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Sive deus sive dea : la presenza della religione nello sviluppo della società romana
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788846736611 8846736613 Year: 2013 Publisher: Pisa : Edizioni ETS,

Public portents in Republican Rome
ISSN: 00661406 ISBN: 8882652408 9788882652401 Year: 2003 Volume: 34 Publisher: Roma "L'Erma" di Bretschneider

Nikias und das Volk von Athen im Archidamischen Krieg
ISBN: 3515085750 9783515085755 Year: 2005 Volume: 185 Publisher: Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag

The religion of Iuppiter Dolichenus in the Roman army.
ISBN: 9004053980 9004295348 9789004053984 Year: 1978 Volume: 63 Publisher: Leiden Brill

Les auteurs latins de la fin des Guerres Puniques à la fin du règne des Antonins.
ISBN: 9004058230 9004058249 9004295496 9789004058248 Year: 1979 Volume: 72- Publisher: Leiden Brill

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Magic in the Roman world : pagans, jews and christians
ISBN: 041520206X 0415202078 Year: 2001 Publisher: London Routledge

Le collège pontifical (3ème s. a.C.-4ème s. p.C.) : contribution à l'étude de la religion publique romaine
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9074461492 9789074461498 Year: 2002 Volume: 39. Publisher: Bruxelles Rome = Brussel Roma Turnhout Institut historique belge de Rome Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome Brepols

Imperial cult in the latin West : studies in the ruler cult of the Western provinces of the Roman Empire. Volume III, Provincial cult. Part. 3, The Provincial centre
ISSN: 09277633 ISBN: 9004128069 9004125396 9004125361 9004128077 9789004153219 9004153217 9047412761 9047416112 9004295968 9004301690 9789004128071 9789004125391 9789004128064 9789004125360 9789004301696 9789047416111 9789004295964 Year: 2004 Volume: 145-148 Publisher: Leiden Brill

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This volume focuses on the headquarters of provincial cults and the principal features of the worship offered there on behalf of the province. Evidence for provincial centres survives in various forms of varying degress of reliability but, while no standard pattern emerges, it seems clear that every province established a permanent base that served similar cultic, administrative, recreational and ideological purposes. Traces of provincial worship are more fleeting but a rough picture can be reconstructed of priestly regalia and of the calendar, rites and associated liturgy and ceremonial that marked the differing cults of individual provinces. Both studies conclude with an overview of the main conclusions and are profusely illustrated with over a hundred plates or diagrams.

La romanisation des dieux : l'interpretatio romana en Afrique du Nord sous le Haut-Empire
ISSN: 09277633 ISBN: 1281400017 9786611400019 9047410335 9789047410331 900415258X 9789004152588 Year: 2007 Volume: 158 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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Heirs to the Punic and Berber traditions, the North Africans, once conquered by the Romans and willing to show respect for their new masters’ gods, did not want to forsake their beloved ancestral deities and solved this dilemma by giving Roman names to their traditional gods, who nevertheless kept most of their former natures. This phenomenon, known as interpretatio romana, resulted in an interpenetration of both religious universes, each being enriched in the process. Roman African gods thus conceal dual personalities within themselves, which this book tries to investigate through all available sources (epigraphy, literature, numismatic and archaeology), unveiling many unsuspected aspects of great deities like Saturn/Baal Hammon, Astarte/Venus or Mercury/Baal Addir. If those gods of Roman Africa have inspired many individual studies, there was still a need for a book examining them all together within their interrelations. Here is then at last a real global study of the Roman-African pantheon. *** Héritiers des traditions puniques et berbères, les Nord-africains, à l’arrivée du conquérant romain, voulurent conserver leurs divinités ancestrales tout en respectant les dieux de leur nouveau maître. Ils affublèrent donc de noms romains leurs dieux traditionnels tout en leur conservant l’essentiel de leur personnalité d’origine. Ce phénomène, connu sous le terme d’ , résulta en une interpénétration des deux univers religieux, qui s’enrichirent ainsi mutuellement. Les dieux de l’Afrique romaine cachent donc des personnalités multiples que cet ouvrage tente de dévoiler en mettant à profit toutes les sources disponibles : épigraphie, littérature, numismatique et archéologie. Ces grandes divinités, telles que Saturne/Baal Hammon, Vénus/Astarté ou Mercure/Baal Addir livrent ainsi tour à tour des aspects insoupçonnés de leurs personnalités. Si les dieux d’Afrique romaine ont suscité diverses études individuelles, il manquait encore un ouvrage qui les examinerait tous ensemble et dans leurs rapports entre eux. Voici donc enfin une véritable étude globale du panthéon romano-africain.

Romanising Oriental gods : myth, salvation and ethics in the cults of Cybele, Isis and Mithras.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789004132931 Year: 2008 Volume: 165 Publisher: Leiden Brill

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