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A diagnosis of modern life : Robert Musil's Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften as a critical-utopian project
ISBN: 9782875741578 2875741578 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bruxelles ; New York : P.I.E. Peter Lang,

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Robert Musil’s Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften is not only a towering masterpiece of German literature but also an impressively rich and razor-sharp assessment of life in the beginning of the twentieth century. Musil can be regarded as one of the most original and hard-hitting cultural critics of his time. This book explores in detail the cultural critique at work in Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften. Firstly, the place of morality and ideology in Musil’s critique is explained and how his writings function as an ideology critique. Secondly, the question of Musil’s utopianism is clarified. His utopianism is not a future or ideal place but an increased awareness of the possibilities in the present, opened up by the process of critique. Thirdly, the function of the ‘pathological’ in Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften is analyzed. Musil’s novel was meant to be an intervention into a condition which he compared to a pathological affliction. Finally, this book takes up the difficult question of whether Musil’s analysis and original ideas still have relevance today.

Critical theory at a crossroads : conversations on resistance in times of crisis
ISBN: 9780231186797 9780231186780 9780231546836 Year: 2018 Publisher: New York Columbia University Press

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We are living in an age of crisis or an age in which everything is labeled a crisis. Financial, debt, and refugee crises have erupted. The word has also been applied to the Arab Spring and its aftermath, Brexit, the 2016 U.S. election, and many other international events. Yet the term has contradictory political and strategic meanings for those challenging power structures and those seeking to preserve them. For critics of the status quo, can the rhetoric of crisis be used to foment urgency around issues like climate change and financialization, or does framing a situation as a crisis play into the hands of the existing political order, which then seeks to tighten the leash by creating a state of emergency?Critical Theory at a Crossroads presents conversations with prominent theorists about the crises that have marked the past years, the protest movements that have risen up in response, and the use of the term in political discourse. Tariq Ali, Rosi Braidotti, Wendy Brown, Maurizio Lazzarato, Angela McRobbie, Jean-Luc Nancy, Antonio Negri, Jacques Rancière, Saskia Sassen, and Joseph Vogl offer their views on contemporary challenges and how we might address them, candidly discussing the alternatives that new social movements have offered, alongside an exchange between Zygmunt Bauman and Roberto Esposito on theories of community. Sparring over crucial developments in these past years of catastrophe and the calamity of everyday life under capitalism, they shed light on how crises and the discourse of crisis can both obscure and reveal fundamental aspects of modern societies.(

Teken versus betekenaar : psychobiografische studie van het werk van Paul Cézanne
Authors: ---
Year: 2000

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50 key terms in contemporary cultural theory
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789463370813 9463370811 Year: 2017 Publisher: Antwerpen Pelckmans Pro

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Anthropocene, post-humanism, biopolitics ? These terms are often used first in an academic context before being used outside the academic world, once their usefulness has become known to the wider public. Whether in official policy documents, in catalogues of expositions or in applications for subsidies, these terms tend to show up regularly.In this book, 50 terms that are important in contemporary cultural theory are explained by experts in the field. They clarify what the term means, how it is used in different contexts and which discussions the term has triggered. Some of these terms refer to political issues (surveillance, political theology, multitude), gender and queer studies (post-feminism, heteronormativity, intersectionality), media theory (convergence, algorithm) or the art world (curating, participation, performance).This book functions as a compendium of key terms in contemporary cultural theory. It is of use for students in the humanities, but also for professionals in the cultural field.Bron :

Heidegger en de ecologische crisis : diagnose en voorstellen

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The Connection between Photography and Cultural Identity
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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There is a silent cry of certain people, whose existence has been erased from the map. Gayarti Spivak refers to them as subaltern and she argues that these people cannot be heard by the elite society. She criticises the post-colonial elite and she takes a stand for the oppressed. In a similar reading, Edward Said, as well as Clare Harris, take a stand for the communities in which cultural identity suffers from marginalization. In their texts, they make an effort to show each culture by means of photography. These people are in a constant exile, one that is both internal and external. In this thesis, I examine different theoretical approaches to the vast topic of photography. I highlight the importance of photography and its role in Said’s After the Last Sky (1985) and Harris’ Photography and Tibet (2016). I present Said’s views on Palestinians and the way he uses photography, in relation to Eduardo Cadava’s Words of Light (1997). Cadava stresses the importance of images not only in preserving an event of the past, but also in showing a truth that cannot be questioned. I analyse Spivak’s “Can the Subaltern Speak?” (1988) in my effort to comprehend whether the subaltern can be heard. Later on, I examine photographs on the topic of Palestine and Tibet, from After the Last Sky and Photography and Tibet. Palestinians and Tibetans are in a constant exile and in an endless silent resistance. Why are certain cultures unrecognized and kept in the shadow? Could photography help them preserve their cultural identities? Their demands are not just geographical; the most important thing for them is their voice to be heard and the freedom to show their identities. Keywords: cultural identity, subaltern, photography


