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Arheološka topografija Slovenije : topografsko področje XI XI (Bela Krajina)
Year: 1985 Publisher: Ljubljana : Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti,

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Ne tu, ne tam : Srbi v Beli krajini in njihova jezikovna ideologija v procesu zamenjave jezika
Year: 2006 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The Serbs of Bela Krajina are one of the numerous local ethnolinguistic communities in Slovenia which are undergoing – as a consequence of major changes in their way of life emanating from the processes of modernisation and industrialisation, as well as due to changes in broader power relations – a process of language shift. This study was written with the aim of pointing out the significance and implications of the process of language shift both in the particular social, historic, and geographical context, as well as with regard to broader social processes. It simultaneously highlights the fact that the process of language shift employs the whole range of linguistic means. The process of language shift among the Serbs of Bela Krajina was approached from the perspective of language ideology, with a focus on language as one of the essential components of individual and group identity. These processes reveal the complex dynamics of social and linguistic changes and their interconnectedness, and show how deep the link is between the state-national and the local, between broader social processes and the ways in which local communities and their particular members rationalise, negotiate and justify their positions, roles, and strategies. Srbi v Beli krajini predstavljajo eno izmed številnih lokalnih etnolingvističnih skupnosti, ki so se znašle v procesu zamenjave jezika pod vplivom pomembnih sprememb v načinu življenja, nastalih kot posledica industrializacije in modernizacije ter sprememb v širših odnosih moči. Delo izpostavlja pomen in implikacije procesa zamenjave jezika tako v konkretnem družbenem, zgodovinskem in geografskem kontekstu kot v okviru širših družbenih procesov, obenem pa kaže, kako v procesu zamenjave jezika nastopa cela vrsta jezikovnih sredstev, s katerimi govorci zagovarjajo svoje poglede in stališča.

Ne tu, ne tam : Srbi v Beli krajini in njihova jezikovna ideologija v procesu zamenjave jezika
Year: 2006 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The Serbs of Bela Krajina are one of the numerous local ethnolinguistic communities in Slovenia which are undergoing – as a consequence of major changes in their way of life emanating from the processes of modernisation and industrialisation, as well as due to changes in broader power relations – a process of language shift. This study was written with the aim of pointing out the significance and implications of the process of language shift both in the particular social, historic, and geographical context, as well as with regard to broader social processes. It simultaneously highlights the fact that the process of language shift employs the whole range of linguistic means. The process of language shift among the Serbs of Bela Krajina was approached from the perspective of language ideology, with a focus on language as one of the essential components of individual and group identity. These processes reveal the complex dynamics of social and linguistic changes and their interconnectedness, and show how deep the link is between the state-national and the local, between broader social processes and the ways in which local communities and their particular members rationalise, negotiate and justify their positions, roles, and strategies. Srbi v Beli krajini predstavljajo eno izmed številnih lokalnih etnolingvističnih skupnosti, ki so se znašle v procesu zamenjave jezika pod vplivom pomembnih sprememb v načinu življenja, nastalih kot posledica industrializacije in modernizacije ter sprememb v širših odnosih moči. Delo izpostavlja pomen in implikacije procesa zamenjave jezika tako v konkretnem družbenem, zgodovinskem in geografskem kontekstu kot v okviru širših družbenih procesov, obenem pa kaže, kako v procesu zamenjave jezika nastopa cela vrsta jezikovnih sredstev, s katerimi govorci zagovarjajo svoje poglede in stališča.

Ne tu, ne tam : Srbi v Beli krajini in njihova jezikovna ideologija v procesu zamenjave jezika
Year: 2006 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The Serbs of Bela Krajina are one of the numerous local ethnolinguistic communities in Slovenia which are undergoing – as a consequence of major changes in their way of life emanating from the processes of modernisation and industrialisation, as well as due to changes in broader power relations – a process of language shift. This study was written with the aim of pointing out the significance and implications of the process of language shift both in the particular social, historic, and geographical context, as well as with regard to broader social processes. It simultaneously highlights the fact that the process of language shift employs the whole range of linguistic means. The process of language shift among the Serbs of Bela Krajina was approached from the perspective of language ideology, with a focus on language as one of the essential components of individual and group identity. These processes reveal the complex dynamics of social and linguistic changes and their interconnectedness, and show how deep the link is between the state-national and the local, between broader social processes and the ways in which local communities and their particular members rationalise, negotiate and justify their positions, roles, and strategies. Srbi v Beli krajini predstavljajo eno izmed številnih lokalnih etnolingvističnih skupnosti, ki so se znašle v procesu zamenjave jezika pod vplivom pomembnih sprememb v načinu življenja, nastalih kot posledica industrializacije in modernizacije ter sprememb v širših odnosih moči. Delo izpostavlja pomen in implikacije procesa zamenjave jezika tako v konkretnem družbenem, zgodovinskem in geografskem kontekstu kot v okviru širših družbenih procesov, obenem pa kaže, kako v procesu zamenjave jezika nastopa cela vrsta jezikovnih sredstev, s katerimi govorci zagovarjajo svoje poglede in stališča.

