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Chapter L'approccio metodologico
Year: 2020 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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This contribution presents a methodological path tailored to highlight and manage the generating processes of Community-based cooperatives in Italian inner areas. Some quantitative techniques are involved, in particular multivariate statistical techniques, together with text analysis, in order to process the outcomes of a direct survey based on open responses. Moreover, a study of scenario, based on balance sheet data, is proposed, to verify the potential profitability of a new cooperative.

Chapter Decomposing tourists' sentiment from raw NL text to assess customer satisfaction
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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The importance of the Word of Mouth is growing day by day in many topics. This phenomenon is evident in everyday life, e.g., the rise of influencers and social media managers. If more people positively debate specific products, then even more people are encouraged to buy them and vice versa. This effect is directly affected by the relationship between the potential customer and the reviewer. Moreover, considering the negative reporting bias is evident in how the Word of Mouth analysis is of absolute interest in many fields. We propose an algorithm to extract the sentiment from a natural language text corpus. The combined approach of Neural Networks, with high predictive power but more challenging interpretation, with more simple but informative models, allows us to quantify a sentiment with a numeric value and to predict if a sentence has a positive (negative) sentiment. The assessment of an objective quantity improves the interpretation of the results in many fields. For example, it is possible to identify crucial specific sectors that require intervention, improving the company's services whilst finding the strengths of the company himself (useful for advertising campaigns). Moreover, considering that the time information is usually available in textual data with a web origin, to analyze trends on macro/micro topics. After showing how to properly reduce the dimensionality of the textual data with a data-cleaning phase, we show how to combine: WordEmbedding, K-Means clustering, SentiWordNet, and the Threshold-based Naïve Bayes classifier. We apply this method to and data, analyzing the sentiment of people who discuss a particular issue, providing an example of customer satisfaction.

Chapter Decomposing tourists' sentiment from raw NL text to assess customer satisfaction
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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The importance of the Word of Mouth is growing day by day in many topics. This phenomenon is evident in everyday life, e.g., the rise of influencers and social media managers. If more people positively debate specific products, then even more people are encouraged to buy them and vice versa. This effect is directly affected by the relationship between the potential customer and the reviewer. Moreover, considering the negative reporting bias is evident in how the Word of Mouth analysis is of absolute interest in many fields. We propose an algorithm to extract the sentiment from a natural language text corpus. The combined approach of Neural Networks, with high predictive power but more challenging interpretation, with more simple but informative models, allows us to quantify a sentiment with a numeric value and to predict if a sentence has a positive (negative) sentiment. The assessment of an objective quantity improves the interpretation of the results in many fields. For example, it is possible to identify crucial specific sectors that require intervention, improving the company's services whilst finding the strengths of the company himself (useful for advertising campaigns). Moreover, considering that the time information is usually available in textual data with a web origin, to analyze trends on macro/micro topics. After showing how to properly reduce the dimensionality of the textual data with a data-cleaning phase, we show how to combine: WordEmbedding, K-Means clustering, SentiWordNet, and the Threshold-based Naïve Bayes classifier. We apply this method to and data, analyzing the sentiment of people who discuss a particular issue, providing an example of customer satisfaction.

Chapter L'approccio metodologico
Year: 2020 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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This contribution presents a methodological path tailored to highlight and manage the generating processes of Community-based cooperatives in Italian inner areas. Some quantitative techniques are involved, in particular multivariate statistical techniques, together with text analysis, in order to process the outcomes of a direct survey based on open responses. Moreover, a study of scenario, based on balance sheet data, is proposed, to verify the potential profitability of a new cooperative.

Sentiment Analysis and Its Application in Educational Data Mining
ISBN: 9789819724741 Year: 2024 Publisher: Singapore : Springer,

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Multi-Modal Sentiment Analysis
ISBN: 9819957761 Year: 2023 Publisher: Singapore : Springer,

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The natural interaction ability between human and machine mainly involves human-machine dialogue ability, multi-modal sentiment analysis ability, human-machine cooperation ability, and so on. To enable intelligent computers to have multi-modal sentiment analysis ability, it is necessary to equip them with a strong multi-modal sentiment analysis ability during the process of human-computer interaction. This is one of the key technologies for efficient and intelligent human-computer interaction. This book focuses on the research and practical applications of multi-modal sentiment analysis for human-computer natural interaction, particularly in the areas of multi-modal information feature representation, feature fusion, and sentiment classification. Multi-modal sentiment analysis for natural interaction is a comprehensive research field that involves the integration of natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning, pattern recognition, algorithm, robot intelligent system, human-computer interaction, etc. Currently, research on multi-modal sentiment analysis in natural interaction is developing rapidly. This book can be used as a professional textbook in the fields of natural interaction, intelligent question answering (customer service), natural language processing, human-computer interaction, etc. It can also serve as an important reference book for the development of systems and products in intelligent robots, natural language processing, human-computer interaction, and related fields.