Geheugenplaatsen als bouwstenen van een herinneringscultuur: de Kazerne Dossin in Mechelen.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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After the end of the Second World War, the world had to deal with the aftermath of the war and the Holocaust. The Holocaust awareness evolved from almost being neglected and marginalized in the immediate post-war period to the core of European identity. The Holocaust has become an integral and crucial part of our collective memory. The nineties were marked by a real Holocaust boom, it became a hot topic in society. No other event in contemporary history has been so much debated and documented. The primary purpose of this study is to determine how a culture of remembrance is created through places of memory, in this case museums dedicated to the Holocaust. In the last three decades there has been an increased interest in the interaction between the ways we remember the past and how we use it to make sense out of the present and create our identity. Or, as David Lowenthal suggested: 'The past is essential and inescapable. Without it we would lack any identity, nothing would be familiar, and the present would make no sense.' (Lowenthal, 1985, 5) What Pierre Nora called the lieux de mémoire also became an important aspect in how we should remember the past. In the first part of this research, a theoretical framework is set up based on three different themes. First, the debate about remembrance and its importance for the way we deal with the past will be discussed. The second part will be more specific and will discuss the way the Holocaust has been remembered over the last 65 years. The third part of the theoretical framework contains an analysis of the Holocaust museum boom and the changing role of these museums in society. An important aspect here is the way in which survival testimonies are used in the museum setting. Over recent years there has been a shift in the way in which testimonies are used. The focus now lies on the desire to reveal the horrible experiences that the victims of Nazi genocide had to bear. 'Witnesses are guides to an experience most of us n...


Indie: de evolutie van een veelzijdig muziekbegrip
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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Deze masterproef behandelt de evolutie van het veelzijdige muziekbegrip indie, in het bijzonder in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de Verenigde Staten en België. Indie is niet alleen een genre, maar ook een productiewijze en een levenshouding. Hoewel er discussie bestaat rond de oorsprong van de term, wordt algemeen aangenomen dat hij voor het eerst geïntroduceerd werd rond 1980 in het Verenigd Koninkrijk waar de eerste hitlijsten voor onafhankelijke muziek samengesteld werden. Omdat de roots van indie in bij de punk en post-punk liggen, leeft er bij indiegemeenschap een voorliefde voor de do-it-yourself attitude die nog altijd aanwezig is. Vandaag de dag kent het genre meer commercieel succes en aandacht dan op elk ander punt in zijn geschiedenis. Hoe de term indie geëvolueerd is van de professionele organisatie die erachter zit, tot een specifieke sound en zelfs een marketingbegrip wordt verklaard in deze thesis.


De invloed van hashtagactivisme op de strijd tegen genderspecifiek geweld. De Nirbhayaprotesten in India
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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Deze thesis zal de Nirbhayaprotesten in India van 2012 bespreken als een vroeg voorbeeld van hashtagactivisme. In het eerste deel zullen de verschillende feministische golven en hun karakteristieken aan bod komen, beginnende bij de eerste golf en eindigend bij het contemporaine hashtagfeminisme. De voor- en nadelen van dit hashtagfeminisme en haar specifieke manier van actievoering, het hashtagactivisme, zullen vervolgens besproken worden aan de hand van de #metoo-beweging. Het tweede deel gaat dieper in op het concept van genderspecifiek geweld, met een focus op de verschillende gangbare definities en hun implicaties. Het probleem van onder aangifte zal vervolgens meer in detail besproken worden aan de hand van Jan Jordans theorie over silencing agents: het individu, de politie, het gerecht, formele en informele steun, onderzoek en ten slotte de media. Ten laatste zullen de mogelijke gezondheidsrisico’s en de extra kosten voor zowel het slachtoffer als de maatschappij besproken worden. In het derde deel zal de vrouw gesitueerd worden in de Indiase maatschappij. Hierbij wordt de nadruk gelegd op de gevolgen van de patriarchale cultuur voor uitingen van genderspecifiek geweld. Daarnaast wordt het probleem van onder aangifte van misdaden bij de politie bekeken in het licht van de invloed van patriarchale noties als reinheid en eer. Vervolgens worden de Nirbhayaprotesten van 2012, die volgde op de groepsverkrachting van een 23-jarige studente, beschreven en geanalyseerd. De feiten vonden plaats op 16 december 2012 in New Delhi en waren dermate ernstig dat het slachtoffer op 29 december het leven liet. De manier waarop het protest de Indiase overheid onder druk zette om de legislatuur aan te passen, zullen besproken en geëvalueerd worden. Ten slotte zal bekeken worden in welke mate de gemaakte beloftes, zeven jaar later, waargemaakt zijn en veranderingen teweeggebracht hebben.


Garbage in Cultural Perspective. How to come to a broader understanding of garbage through art?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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This thesis will underline the issue rooted in a mainstream ideological approach towards the existence of garbage and art in times of raised ecological awareness. Within the realm of a neoliberal stance towards ecological crises, garbage has turned into a critical substance that systematically recalls individual’s responsibilities to the pollution of the earth’s ecosystems. Having entered the domain of art, the ideological approach of ecology is being mirrored in the countless artworks in which garbage is recalling its own critical existence. Throughout this thesis I argue that 21st-century “Trash Art” provides its audience little or no space for critical investigation into the existence of garbage as a politically constructed entity. The morally loaded sculptures or installations made out of detritus provide, instead, visitors with feelings of guilt. In the search to come to a broader understanding of garbage through art, I exemplify how an artistic approach towards material detritus as a cultural and political construct has been flourishing in the 20th century art history. With the power to reflect on issues of inclusion, exclusion and otherness, artists have been systematically using cast-off materials as poetic tools for cultural critique and political dissent. As a way of bringing these reflections to live, I decided to analyze an exhibition that I organized in the frame of my studies related internship. The exhibition “Objects in Transit” which took place in Brussels during the weekend of the 24th and 25th of May, brought the cultural life of garbage to the foreground and builds further upon my thesis’ research.


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