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Surrogate motherhood : international perspectives.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1841132551 9781841132556 Year: 2003 Publisher: Oxford Hart

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A multidisciplinary collection of essays from leading researchers and practitioners, this book explores legal, ethical, social, psychological and practical aspects of surrogate motherhood in Britain and abroad. It highlights the common themes that characterise debates across countries as well as exploring the many differences in policies and practices. Surrogacy raises questions for medical and welfare practitioners and dilemmas for policy makers as well as ethical issues of concern to society as a whole. The international perspective adopted by this book offers an opportunity for questions of law, policy and practice to be shared and debated across countries.

Reproductive health and human rights : integrating medicine, ethics and law.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0199241333 0199241325 0191696900 9780199241323 Year: 2003 Publisher: Oxford Clarendon

Procréation médicalement assistée : régulation publique et enjeux bioéthiques
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2802717049 9782802717041 Year: 2003 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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Bioéthique et Biopolitique. Embryon et régulation. Qui dit " procréation médicalement assistée " aujourd'hui, dit traitement de la stérilité mais aussi développement de biotechnologies conduisant à une médecine régénérative par le recours à des cellules-souches. Une évolution étonnante dont les citoyens et les pouvoirs publics doivent saisir les enjeux politiques, médicaux, économiques, éthiques. Une équipe interdisciplinaire de l'Université catholique de Louvain a mené une recherche de deux ans conduisant à un état des lieux de la procréation médicalement assistée en Belgique et de ses implications à l'échelle de la société. Notre pays est-il un paradis bioéthique compte tenu de sa régulation en la matière ? Où en est-on au niveau médical et comment les patients vivent-ils ces traitements ? Que devient le corps aux mains de la biomédecine, entre vie et recherche ? Comment interviennent les comités d'éthique ? Que disent le droit et les tribunaux lorsque des affaires comme l'arrêt Perruche sont traitées ? Quels projets animent les parents potentiels ? Quelles visions des rapports entre hommes et femmes découlent des techniques ? La procréation humaine, quand elle se trouve au centre de développements biotechnologiques pointus et rapides, ne touche plus seulement notre intimité personnelle. Elle porte des choix collectifs. Elle est un objet passionnant de recherches interdisciplinaires mais aussi un enjeu politique majeur. Passée sous la loupe de la science politique, de la médecine, du droit, de l'éthique, de l'anthropologie et de la philosophie, elle nous permet de nous positionner, sans a priori idéologique, sur la place de l'expertise scientifique dans notre démocratie. 1. Etat des lieux : régulation politique, pratique médicale et bilan juridique - 2. Implications sociales de l'assistance médicale à la procréation


Medical law --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Belgium --- Human reproductive technology --- Biopolitics --- Bioethics --- Medical ethics --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Biopolitique --- Bioéthique --- Ethique médicale --- Law and legislation --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Droit --- Aspect moral --- Reproductive Techniques, Assisted --- ethics --- Bioethics. --- 17.023.33 --- #SBIB:316.334.3M50 --- #SBIB:314H230 --- #SBIB:35H436 --- #GBIB:CBMER --- Voortplanting --- Medische ethiek --- Gezondheidsbeleid --- reproductieve technologie (voortplantingstechnologie, medisch begeleide voortplanting, MBV, artificiële voortplanting, kunstmatige voortplanting) --- bio-ethiek (medische, biomedische ethiek, bio-ethische aspecten) --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethicists --- Assisted human reproduction --- Assisted conception --- Conception --- Human assisted reproduction --- Human reproduction --- Medical technology --- Reproductive technology --- legislation & jurisprudence. --- Biologische doeleinden. Bio-ethiek; bioethiek. Übermensch. Medische deontologie --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: algemeen, beleid --- Fertiliteit: algemeen --- Beleidssectoren: welzijn, volksgezondheid en cultuur --- Procréation/Reproduction --- Politique de la santé --- technique de reproduction (technique de procréation, procréation médicalement assistée, PMA, assistance médicale à la procréation, AMP, procréation artificielle) --- bioéthique (éthique médicale, biomédicale, aspects bioéthiques) --- Technological innovations --- Belgium. --- Medical ethics. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- 17.023.33 Biologische doeleinden. Bio-ethiek; bioethiek. Übermensch. Medische deontologie --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Bioéthique --- Ethique médicale --- legislation & jurisprudence --- Assisted human reproductive technology --- Human assisted reproductive technology --- Reproductive Techniques, Assisted - ethics --- Human reproductive technology - Law and legislation - Belgium --- Human reproductive technology - Moral and ethical aspects - Belgium --- Droit médical --- Droit civil belge --- Procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) --- Insémination artificielle --- Fécondation in vitro --- Éthique des médecins --- Droit des personnes --- Naissance --- Belgique