Bela krajina : Sustainability in a Karst Landscape
Year: 2020 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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Sustainable development in karst areas should be adapted to its specificities and take into account its vulnerability. The assessment of the development potential and management of karst areas is of great importance in Slovenia. This book presents the analyses of the impact of landscape features on the land use and sustainable development in a marginal Slovenian karst landscape ‒ Bela krajina. In order to draw attention to the combination of social perspectives with natural conditions for an integrative view of the karst landscapes, three approaches were used: 1. assessment of the degree of human disturbance to the karst landscape, 2. analyses of land use dynamics, and 3. quantitative and qualitative analyses of the sustainable development of Bela krajina. Karst landscape features affect sustainable development of the study region both positively and negatively. According to local stakeholders the positive effects are mainly connected with tourism, and the negative effects are mainly connected with hampered agriculture. The main message is that karst landscape features should not only be seen as limiting factors, but also for their development potential. Trajnostni razvoj na kraških območjih bi moral biti prilagojen posebnostim te pokrajine, posebej njeni ranljivosti. Pravilno vrednotenje razvojnega potenciala in upravljanje s kraškimi območji je zelo pomembno za Slovenijo. V tej knjigi so predstavljene analize vpliva pokrajinskih značilnosti na rabo zemljišč in trajnostni razvoj obmejne slovenske kraške pokrajine ‒ Bele krajine. Da bi opozorili na kombinacijo družbenih dejavnikov in naravnih razmer za celostni pogled na kraško pokrajino, smo uporabili tri pristope: 1. oceno obremenjenosti kraške pokrajine zaradi človeka, 2. analizo sprememb rabe zemljišč in 3. kvantitativno in kvalitativno analizo trajnostnega razvoja Bele krajine. Kraški pojavi na trajnostni razvoj lahko vplivajo tako pozitivno kot negativno. Po mnenju lokalnih deležnikov so pozitivni učinki povezani večinoma s turizmom, negativni učinki pa predvsem v omejenem kmetijstvu. Sklenimo z mislijo, da so kraški pokrajinski pojavi lahko več kot le omejevalni dejavniki, saj imajo tudi razvojni potencial.

Gradivo za topografijo Dolenjske, Posavja in Bele krajine v železni dobi
Year: 2021 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The e-publication entitled Gradivo za topografijo Dolenjske, Posavja in Bele krajine v železni dobi ('Available evidence for the topography of the Dolenjska, Posavje and Bela krajina regions in the Iron Age', only in Slovenian) presents over six hundred sites in the three regions of south-eastern Slovenia that date from this distant period of the past. It is a database that upgrades the first register of Slovene archaeological heritage (Arheološka najdišča Slovenije), published in 1975 by the Institute of Archaeology at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. This register was created with the data then available in literature, while field surveys were only performed on select sites or areas. It was followed up by a project devoting to the archaeological topography of Slovenia (Arheološke topografije Slovenije), the main objective of which was to accurately map the already known sites, as well as to discover new ones. Of all the regions of Slovenia, only the updated topography of three regions was published, among them Bela krajina, which was an integral part of the Dolenjska community in the Early Iron Age. V publikaciji je predstavljeno čez šeststo najdišč iz železne dobe, pomembnega obdobja naše najstarejše preteklosti. Podatkovna baza ima svojo osnovo v Arheoloških najdiščih Slovenije (1975). Nastala je na osnovi podatkov iz literature, medtem ko so bila terenska preverjanja opravljena le na nekaterih najdiščih oziroma območjih. Delo je skušal nadgraditi projekt Arheološke topografije Slovenije, katerega glavni namen je bilo natančno lociranje starih, že znanih najdišč, pa tudi odkrivanje novih. Žal so bile obdelane le tri regije, med njimi Bela krajina, ki je bila v starejši železni dobi sestavni del dolenjske skupnosti. Vrzel je zapolnil projekt Utrjena prazgodovinska naselja na Dolenjskem, ki ni bil usmerjen le k naseljem, ampak so bila s terenskimi pregledi dokumentirana tudi druga najdišča iz pozne bronaste in starejše železne dobe. Ker tehnologij daljinskega zaznavanja še ni bilo na razpolago, je bilo celotno območje pregledano s terenskimi obhodi.

