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The sage handbook of qualitative research in the Asian context
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1529781736 1529783712 1529785693 Year: 2022 Publisher: Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications,

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Qualitative research is growing in Asia and globally. In an Asian context, this requires an awareness of a completely different set of norms, practices, and expectations than those covered by books from a western perspective. This handbook truly celebrates these differences. Spanning the full research process, from philosophy and ethics to design and methods and through data collection, management, analysis, and dissemination, it focuses specifically on the practicalities needed to conduct effective and culturally responsive research in the Asian context. This handbook extends beyond researchers actually in Asia and also speaks to researchers working with Asian participants, researching in Asian immigrant neighbourhoods, and studying the larger global topics like socioeconomic challenges, climate change, or technological advancement. This is the first book to focus specifically on qualitative research in the Asian context and includes diverse contributors from Asia such as the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, India, Oman, China, South Korea, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, and from other continents such as North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Oceania. Section 1: Foundations of Qualitative Research in Asia; Section 2: Qualitative Research Designs; Section 3: Best Practices in Dealing with Qualitative Research Data; and Section 4: Other Qualitative Research Topics.

Creative spaces for qualitative researching : living research
Year: 2011 Publisher: Rotterdam : Sense Publishers,

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Creative Spaces for Qualitative Researching: Living Research. This book looks inward at researchers who are seeking to live their research--to embody the principles, methodologies and ethical conduct that comprises their research strategies. And, it looks outward at the living world as the focus of qualitative research. From both perspectives the editors and authors of this book have created spaces for qualitative research that provide critical and creative frameworks for conducting and living their research. A rich variety of research voices and lives are illuminated, liberated and revealed in the book. There are five sections in the book:Researching Living PracticesDoing Creative ResearchBeing a Creative ResearcherCo-Creating Qualitative Research in Creative SpacesBecoming Transformed Through Creative Research.

Kakali Bhattacharya discusses contemplative practices in qualitative research.
ISBN: 9781473985094 Year: 2017 Publisher: London, United Kingdom : SAGE Publications Ltd,

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Dr Kakali Bhattacharya discusses her work with contemplative practices and qualitative research. Contemplative inquiry draws on spiritual traditions to increase a researcher's awareness of herself and others. Bhattacharya also touches on issues of post-colonialism and appropriation.

Investigating our experience in the world
ISBN: 1283239302 9786613239303 1572337966 9781572337961 9781572337596 1572337591 Year: 2011 Publisher: Knoxville University of Tennessee Press

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At once accessible and sophisticated, this primer introduces a set of specific principles and procedures designed to promote a deeper understanding of the nuances of human experience and reflection.The empirical, qualitative approach outlined in this book, which has been refined over the past thirty years at the University of Tennessee, uses disciplined forms of dialogue as the primary means of gathering and assessing information about human experience. Properly known as existential-hermeneutic-phenomenology (or simply phenomenology in everyday usage), this style o

An introduction to qualitative research.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781473998681 Year: 2017 Publisher: United Kingdom : SAGE Publications Ltd,

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Professors Charles Laurie and Eric Jensen outline best practices for qualitative research. They discuss how to focus data collection as well as when to acknowledge faults and reassess interpretations.

Valerie Janesick discusses qualitative research, reflection & writing.
ISBN: 9781473985186 Year: 2017 Publisher: London, United Kingdom : SAGE Publications Ltd,

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Professor Valerie Janesick discusses qualitative and arts-based research, and how they differ from quantitative research. Responding to criticism about the limited generalizability of quantitative research, she stresses that everything observed in research is impermanent. Janesick also explains how research skills can help deepen a person's engagement with all of life.

