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Schmerz in der Literatur des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783899717716 Year: 2010 Publisher: Göttingen V&R Unipress

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Les écritures de la douleur dans l'épistolaire de l'Antiquité à nos jours
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2869063377 Year: 2010 Publisher: Tours, France : Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais,

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La douleur, qu'il s'agisse de la sienne ou de celle des autres, est l'une des thématiques majeures de l'art épistolaire. Lorsqu'il s'agit de la douleur physique et de ses manifestations, médecine et philosophie s'y croisent, notamment lorsqu'il est question de rechercher des remèdes. La souffrance morale est aussi traitée, dans une perspective qui embrasse à la fois les sources et les convictions religieuses, sociales et culturelles. Les lettres offrent plusieurs cas de figure et d'espoirs de réponse : puissance ou impuissance de la correspondance — et plus largement de l'art — contre le mal intérieur, utilisation des épîtres au service d'une thérapie dont l'homme se veut le seul objet, recours à la divinité clans une économie du salut. Le deuil, enfin, qu'il s'agisse de drames aussi célèbres que Catulle et la perte de son frère, Cicéron et celle de sa fille Tullia, ouvre la porte au genre de la consolatio : messages chrétiens insérés dans le cadre de la foi, angoisse de la mort compensée par la croyance en l'au-delà, richesse du mysticisme venant au secours de la peur inhérente à notre condition mortelle.

Pain and pleasure in classical times
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789004379503 9789004379497 9004379509 9004379495 Year: 2018 Publisher: Leiden Boston Brill

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Pain and Pleasure in Classical Times attempts to blaze a trail for the cross-disciplinary humanistic study of pain and pleasure, with literature scholars, historians and philosophers all setting out to understand how the Greeks and Romans experienced, managed and reasoned about the sensations and experiences they felt as painful or pleasurable. The book is intended to provoke discussion of a wide range of problems in the cultural history of antiquity. It addresses both the physicality of erôs and illness, and physiological and philosophical doctrines, especially hedonism and anti-hedonism in their various forms. Fine points of terminology (Greek is predictably rich in this area) receive careful attention. Authors in question run from Homer to (among others) the Hippocratics, Plato, Aristotle, Lucretius, Seneca, Plutarch, Galen and the Aristotle-commentator Alexander of Aphrodisias.

Beyond the rhetoric of pain
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1138366544 9781138366541 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,

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Knowledge and pain
ISBN: 9401208573 1283868636 9789401208669 9789401208574 9789042035829 9781283868631 9401208662 9789401208666 904203582X Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam New York Rodopi

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Pain studies, both in exact sciences and in the humanities, are a fast-shifting field. This volume condenses a spectrum of recent views of pain through the lens of humanistic studies. Methodologically, the volume is an interdisciplinary study of the questions pertaining to the accessibility of pain (physical or emotional) to understanding and of the possible influence of suffering on the enhancement of knowledge in private experience or public sphere. Undeterred by the widespread belief that pain cannot be expressed in language and that it is intransmissible to others, the authors of the essays in the collection show that the replicability of records and narratives of human experience provides a basis for the kind of empathetic attention, dialogue, and contact that can help us to register the pain of another and understand its conditions and contexts. Needless to say, the improvement of this understanding may also help map the ways for the ethics of response to (and help for) pain. Whereas the authors of the volume tend to share the view of pain as a totally negative phenomenon (the position taken in Elaine Scarry’s The Body in Pain ), they hold this view applicable mainly to the attitudes to the pain of others and the imperative of minimise the causes of another’s suffering. They also consider this view to be culturally and temporally circumscribed. The volume suggests that one’s own personal experience of suffering, along with the awareness of the seriality of such experience among fellow sufferers, can be conducive to emotional and intellectual growth. The reading of literature dealing with pain can lead to similar results through vicariously experienced suffering, whose emotional corollaries and intellectual consequences may be conveyed through artistic rather than discursive means. The distinctive features of the volume are that it processes these issues in a historicising way, deploying the history of the ideas of pain from the Middle Ages to the present day, and that it makes use of the methodology of different disciplines to do so, arriving to similar conclusions through, as it were, different paths. The disciplines include analytic philosophy, historiography, history of science, oral history, literary studies, and political science.

Victorian Pain
ISBN: 0691202885 Year: 2017 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press,

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The nineteenth century introduced developments in science and medicine that made the eradication of pain conceivable for the first time. This new understanding of pain brought with it a complex set of moral and philosophical dilemmas. If pain serves no obvious purpose, how do we reconcile its existence with a well-ordered universe? Examining how writers of the day engaged with such questions, Victorian Pain offers a compelling new literary and philosophical history of modern pain.Rachel Ablow provides close readings of novelists Charlotte Brontë and Thomas Hardy and political and natural philosophers John Stuart Mill, Harriet Martineau, and Charles Darwin, as well as a variety of medical, scientific, and popular writers of the Victorian age. She explores how discussions of pain served as investigations into the status of persons and the nature and parameters of social life. No longer conceivable as divine trial or punishment, pain in the nineteenth century came to seem instead like a historical accident suggesting little or nothing about the individual who suffers.A landmark study of Victorian literature and the history of pain, Victorian Pain shows how these writers came to see pain as a social as well as a personal problem. Rather than simply self-evident to the sufferer and unknowable to anyone else, pain was also understood to be produced between persons-and even, perhaps, by the fictions they read.

