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L'homme de la bioéthique : entretiens avec Yves de Gentil-Baichis.
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ISBN: 222004453X 9782220044538 Year: 1999 Publisher: Paris Desclée de Brouwer

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Le champ de l'éthique biomédicale ne cesse de s'élargir du stade embryonnaire de la vie humaine jusqu'à sa fin, sans omettre le génie génétique, les greffes d'organe et les neurosciences. Le P. O. de Dinechin, membre durant huit ans du Conseil consultatif national d'éthique en France, s'exprime ici en moraliste catholique informé des données scientifiques, des implications morales et de l'état des opinions. Le titre de l'ouvrage indique le souci de l'A.: dans le corps humain étudié, manié, remanié peut-être par les biosciences, faire entrevoir l'homme à respecter, à servir, à aimer. La table des matières montre la richesse d'un livre qui met à la portée du lecteur cultivé le discernement de la moralité de gestes médicaux concrets. Greffes d'organe: avec l'Épiscopat français, l'A. encourage cette «forme éloquente de fraternité» (p. 28), tout en n'oubliant pas la réflexion nécessaire sur la détermination du moment de la mort (p. 34). Le consentement éclairé est nécessaire aux expériences sur l'homme (p. 41). Le respect est dû à l'embryon comme à une personne «en devenir» (p. 54). Le sort des embryons congelés (p. 58-59) trouve l'A. hésitant devant la décision de les laisser mourir (décision reconnue légitime par le P. Verspieren et le Cardinal Lustiger). À propos de la fécondation in vitro homologue, de Dinechin évoque les «gestes décisifs» qu'elle suppose (p. 68-69) et en distingue les «significations objectives» dégagées dans Donum vitae et les «significations vécues» (p. 70). Il est courtoisement mais fermement opposé à la FIVD (avec donneur étranger au couple) et n'est guère favorable à l'anonymat du donneur (p. 73). Le diagnostic prénatal - de soi moralement légitime - suscite la grave tentation d'un eugénisme (p. 77) hygiénique défendu sans vergogne par certains (p. 80). La réflexion sur le contrôle de l'usage des tests génétiques est marquée des prudences du droit français (p. 84s.). Le clonage (reproductif,) «un véritable non-sens» (p. 93), est seulement évoqué. Les neurosciences permettent de mieux discerner l'inné, sans pour autant connaître l'acquis (p. 101), elles posent des questions morales distinctes selon qu'il s'agit (Fr. Quéré) du jouissif (euphorisant), du «performatif» (dopage) ou du répressif (délinquance sexuelle) (p. 104). Le chapitre sur la mort dans la dignité (p. 111) et la lutte contre la douleur (p. 112, soins palliatifs) est particulièrement vif: «donner la mort, un abus du pouvoir médical» (p. 115). L'expression d'euthanasie passive, note justement l'A., est ambiguë et à éviter puisqu'il ne s'agit pas de mort directement provoquée. Une annexe (p. 125-126) donne sigles et définitions des gestes engagés dans les procréations médicalement assistées. «La réflexion du P. de Dinechin… net dans ses convictions et nuancé dans ses jugements…, aidera à prendre conscience des questions essentielles soulevées par la progression des sciences médicales« (Y. de Gentil-Baichis, p. 9). - A. Chapelle, S.J.

Reproductive technologies : a reader.
ISBN: 0742531511 0742531503 9780742531512 Year: 2004 Publisher: Totowa Rowman & Littlefield

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As part of the Readings in Bioethics series, this volume collects critical essays by leading scholars on reproductive technologies, abortion, in vitro fertilization, prenatal diagnosis, and cloning.Over a decade ago the field of bioethics was established in response to the increased control over the design of living organisms afforded by both medical genetics and biotechnology. Since its introduction, bioethics has become established as an academic discipline with journals and professional societies, is covered regularly in the media, and affects people everyday around the globe. In response to the increasing need for information about medical genetics and biotechnology as well as the ethical issues these fields raise, Sheed & Ward proudly presents the Readings in Bioethics Series. Edited by Thomas A. Shannon, the series provides anthologies of critical essays and reflections by leading ethicists in four pivotal areas: reproductive technologies, genetic technologies, death and dying, and health care policy. The goal of this series is twofold: first, to provide a set of readers on thematic topics for introductory or survey courses in bioethics or for courses with a particular theme or time limitation.Second, each of the readers in this series is designed to help students focus more thoroughly and effectively on specific topics that flesh out the ethical issues at the core of bioethics. The series is also highly accessible to general readers interested in bioethics. This volume collects critical essays by leading scholars on reproductive technologies, abortion, in vitro fertilization, prenatal diagnosis, and cloning. Included in this volume are David Adamson, James P. Toner, Thomas A. Shannon, Bonnie Steinbock, Laura A. Schieve, Richard J. Paulson, G. Pennings, Thomas H. Murray, Lori B. Andrews, J. M. Phillips.

