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Histoire de l'idée européenne au premier XXe siècle à travers les textes
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ISBN: 220026920X 9782200269203 Year: 2006 Publisher: Paris A. Colin

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Si l'" idée d'Europe " fondée sur le constat d'une unité de civilisation s'enracinant dans la Christianitas médiévale et le Siècle des Lumières est ancienne, l'" idée européenne " est quant à elle récente. Elle naît dans le premier XXe siècle du refus de la distorsion entre une Europe culturelle vécue, voire fantasmée, et l'histoire politique d'un continent déchiré par les guerres et les affrontements idéologiques. Associée aux idéaux de paix internationale et sociale, illustrée par des projets volontaristes d'unité économique et politique, l'idée européenne fut volontiers présentée par ceux qui s'en firent les porteurs comme une idée politique moderne destinée à rénover ou dépasser les concepts issus du XIXe siècle - la nation, l'Etat, le marché. Avec le démarrage de la construction européenne qui suit la Déclaration Schuman de 1950, l'" idée " devait s'inscrire tant bien que mal dans les faits, laissant alors la place au débat sur telle ou telle " politique " européenne. Cet ouvrage met en scène les projets européens formulés et débattus entre 1900 et 1950. Il rassemble et introduit 145 textes qui reflètent les sensibilités politiques de leurs auteurs, les intérêts des milieux dont ceux-ci sont issus et les circonstances qu'ils sont amenés à traverser. Au fur et à mesure des années, ces textes révèlent des degrés différents de conscience européenne, traduisent des attentes concrètes, expriment des visions globales, esquissent des solutions techniques. Ainsi, par-delà leur historicité, les questions qui traversent l'Union européenne actuelle avaient déjà été posées : le rapport à la mondialisation, le lien transatlantique, l'identité " européenne ", les " deux Europes ", l'unité de régime politique, les limites de l'Europe...

William Penn : théoricien du "pacifisme" : ses devanciers, ses imitateurs
Authors: ---
Year: 1931 Publisher: Saint-Dizier : André Brulliard,

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L'esprit européen : textes in-extenso des conférences et des entretiens organisés par les Rencontres internationales de Genève 1946
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Year: 1947 Publisher: Neuchâtel : Ed. de la Baconnière,

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Histoire de l'idée européenne au second XXe siècle à travers les textes.
ISBN: 9782200353094 220035309X Year: 2008 Publisher: Paris Colin

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Succédant à un premier ouvrage consacré aux plans et projets européens formulés au premier XXe siècle, cet ouvrage restitue la teneur des principaux débats qui ont accompagné cinq décennies de construction européenne. A travers 165 textes présentés et remis en contexte, il montre comment l'" Europe " s'est progressivement inscrite au cœur de notre espace public contemporain. A partir de la déclaration Schuman et du lancement de l'intégration économique et institutionnelle de l'Europe, l'idée européenne se transforme en effet. S'inscrivant désormais dans la réalité issue des traités (CECA, CEE, Acte unique, Maastricht, Amsterdam...), elle perd son caractère de mythe mobilisateur, hormis dans quelques cercles fédéralistes. Inversement, l'idée européenne s'impose dans des milieux plus diversifiés (économiques, politiques, sociaux) soucieux de l'acclimater à leurs intérêts (Europe du libre-échange, Europe organisée). Par ailleurs, le déroulement même de la construction européenne permet la cristallisation de débats où s'expriment les différentes formes d'européisme et d'euroscepticisme. Enfin, l'Europe émergente s'inscrivant dans les relations internationales, l'idée européenne est affectée par les divergences de vue en matière de rapport de la Communauté au monde (Europe atlantique, Europe européenne, Eurafrique).

