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Briefings in functional genomics & proteomics.
ISSN: 14774062 14739550 Year: 2002 Publisher: [London] : Henry Stewart Publications,

Hedging in scientific research articles
ISBN: 1283221950 9786613221957 9027282587 9789027282583 1556198167 9781556198168 9027250677 9789027250674 Year: 1998 Volume: 54 Publisher: Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Pub. Co.,

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This book provides a comprehensive study of hedging in academic research papers, relating a systematic analysis of forms to a pragmatic explanation for their use. Based on a detailed examination of journal articles and interviews with research scientists, the study shows that the extensive use of possibility and tentativeness in research writing is intimately connected to the social and institutional practices of academic communities and is at the heart of how knowledge comes to be socially accredited through texts. The study identifies the major forms, functions and distribution of hedges and

La battaglia per l'Open : Come l'Open ha vinto, ma non sembra una vittoria
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 8855267132 8855263439 Year: 2022 Publisher: Milano : Ledizioni,

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Con il successo delle pubblicazioni ad accesso aperto, dei Massive open online courses (MOOC) e delle pratiche di open education, l’approccio aperto all’istruzione si è spostato dalla periferia alla scena centrale. Questo segna un momento di vittoria per il movimento open education, ma allo stesso tempo fa iniziare la vera battaglia per la direzione che l’openness deve prendere. Come per il movimento green, l’openness ha ora un valore di mercato ed è soggetta a nuove tensioni, come ad esempio i venture capitalist che finanziano le società MOOC. Questo è un momento cruciale per determinare la direzione futura dell’open education. In questo volume, Martin Weller esamina quattro aree chiave che sono state fondamentali per gli sviluppi nell’ambito dell’open education: accesso aperto, MOOC, risorse didattiche aperte e ricerca scientifica aperta. Esplorando le tensioni all’interno di queste aree chiave, sostiene che capire chi detterà la futura direzione dell’openness è significativo per tutti coloro che sono interessati al tema dell’istruzione. La traduzione italiana di Simone Aliprandi rende l’opera più facilmente fruibile ai lettori italiani e la postfazione di Elena Giglia apporta preziosi spunti di approfondimento e di aggiornamento.

Un genio popular : historia de vida de David Villasante González
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9972691837 2821844433 Year: 2008 Publisher: Institut français d’études andines

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Este testimonio fue recogido por Martine du Authier cuando, siendo estudiante de Etnología, realizaba una investigación sobre la fiesta mestiza de la Virgen del Carmen de Paucartambo (Cuzco), habiendo sido David Villasante González (1900-1988) uno de sus principales informantes. Después del fallecimiento de este último, el libro se pudo terminar gracias al concurso de una de sus hijas, Rosaldina. Dotado de grandes calidades humanas, David Villasante fue un apasionado de las tradiciones culturales de su pueblo, sin establecer jerarquías entre los elementos indígenas y mestizos. Su arraigo a su entorno vital fue de la mano con una creatividad de dones múltiples: era a la vez dibujante, acuarelista, escultor, fotógrafo, bordador, poeta, dramaturgo, músico, compositor, danzante, coreógrafo, diseñador de máscaras y de trajes, además de autodidacta inspirado: La fiesta de Paucartambo, su pueblo natal, está marcada por su fecunda vida.

Pharmacology & toxicology.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 09019928 17427843 16000773 Year: 1987 Publisher: [Copenhagen] : [Munksgaard International Publishers]

Sociétés, environnements, santé
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2709918137 2709916940 Year: 2013 Publisher: Marseille : IRD Éditions,

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Les domaines de la santé et de l’environnement ont longtemps été considérés, tant par les décideurs que par les scientifiques, comme des réalités disjointes. Il a fallu attendre les dernières décennies pour que soit reconnu et que se concrétise le lien entre environnements et santé avec la création d’agences spécialisées. Qu’il s’agisse de foyers de maladies parasitaires ou de pollution atmosphérique, les situations d’exposition à un risque sanitaire lié à l’environnement relèvent de facteurs particuliers : épidémiologiques, géographiques, politiques, et bien évidemment sociaux. À partir de zones géographiques situées tant au Sud qu’au Nord, les auteurs de cet ouvrage présentent un large éventail de configurations dans lesquelles s’exprime la complexité des relations entre santé et environnements dans leur rapport avec les groupes humains. Ils mettent l’accent sur l’importance de la perception et de la pratique des acteurs (des décideurs aux bénéficiaires des mesures, en passant par les médecins) pour penser le risque sanitaire selon les milieux. Ils soulignent tout l’intérêt de l’apport des sciences sociales et des pratiques interdisciplinaires dès lors qu’il s’agit d’envisager les relations entre un pathogène et l’homme. Chacune des approches s’attache ainsi à éclairer les différentes facettes du risque environnemental, depuis le comportement des individus jusqu’aux politiques nationales, en invitant le lecteur à se départir de toute vision déterministe et simplificatrice.

