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The effect of deliberate practice on students' interpreting performances
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstellingen: Het doel van deze masterproef is nagaan of bewust oefenen voor bepaalde tolkvaardigheden een invloed zou kunnen hebben op de tolkprestaties van studenten. Ericsson (2000/2001) en Ericsson et al. (1993) stellen dat bewuste oefening onontbeerlijk is om bepaalde vaardigheden op een hoger niveau te brengen. De vaardigheden die bij hen werden onderzocht waren sport, kunst en wetenschappen. Rau en Durand (2000) bevestigen dat een studiemethode die regelmatige oefening bevat efficiënter is dan enkel zeer intensief te studeren voor de examens. Middelen of methode: De negen tolkstudenten die deelnamen aan deze studie vulden van week 4 tot en met week 12 van het eerste semester 2 schema's in: een schema waarin ze de feedback noteerden die ze kregen tijdens de lessen en een schema waarin ze aangaven hoe ze buiten de lessen oefenden en hoe lang ze oefenden. De eerder negatieve feedback voor een bepaalde vaardigheid van week 4 en 5 werd dan vergeleken met de feedback van week 11 en 12. Wanneer er een positieve evolutie in de feedback te zien was, werd nagegaan of de student voor die bepaalde vaardigheid ook bewust geoefend had. De gevallen waarin er een positieve evolutie was in combinatie met bewuste oefening, bevestigen de hypothese dat bewuste oefening een positief effect heeft op tolkprestaties. Resultaten: De resultaten konden geen sluitend antwoord geven op de onderzoeksvraag, maar bieden wel mogelijkheden voor verder onderzoek. Zo verbeterden de vaardigheden 'content' en 'completeness' bij de ene student wel na bewuste oefening, maar bij andere studenten niet. Kan dit te maken hebben met de manier waarop geoefend werd? Ook bleken 'vocabulary', 'sight translation', 'intonation' en 'note-taking technique' vaardigheden te zijn die bij geen enkele student verbeterden na bewuste oefening. Zijn er dan bepaalde vaardigheden die niet geleerd of aangeleerd kunnen worden? Verder onderzoek kan hier misschien meer klaarheid scheppen.

The Jesuits : a history
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0691226199 Year: 2022 Publisher: Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press,

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"Since its founding by Ignatius of Loyola in 1540, the Society of Jesus ("The Jesuits") has been intimately involved in the unfolding of the modern world. The young Jesuit order played a crucial role in the Counter Reformation, especially in Poland, southern Germany, and several other parts of Europe. The Jesuits were also participants in the establishment and spread of European empires, engaging in missionary activity in east and south Asia in the 16th and 17th centuries, and becoming central to the spreading of Christianity in the New World. At the same time, Jesuits often tangled with the Roman curia and the Pope, leading to the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773. After the subsequent restoration of the order in 1814, the Jesuits continued to be leaders in Catholic education and theology. In 2013 Jorge Bergoglio became the first Jesuit Pope, taking the name Pope Francis I. In this book, Markus Friedrich presents the first comprehensive account of the Jesuits from a non-Catholic perspective. Drawing on his expertise as a historian of the early modern world, Friedrich situates the Jesuit order within the wider perspective of European history. In particular, he places the Jesuits in the context of social, cultural, and imperial history, showing that the Jesuits were not monolithic but rather were very sensitive to local context and that the order's core texts, especially Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises, were templates to engage with, rather than instructions manuals to be followed slavishly"--


Jesuits --- Jesuits --- History. --- Missions --- History. --- Acolyte. --- Alexandre de Rhodes. --- Alumnus. --- Ambivalence. --- Antonio Possevino. --- Availability. --- Benito Mussolini. --- Blaise Pascal. --- Blessed Sacrament. --- Carlo Carafa. --- Cathedral chapter. --- Censorship. --- Censure. --- Christian mission. --- Civic engagement. --- Civil authority. --- College Church. --- Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. --- Contrition. --- Converso. --- Cornelius Jansen. --- Cruelty. --- Cultural heritage. --- Decree. --- Dialectical materialism. --- Edict. --- English people. --- Evil demon. --- Exaltation (Mormonism). --- Falsity. --- Fine art. --- First Partition of Poland. --- Foreword. --- Francoist Spain. --- Frederick the Great. --- Free will. --- Gallicanism. --- General Congregation. --- Good faith. --- Gratitude. --- Holy Orders (Catholic Church). --- Hydrology (agriculture). --- Ideology. --- Ignatius of Loyola. --- Inculturation. --- Infinitive. --- Irreligion. --- Italian Fascism. --- Jacques Derrida. --- Jan Baptist van Helmont. --- Jansenism. --- John Climacus. --- July Revolution. --- Lay brother. --- Liberalism. --- Marriage in the Catholic Church. --- Miles Christianus. --- Missiology. --- Missionary. --- Molinism. --- National identity. --- National interest. --- Nature and Culture. --- News. --- Old Testament. --- Otto Truchsess von Waldburg. --- Padroado. --- Paganism. --- Patagonia. --- Peace of the Church. --- People in Need (Czech Republic). --- Philipp Jakob Spener. --- Philosophical sin. --- Pierre Nicole. --- Piotr Skarga. --- Pope Pius XI. --- Positive Development. --- Positive statement. --- Pretext. --- Propertius. --- Protestantism. --- Publication. --- Quipu. --- Regimini militantis Ecclesiae. --- Religion. --- Religious studies. --- Scholasticism. --- Scientific instrument. --- Social class. --- Social theory. --- Society of Jesus. --- Spanish Civil War. --- State school. --- Stonyhurst. --- Søren Kierkegaard. --- Tavern. --- The Salvation Army. --- Tithe. --- Toyotomi Hideyoshi. --- Western Europe.

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