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La Shoah racontée aux enfants, une éducation littéraire?
ISBN: 270614291X 2706142898 9782706142895 9782706142918 9782706142826 Year: 2019 Publisher: Saint-Martin-d'Hères

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Depuis 2002, l'enseignement de la Shoah est inscrit aux programmes des écoles primaires, et les enseignants du premier degré sont invités à s'appuyer sur des ouvrages de littérature pour la jeunesse pour assurer cette étude. Mais ces livres sont-ils vraiment des outils pédagogiques ? Quels impacts leurs illustrations, leurs personnages ont-ils sur les jeunes élèves lecteurs ? Comment parviennent-ils à montrer aux enfants que l'extermination des Juifs est un fait historique réel sans les choquer ? À travers une analyse d'ouvrages de littérature pour la jeunesse parus sur le thème entre 1944 et 2013, Béatrice Finet propose une double analyse, littéraire et didactique, pour servir une réflexion plus générale sur les enjeux éducatifs de l'enseignement de la Shoah à l'école élémentaire. Cet ouvrage sera une ressource pour les enseignants et futurs enseignants, et intéressera aussi les chercheurs et éditeurs en littérature pour la jeunesse.

Teaching, learning, and the Holocaust
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0253011337 0253011469 9780253011466 9780253011329 0253011329 9780253011336 Year: 2013 Publisher: Bloomington

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Classroom study of the Holocaust evokes strong emotions in teachers and students. Teaching, Learning, and the Holocaust assesses challenges and approaches to teaching about the Holocaust through history and literature. Howard Tinberg and Ronald Weisberger apply methods and insights of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to examine issues in interdisciplinary teaching, with a focus on the community college setting. They discuss student learning and teacher effectiveness and offer guidance for teaching courses on the Holocaust, with relevance for other contexts involving trauma and atroc

Studying the Holocaust
ISBN: 1280329998 0203056434 1134719647 9780203056431 9780415161435 0415161436 9780415161442 0415161444 9781134719594 9781134719631 9781134719648 1134719639 Year: 1998 Publisher: London New York Routledge

Identity and pedagogy in Holocaust education
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1618110659 9781618110657 1936235811 9781936235810 9781936235810 Year: 2013 Publisher: Brighton, Massachusetts

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This pedagogical and sociological analysis of Shoah education in Israeli state schools is based on an empirical survey conducted from 2007-2009 among junior high school and high school students, teachers and principals in general and religious schools, and experts in the field. It explores issues such as materials and methods, beliefs and attitudes, messages imparted, pedagogical challenges, and implications for national and religious identity and universal values. Comparative and multi-dimensional analyses of sub-populations, such as by age and type of school, were conducted. The practical and theoretical implications of the findings are considered in the context of Shoah education in Israel and other educational settings over the past half century.

"Mon ombre est restee la-bas"
ISBN: 1282197282 9786612197284 3484970510 9783484970519 9783484570085 Year: 2008 Publisher: Tübingen Niemeyer

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Die Studie untersucht anhand literarischer und filmischer Werke der Shoah Zeit- und Raumkonstruktionen in ihrer spezifischen Inszenierung mit Fokus auf den französischsprachigen Raum. Durch die systematische Analyse wird anhand der Gegenüberstellung von narrativ-literarischen und narrativ-kinematographischen Erzählverfahren eine Differenzierung und Definition der Raumarten und Erinnerungsebenen vorgenommen. Daraus resultiert eine komprimierte Darstellung der verschiedenen zusammenspielenden Faktoren innerhalb des Erinnerungsprozesses in Literatur und Film. Untersucht werden die unterschiedlichen Erzähl- und Darstellungstechniken des Erinnerns in Raum und Zeit, (Schreib-)Ort und -Zeitpunkt des Erzählenden, die Motivation des sich Erinnernden und die Thematisierung und Interpretation von unterschiedlichen Orten. Das Werkcorpus konzentriert sich vornehmlich auf folgende Werke: Charlotte Delbos Trilogie Auschwitz et après (1970/71), Soazig Aarons fiktive Tagebucherzählung Le non de Klara (2002), Romain Garys Roman La Danse de Gengis Cohn (1967), Alain Resnais' Dokumentation Nuit et Brouillard (1956) und Liliana Cavanis Spielfilm Il portiere di notte (1973).

Social theory after the Holocaust
Authors: ---
ISBN: 178138844X 1846314089 9781846314087 9780853239659 0853239657 0853239754 9780853239758 9781781388440 Year: 2000 Publisher: Liverpool Liverpool University Press

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This collection of essays explores the character and quality of the Holocaust's impact and the abiding legacy it has left for social theory. The premise which informs the contributions is that, ten years after its publication, Zygmunt Bauman's claim that social theory has either failed to address the Holocaust or protected itself from its implications remains true.

After Eichmann
ISBN: 0203086880 113682751X 9781136827518 1136827587 Year: 2013 Publisher: Hoboken Taylor and Francis

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In 1961 Adolf Eichmann went on trial in Jerusalem for his part in the Nazi persecution and mass murder of Europe's Jews. For the first time a judicial process focussed on the genocide against the Jews and heard Jewish witnesses to the catastrophe. The trial and the controversies it caused had a profound effect on shaping the collective memory of what became 'the Holocaust'. This volume, a special issue of the Journal of Israeli History, brings together new research by scholars from Europe, Israel and the USA.

The Holocaust : memories and history
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1443859354 9781443859356 1306637066 9781306637060 1443854778 9781443854771 9781443854771 Year: 2014 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,

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This book is a collection of seventeen scholarly articles which analyze Holocaust testimonies, photographs, documents, literature and films, as well as teaching methods in Holocaust education. Most of these essays were originally presented as papers at the Millersville University Conferences on the Holocaust and Genocide from 2010 to 2012. In their articles, the contributors discuss the Holocaust in concentration camps and ghettos, as well as the Nazis' methods of exterminating Jews. The aut...

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