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Analysis of Non-Tariff Measures : Customs Fees and Charges on Imports
Year: 2005 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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This study examines the nature and the extent of use of customs fees and charges that affect imports at borders. It is part of a series of studies that analyse various types of non-tariff measures and the objective of this paper is to contribute to discussions in the Negotiating Group on Market Access (NAMA), the Council on Trade in Goods and elsewhere in the trade policy community. The analysis draws on data collected from WTO Trade Policy Reviews, non-tariff barrier notifications to NAMA, and the UNCTAD TRAINS database and country notes. The study reveals that most types of customs fees and charges on imports are applied ad valorem rather than with regard to the underlying costs of the services rendered. The use of customs fees and charges has also evolved over time: the use of both customs surcharges and consular invoice fees has markedly declined over the last two decades while more countries nowadays charge importers fees for the use of various customs-related services.



The Role of Factor Content in Trade : Have Changes in Factor Endowments Been Reflected in Trade Patterns and on Relative Wages?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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The pattern of trade analysed from a factor content perspective reflects the relative factor endowments of the countries examined. Although some large economies, such as the United States, seem to exhibit counter-intuitive behaviour, this is reversed when intermediate trade is taken into account. We argue this is a reflection of the changing nature of production processes and trade. The evidence presented here implies factor endowments are undergoing changes that call for careful analysis of the measures commonly used in trade. Acknowledging the role of intermediate goods to understand a country‘s factor content trade position is one step. Additionally, one must account for the interaction between the domestic determination of employment and wages with international movement of goods and services, and location of tasks.



Participation of Developing Countries in Global Value Chains : Implications for Trade and Trade-Related Policies
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Although global value chains (GVCs) are often considered a defining feature of the current wave of globalisation, little is known about: i) what drives GVC participation; ii) what the benefits associated to growing participation are; or iii) how developing countries engage and benefit from GVCs. This paper tackles these questions empirically. The evidence indicates there are important benefits to be had from wider participation in terms of enhanced productivity, sophistication and diversification of exports. Structural factors, such as geography, size of the market and level of development are found to be key determinants of GVC participation. Trade and investment policy reforms as well as improvements of logistics and customs, intellectual property protection, infrastructure and institutions can, however, also play an active role in promoting further engagement. A more in-depth analysis of GVC participation and policy context in five developing sub-regions in Africa, the Middle East and Asia highlights key differences and similarities, and can be a starting point for policy makers in the regions to assess their countries’ GVC engagement and to consider policy options.



Indicateurs sur la facilitation des échanges : Effets possibles de la facilitation sur les échanges des pays en développement
Authors: ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Ce rapport présente les résultats mis en évidence par les indicateurs de l'OCDE destinés à évaluer l'incidence de certaines mesures de facilitation sur les échanges des pays en développement. Seize indicateurs sur la facilitation des échanges (IFE) ont été construits, correspondant aux principaux domaines qui font l’objet de négociations à l'OMC. L’objectif était d'estimer les effets des mesures prises face aux obstacles particuliers créés par les procédures applicables au commerce et au passage des frontières dans un pays donné. Les domaines qui semblent influer le plus sur les volumes et les coûts du commerce, aussi bien à l'importation qu’à l'exportation, sont la disponibilité des renseignements relatifs au commerce, la simplification et l'harmonisation des documents, la rationalisation des procédures et l'utilisation de processus automatisés. L'effet combiné des améliorations apportées dans ces domaines est supérieure à la simple addition des effets de chacune ; il en résulte une réduction de 14.5 % du coût total du commerce pour les pays à faible revenu, de 15.5 % pour les pays à revenu moyen inférieur et de 13.2 % pour les pays à revenu moyen supérieur.



Services Trade Liberalisation : Identifying Opportunities and Gains
Authors: ---
Year: 2004 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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This study has two components: identification of concrete examples of services exports by developing countries, and quantitative studies on the gains from services liberalisation. While the study is by no means comprehensive, and is subject to many limitations, two fundamental findings emerge. The first of these findings, documented in Part I of the study, is that there is clear evidence that developing countries have important service sector export interests beyond mode 4 (temporary movement of services supplying personnel), being global or regional players in sectors such as business services (out-sourcing), port and shipping services, audiovisual services, telecommunications, construction services and health services. The second of these findings, documented in Part II of the study, is that for most countries, including many developing countries, export-related gains from services liberalisation are neither the only nor the largest basis of expected gains. A large portion of benefits from services liberalisation derive, not from seeking better market access abroad, but from the increased competitiveness and efficiency of the domestic market. Together, the study’s two findings underscore the potential benefits of services liberalisation, both for developed and for developing countries.



