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Analysis and Explication in 20th Century Philosophy

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Ever since the rise of the so-called analytic school in 20th century philosophy, philosophical analysis has often been considered to be synonymous with conceptual analysis. However, criticism has also been levelled at the conceptual analysis procedures, which undermined confidence in the merits of conceptual analysis. As far as the clarification of concepts is concerned, explication is therefore sometimes proposed as an alternative means. Combining historical and systematic perspectives, this volume collects new work on analytical and explicatory methods within 20th century philosophy. The contributions explore how clarificatory and reformatory methods of engaging with concepts have been construed and utilized by such different authors as Aristotle, Russell, Wittgenstein, Carnap or Mackie, marking out underappreciated congruencies and reevaluating historical disputes. They explore the role of analysis in metaphysics as well as metaethics and examine how methodological accounts relate to underlying ideas about concepts.

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ISSN: 25381482

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Content and Competence : A Descriptive Approach to the Concept of Rights
ISBN: 3161570316 3161570308 Year: 2019 Publisher: [s.l.] : Mohr Siebeck,

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Just what is a right? Jakob Weissinger approaches this central problem of jurisprudence by critically examining the purpose of such normative concepts and carefully analysing the fundamental elements of normative practice like actions, decisions, the logic of norms and values as well as the plurality of normative practice. Interlinking the insights won, he outlines a stand-alone theory of rights which emphasises the empowering dimension of rights in the process of justifying (legal) rules. Not only does he question well-established theories, such as Hohfeld's famous analysis of legal conceptions, but aspires to set future debates in legal theory, especially those surrounding rights such as the long-standing dispute between interest and choice theories of rights, on new and more solid meta-theoretical ground.

Bedeutungs- und Begriffswissen im Recht : Frame-Analysen von Rechtsbegriffen im Deutschen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 311057277X 3110574985 3110572443 Year: 2018 Publisher: Berlin, Germany ; Boston, Massachusetts : De Gruyter,

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Die innovative Studie wendet Verfahren der linguistisch-semantischen Frame-Analyse auf die Rekonstruktion komplexer fachlich-institutioneller Begriffe in der Domäne "Recht" an und diskutiert intensiv die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen dieser Methode. Es werden Begriffe und Begriffsnetze aus den Rechtsgebieten Strafrecht und Bürgerliches Recht analysiert und frame-semantisch rekonstruiert; dabei werden z.T. auch konkurrierende Begriffsdeutungen und diachrone Begriffsentwicklungen mit erfasst.Die Studie leistet Pionierarbeit, da bisher keine anderen Publikationen vorliegen, die auch praktisch-empirisch Bedeutungs- und Begriffswissens-Frames so umfassend und intensiv beschreiben und frame-semantisch darstellen wie hier. Die Aspekte und Probleme einer solchen korpusgestützt und empirisch detailliert arbeitenden Frame-Analyse werden ausführlich dokumentiert und diskutiert. Sie zeigen die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Methode (aber auch, wo ihre Grenzen liegen). Insofern kann diese Arbeit Vorbild für ähnlich orientierte Studien auch zu anderen Sprachgebrauchs- und Wissens-Domänen sein, und das geplante Buch deshalb auf das Interesse anderer in diesem Feld tätiger Forscherinnen und Forscher stoßen.

The What and How of Modelling Information and Knowledge : From Mind Maps to Ontologies
ISBN: 3031396952 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer Nature Switzerland AG,

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The main aim of this book is to introduce a group of models and modelling of information and knowledge comprehensibly. Such models and the processes for how to create them help to improve the skills to analyse and structure thoughts and ideas, to become more precise, to gain a deeper understanding of the matter being modelled, and to assist with specific tasks where modelling helps, such as reading comprehension and summarisation of text. The book draws ideas and transferrable approaches from the plethora of types of models and the methods, techniques, tools, procedures, and methodologies to create them in computer science. This book covers five principal declarative modelling approaches to model information and knowledge for different, yet related, purposes. It starts with entry-level mind mapping, to proceed to biological models and diagrams, onward to conceptual data models in software development, and from there to ontologies in artificial intelligence and all the way to ontology in philosophy. Each successive chapter about a type of model solves limitations of the preceding one and turns up the analytical skills a notch. These what-and-how for each type of model is followed by an integrative chapter that ties them together, comparing their strengths and key characteristics, ethics in modelling, and how to design a modelling language. In so doing, we’ll address key questions such as: what type of models are there? How do you build one? What can you do with a model? Which type of model is best for what purpose? Why do all that modelling? The intended audience for this book is professionals, students, and academics in disciplines where systematic information modelling and knowledge representation is much less common than in computing, such as in commerce, biology, law, and humanities. And if a computer science student or a software developer needs a quick refresher on conceptual data models or a short solid overview of ontologies, then this book will serve them well.