Nature reviews.
ISSN: 17401526 17401534 Year: 2003 Publisher: [London] : Nature Pub. Group,

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Nature Reviews Microbiology takes a uniquely integrated approach to microbiology, bridging fundamental research on bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi and protozoan parasites with its clinical, industrial and environmental applications. All Reviews, Perspectives and Progress articles are commissioned from leaders in the field and undergo rigorous peer review, which results in authoritative, timely articles. Articles are carefully edited and the figures redrawn by professional art editors, creating highly readable, visually attractive articles that are accessible to specialists and non-specialists alike. In addition, each issue contains Research Highlights, providing critical summaries of significant recent research papers as well as a monthly update on the latest advances in microbial genomics – in collaboration with the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.


General microbiology --- Microbiology --- Microbiologie --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Infection --- Bacterial diseases --- Microbiology. --- Mensuels. --- Microbiologie. --- Recherche scientifique. --- Bacterial Infections. --- Infection. --- Virus Diseases. --- 57 --- 579 --- Infections --- Bacterial Infection --- Infection, Bacterial --- Infections, Bacterial --- Viral Diseases --- Disease, Viral --- Disease, Virus --- Diseases, Viral --- Diseases, Virus --- Viral Disease --- Virus Disease --- Biological sciences in general --- Periodicals --- Agriculture Sciences --- Life Sciences --- Soil Chemistry, Microbiology, Fertility & Fertilizers --- Micro and Molecular Biology --- Viral Infections --- Virus Infections --- Infection, Viral --- Infection, Virus --- Infections, Viral --- Infections, Virus --- Viral Infection --- Virus Infection --- 579 Microbiology --- Périodiques --- EBSCOASP-E EJMEDEC EPUB-ALPHA-N EPUB-PER-FT MDMICROB --- Infection and Infestation --- Infections and Infestations --- Infestation and Infection --- Infestations and Infections --- MDMICROB --- Bacterial Disease --- Bacterial Diseases --- Maladies bactériennes --- Microbiology & Immunology --- Microbial biology --- Biology --- Microorganisms --- Infectious Disease Medicine --- Bacterial Infections --- Virus Diseases --- Medical microbiology --- Parasitology --- Virology --- Infectious diseases --- Life sciences --- Life Sciences, general --- Medical Microbiology --- Infectious Diseases --- Biosciences --- Sciences, Life --- Science

Bulletin du Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem
ISSN: 20755287 Year: 1997 Publisher: Jérusalem, Israel : Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem,

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Le Bulletin du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem est une publication annuelle qui vise à faire connaître les recherches et les activités du CRFJ. À partir du numéro 19, année 2008, le Bulletin est disponible uniquement en ligne. Le CRFJ est placé sous la double tutelle du ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international et du CNRS. Il est intégré au réseau des Instituts de recherche français à l’étranger (IFRE) animé par le MAEDI ; et il constitue une unité de recherche du CNRS (USR 3132).

American scientist.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 15452786 00030996 Year: 1942 Publisher: New Haven, Conn. : Society of the Sigma Xi,

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Greek letter societies --- Research --- Science --- Society of the Sigma Xi --- Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society of North America --- Sciences --- Recherche --- Technologie --- Greek letter societies. --- Natuurwetenschappen. --- Research. --- Science. --- Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society of North America. --- Society of the Sigma Xi. --- Laboratory Research --- Research Activities --- Research and Development --- Research Priorities --- Activities, Research --- Activity, Research --- Development and Research --- Priorities, Research --- Priority, Research --- Research Activity --- Research Priority --- Research, Laboratory --- College fraternities --- College sororities --- Fraternities --- Sororities, Greek letter --- Sigma Xi --- Societies --- Ethics, Research --- Scientific Research Society of America --- Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society --- Technology --- Associations désignées par des lettres grecques --- Recherche. --- Sciences. --- research (function) --- sciences (philosophy) --- Natural science --- Natural sciences --- Science of science --- Science research --- Scientific research --- Information services --- Learning and scholarship --- Methodology --- Research teams --- Publications périodiques. --- Recherche scientifique et technique. --- Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society. --- Science and technology. --- Technology. --- Applied science --- Arts, Useful --- Science, Applied --- Useful arts --- Industrial arts --- Material culture --- Industries

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