Kučar : Železnodobno naselje in zgodnjekrščanski stavbni kompleks na Kučarju pri Podzemlju = Eisenzeitliche Siedlung und frühchristlicher Gebäudekomplex auf dem Kučar bei Podzemelj
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1995 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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Kučar near Podzemelj represents one of the most significant archaeological sites not only in Slovenia but also in the wider southeastern alpine region. It is an extensive complex composed of an Iron Age and Late Roman settlement upon the hill Kučar, as well as numerous necropoli that are distributed throughout the villages of Podzemelj, Zemelj, Škrilje and Grm. The site is well-known all over the world for its elaborate material finds originating from the cemeteries there. The book presents the results from rescue excavations that were carried out between the years 1975 and 1979 on the northern top of Kučar by the Institute for Archaeology. Substantial remains of a settlement dating to the Early and Late Iron Ages (8th –1st centuries BC) were excavated, as well as the even more surprising discovery of an Early Christian building complex (5th century AD) incorporating two churches, a baptistery and a large building with an enclosing wall that was reinforced with two towers. This publication concerning the settlement on Kučar near Podzemelj is the third monograph regarding this site. The first two publications presented the material finds from the Iron Age necropolis, preserved at the National Museum in Ljubljana and at the Museum of Natural History in Vienna. This third publication includes a contribution by Metka Culiberg and Alojz Šercelj on the investigations of organic remains from Kučar. Kučar pri Podzemlju je eno najpomembnejših arheoloških najdišč ne le v Sloveniji ampak tudi na širšem jugovzhodnoalpskem prostoru. Gre za obsežen kompleks, v katerega sodi železnodobno in poznoantično naselje na hribu Kučarju in številne nekropole, ki so raztresene okoli vasi Podzemelj, Zemelj, Škrilje in Grm. V svetu je postal znan predvsem zaradi bogatih najdb iz tamkajšnjih grobišč. V knjigi so predstavljeni rezultati zaščitnih raziskovanj, ki jih je med leti 1975 in 1979 na severnem vrhu Kučarja opravil Inštitut za arheologijo. Takrat so bili namreč izkopani bogati ostanki naselja iz starejše in mlajše železne dobe (8.–1. stoletje pred n. št.), še večje presenečenje pa je bilo odkritje zgodnjekrščanskega stavbnega kompleksa (5. stoletje po n. št.) z dvema cerkvama, baptisterijem, veliko stavbo in obzidjem, ki je bilo ojačano z dvema stolpoma.

Gradivo za topografijo Dolenjske, Posavja in Bele krajine v železni dobi
Year: 2021 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The e-publication entitled Gradivo za topografijo Dolenjske, Posavja in Bele krajine v železni dobi ('Available evidence for the topography of the Dolenjska, Posavje and Bela krajina regions in the Iron Age', only in Slovenian) presents over six hundred sites in the three regions of south-eastern Slovenia that date from this distant period of the past. It is a database that upgrades the first register of Slovene archaeological heritage (Arheološka najdišča Slovenije), published in 1975 by the Institute of Archaeology at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. This register was created with the data then available in literature, while field surveys were only performed on select sites or areas. It was followed up by a project devoting to the archaeological topography of Slovenia (Arheološke topografije Slovenije), the main objective of which was to accurately map the already known sites, as well as to discover new ones. Of all the regions of Slovenia, only the updated topography of three regions was published, among them Bela krajina, which was an integral part of the Dolenjska community in the Early Iron Age. V publikaciji je predstavljeno čez šeststo najdišč iz železne dobe, pomembnega obdobja naše najstarejše preteklosti. Podatkovna baza ima svojo osnovo v Arheoloških najdiščih Slovenije (1975). Nastala je na osnovi podatkov iz literature, medtem ko so bila terenska preverjanja opravljena le na nekaterih najdiščih oziroma območjih. Delo je skušal nadgraditi projekt Arheološke topografije Slovenije, katerega glavni namen je bilo natančno lociranje starih, že znanih najdišč, pa tudi odkrivanje novih. Žal so bile obdelane le tri regije, med njimi Bela krajina, ki je bila v starejši železni dobi sestavni del dolenjske skupnosti. Vrzel je zapolnil projekt Utrjena prazgodovinska naselja na Dolenjskem, ki ni bil usmerjen le k naseljem, ampak so bila s terenskimi pregledi dokumentirana tudi druga najdišča iz pozne bronaste in starejše železne dobe. Ker tehnologij daljinskega zaznavanja še ni bilo na razpolago, je bilo celotno območje pregledano s terenskimi obhodi.