Authors: ---
ISBN: 1280072342 0203393228 9780203393222 9781134983285 9781134983322 9781134983339 9781138445635 9780415010658 1134983328 1854250329 Year: 2003 Publisher: London New York Routledge

The naked clone : how cloning bans threaten our personal rights
ISBN: 0275979644 9780275979645 Year: 2003 Publisher: Westport (Conn.): Praeger

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Banning therapeutic and reproductive cloning jeopardizes more than cloning itself. The constitutional principles intertwined with cloning embrace such vital liberties as personal autonomy, privacy, reproduction, and freedom of expression. Properly understood, cloning is essentially the same as other forms of assisted reproduction. Procrustean bans on cloning implicate and indirectly threaten numerous key personal interests, including abortion, in vitro fertilization, same-sex adoption, and surrogacy. A government allowed to preemptively isolate and censor medico-scientific research into cloning may be emboldened to shut down other forms of disfavored inquiry and expression as well. Much of the animosity toward cloning is based on unfounded fear, science-fiction fantasy, moralistic bias, and slippery slope predictions, most of which is scientifically untenable or already illegal. Yet when people are cloned, they will in fact be less similar than identical twins; genetics aren't everything. Differing environments produce differing people, and human clones―distinct individuals―will be entitled to the same human rights and legal protections that have protected individuals for centuries. Kunich establishes the pressing need to evaluate cloning in a rational scientific and legal manner, before the extreme opposition sprouting from fear and misunderstanding, which has already led to several state laws, results in an unconstitutional federal ban.

Whose view of life?
ISBN: 0674040430 9780674040434 9780674011700 0674011708 0674011708 Year: 2003 Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press

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Jane Maienschein brings current debates in the field of human embryo research into sharp focus by examining developments in stem cell research, cloning and embryology in historical and philosophical context and by exploring legal, social and ethical issues at the heart of what has become a political controversy.

La procréatique : les biotechnologies de la reproduction humaine : histoire, éthique.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2840230666 9782840230663 Year: 2003 Publisher: Montpellier Sauramps Médical

Buying dad : one woman's search for the perfect sperm donor.
ISBN: 1555837557 Year: 2003 Publisher: Los Angeles Alyson books

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What do two nice Jewish girls do when they want to start a family? They can marry two nice Jewish boys, or, if they happen to be lesbians, they can buy sperm online from California! Buying Dad is a hilarious, edgy, first-person chronicle of a year in the life of a woman engaged in a very alternative family-planning experience. Peeling back the layers of self-indulgence accumulated in 30-odd years as a self-proclaimed gay, childless, albeit happy neurotic, Harlyn Aizley takes the reader on one of the most personal, intimate and utterly female journeys any woman, gay or straight, can make-that of becoming a mother. Aizley's story begins with the search for sperm-known or unknown donor? Delivered on dry ice or in a nitrogen tank? The journey unfolds within the context of her relationship with her female partner, her mother's cancer diagnosis, the threat of her own possible infertility and finally pregnancy itself. Aizley's wry voice and candid prose embrace this confluence of major life events with the humor and wisdom that make Buying Dad accessible to any woman who ever considered ending a lifetime of sleep-filled nights by beginning a lifetime of motherhood.

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