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Forestalling doom : "Apotropaic Intercession" in the Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East
ISBN: 9783868351101 3868351108 Year: 2014 Publisher: Münster : Ugarit Verlag,

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L'intercession du moyen âge à l'époque moderne : autour d'une pratique sociale
ISBN: 2600009329 9782600009324 Year: 2004 Volume: 87 Publisher: Genève : Droz,

Saint Raymund of Peñafort crossing the sea on his cloak
Year: 1601 Publisher: Venice Raphaël I Sadeler

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Jeremia - Fürbitter oder Kläger? : eine religionsgeschichtliche Studie zur Fürbitte und Klage im Jeremiabuch Köhler, Sarah. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenscha
ISBN: 3110542722 3110543370 Year: 2017 Publisher: Berlin, [Germany] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : De Gruyter,

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Die ältesten Stücke des Jeremiabuches, die sich den Arbeiten von K.-F. Pohlmann (1978), C. Levin (1985) und K. Schmid (1996) zufolge u.a. im Bereich von Jer 4-6; 8-10 befinden, beklagen die Verwüstung des Landes durch einen von Norden kommenden Feind. Sie nennen allerdings weder den Namen Jeremia, noch lassen sie sich im altorientalischen Sinn als „prophetisch" bezeichnen. Unter diesem Aspekt werden die Klagen in Jer 4,19-22; 6,9-15; 8,18-23; 10,19-25 historisch-kritisch untersucht und einem umfassenden Vergleich mit der altorientalischen Klageliteratur des kalû unterzogen. Die Ergebnisse aus der komparatistischen Untersuchung sowie die Erkenntnisse zum außerbiblischen, altorientalischen Verhältnis von Klage- und Prophetenliteratur präsentieren eine neue Sicht auf die Entstehung des Jeremiabuches. Davon auszugehend, dass der Kern des Buches auf kultischen Klagen basiert, lassen sich redaktionsgeschichtliche Linien einerseits in die jeremianische Gerichtsprophetie und anderseits in die Weiterentwicklung des Klagethemas bis hin zu den sogenannten „Konfessionen“ ziehen. Ferner liefern die untersuchten Texte in Jer 4-6; 8-10; 7; 11; 14-15 neue Aufschlüsse über die Darstellung des literarischen Jeremias als Fürbitter und Gerichtspropheten. The study is a religious historical examination of the beginnings of the Prophetic Books and examines Jeremiah’s role as lamenter and intercessor. The key texts in Jer 4–10 and 7; 11; 14–15 are analyzed with editorial critique alongside a comparative exploration of non-biblical, ancient Near Eastern literature lamentation and prophecy. This approach yields a new perspective on the stages in the literary development of the protagonist.

Rétribution et intercession dans le Deutéronome
ISBN: 1282720007 9786612720000 3110224402 9783110224405 9783110224399 3110224399 Year: 2009 Publisher: Berlin New York W. de Gruyter

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In this book Vincent Sénéchal presents a detailed inquiry to solve an enigma: Why does the retelling of the Golden Calf narrative in Deut. 9-10 keep silent on the punishments described in the original account of Exod. 32-34? The absence of punishment in Deut. 9-10 is more than surprising in Deuteronomy, since its theology is strongly oriented to obedience to the law given by YHWH and since it stresses particularly the seriousness of violation of the first commandment. This dissertation aims to investigate the reasons why such an omission occurred in the course of the redactional process and in what sense it is meaningful for the characterization of divine justice in the whole book. The author first offers a comprehensive state of recent exegetical research on Deuteronomy and the Pentateuch. In the course of the investigation, he reflects on categories such as sin, retribution and intercession and analyses the different kinds of retribution present in the book. He then studies the redaction history of Deut. 9:7-10:11 and describes its place and function both in the composition of the Pentateuch and in the history of Israel during the first decades of the Persian period. This historical contextualization leads to several hypotheses to solve the puzzling enigma.

L'intercessione nel tempo della fine : studio dell' intercessione profetica nel libro di Geremia
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788876532061 8876532064 Year: 2013 Volume: 204 Publisher: Roma GBP

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Year: 2021 Publisher: Bruxelles : La Charte,

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Medieval petitions : grace and grievance
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ISBN: 1282988395 9786612988394 1846157455 1903153255 Year: 2009 Publisher: Woodbridge : York Medieval Press,

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New research into petitions and petitioning in the middle ages, illuminating aspects of contemporary law and justice. The mechanics, politics and culture of petitioning in the middle ages are examined in this innovative collection. In addition to important and wide-ranging examinations of the ancient world and the medieval papacy, it focuses particularly on petitions to the English crown in the later middle ages, drawing on a major collection of documents made newly accessible to research in the National Archives. A series of studies explores the political contexts of petitioning, the broad geographical and social range of petitioners, and the fascinating "worm's-eye" view of medieval life that is uniquely offered by petitions themselves; and particular attention is given to the performative qualities of petitioning and its place in the culture of royal intercession. With their vivid new insights into judicial conventions and the legal creativity spawned by political crisis, these papers provide a closely integrated assessment of current scholarship and new research on these most fascinating and revealing of medieval social texts. CONTRIBUTORS: W. MARK ORMROD, GWILYM DODD, SERENA CONNOLLY, BARBARA BOMBI, PATRICK ZUTSHI, PAUL BRAND, GUILHEM PEPIN, ANTHONY MUSSON, SIMON J. HARRIS, SHELAGH A. SNEDDON, DAVID CROOK

Vraagt en gij zult verkrijgen : verhoort God al onze gebeden?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789076671994 Year: 2015 Publisher: Gent Carmelitana

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