Bela krajina : Sustainability in a Karst Landscape
Year: 2020 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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Sustainable development in karst areas should be adapted to its specificities and take into account its vulnerability. The assessment of the development potential and management of karst areas is of great importance in Slovenia. This book presents the analyses of the impact of landscape features on the land use and sustainable development in a marginal Slovenian karst landscape ‒ Bela krajina. In order to draw attention to the combination of social perspectives with natural conditions for an integrative view of the karst landscapes, three approaches were used: 1. assessment of the degree of human disturbance to the karst landscape, 2. analyses of land use dynamics, and 3. quantitative and qualitative analyses of the sustainable development of Bela krajina. Karst landscape features affect sustainable development of the study region both positively and negatively. According to local stakeholders the positive effects are mainly connected with tourism, and the negative effects are mainly connected with hampered agriculture. The main message is that karst landscape features should not only be seen as limiting factors, but also for their development potential. Trajnostni razvoj na kraških območjih bi moral biti prilagojen posebnostim te pokrajine, posebej njeni ranljivosti. Pravilno vrednotenje razvojnega potenciala in upravljanje s kraškimi območji je zelo pomembno za Slovenijo. V tej knjigi so predstavljene analize vpliva pokrajinskih značilnosti na rabo zemljišč in trajnostni razvoj obmejne slovenske kraške pokrajine ‒ Bele krajine. Da bi opozorili na kombinacijo družbenih dejavnikov in naravnih razmer za celostni pogled na kraško pokrajino, smo uporabili tri pristope: 1. oceno obremenjenosti kraške pokrajine zaradi človeka, 2. analizo sprememb rabe zemljišč in 3. kvantitativno in kvalitativno analizo trajnostnega razvoja Bele krajine. Kraški pojavi na trajnostni razvoj lahko vplivajo tako pozitivno kot negativno. Po mnenju lokalnih deležnikov so pozitivni učinki povezani večinoma s turizmom, negativni učinki pa predvsem v omejenem kmetijstvu. Sklenimo z mislijo, da so kraški pokrajinski pojavi lahko več kot le omejevalni dejavniki, saj imajo tudi razvojni potencial.

Kučar : Železnodobno naselje in zgodnjekrščanski stavbni kompleks na Kučarju pri Podzemlju = Eisenzeitliche Siedlung und frühchristlicher Gebäudekomplex auf dem Kučar bei Podzemelj
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1995 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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Kučar near Podzemelj represents one of the most significant archaeological sites not only in Slovenia but also in the wider southeastern alpine region. It is an extensive complex composed of an Iron Age and Late Roman settlement upon the hill Kučar, as well as numerous necropoli that are distributed throughout the villages of Podzemelj, Zemelj, Škrilje and Grm. The site is well-known all over the world for its elaborate material finds originating from the cemeteries there. The book presents the results from rescue excavations that were carried out between the years 1975 and 1979 on the northern top of Kučar by the Institute for Archaeology. Substantial remains of a settlement dating to the Early and Late Iron Ages (8th –1st centuries BC) were excavated, as well as the even more surprising discovery of an Early Christian building complex (5th century AD) incorporating two churches, a baptistery and a large building with an enclosing wall that was reinforced with two towers. This publication concerning the settlement on Kučar near Podzemelj is the third monograph regarding this site. The first two publications presented the material finds from the Iron Age necropolis, preserved at the National Museum in Ljubljana and at the Museum of Natural History in Vienna. This third publication includes a contribution by Metka Culiberg and Alojz Šercelj on the investigations of organic remains from Kučar. Kučar pri Podzemlju je eno najpomembnejših arheoloških najdišč ne le v Sloveniji ampak tudi na širšem jugovzhodnoalpskem prostoru. Gre za obsežen kompleks, v katerega sodi železnodobno in poznoantično naselje na hribu Kučarju in številne nekropole, ki so raztresene okoli vasi Podzemelj, Zemelj, Škrilje in Grm. V svetu je postal znan predvsem zaradi bogatih najdb iz tamkajšnjih grobišč. V knjigi so predstavljeni rezultati zaščitnih raziskovanj, ki jih je med leti 1975 in 1979 na severnem vrhu Kučarja opravil Inštitut za arheologijo. Takrat so bili namreč izkopani bogati ostanki naselja iz starejše in mlajše železne dobe (8.–1. stoletje pred n. št.), še večje presenečenje pa je bilo odkritje zgodnjekrščanskega stavbnega kompleksa (5. stoletje po n. št.) z dvema cerkvama, baptisterijem, veliko stavbo in obzidjem, ki je bilo ojačano z dvema stolpoma.

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