Mental health and HIV infection : psychological and psychiatric aspects.
ISBN: 1857281713 1857281705 Year: 1999 Publisher: London UCL press

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'Mental health and HIV Infection' provides an up-to-date overview of the mental health consequences and of the kind of psychological, psychopharmacological and community forms of intervention available to deal with the adverse psychological effects of HIV infection. Divided into three parts, the book examines psychological and brain-related consequences of HIV infection, key areas of intervention, and three areas of controversial debate; euthansia, psychoimmunology and complementary therapies.

Framing the sexual subject : the politics of gender, sexuality and power.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0520218388 0520218361 Year: 2000 Publisher: Berkeley University of California Press

Culture, society and sexuality : a reader.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1857288114 1857288106 Year: 1999 Publisher: London UCL Press

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This work offers an introduction to the central debates in sexuality research. Among the issues examined are the social and cultural dimensions of sex, human sexuality and sex research.Since the beginnings of time, people have been interested in sex - the form it takes, the pleasure it can give, the circumstances in which it occurs, and what it means - both for the individuals concerned and to society more generally. Often seen as a synonym for love, sometimes as an expression of power, and infrequently as a means of exploitation and abuse, sex is a complex and multi-faceted aspect of human behaviour that has been written about by numerous writers and theorists worldwide. This book offers an introduction to the central debates in sexuality research. Among the issues examined are the social and cultural dimensions of sex, human sexuality and sex research. It should be of use to students of sociology, cultural studies, and health and behavioural studies.

Individual liberty and medical control.
ISBN: 1840145722 Year: 1998 Publisher: Aldershot Ashgate

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This work addresses the moral, social and political problems emerging from the practice of healing and caring, biomedical research and the provision of health care services. The primary aim of many professional bioethicists is, of late, to solve as efficiently as possible, the problems encountered by health care providers and scientists in clinical, laboratory and administrative settings. Seen from the viewpoint of applied philosophy however, this is a dangerous tendency if the grounds for the suggested solutions are not properly examined. Even choices which are harmless and seem to involve no immoralities can be directly hazardous if those making choices appeal to dubious ethical principles or inaccurate data. This is why the book is dedicated to the examination of the reasons that people can and should have for their health-care related decisions as well as to the formulation of good solutions to difficult problems. It covers criteria in life and death situations, voluntary euthanasia and medical paternalism, wrongful medical authoritarianism, health education, preventive medicine and the welfare of the population, AIDS, discrimination and legal restrictions, and health-care policy-making.

Psychosociale aspecten van patiëntenzorg. Deel 4
ISBN: 903341810X Year: 1988 Publisher: Leuven Acco

Beyond regulations
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0807876062 9780807876060 0807824682 9780807824689 0807847704 9780807847701 9798890867780 Year: 1999 Publisher: Chapel Hill, NC University of North Carolina Press

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Across a broad range of disciplines -- in medicine, social science, and the humanities -- researchers, scholars, teachers, and administrators increasingly are looking for new ways to approach ethical issues in research with human subjects. Questions about how relationships between funders and researchers should affect research design, for example, or whether the potential benefits of research can outweigh the importance of its subjects' interests are inadequately addressed by the prevailing, regulation-based research ethics paradigm.This book constitutes a reexamination of research ethics. It combines case studies and commentaries by a multidisciplinary group of scholars and researchers to explore such topics as informed consent, conflict of interest, confidentiality, and research on illegal behavior. All human subjects research takes place within complex social, cultural, and political contexts, the contributors argue. Increased consideration of the relationships between researchers and theirsubjects, funders, and institutions within these contexts will facilitate research that is sensitive and responsible as well as scientifically fruitful.

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