Understanding moral sentiments : darwinian perspectives ?
ISBN: 9781412853965 1412853966 Year: 2014 Publisher: London: Routledge,

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This volume brings together leading scholars to examine Darwinian perspectives on morality from widely ranging disciplines: evolutionary biology, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, and theology. They bring not only varied expertise, but also contrasting judgments about which, and to what extent, differing evolutionary accounts explain morality. They also consider the implications of these explanations for a range of religious and non-religious moral traditions. The book first surveys scientific understandings of morality. Chapters by Joan Silk and Christopher Boehm ask what primatology and anthropology tell us about moral origins. Daniel Batson and Stephen Pinker provide contrasting accounts of how evolution shapes moral psychology, and Jeffrey Schloss assesses a range of biological proposals for morality and altruism. Turning to philosophical issues, Martha Nussbaum argues that recognizing our animal nature does not threaten morality. Stephen Pope and Timothy Jackson explore how Darwinian accounts of moral goodness both enrich and require understandings outside the sciences. Hilary Putnam and Susan Neiman ask whether Darwin is truly useful for helping us to understand what morality actually is and how it functions. The book is a balanced effort to assess the scientific merits and philosophical significance of emerging Darwinian perspectives on morality.

Data Science mit Python : Das Handbuch für den Einsatz von IPython, Jupyter, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib und Scikit-Learn.
ISBN: 3958456960 Year: 2017 Publisher: Frechen : mitp,

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Long description: Die wichtigsten Tools für die Datenanalyse und-bearbeitung im praktischen Einsatz Python effizient für datenintensive Berechnungen einsetzen mit IPython und Jupyter Laden, Speichern und Bearbeiten von Daten und numerischen Arrays mit NumPy und Pandas Visualisierung von Daten mit Matplotlib Python ist für viele die erste Wahl für Data Science, weil eine Vielzahl von Ressourcen und Bibliotheken zum Speichern, Bearbeiten und Auswerten von Daten verfügbar ist. In diesem Buch erläutert der Autor den Einsatz der wichtigsten Tools. Für Datenanalytiker und Wissenschaftler ist dieses umfassende Handbuch von unschätzbarem Wert für jede Art von Berechnung mit Python sowie bei der Erledigung alltäglicher Aufgaben. Dazu gehören das Bearbeiten, Umwandeln und Bereinigen von Daten, die Visualisierung verschiedener Datentypen und die Nutzung von Daten zum Erstellen von Statistiken oder Machine-Learning-Modellen. Dieses Handbuch erläutert die Verwendung der folgenden Tools: IPython und Jupyter für datenintensive Berechnungen NumPy und Pandas zum effizienten Speichern und Bearbeiten von Daten und Datenarrays in Python Matplotlib für vielfältige Möglichkeiten der Visualisierung von Daten Scikit-Learn zur effizienten und sauberen Implementierung der wichtigsten und am meisten verbreiteten Algorithmen des Machine Learnings Der Autor zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie die zum Betreiben von Data Science verfügbaren Pakete nutzen, um Daten effektiv zu speichern, zu handhaben und Einblick in diese Daten zu gewinnen. Grundlegende Kenntnisse in Python werden dabei vorausgesetzt. Leserstimme zum Buch: »Wenn Sie Data Science mit Python betreiben möchten, ist dieses Buch ein hervorragender Ausgangspunkt. Ich habe es sehr erfolgreich beim Unterrichten von Informatik- und Statistikstudenten eingesetzt. Jake geht weit über die Grundlagen der Open-Source-Tools hinaus und erläutert die grundlegenden Konzepte, Vorgehensweisen und Abstraktionen in klarer Sprache und mit verständlichen Erklärungen.« – Brian Granger, Physikprofessor, California Polytechnic State University, Mitbegründer des Jupyter-Projekts Biographical note: Jake VanderPlas ist seit Langem User und Entwickler von SciPy. Derzeit ist er als interdisziplinärer Forschungsdirektor an der Universität Washington tätig, führt eigene astronomische Forschungsarbeiten durch und berät dort ansässige Wissenschaftler, die in vielen verschiedenen Fachgebieten arbeiten.