Market Openness, Trade Liberalisation and Innovation Capacity in the Finnish Telecom Equipment Industry : Trade and Innovation Project - Case Study No. 1
Year: 2008 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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There is today a great interest in understanding how governments can promote innovation and the benefits it brings, as evidenced by the discussions at the 2007 OECD Ministerial Council Meeting. Against this background, the OECD Trade Committee decided to undertake a "Trade and Innovation Project", to gain a better understanding of how trade and investment patterns and policies affect innovation capacity, and interact with other key policies influencing innovation performance. This paper is one of the five case studies conducted in the framework of this project. It examines how recent trade and investment patterns (including "trade in tasks" resulting from supply chain fragmentation) and Finnish and global policies promoting market openness and free trade have affected the innovation process in Finland’s (mobile) telecom equipment industry. The study illustrates how regulatory, trade and investment policy choices have helped -- alongside other key policies-- provide the right framework conditions for innovation in this country of 5.2 million people. In addition, it examines how the private sector, and more particularly Nokia, has taken advantage of those conditions to enhance its innovation capacity. This study does not constitute an in-depth evaluation of the effectiveness of Finnish public policies nor of Nokia’s business strategy. Rather, it provides an illustration of how certain public policy choices and business strategies can contribute to a country’s innovation performance.



Do Bilateral and Regional Approaches for Reducing Technical Barriers to Trade Converge Towards the Multilateral Trading System?
Year: 2007 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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As part of its work on regionalism, the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate has completed a series of studies that compare rule-making provisions in regional trade agreements with those in the World Trade Organisation (e.g., in the area of services, investment and competition). This paper aims to complement existing studies, by examining legal provisions regarding "technical barriers to trade" (i.e., technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures) in selected bilateral and regional trade agreements, and their degree of similarity and convergence with the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, and with each other. The study reveals that most provisions regarding technical barriers to trade (TBT) included in bilateral and regional trade agreements converge towards the multilateral trading system. When implemented effectively, agreements seeking deeper economic integration and regulatory cooperation, in particular, can complement and strengthen the implementation the WTO Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade by setting the pace for improved regulatory practices and TBT-related infrastructure in member countries (e.g., through regional consultation fora and joint standardisation and accreditation bodies). Some caveats however remain. When overlapping agreements promote different criteria for the harmonisation of standard-related measures and when bilateral or regional initiatives are conducted in isolation from international efforts and divert attention from multilateral trade and standards-related negotiations, new obstacles may arise both for regulators and businesses. Such constraints are further magnified for low income countries afflicted by administrative and technical capacity-related problems. To remedy these potential problems, the study proposes a number of policy recommendations.



Logistics and Time as a Trade Barrier
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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This paper analyses the relation between time for exports and imports, logistics services and international trade. Time is found not only to reduce trade volumes, but more importantly lengthy procedures for exports and imports reduce the probability that firms will enter export markets for timesensitive products at all. Furthermore, a broader range of products are becoming time-sensitive following the proliferation of modern supply chain management in manufacturing as well as retailing. Labourintensive products such as clothing and consumer electronics are increasingly time-sensitive and many developing countries urgently need to shorten lead time in order to stay competitive in these sectors. The report argues that reforms to this effect can be implemented at relatively low cost also in low-income countries. The study provides case studies as well as econometric estimates of the relation between time, logistics services and trade performance and draws policy implications.



Economic Impacts of the Phase-Out in 2005 of Quantitative Restrictions under the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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This paper discusses the economic impacts of the phase-out of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA), which was provided for under the 1994 Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC). It presents an overview of the integration process of textile and clothing products into the GATT, takes stock of the most recent changes in the global textile and clothing (T&C) markets, and analyses some major economic impacts and strategies adopted by producers in OECD and non-OECD countries to survive in the post-MFA global competitive arena.



The Interaction amongst Trade, Investment and Competition Policies
Authors: ---
Year: 2008 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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The report focuses on the complementarities between trade, investment and competition policies and analyses how policy coherence can be promoted in these three important areas that shape incentives for firms and individuals to be more productive and for markets to be more competitive. It also deals with the potential inconsistencies or tensions that may arise between trade, investment and competition reforms and how to ease them. It shows that specific policy goals can be achieved while maintaining an open and procompetitive environment. Overall, the analysis highlights the role of governments in providing the right incentives to facilitate the adjustment to the internationalisation of production and the important synergies between policies that can be exploited to promote growth. It is not only the case in contestable markets but also in the context of market failures where pro-competitive policies can address specific distortions and mitigate the adverse effects of reforms. The report includes the results of a survey collecting the experience of policymakers on complementarities between trade, investment and competition policies.



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