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La fin du Moyen Âge. : La désagrégation du monde médiéval :(1285-1453)
ISBN: 141237457X Year: 2011 Publisher: Chicoutimi : J.-M. Tremblay,

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Middle Ages.

La fin du Moyen Âge. : L'annonce des temps nouveaux :(1453-1492)
ISBN: 1412374588 Year: 2011 Publisher: Chicoutimi : J.-M. Tremblay,

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Middle Ages.

The Middle Ages : an illustrated history
ISBN: 1423774132 0198026374 1280564083 1423774132 9781423774136 9781280564086 9786610564088 6610564086 0195103599 9780195103595 9780198026372 Year: 1998 Publisher: New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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A history of the Middle Ages, including the merger of Roman, Christian, and Germanic cultures; the transformation of the Roman Empire; and social, economic, religious, and cultural aspects of medieval life.


Middle Ages

«На одно крыло - серебряная, На другое - золотая...» - Памяти Светланы Рябцевой
ISBN: 9975319807 Year: 2020 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»,

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This collection of selected papers is dedicated to the memory of Svetlana S. Ryabtseva (1966—2019), a very pure soul, scholar, archaeologist, leading student of the history of medieval gold-work, costume and jewelry set of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. As both Russian and Moldovan researcher, she took a unique place in science: her stuides became a ‘bridge between East and West’, i.e. between studies of Eastern, South-Eastern and Central Europe. Her life was short, but she left a very good heritage. It consists not only of her outstanding academic writings, but also her true and positive inspiration, which emanated from her and was shared between her family, friends and colleagues. The volume contains papers written by researchers from Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, France and the United Kingdom.


Middle Ages.

Transkulturelle verflechtungen : mediävistische perspektiven
Year: 2016 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Having elicited much attention in the humanities in recent years, transcultural phenomena will, in all probability, remain a topic of debate in the near future. Being the product of a collaborative act of writing involving nine authors with different specializations, this study is an introduction to the study of phenomena of transcultural entanglement as well as an effort at systematically exploring this field of research from different medievalist perspectives.


Middle Ages.

An introduction to the study of the Middle Ages (375-814)
Year: 1916 Publisher: Boston : Ginn & Company,

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The period of time of which this book treats is that lying between the greatest splendor of the Roman Empire and the beginning of what may properly be called the Middle Ages. What had before seemed blind forces of destruction became agents working together in the making of a new and fairer civilization. It is the purpose of this book to dwell upon these elements of construction, to show how they originated, and how they were tending to produce the life of the great period which was to follow. These forces were chiefly three: first, the organized Christian Church; second, the Germanic races; third, the domination of the Frankish race over all the other Germanic nations of the continent. The history of these three lines of development finds its natural culmination in the union of the Frankish kingdom with the Roman papacy under the form of the Holy Roman Empire. - Preface.


Middle Ages.

Le pouvoir des listes au Moyen Âge.
Year: 1999 Publisher: Paris, France : Éditions de la Sorbonne,

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La 4e de couv. indique :"Les listes constituent une forme d'écriture très présente dans les textes du Moyen Âge, quels que soient leur nature et leur genre. Cette forme syntaxique, graphique et sémantique singulière a été l'objet d'une enquête collective menée dans le cadre d'un projet interdisciplinaire de recherche intitulé «Pouvoir des listes au Moyen Âge» (Polima), qui a bénéficié du soutien de l'ANR. Trois volumes collectifs rassemblent les études de cas issus des ateliers organisés dans le cadre de ce programme. Ils explorent les usages sociaux de cette forme d'écriture dotée de pouvoirs pragmatiques, poétiques et cognitifs. Ce volume propose une approche matérielle de la liste, qui vise à la saisir dans le rapport que son écriture construit avec le support ainsi qu'avec les lieux, démultipliés, de son installation (pages, livres, murs, monuments, reliquaires, objets du quotidien, etc.). Ces singularités documentaires, liées à des procédures ou à des jeux de dénombrement, permettent de rendre compte de l'abondance des listes dans les productions écrites du Moyen Âge et d'interroger ce que les différentes scènes sociales du Moyen Âge font de cet opérateur matériel et cognitif qui produit savoir et agency. Au cours de cette période, les listes et les formes de pensée qu'elles engendrent se transforment sous l'effet de l'apparition de nouveaux enjeux de dénombrement et de catégorisation. À l'arrière-plan des cas étudiés percent ainsi la transformation grégorienne de l'Occident, la formation du savoir scolastique et l'essor des rationalités pratiques".