Predicting the houseprice index using sentiment analysis and machine learning
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The 2008 financial crisis showed that economists seem to be far from a complete understanding of the real estate market fluctuations. There is often a strong gap between the variations of fundamental economic and demographic factors and the actual housing price changes.. An alternative approach to the study real estate market fluctuations, called Behavioral Real Estate, emerged from the evidence of unexplained volatility and market inefficiency. It deviates from the traditional way of studying the real estate market by explaining changes in house prices with traditional factors like inflation, interest rates and construction costs.&#13;This study focuses on forecasting the housing market and seeks to provide new evidence on the role of sentiment in driving house prices, which, to date, is a fairly underestimated approach. The difficulty in measuring the sentiment regarding the real estate market has made it really challenging to explain volatility in the housing market, despite clear evidence of psychological factors in explaining price fluctuations. Throughout the thesis, we followed the hypothesis that public opinion on social media has an impact on the behavior of the real estate market participants and subsequently affects future price trends. &#13;To test our hypothesis, we have trained a model with economic variables to predict the London House Price Index (HPI) using recurrent neural networks. Then, we have built a tweet-based sentiment index for the London housing market and incorporated it as a feature in our initial model. The model trained with economic and sentiment data performs better (MAE = 0.8315 and RMSE = 1.0358) than the one with economic data alone (MAE = 0.9012 and RMSE = 1.1701). Moreover, the permutation feature importance showed that the sentiment index is a significant feature in our predictive model.&#13;These results confirm our initial beliefs that the incorporation of a sentiment indicator should improve the overall performance of the model. This implies that real estate forecasters, policymakers and professional investors should consider incorporating this free data into their market predictions or when deciding for future investments.

From conversation to conversion An explorative study on the adoption of social media and the application of sentiment analysis in Flemish media and web shops
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstellingen: In deze masterproef wordt onderzocht of bedrijven afhankelijk zijn van hun online imago en hoe ze dit imago proberen te bewaken. Daarbij komen de volgende deelvragen aan bod: zijn bedrijven actief op sociale media en passen ze met tools sentiment analyse toe om een inzicht te krijgen in de zogenaamde Web 2.0 content? Een uitgebreide literatuurstudie van het domein van de sentiment analyse en een verkennende marktstudie laten toe om een eventuele kloof te ontdekken tussen de verwachtingen van bedrijven omtrent deze technologie en de mogelijkheden die de huidige tools bieden. Middelen of methode: Aan de hand van een grondige literatuurstudie wordt eerst de status quaestionis in het onderzoeksdomein samengevat. Na deze wetenschappelijke bespreking volgt een kritische analyse van een aantal tools en applicaties zodat de lezer ook een inzicht krijgt in de praktische toepassingen van sentiment analyse. Aan de hand van een marktstudie wordt ten slotte nagegaan of bedrijven actief zijn op sociale media en of ze sentiment analyse tools ook effectief gebruiken om hun online imago te bewaken. Als doelgroep werd gekozen om te werken met Vlaamse media en web shops. Resultaten: Uit de resultaten van de marktstudie blijkt dat alle respondenten, 7 uit de Vlaamse media en 8 uit web shops, actief zijn op ten minste één sociaal netwerk. Daarnaast stelden we vast dat de eigenlijke content op deze netwerken bij beide doelgroepen, i.e. 90%, al een deel uitmaakt van de online marktstrategie.Toch zien we dat slechts 1 op 15 respondenten sentiment analyse toepast om een meer gedetailleerd beeld te verkrijgen van wat er online over het bedrijf wordt verspreid. Deze kloof tussen de activiteit op sociale media en de integratie van sentiment analyse tools, wijst erop dat dit medium nog niet optimaal geïntegreerd is in de bedrijfsstrategie. Als we deze bevinding plaatsen naast de grote wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen in het veld en het veelvuldig verschijnen van nieuwe tools kunnen we stellen dat we ons op een keerpunt bevinden. Deze studie is dan ook een goed vertrekpunt voor bedrijven die wensen hun online marktstrategie verder uit te bouwen of voor ontwikkelaars van sentiment analyse tools om nieuwe inzichten te verkrijgen in de markt.

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