Générations de fédéralistes européens depuis le XIXe siècle : individus, groupes, espaces et réseaux
Authors: ---
ISSN: 09442294 ISBN: 9789052018621 9052018626 Year: 2012 Volume: 67 67 Publisher: Bruxelles Bern Berlin : Peter Lang,

Europeanization : institution, identities and citizenship
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9042014237 9004333363 9789042014237 904201413X 9789042014138 Year: 2000 Volume: 14 14 Publisher: Amsterdam, Netherlands : Rodopi,

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The theme of Europeanization has, in recent years, come to figure prominently in a wide range of social science analyses concerning both the process of European integration and broader patterns of change in contemporary Europe. Yet, though increasingly a staple of academic discourse, no widely accepted definition of the term has emerged. This volume of the European Studies represents one of the first interdisciplinary attempts to examine the manifold uses and possibilities of a Europeanization problematic. An international team of contributors drawn from the disciplines of Politics, Sociology, History, Anthropology, and Law explore processes of institution-building and identity formation through the optic of Europeanization. Their work offers new insights as regards the development of European integration, pointing particularly to the need for a genuinely interdisciplinary European Studies which encompasses, but is not limited to, the study of the European Union.

Anti-liberal Europe : a neglected story of Europeanization
ISBN: 9781782384250 1782384251 178238426X Year: 2015 Volume: 6 Publisher: New York, [New York] ; Oxford, [England] : berghahn,

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The history of modern Europe is often presented with the hindsight of present-day European integration, which was a genuinely liberal project based on political and economic freedom. Many other visions for Europe developed in the 20th century, however, were based on an idea of community rooted in pre-modern religious ideas, cultural or ethnic homogeneity, or even in coercion and violence. They frequently rejected the idea of modernity or reinterpreted it in an antiliberal manner. Anti-liberal Europe examines these visions, including those of anti-modernist Catholics, conservatives, extreme ri

Bulletin européen
ISSN: 04078438 Year: 1950 Publisher: Milano Ed. Nagard

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European federation --- Construction européenne --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- European Movement --- #ANTILTPNE9602 --- Closed periodicals --- Revue périodique --- Promotion de l'idée européenne --- Appartenance à l'Union européenne --- Tijdschrift --- Promotie van de Europese gedachte --- Lidmaatschap van de Europese Unie --- Construction européenne --- Périodiques --- členství v Evropské unii --- Euroopa Liidu liikmelisus --- membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- dalība Eiropas Savienībā --- anëtarësia në Bashkimin Europian --- Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union --- appartenenza all'Unione europea --- Europos Sąjungos narystė --- apartenența la Uniunea Europeană --- medlemskap i Europeiska unionen --- pertença à União Europeia --- EU-medlemskab --- članstvo v Evropski uniji --- чланство Европске уније --- ιδιότητα μέλους της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- членство в Европейския съюз --- členstvo v Európskej únii --- Euroopan unionin jäsenyys --- członkostwo Unii Europejskiej --- članstvo u Europskoj uniji --- lidmaatschap van de Europese Unie --- членство во Европската Унија --- európai uniós tagság --- European Union membership --- pertenencia a la Unión Europea --- anëtarësia e Komunitetit Europian --- marrëdhëniet Shtet Anëtar-Bashkim Europian --- relação