Middle Ages.

Regesten des Kaiserreiches unter Friedrich I. 1152 (1122)-1190. : 4. Lieferung 1181-1190
Year: 2011 Publisher: Wien : Böhlau,

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The present publication includes the historical tradition being relevant for the history of the Western medieval empire under the reign of Frederick Barbarossa from 1181 to 1190. Highlights of this decade were the deposition of Henry the Lion (1181), the peace of Constance with the Lombard Communes (1183), the pentecosten-festivities at Mainz (1184), the last sojourn of the Swabian ruler in Italy (1184-1186) with the nuptials of Henry VI with Constance of Sicily in Milan (January 27, 1186), the Diet called "Jesu Christi" at Mainz with the decision to start the crusade (1188) and the crusade itself until the death of the Emperor in the river Saleph (now: Gök-su) on June 10, 1190. The first three volumes - 1122/1152 until 1158 June, 1158 july until 1168 march and 1168 march until the end of the year 1180 - have been published in 1980, 1991 and 2001. Now, after the finalization of vol. 4 a statistical approach towards the whole time of Frederick's government is possible: In doing so it arises that vol. 4 with 892 regesta is taking the second place in the ranking of all 4 volumes (vol. 1: 1217 regesta - vol. 3: 804 regesta - vol. 1: 558 regesta). Although the application of statistical methods to medieval phenomena bears a lot of problems because of the lack of abundant source materials some very important insights are possible: So it can be shown that a high intensity of historical tradition (51-100 regesta per year) can be stated for 18 years of Barbarossa's reign. An extraordinary high intensity of historical tradition can be seen for the years 1162 (173 Regesten), 1167 (155 Regesten), 1159 (154 regesta), 1164 (151 regesta) and 1177 (142 regesta). The overview over the whole reign of the Swabian emperor demonstrates clearly that a high intensity of historical tradition is always connected to the dramatic events of certain years. Best examples are the years of the second, third and fourth sojourn of the Emperor in Italy (1159-1167) with the highly dramatic conflicts with the papcy and the Lombard communes and with the top-rank for 1162 (destruction of Milan). The year 1189, part of the present vol. 4, is absolutely on top with 201 regesta. Nevertheless this position is due to two specific factors: on the one hand all the non-dated Deperdita (lost imperial charters) and other notices are placed just before the start of the crusade, when the emperor left the empire's territory; on the other hand the historical tradition for the crusade itself is of an astonishing abundancy. The indispensability of integrating all the historiographical sources (approximately 60 % of the 3471 regesta are based on them) is one of the great insights after working for 35 years on this project. Only by such an approach a profound documentation for the period of Frederick I is possible.


Middle Ages.

Juvenes - The Middle Ages seen by young researchers
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Publicações do Cidehus,

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No presente volume publicam-se parte dos textos apresentados na 1a edição do International Congress for Young Researchers in Middle Ages. Reflectindo a própria estrutura do ICYRMA, os trabalhos agora publicados abordam a Idade Média a partir de várias perspectivas - da iconografia à análise territorial, do estudo da sociedade ao debate historiográfico, discutindo questões específicas de várias geografias, como a francesa, portuguesa, espanhola ou italiana. Os textos são, todos eles, da autoria de jovens investigadores, mestrandos, doutorandos, ou tendo obtido o seu grau recentemente. Pretende-se assim contribuir para uma dinamização multidisciplinar dos estudos medievais.


Middle Ages.

Chapter Modelação de dados poéticos : uma perspectiva desde os dados abertos e ligados
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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The contributions gathered in this volume show how digital technologies can be applied to Medieval Studies (Philology, Art, and History) in order to improve our understanding of medieval societies and cultures.


Middle Ages.

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