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Hochschulreform und Studentenrevolte in Italien 1958–1974
ISBN: 3657779876 Year: 2015 Publisher: Paderborn : Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh,

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Italien in den 1960er Jahren. Die erste umfassende Reform des Hochschulwesens seit der Ära des Faschismus galt als eines der ambitioniertesten Projekte der 1963 mit hohen Erwartungen gestarteten Mitte-Links-Regierung unter Aldo Moro. Die strukturell in der vorindustriellen und vordemokratischen Welt des 19. Jahrhunderts verhaftet gebliebenen Universitäten Italiens standen im Zuge der tiefgreifenden politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Wandlungsprozesse nach 1945 vorsubstantiellen Herausforderungen. Diesen begegnete die Mitte-Links-Regierung mit einem weitreichenden Reformentwurf zum Umbau der überkommenen Elitenuniversitäten in moderne Massenuniversitäten mittels Expansion, Studienreform, Restrukturierung und Demokratisierung. Hierüber entbrannte ein jahrelanger Konflikt zwischen den hochschulpolitischen Akteuren, den die Revolte der Studenten von 1968 zusätzlich anheizte. Die Studie untersucht die kontroversen Debatten, die konkreten Reformmaßnahmen sowie deren konfliktreiche Umsetzung und fragt nach den Wechselwirkungen zwischen Hochschulreform und Studentenrevolte.

Morocco Teachers : SABER Country Report 2016.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Evidence on the impacts of many teacher policies remains insufficient and scattered, and the impact of many reforms depends on specific design features. In addition, teacher policies can have very different impacts, depending on the context and other education policies in place. Systems approach for better education results (SABER) - teachers, aims to help fill this gap by collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, and disseminating comprehensive information on teacher policies in primary- and secondary-education systems around the world. SABER - teachers collects data on 10 core teacher policy areas to offer a comprehensive, descriptive overview of the teacher policies that are in place in each participating education system. To offer informed policy guidance, SABER - teachers analyzes the information collected to assess the extent to which the teacher policies of an education system are aligned with policies shown by research evidence to have a positive effect on student achievement. This report presents results of the application of SABER - teachers in Morocco. It describes Morocco's performance for each of the eight teacher policy goals, alongside comparative information from education systems that have consistently scored high results in international student achievement tests and have participated in SABER - teachers.

Teachers and Teaching in Sierra Leone : Teacher Quality and Management Study.
Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This study aims to provide guidance to the Government of Sierra Leone in how to translate investments in education into quality learning. It centers on teachers, the single most important predictor of the quality of an education system. Joyful, rigorous, and focused learning happens when teachers have the necessary inputs and capacity to do their job. Decades of research provide important insights into what successful education systems both do for and ask of teachers. For example, traditional teacher training, which consists of overly theoretical and one-size-fits-all education, needs to be replaced with continuous, personalized, and practical training. While moving away from traditional practices is not easy, it is possible and necessary to improve learning. This study looks at the different stages of the teaching profession: (i) the decision to pursue a teaching career; (ii) pre-service training; (iii) the entry into the teaching service; (iv) deployment; (v) initial training; and (vi) continuous professional development. It provides an overview of each stage and makes recommendations based on global evidence. The results reveal multiple opportunities for improvement, and many measures could be implemented in the short term, including working with the six institutions that provide pre-service training to institute minimum standards; improving the entry and exit exams of pre-service institutions; avoiding hiring unqualified teachers; and institutionalizing the teacher deployment protocol.

The State of Ceara in Brazil is a Role Model for Reducing Learning Poverty
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This report presents the case of the state of Ceara in Brazil that overcame adverse socioeconomic conditions to substantially improve education outcomes with efficient use of resources. Despite having the 5th lowest GDP per capita among the 26 Brazilian states, the 9-million-inhabitant state of Ceara has experienced the largest increase in the national education quality index in both primary and lower secondary education since 2005, with 10 municipalities of Ceara being among the top 20 national ranking, including Sobral which has the highest score. The state of Ceara pioneered the use of results-based financing as part of a comprehensive education reform program that among other elements included strong support to its municipalities to achieve universal literacy by the end of grade 2. The reforms allowed the state to considerably improve learning levels of students in primary and lower secondary education with a high level of efficiency in the use of resources. The main aspects of the reforms are presented and discussed.