do Estado-Membro com a Comunidade --- Euroopan yhteisön jäsenyys --- Community membership --- participation à la Communauté --- apartenență comunitară --- angažovanosť v Spoločenstve --- anëtarësia e Komunitetit --- participation à à l'Union européenne --- чланство Заједнице --- relazione Stato membro-Unione europea --- förhållandet medlemsstaterna–gemenskapen --- közösségi tagság --- deelname aan de Gemeenschap --- pertença à Comunidade Europeia --- членство во ЕУ --- relación Estado miembro-Unión Europea --- συμμετοχή στην Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα --- членство во Заедницата --- odnosi država članica-Europska unija --- členstvo v Európskom spoločenstve --- чланство Европске заједнице --- Member State-European Union relations --- članstvo u Zajednici --- dalība Eiropas Kopienā --- излазак из Европске уније --- ιδιότητα μέλους της Ευρωπαϊκής Κοινότητας --- medlemskap i Europeiska gemenskapen --- Bendrijos narystė --- EG-medlemskap --- membership of the European Community --- narystė Europos Bendrijoje --- odmítnutí členství v Evropské unii --- členství ve Společenství --- medlemskab af Den Europæiske Union --- vzťahy členský štát – Spoločenstvo --- liikmesriigi ja ühenduse vahelised suhted --- relații între statele membre și Uniunea Europeană --- appartenance à la Communauté européenne --- членство во заедниците --- yhteisön väliintulo --- односи помеѓу Унијата и земјите членки --- anëtarësia e Bashkimit Europian --- membership of the European Union --- EU-medlemskap --- forholdet medlemsstat-Europæiske Union --- appartenenza alla Comunità europea --- dalībvalstu un Kopienas attiecības --- σχέση κράτους μέλους-Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- ühenduse liikmelisus --- valstybių narių ir Bendrijos santykiai --- partecipazione alla Comunità --- Beziehungen Mitgliedstaat-Union --- tagállam–Közösség kapcsolat --- appartenance à la Communauté --- jäsenvaltioiden ja yhteisön suhteet --- однос држава чланица - Европска унија --- Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft --- pertenencia a la Comunidad Europea --- EF-medlemskab --- relation État membre-Union européenne --- членство во Унијата --- relatie lidstaat-Europese Unie --- promovarea ideii europene --- разпространение на европейското мислене --- Verbreitung des Europagedankens --- fremme af den europæiske idé --- Europos idėjos skleidimas --- šírenie európskej myšlienky --- fomento de la idea de Europa --- promotion of the European idea --- širjenje evropske ideje --- az Európa-gondolat előmozdítása --- Euroopa idee edendamine --- Eiropas idejas popularizēšana --- Eurooppa-aatteen edistäminen --- промовисање европске идеје --- främjande av Europatanken --- promozzjoni tal-kunċett Ewropew --- προώθηση της ευρωπαϊκής ιδέας --- promotie van de Europese gedachte --- promozione dell'idea europea --- промовирање на европската идеја --- promoção da ideia europeia --- šíření evropské myšlenky --- promicanje europske ideje --- promocja idei europejskiej --- promovim i idesë europiane --- främjande av Europa --- Europos viešinimas --- промовирање европска соработка --- podpora evropské myšlenky --- promoción de la idea europea --- Europa-promotie --- promovim i Europës --- προώθηση της Ευρώπης --- promicanje Europe --- promovarea Europei --- промовирање европски вредности --- promotion of Europe --- fremme af Europa --- Eiropas popularizēšana --- propagace Evropy --- propagace evropské myšlenky --- promozione dell'Europa --- promotion de l'Europe --- az európai integráció ösztönzése --- Europagedanke --- az európai eszme támogatása --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- sraitheachán --- ballraíocht san Aontas Eorpach --- smaoineamh na hEorpa a chur chun cinn --- Appartenance à l'Union européenne --- Revue périodique --- Promotion de l'idée européenne

