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Text and/or image: a quantitative and qualitative study of the influence of visual information on subtitling in 1971 and in 2006, based on an episode of 'The Persuaders'
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstelling: Gaandeweg heeft de vakliteratuur haar kijk op audiovisuele vertaalstrategieën verruimd van een vrij linguïstische naar een meer allesomvattende visie. Om na te gaan of een dergelijke evolutie ook in de vertaalpraktijk te vinden is, werden twee vertalingen onderzocht van een aflevering van de serie “The Persuaders”. Middelen of methode: De getranscribeerde ondertitels van 1971 en die van 2006 werden samen met de originele dialogen gealigneerd en vervolgens vergeleken op basis van een aantal theoretische concepten in verband met het visuele kanaal. Tot die concepten behoren onder andere de semiotische samenhang, tekst in beeld en de montage. Resultaten: In tegenstelling tot wat verwacht werd op basis van de evolutie in de theorie toont deze studie aan dat de ondertitelaar van de versie uit 1971 meer terugvalt op de beschikbare visuele informatie. Meer onderzoek is echter vereist om na te gaan of dit specifieke geval significant is voor de ondertitelpraktijk in het algemeen.

Thinking about the creation of a strategic platform for biotech companies presenting synergies in the same value chain
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Nowadays, more and more innovative and great entrepreneurs decide to take action and to launch their company. However, it is not always easy for those lonely SMEs to stand out from the crowd and some companies, naturally, encounter difficulties to do so. It is particularly the case for companies from the biotech sector which is a highly competitive environment.

Realising my internship at AmplyCell which is in a young and promising company from the biotech sector, the purpose of this thesis is to provide the thinking about the creation of a strategic platform for biotech companies presenting synergies in the same value chain. This report must answer if the implementation of an alliance, in which AmplyCell would belong to provide its technology and develop its activity, is viable and interesting.

The approach to do so is divided in 3 phases. First, a qualitative study is led to understand how existing platforms and alliances are currently working to seek inspiration. Then, a quantitative study is conducted through the help of a survey directed to potential customers in order to understand the needs of the market. A final research is conducted again on potential clients for a deeper understanding of the results of the survey and also on potential partners to get their personal views regarding this partnership implementation.

Searches were successful. This kind of platform usually leads to consortium agreement which is a written document in which all members define the rules of the partnership, the way those rules are defined is discussed in the thesis. This report also identifies the ideal target for the platform as well as some future prospects to ensure continuity of this one and to be always one step ahead of competition. Regarding potential partners, the interest is global as they strongly believe there is no interest to stay alone when it is well known that unity makes strength.

To conclude, create such a platform is not an easy task. Even with the progress already realised, it takes a lot of time to achieve this with the search for partners, negotiations, first steps, etc. But the doubt is now raised regarding the feasibility and the potential that represents the creation of this strategic platform.

Le marketing vert en Wallonie : une étude empirique de la segmentation des consommateurs de produits d'entretien écologiques
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Green marketing exists now since 50 years and have for aim to sell ecological products.
After having defined the different concepts needed in the comprehension of this work, among other the various types of segmentation and the variables studied in the precedent’s studies, we determined three hypothesis that could explain the purchase of green cleaning products.
Then, a qualitative study was set up and submitted to the Walloons and we reached more or less 740 respondents. After a brief presentation of the results, analyses were performed on the data, principally correlation and regression, to understand which variables explain the most our independent variable, the green purchase of cleaning products.
This allowed us to improve the most of our hypothesis but with a certain guarded on some variables, that were not enough relevant.
This work allows companies active in the sector of the ecological cleaning products to have better understanding of the market and the expectations of the customers. By a better comprehension of the clients, companies can adjust or create new advertising campaigns to reach them.

Productivity in hotel and catering industry: productivity and performance indiactors. So how can we measure the productivity and perfromance in the hotel and restaurants sectors?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In general, in Belgium, and in Wallonia in particular, the hotel and catering sector is always in great mutation because of its direct relation with tourism. But, in the last two years, these sectors have been undergoing various changes due to the covid19 sanitary crisis and the floods that took place in Wallonia. During the period of the pandemic, hotels and restaurants were forced to close due to governmental obligations, which necessarily influenced their financial, economic, organizational, and social situation.
This research considers these effects and examines the performance and productivity of hotels and restaurants in the Walloon region after this immense crime. Specifically, we are interested in measuring the performance and productivity of these two sectors, and in determining the factors that influence them. First, this research explains the two notions of productivity and performance. Then, the implication of the two notions or their appearance in the hotel and restaurant sector. The study was based on a practical experience where the relationships were studied in the light of the two concepts 'performance' and 'productivity', operationalized by a quantitative study using a questionnaire intended for a very specific sample of hotels and restaurants in the Walloon region. To analyze our results, we used statistical analysis. Our study was based on variables drawn from hypotheses that affect all levels of such an establishment (social, economic, financial, etc.). In addition, the study confirmed the links between a few variables and the performance and productivity of hotels and restaurants in the region studied. Finally, the article provided ideas for research and the resulting implications.

Elaboration d'un stratégie marketing relative à un nouveau produit de la siroperie Meurens
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The aim of this end-of-studies work is to inform, explain and guide the Meurens company to implement the marketing strategy necessary to market a new product in Belgium. The product is an innovative, quality chocolate spread with a taste of dark chocolate, made from three ingredients: concentrated beetroot juice, concentrated dates juice and cocoa mass. The marketing plan presented in this work is put together in two steps. First of all, an understanding of the environment in which the company operates, followed by a discovery of the expectations and needs of consumers in regard to chocolate spreads. 
On the one hand, the approach includes an analysis of the macro and micro environment. These analyses are fed by elements coming, not only from four qualitative interviews, but also from some research which was carried out, and which aim to identify the opportunities and threats present on the market, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the company. 
On the other hand, the approach also consists of a quantitative study carried out with 555 individuals and which aims to feed decision-making from a strategic and operational marketing point of view. There is also an economic analysis of the cost price and a 3 years sales forecast. 
As a result of this analysis, the company receives invaluable advice and an action plan which they could use to market this new product. Ce travail de fin d’études a pour but d'informer, d'expliquer et d'orienter la siroperie Meurens quant à la stratégie marketing nécessaire pour commercialiser un nouveau produit sur le marché belge. Ce produit est une pâte à tartiner au goût de chocolat noir, innovant et qualitatif, réalisé à partir de trois ingrédients : du concentré de betteraves, du concentré de dattes et de la masse de cacao. Le plan marketing présenté dans ce travail consiste, tout d’abord, à comprendre l’environnement dans lequel évolue l’entreprise, et ensuite, à découvrir les attentes et besoins des consommateurs face aux pâtes à tartiner chocolatées. 
D’une part, la démarche comprend une analyse du macro et du micro environnement. Ces analyses sont alimentées par des éléments venant de quatre entretiens qualitatifs mais aussi de recherches qui ont pour but de déterminer les opportunités et les menaces présentes sur le marché, mais aussi les forces et les faiblesses de l’entreprise. 
D’autre part, la démarche consiste également en une étude quantitative réalisée auprès de 555 individus et dont le but est d’alimenter les prises de décisions d’un point de vue du marketing stratégique et opérationnel. À cela s’ajoute aussi une analyse économique du prix de revient et une prévision des ventes sur une durée de trois ans. 
Ainsi, grâce à cette analyse, l’entreprise dispose de précieux conseils et d’un plan d’actions qu’elle pourrait utiliser pour commercialiser ce nouveau produit.

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