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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Adults: Ethical and Legal Perspectives : An overview on FASD for professionals
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783319208664 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book discusses and provides insight on the legal and ethical dilemmas of managing those with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). This book provides a clear perspective for those clinicians and legal professionals who are working with those with this disorder, and correspondingly increases their understanding when arranging effective supports for this population. Historically, the primary focus on FASD has been on children. However, this is a lifelong disorder, and the implications of this disorder become even more prominent and complex in adulthood. Those with this condition can struggle with impulsiveness, and a host of cognitive difficulties. This correspondingly impacts their independence and employability, and produces an elevated risk for homelessness and other residential issues, involvement in substance use, being exploited, development of behavioural issues, and subsequent legal difficulties. Their cognitive difficulties result in challenges for legal systems around the world to understand their issues, and to design appropriate remedial strategies, recommendations for treatments and supports, and even for understanding the failure of many of these individuals to be able to change their behaviours effectively. This produces various legal and ethical dilemmas, which are discussed in detail in this volume by 28 authors from Europe, New Zealand, and North America. These include discussions regarding the rights of the unborn child, the alcohol industry’s duty to warn, whether small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy can be condoned, and even the current use of involuntary hospitalization for addicted mothers. Other chapters discuss the need for training on FASD for front line officers, use of lies during interrogation of those with FASD, medical and legal interventions for offenders with FASD, access to diagnostic services and follow-up supports, and whether FASD can be considered a mitigating factor for sentencing.  Furthermore, caregivers also provide their stories regarding the daily dilemmas that are faced in raising those with FASD.

Ethical Counselling and Medical Decision-Making in the Era of Personalised Medicine : A Practice-Oriented Guide
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783319276908 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book offers an overview of the main questions arising when biomedical decision-making intersects ethical decision-making. It reports on two ethical decision-making methodologies, one addressing the patients, the other physicians. It shows how patients’ autonomous choices can be empowered by increasing awareness of ethical deliberation, and at the same time it supports healthcare professionals in developing an ethical sensitivity, which they can apply in their daily practice. The book highlights the importance and relevance of practicing bioethics in the age of personalized medicine. It presents concrete cases studies dealing with cancer and genetic diseases, where difficult decisions need to be made by all the parties involved: patients, physicians and families. Decisions concern not only diagnostic procedures and treatments, but also moral values, religious beliefs and ways of seeing life and death, thus adding further layers of complexity to biomedical decision-making. This book, which is strongly rooted in the philosophical tradition, features non-directive counseling and patient-centeredness. It provides a concise yet comprehensive and practice-oriented guide to decision-making in modern healthcare.

Integrative Health Services : Ethics, Law, and Policy for the New Public Health Workforce
ISBN: 9783319298573 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This readable overview offers a public health framework for integrating medical and alternative care to improve health outcomes in patients with chronic illnesses. It details the promise, potential, and challenges of holistic services as patients seek diverse treatment options and health care systems address the demand for more affordable, accessible, and effective care. The book’s integrative model describes the process in theory and practice, from cost and reimbursement issues and turf wars between providers to expanding on traditional concepts of illness and wellness. Learning objectives, case studies, discussion questions, and other helpful features make this a vital student text. The book’s concentrated coverage: Introduces concepts of integrative health services. Applies integrative health concepts to public health areas, e.g., prevention. Contrasts integrative models of health with the traditional biomedical model. Describes health care systems, use, and disparities in integrative health services. Outlines the scope of integrative health practice. Reviews implications for the public health workforce. Integrative Health Services benefits public health students, pre-med students, and those with an interest in health policy and health trends. Additionally, public health educators, practitioners, and scholars who may not be familiar with integrative health services and conflicts related to their increased use in health care will find it a helpful tool to quickly bring them up to date.

Comparative Empirical Bioethics: Dilemmas of Genetic Testing and Euthanasia in Israel and Germany
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783319327334 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book is a comprehensive, empirically-grounded exploration of the relationship between bioethics, culture, and the perspective of being affected. It provides a new outlook on how complex “bioethical” issues become questions of everyday life. The authors focus on two contexts, genetic testing and end-of-life care, to locate and demonstrate emerging themes of responsibility, such as self-responsibility, responsibility for kin, and the responsibility of society. Within these themes, the duty to know versus the right not to know one's genetic fate (in the context of genetic testing), or the sanctity of life versus self-determination (in the context of end of life care) are identified as culturally embedded dilemmas that are very much relevant for lay persons. Furthermore, cultural factors such as religion, history, utopian and dystopian views of biomedical technologies, outlooks on the body and on health/illness, and citizenship are examined. Health issues are increasingly becoming a question of assessing risk and responsibility: How can we better prepare ourselves for the future? We all make such assessments in a way that combines personal inclinations, professional recommendations, and cultural framings. There is still much to be learned about the interplay between these three dimensions. .

Toward a Small Family Ethic : How Overpopulation and Climate Change Are Affecting the Morality of Procreation
ISBN: 9783319338712 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This thought-provoking treatise argues that current human fertility rates are fueling a public health crisis that is at once local and global. Its analysis and data summarize the ecological costs of having children, presenting ethical dilemmas for prospective parents in an era of competition for scarce resources, huge disparities of wealth and poverty, and unsustainable practices putting irreparable stress on the planet. Questions of individual responsibility and integrity as well as personal moral and procreative issues are examined carefully against larger and more long-range concerns. The author’s assertion that even modest efforts toward reducing global fertility rates would help curb carbon emissions, slow rising global temperatures, and forestall large-scale climate disaster is well reasoned and more than plausible. Among the topics covered: · The multiplier effect: food, water, energy, and climate. · The role of population in mitigating climate change. · The carbon legacy of procreation. · Obligations to our possible children. · Rights, what is right, and the right to do wrong. · The moral burden to have small families. Toward a Small Family Ethic sounds a clarion call for bioethics students and working bioethicists. This brief, thought-rich volume steers readers toward challenges that need to be met, and consequences that will need to be addressed if they are not.