European Integration Beyond Brussels
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030454452 9783030454456 3030454444 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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Europe is a continent whose history has, in one form or another, long been dominated by integration. And yet the European integration process is often treated as synonymous with the evolution of just one particular, and until recently geographically quite limited, Western-centred organisation: the European Union (EU). This trend obscures the multitude of ways European states have acted collectively on both sides of the Iron Curtain – and continue to do so throughout the continent today. With contributors drawn from history and political science, this book explores some of these diverse integration efforts ‘beyond Brussels’. We shine a light on international organisations, trade frameworks, and various political, social, scientific and cultural forms of unity in both Eastern and Western Europe. In so doing, the book seeks to redefine the history of the European integration process not only as a less purely EU-centric phenomenon but as a less strictly Western European one too.


European integration --- promotion of the European idea --- regional integration $9 eng --- Central and Eastern Europe $9 eng --- History $9 eng --- promovarea ideii europene --- разпространение на европейското мислене --- Verbreitung des Europagedankens --- fremme af den europæiske idé --- Europos idėjos skleidimas --- šírenie európskej myšlienky --- fomento de la idea de Europa --- širjenje evropske ideje --- az Európa-gondolat előmozdítása --- Euroopa idee edendamine --- Eiropas idejas popularizēšana --- Eurooppa-aatteen edistäminen --- промовисање европске идеје --- främjande av Europatanken --- promozzjoni tal-kunċett Ewropew --- προώθηση της ευρωπαϊκής ιδέας --- promotie van de Europese gedachte --- promozione dell'idea europea --- промовирање на европската идеја --- promotion de l'idée européenne --- promoção da ideia europeia --- šíření evropské myšlenky --- promicanje europske ideje --- promocja idei europejskiej --- promovim i idesë europiane --- främjande av Europa --- Europos viešinimas --- промовирање европска соработка --- podpora evropské myšlenky --- promoción de la idea europea --- Europa-promotie --- promovim i Europës --- προώθηση της Ευρώπης --- promicanje Europe --- promovarea Europei --- промовирање европски вредности --- promotion of Europe --- fremme af Europa --- Eiropas popularizēšana --- propagace Evropy --- propagace evropské myšlenky --- promozione dell'Europa --- promotion de l'Europe --- az európai integráció ösztönzése --- Europagedanke --- az európai eszme támogatása --- Euroopa integratsioon --- Европейска интеграция --- integrazzjoni Ewropea --- integrim europian --- evropská integrace --- европска интеграција --- Euroopan yhdentyminen --- Eiropas integrācija --- Europese integratie --- integração europeia --- Europos integracija --- integracja europejska --- europska integracija --- intégration européenne --- integración europea --- europæisk integration --- ευρωπαϊκή ολοκλήρωση --- európska integrácia --- europeisk integration --- evropsko povezovanje --- európai integráció --- Europäische Integration --- integrazione europea --- integrare europeană --- Euroopan integraatio --- non Europa --- Euroopa lõimimine --- unificazione europea --- Eiropas apvienošana --- Europos vienijimas --- unificare europeană --- zjednotenie Európy --- European unification --- europeisk konvergens --- integrazione della CE --- evropské sbližování --- sjednocení Evropy --- integrazione comunitaria --- интеграција во Европската Унија --- Europese convergentie --- convergência europeia --- convergence européenne --- европско обединување --- σύγκλιση ευρωπαϊκών πολιτικών --- convergencia europea --- Europäische Konvergenz --- evropská konvergence --- convergenza europea --- unifikim europian --- europæisk konvergens --- európai egységesülési folyamat --- Europe --- Economic integration --- History. --- Europe—History. --- World politics. --- World history. --- Political science. --- History, Modern. --- History, general. --- European History. --- Political History. --- World History, Global and Transnational History. --- Political Science. --- Modern History. --- Modern history --- World history, Modern --- World history --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Universal history --- History --- Colonialism --- Global politics --- International politics --- Political history --- Political science --- Eastern question --- Geopolitics --- International organization --- International relations --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- modern history --- Central and eastern Europe --- economic integration --- Member of the European Parliament --- Eiropa --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Europa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- hEorpa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- uusi aika --- историја на новиот век --- modern kor --- età moderna --- uusaeg --- epoka moderne --- Idade Moderna --- νεώτερη