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Behind the screen : content moderation in the shadows of social media
ISBN: 0300235887 9780300235883 Year: 2019 Publisher: New Haven : Yale University Press,

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An eye-opening look at the invisible workers who protect us from seeing humanity’s worst on today’s commercial internet Social media on the internet can be a nightmarish place. A primary shield against hateful language, violent videos, and online cruelty uploaded by users is not an algorithm. It is people. Mostly invisible by design, more than 100,000 commercial content moderators evaluate posts on mainstream social media platforms: enforcing internal policies, training artificial intelligence systems, and actively screening and removing offensive material —sometimes thousands of items per day. Sarah T. Roberts, an award-winning social media scholar, offers the first extensive ethnographic study of the commercial content moderation industry. Based on interviews with workers from Silicon Valley to the Philippines, at boutique firms and at major social media companies, she contextualizes this hidden industry and examines the emotional toll it takes on its workers. This revealing investigation of the people “behind the screen” offers insights into not only the reality of our commercial internet but the future of globalized labor in the digital age

SM&S : proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Social Media & Society : Toronto, Canada, July 27-29, 2015
ISBN: 1450339239 Year: 2015 Publisher: New York : ACM,

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SM&S : 7th International Conference on Social Media & Society : July 11-13, 2016, London, UK
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1450339387 Year: 2016 Publisher: New York : ACM,

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Come il mondo ha cambiato i social media : An Italian Translation of How the World Changed Social Media
ISBN: 1787355578 Year: 2016 Publisher: London [England] : UCL Press,

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Come il mondo ha cambiato i social media è il volume complessivo di comparazione dei risultati di un'ampia indagine etnografica, coordinata da Daniel Miller, dall'eloquente titolo "Why We Post". Nove ricercatori, incluso Miller, hanno trascorso 15 mesi sul campo, in diversi paesi del mondo (Italia del sud, Turchia sudorientale, due siti in Cina, area rurale e area industriale, Trinidad, Inghilterra, India del sud, Cile settentrionale e Brasile) a osservare e studiare, con un approccio etnografico, i modi in cui le persone usano i social media. È un fatto indiscutibile che i social sono entrati nella nostra vita con prepotenza, in modo capillare, per certi aspetti invasivo. Con un linguaggio fluido, talvolta anche colloquiale, il lettore è condotto all'interno di un ambito che gli sembra di conoscere, se non altro perché ne siamo tutti, più o meno, utenti, scoprendo però quanto di valori, di comportamenti culturalmente codificati, di 'polizia morale' ci sia dentro i social media. L'approccio qui presentato parte infatti da un'idea un po' diversa rispetto a quelle più diffuse, e avvalorata nel corso della ricerca: se è indubbio che i social media hanno cambiato il mondo, la questione più interessante riguarda però il modo in cui il mondo li ha cambiati.

Mizení : fenomény, mediální praktiky a techniky na prahu zjevného
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8024636786 9788024636788 9788024636603 8024636603 Year: 2017 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Karolinum,

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Social media : global perspectives, applications and benefits and dangers
ISBN: 9781634632058 1634632052 9781634631754 1634631757 Year: 2015 Publisher: New York, [New York] : Novinka,

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The prevalence of social media avails individual users and organizations with unprecedented access to personal information that was once arduous to gather. Undoubtedly, privacy concerns on social media platforms become critically important as vendors can now potentially have access to a large collection of users' personal information. This book discusses the privacy concerns in using social media. It discusses the negative impact social media has on different populations; the use of social media for job placement; the dangers of social media for the psyche; and videos as a form of transmedia s

Kommunikationsformen und Deliberationsdynamik : eine relationale Inhalts- und Sequenzanalyse politischer Online-Diskussionen auf Beteiligungsplattformen
ISBN: 9783748934226 Year: 2022 Publisher: Baden-Baden : Nomos,

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Die Arbeit widmet sich der Dynamik öffentlicher Online-Deliberation. Basierend auf einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem klassischen Deliberationskonzept werden neben der Argumentation außerdem Narration, Emotionsäußerungen und Humor als deliberative Kommunikationsformen diskutiert. Neben der Gegenargumentation werden Empathie, Konstruktivität, Reflexivität und echte Fragen als Bestandteile deliberativer Reziprozität betrachtet. Empirisch wird mittels relationaler Inhalts- und Sequenzanalyse zweier Online-Beteiligungsverfahren untersucht, inwiefern unterschiedliche Kommunikationsformen nachfolgende klassische und inklusive deliberative Reziprozität beeinflussen.

Sozialisation in einer sich wandelnden Medienumgebung : zur Rolle der kommunikativen Figuration Familie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783748928621 Year: 2022 Publisher: Baden-Baden : Nomos,

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Crowd sourcing data collection through Amazon Mechanical Turk
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Adelphi, MD : Army Research Laboratory,

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Normalisation of Dutch SMS-language: owzekr!
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstelling: Het doel van deze scriptie is te onderzoeken waar en hoe SMS-taal precies verschilt van standaardtaal. Middelen of methode: Om dit te verwezenlijken werd een corpus van 500 sms'en of 6686 tokens samengesteld. Dit corpus dient als materiaal om kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve berekeningen op uit te voeren. Aan de hand van een literatuurstudie van linguïstiek van SMS-taal en normalisatiesystemen werd de nodige achtergrondinformatie verzameld. Resultaten: Het onderzoek wijst uit dat 21,94% van de tokens afwijkt van standaardtaal. Voor bepaalde leeftijdsgroepen, namelijk voor 12 tot 15 jarigen stijgt dit percentage tot 60,10%. Het minste aantal normalisaties deed zich voor bij 11 - en 25 tot 30 jarigen. Opvallend is ook dat sms'en van mannen de meeste normalisaties moeten ondergaan: 28,71% ten opzichte van 17,08% voor de vrouwen.

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