Asumir la ausencia : poética de duelos inconclusos en la narrativa española del siglo XXI
ISBN: 3968690265 Year: 2020 Publisher: Madrid : Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert,

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El cambio del nuevo siglo supone un punto de inflexión para la sociedad española con respecto a su propio pasado. Desde el movimiento para la recuperación de la memoria histórica se reivindica la apertura de fosas comunes para así llevar a cabo los miles de procesos de duelo individuales que hasta entonces no se habían podido realizar. Desde la literatura, se busca corregir el déficit de memoria arrojando luz sobre episodios e historias olvidados o desconocidos en una suerte de exhumación literaria. El nexo de estos aspectos es el punto de partida para el presente estudio: donde convergen una literatura influenciada por tendencias socio-políticas con la noción de que existen tareas pendientes, entre las que está el duelo. ¿Qué implicación tiene la existencia de miles de duelos inconclusos individuales para el el colectivo? ¿Se puede hablar de un duelo colectivo? Y más allá de la recuperación de historias, ¿qué otros modelos nos puede ofrecer la literatura para relacionarnos con las ausencias dejadas por las pérdidas pasadas que, con el paso del tiempo, ya no son propiamente nuestras? El estudio propone un prototipo literario —narrativas postraumáticas de duelo persistente— que busca redefinir mediante la narrativa nuestra relación en el presente con las pérdidas sufridas en el pasado. Este hipotético duelo se plantea en términos colectivos y postfreudianos: esto es, un duelo que no busque resolución, sino que persista como recordatorio continuo de las pérdidas en el pasado y que sirva como fuente de una relación ética y afectiva con ese pasado desde el presente.

Pijn : over literatuur en lijden
ISBN: 9058980707 9789058980700 Year: 2004 Publisher: Utrecht : De Tijdstroom,

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In dit boek proberen auteurs (dichters, psychiaters, filosofen en artsen) pijn onder woorden te brengen. 27 essays behandelen een of ander aspect van de pijn. De menselijke conditie kent vele soorten pijn: een schier oneindig aantal verschillende nuances van lichamelijke pijn en even zovele schakeringen van pijn in overdrachtelijke zin. Op je duim slaan is natuurlijk pijnlijk, maar is dat wel te vergelijken met fantoompijn na een amputatie, of de pijn van de wielrenner na een bergetappe, of met de levenspijn na het sterven van je geliefde? Pijn brengt ons in het hart van onze existentie. Zou het toeval zijn dat het Latijnse woord poena niet alleen voor pijn staat maar ook voor straf? Pijn en lijden brengen ons, in de loop van ons leven, steeds dichter bij de dood, wellicht zelfs in een mate dat we er ons mee willen verzoenen. Pijn is zozeer met het menselijk leven verweven, heeft William Faulkner eens gezegd, dat de gedachte dat het leven op een gegeven moment niet meer pijn doet eigenlijk niet te verdragen is. Pijn is zowel een teken van leven als een teken van dood. We kennen een reële angst voor het alternatief van pijn: het ophouden van alles. Pijn en mens-zijn zijn onverbrekelijk met elkaar verbonden. En toch is er weinig vakliteratuur over het fenomeen pijn. En zelfs in de literatuur wordt pijn veeleer gesignaleerd dan gekarakteriseerd of geduid. Is pijn niet onder woorden te brengen? Dit boek doet, met de hulp van 33 auteurs (dichters, psychiaters, filosofen, artsen) een eerlijke poging.

Perceiving pain in African literature
ISBN: 9780230367425 Year: 2013 Publisher: Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan

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"Why do African writers choose to describe pain in their novels, memoirs and travelogues? What purpose could such descriptions serve? And do they fall into the danger of simply re-confirming negative stereotypes about Africa as an inevitably pained continent? Perceiving Pain in African Literature argues that the literary text has a particular role to play in contesting and re-working the personal, social and political meanings of pain. Drawing on fiction and life-writing published in English and French over the last forty years, this book explores the complexities of literature's invitation to imagine pain.Themes such as pain and meaning, literature as testimony, conflict writing, genocide and human rights are explored in relation to primary texts from West Africa, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Southern Africa. Authors including Yvonne Vera, J.M.Coetzee, Ahmadou Kourouma, Véronique Tadjo and Aminatta Forna are discussed alongside theoretical insights from medical anthropology, cultural theory, postcolonial studies and global literature"--

Pain Narratives in Greco-Roman Writings : Studies in the Representation of Physical and Mental Suffering.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789004549487 9004677461 Year: 2023 Publisher: Boston : BRILL,

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"Why is it so difficult to talk about pain? As we do today, the Greeks and Romans struggled to communicate their pain: this required a rich and subtle vocabulary which had to be developed over time. Pain Narratives traces the development of this language in literary, philosophical, and medical texts from across antiquity: poets, physicians, and philosophers contributed to an ever-growing lexicon to articulate their own and others' feelings. The essays within this volume uncover the expanding Greco-Roman vocabulary of pain, analyse the medical discussions on pain symptoms, and explore the religious reinterpretations of pain concepts in late antiquity"--

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