The Concept of Representation
ISBN: 0520340507 Year: 1972 Publisher: University of California Press

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Being concerned with representation, this book is about an idea, a concept, a word. It is primarily a conceptual analysis, not a historical study of the way in which representative government has evolved, nor yet an empirical investigation of the behavior of contemporary representatives or the expectations voters have about them. Yet, although the book is about a word, it is not about mere words, not merely about words. For the social philosopher, for the social scientist, words are not "mere"; they are the tools of his trade and a vital part of his subject matter. Since human beings are not merely political animals but also language-using animals, their behavior is shaped by their ideas. What they do and how they do it depends upon how they see themselves and their world, and this in turn depends upon the concepts through which they see. Learning what "representation" means and learning how to represent are intimately connected. But even beyond this, the social theorist sees the world through a network of concepts. Our words define and delimit our world in important ways, and this is particularly true of the world of human and social things. For a zoologist may capture a rare specimen and simply observe it; but who can capture an instance of representation (or of power, or of interest)? Such things, too, can be observed, but the observation always presupposes at least a rudimentary conception of what representation (or power, or interest) is, what counts as representation, where it leaves off and some other phenomenon begins. Questions about what representation is, or is like, are not fully separable from the question of what "representation" means. This book approaches the former questions by way of the latter.

Defining mental disorder
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780262362931 0262362937 9780262045643 0262045648 0262362783 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts The MIT Press

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"Grapples with the legacy of Jerome Wakefield, one of the most influential critics of modern psychiatry and the use of the DSM for psychiatric diagnosis"--


Psychiatry --- Mental ilness --- Mental illness --- Philosophy. --- Diagnosis. --- Wakefield, Jerome C. --- Psychology, Pathological --- Nosology --- Psychiatric diagnosis --- Psychodiagnostics --- disorder --- dysfunction --- harm --- Wakefield --- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DSM --- function --- Harmful Dysfunction Analysis --- Mental disorder --- Evolution --- DSM --- Critics --- Spitzer --- distress --- disability --- harmful consequence --- dysfunction requirement --- Experimental philosophy --- proper function --- Theories of mental disorder --- theory-neutral --- conceptual analysis --- armchair --- Pluralism --- intuitions --- Clinical practice --- concept of disorder --- Haslam --- constructs --- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder --- definition --- psychiatric classification --- Quine --- biological design --- naturally selected disorder --- environment mismatch --- Essentialism --- open concept --- construct validation --- latent variables --- imperfect community --- neo-empiricism --- decline in functioning --- Szasz --- network theory --- Stipulation --- meaning analysis --- abnormality --- Selected-effect --- causal-role --- Boorse --- descriptive --- natural kinds --- Cummins --- intuition --- Mechanistic explanation --- perspectival --- coherence --- Developmental mechanism --- developmental mismatch --- adaptation --- Evolutionary mismatch --- modal mismatch --- depression --- fever --- lactose intolerance --- Neander --- proximal-function --- distal function --- conduct disorder --- developmental disruption --- Low-level mechanisms --- salience system --- dopamine regulation --- aberrant valuation --- delusions --- adaptationism --- cognitive neuroscience --- mechanical-causal analysis --- belief fixation --- syndrome --- Autism --- modules --- ontogeny --- neurodiversity --- Reductionism --- naturalism --- Wittgenstein-Kripke paradox --- normative --- failure --- indeterminacy --- variation --- detrimental consequences --- individual values --- directindirect harm --- clinical significance criter --- Classification.

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