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Diversity in Society : Diversité en société
Authors: ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Nairobi IFRA

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Social Memory, Silenced Voices, and Political Struggle : Remembering the Revolution in Zanzibar
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9987083463 9789987083466 998708317X Year: 2018 Publisher: Baltimore, Maryland : Baltimore, Md. : Project Muse, Project MUSE,

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This volume focuses on the cultural memory and mediation of the 1964 Zanzibar revolution, analyzing it's continuing reverberations in everyday life. The revolution constructed new conceptions of community and identity, race and cultural belonging, as well as instituting different ideals of nationhood, citizenship, sovereignty. As the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the revolution revealed, the official versions of events have shifted significantly over time and the legacy of the uprising is still deeply contested. In these debates, the question of Zanzibari identity remains very much at stake: Who exactly belongs in the islands and what historical processes brought them there? What are the boundaries of the nation, and who can claim to be an essential part of this imagined and embodied community? Political belonging and power are closely intertwined with these issues of identity and history--raising intense debates and divisions over precisely where Zanzibar should be situated within the national order of things in a postcolonial and interconnected world. Attending to narratives that have been overlooked, ignored, or relegated to the margins, the authors of these essays do not seek to simply define the revolution or to establish its ultimate meaning. Instead, they seek to explore the continuing echoes and traces of the revolution fifty years on, reflected in memories, media, and monuments. Inspired by interdisciplinary perspectives from anthropology, history, cultural studies, and geography, these essays foreground critical debates about the revolution, often conducted sotto voce and located well off the official stage--attending to long silenced questions, submerged doubts, rumors and secrets, or things that cannot be said.


Zanzibar --- History

Elections in a hybrid regime : revisiting the 2011 Ugandan polls
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789970253418 Year: 2014 Publisher: Kampala Fountain Publishers

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Kenya's past as prologue
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 2957305836 9966028528 9789966028525 9789966028518 996602851X 9782957305834 Year: 2014 Publisher: Nairobi, Kenya Twaweza Communications Ltd.

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During the run-up to Kenya’s 2013 general elections, crucial political and civic questions were raised. Could past mistakes, especially political and ethnic-related violence, be avoided this time round? Would the spectre of the 2007 post-electoral violence positively or negatively affect debates and voting? How would politicians, electoral bodies such as the IEBC, the Kenyan civil society, and the international community weigh in on the elections? More generally, would the 2013 elections bear witness to the building up of an electoral culture in Kenya, characterized by free and fair elections, or would it show that voting is still weakened by political malpractices, partisan opinions and emotional reactions? Would Kenya’s past be inescapable or would it prepare the scene for a new political order? Kenya’s Past as Prologue adopts a multidisciplinary perspective - mainly built upon field-based ethnography and a selection of case studies - to answer these questions. Under the leadership of the French Institute for Research in Africa (Institut français de recherche en Afrique, IFRA), political scientists, historians and anthropologists explore various aspects of the electoral process to contribute in-depth analyses of the last elections. They highlight the structural factors underlying election and voting in Kenya including the political system, culture and political transition. They also interrogate the short-term trends and issues that influence the new political order. The book provides insight into specific case studies, situations and contexts, thus bringing nuances and diversity into focus to better assess Kenya’s evolving electoral democracy.

Remembering Julius Nyerere in Tanzania : history, memory, legacy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2957305801 9987753477 9789987753475 9987753264 9789987753260 Year: 2015 Publisher: Nairobi Africae

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This edited volume is about the rekindled investment in the figure of the first president Julius K. Nyerere in contemporary Tanzania. It explores how Nyerere is remembered by Tanzanians from different levels of society, in what ways and for what purposes. Looking into what Nyerere means and stands for today, it provides insight into the media, the political arena, poetry, the education sector, or street-corner talks. The main argument of this book is that Nyerere has become a widely shared political metaphor used to debate and contest conceptions of the Tanzanian nation and Tanzanian-ness. The state-citizens relationship, the moral standards for the exercise of power, and the contours of national sentiment are under scrutiny when the figure of Nyerere is mobilized today. The contributions gathered here come from a generation of budding or renowned scholars in varied disciplines - history, anthropology and political science. Drawing upon materials collected through extensive fieldwork and archival research, they all critically engage the existing literature about Tanzania and prevailing political narratives to explore how nationhood is (re)imagined in Tanzania today through assent and contest.