Higher Education Governance in Guinea
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The World Bank's Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Guinea in FY 2014-171 confirmed the Government's priority to build 21st century skills for improved employability and to implement systemic reforms. Guinea is emerging from years of political and economic isolation and instability. The democratic election of President Alpha Conda has opened the door for the international donor community, including the World Bank, to come forward and support the new government. The World Bank will partner with the Government of Guinea to develop systems that will 'improve lagging human development indicators for absolute poverty reduction, through more efficient and transparent allocation of resources, and to build shared prosperity by aligning the business environment and education system with Guinea's economy' (World Bank, 2013, pp. 1). This is in line with the government's priorities, as per the Third National Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP3) approved in 2013. The PRSP3 aims to reduce poverty and to create and sustain a vibrant private economy by maximizing rents from Guinea'ssubstantial mining sector. The Bank supports the Government's agenda on improving human capital by: (a) promoting both the quantity and quality of education, and (b) upgrading skills for the needs of emerging and export-oriented sectors such as agriculture, tourism, mining, and telecommunications and Information and Communications Technology (ICT). In 2012, the Government requested special support from the Bank in the form of technical assistance to conduct an analysis of the higher education system. This analysis will be used to prepare a comprehensive higher education strategy to meet the needs of both the economy and the labor market. Since the early 2000s, the Bank had limited involvement in this critical sub-sector. Per the Government's request, the Bank mobilized resources to engage in policy and analytical work in the areas of governance, financing, and diagnostic of skills demand and supply from a new employer survey prepared specifically under this technical assistance project.

Supporting Teacher Autonomy to Improve Education Outcomes : Experimental Evidence from Brazil
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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What is the impact of greater teacher autonomy on student learning? This paper provides experimental evidence from a program in Brazil. The program supported teachers, through a combination of technical assistance and a small grant, to autonomously develop and implement an innovative project aimed at engaging their students. The findings show that the program improved student learning by 0.15 standard deviation and grade passing by 13 percent in sixth grade, a critical year of transition from primary to lower-secondary education. The paper explores two mechanisms: teacher turnover and student socio-emotional skills. Teacher turnover is reduced by 20.7 percent, and the impacts on student outcomes are concentrated in the schools with the largest reductions. The findings also indicate positive impacts on conscientiousness and extroversion among the students. The results suggest that increasing the autonomy of public servants can improve service delivery, even in a low-capacity context.

Workforce Development : Middle East and North Africa Regional Synthesis Report.
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The workforce development (WfD) systems of the seven MENA countries studied in this exercise-Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, the Palestinian Territories, Tunisia, and Yemen-were evaluated using the Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) workforce development diagnostic tool and scored similarly in many aspects. Broadly, the seven MENA countries' WfD systems remain very much in need of policy and institutional reform in order to better match skills demand with skills supply. With respect to the three system dimensions identified by the SABER tool, the seven countries show more variation among their strategic frameworks and, on average, score better in this dimension, while they score lower and more similarly on the dimensions of system oversight and service delivery.

Providing Schools with Enough Resources to Deliver Quality Education in the Philippines
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Providing schools with direct funding to meet their operational needs is the cornerstone of the government's efforts to strengthen school-based management in the Philippines. Over the past five years, funds that the government has provided directly to schools to support their maintenance and other operating expenses have increased by 45 percent in real terms, demonstrating the government's commitment both to increasing operational funding and to providing schools with the funding that they need to implement their own improvement plans.

Teacher Professional Development around the World : The Gap between Evidence and Practice
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Teachers, like all professionals, require ongoing professional development opportunities to improve their skills. This paper provides evidence on effective professional development characteristics and how at-scale programs incorporate those characteristics. The authors propose a standard set of 70 indicators-the In-Service Teacher Training Survey Instrument-for reporting on professional development programs as a prerequisite for understanding the characteristics of those programs that improve student learning. The authors apply the instrument to rigorously evaluated professional development programs in low- and middle-income countries. Across 33 programs, those programs that link participation to career incentives, have a specific subject focus, incorporate lesson enactment in the training, and include initial face-to-face training tend to show higher student learning gains. In qualitative interviews, program implementers also report follow-up visits as among the most effective characteristics of their professional development programs. The authors then apply the instruments to a sample of 139 government-funded, at-scale professional development programs across 14 countries. This analysis uncovers a sharp gap between the characteristics of teacher professional development programs that evidence suggests are effective and the global realities of most teacher professional development programs.

Building a new educational state
ISBN: 022639476X 9780226394763 9780226394626 022639462X Year: 2016 Publisher: Chicago London

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Building a New Educational State examines the dynamic process of black education reform during the Jim Crow era in North Carolina and Mississippi. Through extensive archival research, Joan Malczewski explores the initiatives of foundations and reformers at the top, the impact of their work at the state and local level, and the agency of southerners-including those in rural black communities-to demonstrate the importance of schooling to political development in the South. Along the way, Malczewski challenges us to reevaluate the relationships among political actors involved in education reform. Malczewski presents foundation leaders as self-conscious state builders and policy entrepreneurs who aimed to promote national ideals through a public system of education-efforts they believed were especially critical in the South. Black education was an important component of this national agenda. Through extensive efforts to create a more centralized and standard system of public education aimed at bringing isolated and rural black schools into the public system, schools became important places for expanding the capacity of state and local governance. Schooling provided opportunities to reorganize local communities and augment black agency in the process. When foundations realized they could not unilaterally impose their educational vision on the South, particularly in black communities, they began to collaborate with locals, thereby opening political opportunity in rural areas. Unfortunately, while foundations were effective at developing the institutional configurations necessary for education reform, they were less successful at implementing local programs consistently due to each state's distinctive political and institutional context.

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