Kwalitatieve data-analyse : academiejaar 2021-2022
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789464147261 Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Les recherches qualitatives en santé
Year: 2023 Publisher: Malakoff : Armand Colin,

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"Les recherches dans le domaine de la santé recourent de plus en plus fréquemment à des approches qualitatives visant à comprendre des phénomènes sociaux, tels que des représentations, des pratiques, des organisations ou des politiques, à partir de l'étude de discours, d'actions et d'interactions. La connaissance y est envisagée comme une construction, liée à des approches théoriques et empiriques rigoureuses. Leur enseignement a donc un rôle essentiel à jouer dans le développement actuel de la recherche en santé. Ce manuel est à la fois théorique et pratique. Il rappelle l'ancrage historique et disciplinaire des recherches qualitatives en santé et présente ensuite les méthodes de recherche qualitative en exposant leurs fondements, leurs principes, leurs outils et leurs pratiques appliqués à la santé. Il aborde également des questions centrales pour les recherches en santé : les enjeux éthiques, l'interdisciplinarité, les recherches participatives ou encore les manières d'écrire un protocole et de publier ses résultats. Enfin, il illustre la mise en œuvre de ces méthodes à travers des exemples détaillés de recherches qualitatives en santé menées dans différents domaines et selon des approches variées. Il donne ainsi les moyens d'élaborer, selon son niveau, un travail de recherche qualitative.

Ehrliche Unehrlichkeit : Eine qualitative Untersuchung der Tugend Ehrlichkeit bei Jugendlichen an der Zürcher Volksschule
Year: 2012 Publisher: Leverkusen-Opladen : Verlag Barbara Budrich,

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Die Studie gibt am Beispiel der Tugend Ehrlichkeit einen Einblick in normative und subjektive Orientierungen Jugendlicher in ihrem alltäglichen Schulkontext. Dem Tugendbegriff in den bisherigen Erziehungsdebatten wird eine Perspektive gegenübergestellt, die die Sichtweise der Schülerinnen und Schüler einbezieht: Im Gegensatz zum normativ verwendeten Tugendbegriff präsentiert sich in den vorliegenden Befunden die Tugend Ehrlichkeit als ambivalente Verhaltensweise, die situations-, kontext- und personenabhängig ist. Seit der griechischen Antike sind Tugenden ein zentrales Thema der Pädagogik. Erziehungsphilosophen haben immer wieder Tugendkataloge entwickelt, von denen sie annahmen, dass sie die praktische Erziehung leiten können. Die vorliegende Arbeit fragt, wie sich Jugendliche auf Erziehungsansprüche einstellen und diese zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil unterlaufen. Der Frage wird am Beispiel der schulrelevanten Tugend Ehrlichkeit nachgegangen, indem die Studie 16 Jugendliche mittels problemzentrierter Interviews im Schulkontext befragt. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung verweisen auf explizite und implizite Ehrlichkeitsregeln, die sich in konventionelle und unkonventionelle Regeln unterteilen lassen. Aus dem Inhalt: · Zum Ehrlichkeitsbegriff · Methodik der qualitativen Untersuchung · Von konventionellen Ehrlichkeitsregeln zu Ehrlichkeitsregeln der Schülerinnen und Schüler · Komplexität der unkonventionellen Ehrlichkeitsregeln · Ehrlichkeitsregeln in realen Dilemmasituationen.

Chapter 4 Supporting Emotionally Demanding Research : Developing Guidance for a University Research Centre
Authors: ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: London : Taylor & Francis,

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Conducting research that is emotionally demanding can negatively impact the health and wellbeing of researchers if adequate planning and support is not in place. Institutions are rigorous in their requirement for research proposals to consider physical health and safety risks to participants and researchers, and emotional risks to participants. There is less requirement for proposals to consider how the research might be emotionally demanding for those conducting it, and how this might affect them. Researchers in social and public health science at University of Glasgow identified a local need for a more consistent approach to considering emotional impact on researchers when planning, conducting, and disseminating research, and developed guidance addressing this need. This paper shares the process of, and findings from, staff consultation carried out in advance of writing guidance on 'Facilitating and Supporting Emotionally Demanding Research', the recommendations made within this guidance, and steps the authors have taken since then to develop a peer support network in Scotland.

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