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ნეტარი თეოდორიტე კვირელი = The Blessed Theodoret of Cyrus
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ISBN: 9789941437120 9789941401220 9941401225 9941437122 Year: 2011 Publisher: Tbilisi: Logosi,

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Le monachisme syrien selon Théodoret de Cyr
Year: 1977 Volume: 42 Publisher: Paris : Beauchesne,

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The first Christian histories : Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret and Evagrius
Year: 1977 Volume: 46 Publisher: Paris : Beauchesne,

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Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th century Syria : seats of learning, sidelights and Syriacisms
ISBN: 8779349919 9788779349919 Year: 2008 Publisher: Aarhus : Aarhus University Press,

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A number of prolific writers were active in the Syrian Church of the 4th and 5th centuries. However, in some cases these writers are only accessible by virtue of sidelights thrown e.g. from Armenian and Latin translations (as is the case with ""Eusebius of Emesa""); or, their works may be hidden under false attributions in Greek manuscripts (eg in: ""Pseudo-Chrysostomica"" - in fact belonging to ""Severian of Gabala""); or, their relationship to the Syriac language and culture may be misrepresented in modern research (as for ""Theodoret of Cyrrhus"").Since the 1960's Henning Lehmann's research

The School of Antioch : biblical theology and the church in Syria
ISBN: 1454193379 1453915508 Year: 2016 Publisher: New York, New York : Peter Lang Publishing Inc.,

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Christianity and Hellenism in the fifth-century Greek east : Theodoret's apologetics against the Greeks in context
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ISBN: 9780674060678 0674060679 Year: 2012 Volume: 49 Publisher: Cambridge, MA ; London Harvard University Press

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This book—the first full-length study of the “last and most beautiful” apology against paganism, Theodoret’s Therapeutic for Hellenic Maladies—combines close readings of the text with detailed analysis of Theodoret’s arguments against Greek religion, philosophy, and culture and the ways in which that Greek influence interacts with other diverse ideas, practices, and developments in the fifth-century Roman empire. The book’s larger underlying themes—the continuing debate between Christianity and Hellenism, and the relationship between classical and Christian literature—offer insights into more general late Roman and early Byzantine religious and cultural attitudes and issues, including the relations between pagan and Christian paideia, the cult of the martyrs, and the role of Christianity in the Roman empire.

Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th century Syria : seats of learning, sidelights and Syriacisms.
ISBN: 9788779343900 8779343902 Year: 2008 Publisher: Aarhus Aarhus university press

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After the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451, churches using the Syriac language came to represent the unorthodox. Before this epoch-making Council, 150 years had past in which the church language in Syria had been primarily Greek, but at the same time the diversity of languages, cultures and theologies had been huge - sometimes creating tension, especially when biblical texts were to be translated or interpreted. This early period and the many different sources that contribute to its understanding (in Greek, Syriac, Latin and Armenian), have been the subject of a great part of Henning Lehmann's research, and this volume presents 15 of his articles from the period 1969-2008.

Friderici Augusti Holzhausen Sondershuso-Greussensis ... Commentatio de fontibus quibus Socrates, Sozomenus ac Theodoretus in scribenda historia sacra usi sunt, adiuncta eorum epicrisi, in certamine literario civium Academiae Georgiae Augustae die IV iunii MDCCCXXV a ven. theologorum ordine praemio regio ornata
Year: 1825 Publisher: Gottingae: Apud Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht,

Commentatio de fontibus quibus Socrates, Sozomenus ac Theodoretus in scribenda historia sacra usi sunt : adiuncta eorum epicrisi
Year: 1825 Publisher: Gottingae: Apud Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht,

Le commentaire de Théodoret de Cyr sur l'Épître aux Romains : études philologiques et historiques
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110537888 9783110540017 9783110540659 3110537885 Year: 2018 Volume: 179 Publisher: Berlin Boston De Gruyter

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Contrairement à l'exégèse patristique antiochienne de l'AT, celle du NT est mal connue. La présente étude est centrée sur une partie essentielle et représentative (Prologue et In Romanos) de l'In epistulas Pauli de Théodoret de Cyr (Ve s.), seul commentaire grec antique de Paul conservé intégralement en langue originale. L'examen du texte (analyse sémantique et décryptage de l'argumentation) permet de découvrir les lignes de force d'un commentaire qui semble être, à première lecture, une simple paraphrase, et dans lequel l'interprétation se lit seulement en filigrane. La mise en dialogue de l'oeuvre avec ses sources met au jour à la fois la manière dont Théodoret travaille à partir de la tradition, et ses apports propres : confrontation avec l'interprétation chrysostomienne de Romains, comparaison des passages polémiques avec l'argumentation scripturaire attestée dans les débats théologiques, ou encore points de contacts sémantiques avec Jean Chrysostome et Cyrille d'Alexandrie. Prévu pour accompagner l'édition et la traduction de l'oeuvre, qui paraîtra prochainement, ce volume contribue à faire connaître les caractéristiques propres à l'exégèse du NT dans l'Antiquité et pose les bases d'une étude théologique de cette oeuvre majeure.

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