εποχή --- moderna tiden --- модерна ера --- súčasná éra --- доцен модерен период --- ран модерен период --- модерна епоха --- moderne tijd --- neuzeitliche Epoche --- moderne tidsalder --- âge moderne --- újkor --- Edad Moderna --- naujoji era --- modern era --- νεώτερα χρόνια --- époque moderne --- moderna povijest --- moderne historie --- jaunāko laiku vēsture --- moderne geschiedenis --- modern historia --- naujųjų amžių istorija --- модерна история --- histoire moderne --- uuden ajan historia --- istorie modernă --- storia moderna --- histori moderne --- νεώτερη ιστορία --- Geschichte der Neuzeit --- historia moderna --- storja moderna --- povijest novoga vijeka --- historia nowożytna --- újkortörténet --- moderné dejiny --- модерна историја --- História Moderna --- novejša zgodovina --- uusaja ajalugu --- novější historie --- Deputet i Parlamentit Europian --- az Európai Parlament képviselője --- zastupnik u Europskom parlamentu --- il-Membri tal-PE --- parlamentare europeo --- Europees afgevaardigde --- Euroopan parlamentin jäsen --- parlamentario europeo --- poslanec EP --- посланик у Европском парламенту --- Europos Parlamento narys --- Eiropas Parlamenta loceklis --- membru al Parlamentului European --- parlamentar europeu --- poslanec Európskeho parlamentu --- βουλευτής του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου --- Член на Европейския парламент --- Euroopa Parlamendi liige --- członek Parlamentu Europejskiego --- parlementaire européen --- пратеник во Европскиот парламент --- europäischer Abgeordneter --- poslanec Evropskega parlamenta --- ledamot av Europaparlamentet --- medlem af Europa-Parlamentet --- eurodeputato --- EP-képviselő --- député européen --- MEP --- EF-parlamentariker --- ευρωβουλευτής --- член на Европскиот парламент --- član Europskoga parlamenta --- deputato del PE --- Μέλος του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου --- az Európai Parlament tagja --- parlamentsmedlem (EF) --- Europaparlamentariker --- eurodiputado --- europarlamentare --- člen Evropského parlamentu --- европарламентарец --- deputato europeo --- miembro del Parlamento Europeo --- застапник во Европскиот парламент --- Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments --- европски пратеник --- ekonomická integrace --- majandusintegratsioon --- integración económica --- ekonomska integracija --- wirtschaftliche Integration --- lánpháirtíocht eacnamaíoch --- економска интеграција --- ekonominė integracija --- integração económica --- hospodárska integrácia --- gazdasági integráció --- economische integratie --- integrim ekonomik --- integrazione economica --- integrare economică --- økonomisk integration --- integrazzjoni ekonomika --- taloudellinen yhdentyminen --- intégration économique --- ekonomikas integrācija --- integracja gospodarcza --- οικονομική ολοκλήρωση --- икономическа интеграция --- gospodarsko povezovanje --- ekonomisk integration --- економско интегрирање --- sjednocovací postupy --- sjednocovací procesy --- hospodářská integrace --- začlenění do společné ekonomiky --- gospodarska integracija --- Közép-Kelet-Európa --- Europa centrale e orientale --- L-Ewropa Ċentrali u tal-Lvant --- východní a střední Evropa --- Централна и Източна Европа --- Mittel- und Osteuropa --- Keski- ja Itä-Eurooppa --- Europa Central e Oriental --- Vidurio ir Rytų Europa --- Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia --- Средња и Источна Европа --- Централна и Источна Европа --- Central- och Östeuropa --- Oirthear agus Lár na hEorpa --- stredná a východná Európa --- srednja in vzhodna Evropa --- Europa qendrore dhe lindore --- Europa Centrală și de Est --- Midden- en Oost-Europa --- Europa Central y Oriental --- Central- og Østeuropa --- Europe centrale et orientale --- Viduseiropa un Austrumeiropa --- srednja i istočna Europa --- Κεντρική και Ανατολική Ευρώπη --- Ida- ja Kesk-Euroopa --- Europa Lindore --- Kelet-Európa --- Europa Central --- Centraleuropa --- Centroeuropa --- Источна Европа --- Austrumeiropa --- Itä- ja Keski-Eurooppa --- Източна Европа --- östra Europa --- Zentraleuropa --- Osteuropa --- Europa qendrore --- Oost-Europa --- Κεντρική Ευρώπη --- vzhodna Evropa --- srednja Evropa --- Europe de l'Est --- Midden-Europa --- srednja Europa --- Oirthear na hEorpa --- Europa del Este --- Europa orientale --- Central Europe --- Itä-Eurooppa --- Eastern Europe --- východná Európa --- východní Evropa --- središnja Europa --- Ida-Euroopa --- CEE --- Europa Oriental --- Vidurio Europa --- Europa Środkowa --- Europe orientale --- Europa Centrală --- Europa dell'Est --- Közép-Európa --- Europe centrale --- Lár na hEorpa --- Østeuropa --- L-Ewropa Ċentrali --- Europa centrale --- источноевропски земји --- Europa de Est --- Øst- og Centraleuropa --- střední Evropa --- Централна Европа --- Europa Wschodnia --- Kesk-Euroopa --- Ανατολική Ευρώπη --- Rytų Europa --- Centrāleiropa --- Kelet-Közép-Európa --- stredná Európa --- istočna Europa --- Centraal-Europa --- Mitteleuropa --- Keski-Eurooppa --- Östeuropa --- L-Ewropa tal-Lvant --- An Eoraip --- an nua-stair --- Feisire de Pharlaimint na hEorpa

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