Le Kenya en marche, 2000-2020

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Cet ouvrage offre une saisie synthétique et des visions particulières du Kenya en ce premier quart du XXIe siècle. Il rassemble des contributions rigoureuses et accessibles pour montrer comment, depuis l’alternance de 2002, le Kenya s’efforce de changer par la modernisation économique et la libéralisation politique. Les transformations annoncées voient le jour, même si les legs du passé et les habitus politiques en ralentissent la marche. Les différents chapitres nous mènent du capitalisme développemental kényan à la grande pauvreté et aux inégalités vivaces, des réformes sur le papier aux mises en œuvre en demi-teinte dans de multiples secteurs : gouvernance décentralisée, ressources naturelles, foncier, éducation. L’histoire ancienne et coloniale, la diversité du peuplement au Kenya permettent de mieux comprendre les clivages politiques, religieux et communautaires, les asymétries entre villes et campagnes, entre Nairobi et la côte, dans un Kenya ouvert sur le monde, autant par le commerce et la finance que par les réseaux de l’art. This edited volume offers a broad understanding and particular visions of Kenya in the first quarter of the twenty-first century. By bringing together rigorous yet accessible contributions, it shows how, since the 2002 transition, Kenya has been striving for change through economic modernisation and political liberalisation. The planned transformations are coming to fruition, even if the legacies of the past and political habits are slowing down the process. The various chapters take us from developmental capitalism to extreme poverty and enduring inequalities, from reforms on paper to mixed results in multiple sectors: decentralised governance, natural resources, land, and education. They also explore Kenya’s ancient and colonial history and the diversity of its population. Thus, the book helps understand contemporary political, religious and community cleavages, the asymmetries between towns and the countryside, between Nairobi and…

Kenya in Motion 2000-2020

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This edited volume offers a broad understanding and particular visions of Kenya in the first quarter of the twenty-first century. By bringing together rigorous yet accessible contributions, it shows how, since the 2002 transition, Kenya has been striving for change through economic modernisation and political liberalisation. The planned transformations are coming to fruition, even if the legacies of the past and political habits are slowing down the process. The various chapters take us from developmental capitalism to extreme poverty and enduring inequalities, from reforms on paper to mixed results in multiple sectors: decentralised governance, natural resources, land, and education. They also explore Kenya’s ancient and colonial history and the diversity of its population. Thus, the book helps understand contemporary political, religious and community cleavages, the asymmetries between towns and the countryside, between Nairobi and the coast, in a country open to the world, as much through trade and finance as through art networks. Cet ouvrage offre une saisie synthétique et des visions particulières du Kenya en ce premier quart du XXIe siècle. Il rassemble des contributions rigoureuses et accessibles pour montrer comment, depuis l’alternance de 2002, le Kenya s’efforce de changer par la modernisation économique et la libéralisation politique. Les transformations annoncées voient le jour, même si les legs du passé et les habitus politiques en ralentissent la marche. Les différents chapitres nous mènent du capitalisme développemental kényan à la grande pauvreté et aux inégalités vivaces, des réformes sur le papier aux mises en œuvre en demi-teinte dans de multiples secteurs : gouvernance décentralisée, ressources naturelles, foncier, éducation. L’histoire ancienne et coloniale, la diversité du peuplement au Kenya permettent de mieux comprendre les clivages politiques, religieux et communautaires, les asymétries entre villes et campagnes, entre Nairobi et la côte,…

Socialismes en Afrique
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISSN: 22679987 ISBN: 9782735126989 2735126986 2735126994 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme,

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Ce volume est un état de la recherche internationale sur les socialismes africains. Y sont rassemblés des articles traitant de débats théoriques autour de ce thème et de ses sources intellectuelles mais aussi d'expériences très concrètes de socialisme, tant dans les villes que dans les campagnes : coopératives, comités de quartier, camps de rééducation… La situation de l'Afrique lusophone, parent pauvre des études africaines en France, et dont l’ensemble des pays ont justement fait l’expérience de régimes socialistes, a fait l’objet d’une attention particulière. Les rapports de l’Afrique avec l’URSS, les démocraties populaires, Cuba, la Chine, ou encore Israël sont également abordés. Les communications faites dans les colloques ont été repensées, avec pour résultat un fructueux dialogue avec les auteur.e.s et des articles complémentaires. Les auteurs espèrent ainsi donner à l’étude des socialismes africains une légitimité dans le champ plus général de l’histoire des socialismes, de même que dans celui de celle de la guerre froide. This book provides an overview of international research on socialisms in Africa. It brings together theoretical debates about the forms of socialism found in Africa, their intellectual roots, as well as concrete experiences, both in cities and in the countryside, from cooperatives, neighborhood committees to reeducation camps and more. It also covers Africa’s relations with the Soviet Union, the People’s Democracies, Cuba, China, and Israel. The authors set out to give the study of African socialisms a place in the more general field of the history of socialism, as well as in that of the Cold War.

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