Brothers of Penance of Christ --- Friars Minor of the Sack --- Sachetti (Religious order) --- Sack Bearers (Religious order) --- Brothers of Penitence --- Ordinis fratrum de pœnitentia Jesu Christi Dicti de Sacco --- Fratrum de pœnitentia Jesu Christi Dicti de Sacco --- Ordre des frères de la Pénitence de Jésus-Christ, dit du Sac --- Frères de la Pénitence de Jésus-Christ, dit du Sac --- Ordre des frères du Sac --- Ordre de la Pénitence de Jésus-Christ, dit des "frères du Sac" --- Frères du Sac --- Ordo Eremitarum S. Augustini --- Eremitani --- Scalzi di S. Agostino --- Augustinereremitenorden --- Hermits of St. Augustine --- Religiosos Ermitaños de San Agustín --- Augustiniáni --- Ordo Eremitarum Sancti Augustini --- Scalzi di Sant'Agostino --- Hermits of Saint Augustine --- Agustinos --- Order of Saint Augustine --- Augustinian Order --- Zakon Augustjański --- OSA --- Augustinian Friars --- Austin Friars --- Order of Hermits of St. Augustine --- Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine --- Orden de San Agustín --- Agostiniani scalzi --- OESA --- O.E.S.A. --- Ordo Heremitarum S. Augustini --- Ordem dos Eremitas de Santo Agostinho --- Fratres de Pica --- Friars De Domina --- Calced Carmelites --- Carmelitani dell' antica osservanza --- Carmelitas --- Carmelitas de la Antigua Observancia --- Hermanos de la Bienaventurada Virgen María del Monte Carmelo --- Karmeliten --- O. Carm. --- Order of Carmelites --- Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel --- Order of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel --- Ordo Fratrum Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo --- Ordre de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie du Mont Carmel --- Orde der Broeders en Zusters van O.L. Vrouw van de Berg Karmel --- Ordem do Carmo --- Carmel, Our Lady of Mount --- Carmelite Nuns --- Discalced Carmelite Nuns --- Discalced Carmelites --- Discalced Carmelites (Italian Congregation) --- Discalced Carmelites (Spanish Congregation) --- -History --- -Monasticism and religious orders --- History. --- -271.73 --- 271.4 Augustijnen --- 271.73 Karmelieten --- -Christian religious orders --- Monachism --- Monastic orders --- Monasticism and religious orders for men --- Monasticism and religious orders of men --- Orders, Monastic --- Orders, Religious --- Religious orders --- Brotherhoods --- Christian communities --- Brothers (Religious) --- Friars --- Monks --- Superiors, Religious --- Ordine della penitenza di Gesù Cristo --- Monasticism and religious orders - Europe - History - Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Friars of the Blessed Mary

Wortbegründetes Typologie-Denken auf mittelalterlichen Bildwerken : zur Ecclesia-Synagoga-Asasel (Sündenbock-)-Szenerie unter dem "Lebenden Kreuz" des Meisters Thomas von Villach, um 1475.
ISBN: 3769615220 Year: 1983 Publisher: München Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften

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Les essais de méditations poétiques sur la passion, mort et résurrection de Notre-Seigneur-Jésus-Christ
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782812432361 9782812432378 Year: 2015 Volume: 22 5 Publisher: Paris Classiques Garnier

Passione Trivulziana : armonia evangelica volgarizzata in milanese antico : edizione critica e commentata, analisi linguistica e glossario
ISBN: 9783110476491 9783110480283 9783110478280 3110476495 3110480298 311048028X 3110478285 Year: 2016 Volume: 406 Publisher: Berlin, Germany ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : De Gruyter,

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Sia gli studi sugli antichi volgari settentrionali sia quelli sui volgarizzamenti medievali della Bibbia rappresentano ambiti di vivace ricerca negli ultimi decenni. Il libro si propone come contributo a entrambi i campi. Per il primo versante, si offre un'edizione della Passione armonizzata in prosa tramandata dal manoscritto quattrocentesco Trivulziano 1993; il lavoro è corredato da un’analisi della lingua del testo, identificata come antico milanese e descritta partitamente nei suoi aspetti fonetici, morfologici, sintattici e lessicali. Per il secondo ambito di ricerca, si inquadra il testo del Trivulziano 1993 all'interno di un gruppo di volgarizzamenti in prosa di Passioni armonizzate, per lo più collocabili nell'Italia settentrionale, che erano finora sconosciuti o poco noti, evidenziandone i nessi e inserendoli nella tradizione del Diatessaron. Il lavoro è indirizzato dunque a cultori di linguistica e filologia italiana e romanza così come a chi si occupa di letteratura religiosa medievale e studi biblici. This book provides an edition and a linguistic analysis of a Passion of the Christ written in old Milanese prose and preserved in a 15th-century manuscript. The study discusses the dating of this text, the geographical context, and its dependence on a Latin model. It also analyzes its relationship with other known prose Passions and identifies their sources. A concluding word glossary highlights the most interesting and obscure words and terms.

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