Neuroethics and the Scientific Revision of Common Sense
ISBN: 9789402409659 Year: 2016 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer Netherlands

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This book is focused on the examination of the particular relationship between developments in neuroscience and commonsense concepts, such as free will, personal identity, privacy, etc., which feature prominently in moral discourse. In the book common sense is recast as an ever-shifting repository of theories from many domains, including science. Utilizing this alternative characterization of common sense, the book reexamines the impact of neuroscience on commonsense moral conceptions. Neuroethics is one of the newest, developing branches of Bioethics. Topics often raised include issues of free will, personal identity and the self; the possible ethical implication of memory manipulation; brain imaging and mind-reading; brain stimulation/enhancement and its impacts on personal identity; and brain death.

Verpleegkundige excellentie : verpleegkunde tussen praktijk en ethiek
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789036812726 Year: 2016 Publisher: Houten Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum

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Een vernieuwende uitgave over verpleegkundige ethiek. Vele maatschappelijke en verpleegkundige evoluties maken het noodzakelijk dat duidelijke oriëntaties aangereikt worden over 'goede zorg' en 'excellente verpleegkunde'. Hoe kan de verpleegkundige zich aan het begin van de 21e eeuw blijven profileren als 'daadgeworden bekommeris' voor de hulpbehoevende medemens? Hoe verhoudt verpleegkunde zich tot haar traditie, de technologie en het ethisch debat in onze samenleving? Hoe kijken andere hulpverleners uit de gezondheidszorg zoals artsen, beleidsverantwoordelijken, pastores, docenten, ethici aan tegen de verpleegkunde als 'zorgzame praktijk'? In het eerste deel wordt getracht vanuit een meer theoretische benadering een eigen visie over verpleegkundige ethiek te ontwikkelen. De ethische betekenis van de verpleegkundige praktijk wordt vanuit verschillende invalshoeken beschreven. In het tweede deel staat de dialoog tussen theorie en praktijk centraal. Vanuit verschillende posities en functies in de gezondheidszorg wordt nagedacht over de ethische betekenis van de verpleegkunde. In het derde deel wordt een aantal verpleegdilemma's uit de dagelijkse praktijk besproken. Verpleegkundige excellentie nodigt u uit mee te denken over wat 'meer' is in de zorg. Het boek is gericht op het ruime publiek van verpleegkundigen en geïnteresseerden in de verpleegkundige ethiek en meer in het bijzonder leidinggevenden, docenten en (verpleegkundige) leden van commissies voor medische ethiek.

Zingeving in zorg en welzijn
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789089539144 Year: 2016 Publisher: Amsterdam Boom

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Zingeving gaat over de betekenis die mensen geven aan (situaties in) hun leven. Het omvat alledaagse zaken die voor iemand belangrijk zijn, maar ook fundamentele, existentiële levensvragen. Bij een crisis of (ernstige) ziekte speelt zingeving vaak expliciet een rol. Mensen zoeken dan steun bij wat voor hen echt belangrijk is, gaan op zoek naar een nieuwe richting in hun leven of hebben aandacht voor wat nog echt belangrijk is als hun leven ten einde loopt. Hoe ga je als professional met dergelijke situaties om? Het boek Zingeving in zorg en welzijn wil aankomend hbo-professionals binnen gezondheidszorg of sociaal werk ondersteunen bij het ontwikkelen van zingevingscompetenties en is opgebouwd rond drie competentiegebieden: persoon & zingeving, praktijk & zingeving en perspectief & zingeving. Hierbinnen leert de student onder meer reflecteren op de eigen zingeving in relatie tot die van cliënten en patiënten. Ook leert hij wat zingevende communicatie inhoudt. In het boek is verder aandacht voor zingeving in het methodische zorg- en hulpverleningsproces (onder meer intake, gezamenlijke besluitvorming, interventies en verwijzing), zingeving binnen instellingsbeleid en kwaliteitszorg en de invloed van maatschappelijke trends.Zingeving in zorg en welzijn sluit aan bij de concrete beroepspraktijk van verpleegkundigen en sociaal werkers. Elk hoofdstuk begint met een voor het werkveld typerende praktijksituatie; daarna werkt de student aan de ontwikkeling van kennis, vaardigheden en attitude.

Regulating Human Embryonic Stem Cell in China : A Comparative Study on Human Embryonic Stem Cell’s Patentability and Morality in US and EU
ISBN: 9789811021015 Year: 2016 Publisher: Singapore Springer Singapore, Imprint: Springer

The confluence of philosophy and law in applied ethics
ISBN: 9781137557339 9781137557346 Year: 2016 Publisher: London Palgrave Macmillan

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The law serves a function that is not often taken seriously enough by ethicists, namely practicability. A consequence of practicability is that law requires elaborated and explicit methodologies that determine how to do things with norms. This consequence forms the core idea behind this book, which employs methods from legal theory to inform and examine debates on methodology in applied ethics, particularly bioethics. It is argued that almost all legal methods have counterparts in applied ethics, which indicates that much can be gained from comparative study of the two. The author first outlines methods as used in legal theory, focusing on deductive reasoning with statutes as well as analogical reasoning with precedent cases. He then examines three representative kinds of contemporary ethical theories, Beauchamp and Childress’s principlism, Jonsen and Toulmin’s casuistry, and two versions of consequentialism—Singer’s preference utilitarianism and Hooker’s rule-consequentialism—with regards to their methods. These examinations lead to the Morisprudence Model for methods in applied ethics. .

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