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Are CDS spreads affected by rate decisions of the ECB? A comparative study between Germany and Italy
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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The aim of this study is to know whether the ECB could somehow influence CDS spreads. Therefore we make a comparative study between CDS spreads of German and Italian companies. For Germany we work with 18 firms out of the DAX 30 index and for Italy we chose 7 firms out of the FTSE MIB index. We use daily data over a period of time from March 3, 2008 up to December 31, 2010. In order to answer our research question, we use the theoretical variables that the literature has proven to have an impact on CDS spreads and add one extra determinant that reflects the monetary policy stance. With these variables, we first execute a time series regression with data of one firm and then we do a panel regression with data of all our investigated firms. We do this for both countries.The most remarkable result of our research is that the Eonia has a more important role in explaining CDS spreads in Italy than in Germany. Another finding is that the leverage has a very important role in explaining the CDS spread.


CDS spreads. --- Eonia.

De impact van short selling: België versus Europa
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Deze thesis onderzoekt de impact van short selling op aandelenrendementen en liquiditeit. Meer bepaald wordt nagegaan of het model van Miller (1977) en Diamond & Verrechia (1987) kan worden bevestigd in vier Europese landen (België, Frankrijk, Duitsland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk). Onze bevindingen liggen grotendeels in lijn met de resultaten van eerdere onderzoeken nl. dat tijdens een verbod van short selling, aandelen overgewaardeerd worden en de liquiditeit, door een stijging in bid-ask spreads, afneemt.De nieuwe ESMA-maatregel van 1 november 2012 blijkt meer wenselijk te zijn dan de eerder ingevoerde beperkingen, daar er een afname in bid-ask spreads werd opgemeten.

De impact van short selling op aandelenrendementen en liquiditeit: België vs Europa
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Ondanks het feit dat de techniek van shorten al sinds 1609 bestaat, kon het pas de voorbije jaren op grote belangstelling rekenen. Zo werden short sellers tijdens de kredietcrisis met de vinger gewezen wanneer er onrust heerste op de beurs en eind 2011 kwamen short sellers opnieuw onder vuur te liggen wanneer verschillende Europese aandelen daalden. Om het vertrouwen in de markt te herstellen en uit vrees voor bear raids voerden verschillende toezichthouders beperkingen in op short selling; dit gebeurde onder andere in België, Frankrijk, Spanje, Italië en Griekenland. Midden februari 2012 kondigde het Belgische FSMA en het Franse AMF aan dat het verbod op verschillende financiële aandelen werd opgeheven. Naakt shorten bleef echter in vele landen verboden, België kwam alvast op de proppen met de locate rule. In deze thesis wordt de literatuur omtrent short selling uitgebreid besproken in het tweede deel. Zowel de voor –als nadelen, theorie en empirische bewijzen worden uitgediept. In het daaropvolgende hoofdstuk gaan we verder in op onze onderzoeksvraag en de relevantie ervan. Daarin worden eveneens de data, methodologie en empirische vaststellingen verder toegelicht wat leidt tot een onderbouwde conclusie. Ten slotte omvat het laatste hoofdstuk een opsomming van alle geraadpleegde bronnen alsook de bijlagen.

Does Governing Law Affect Bond Spreads?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Controlling for bond and issuer characteristics, bond spreads are expected to be equal across different legal jurisdictions, and differences are expected to disappear through arbitrage. However, an analysis of 435 U.S. dollar-denominated bonds issued by 53 emerging market sovereigns during 1990-2015 reveals that after the financial crisis of 2008, the launch spread of sovereign bonds issued under U.K. law has been higher than those issued under U.S. law, by 130 basis points for BB+ bonds and 175 basis points for B- bonds. This effect was not significant for investment grade bonds. On average, bonds issued under U.K. law had weaker ratings and shorter tenors post-crisis. The post-crisis impact of governing law on sovereign bond spreads is not explained by collective action clauses, or first-time bond issuances. Instead, the difference seems to be related to the perception that U.S. law offers stronger investor protection, and that the investor base for bonds issued under U.S. law is larger than that for bonds issued under U.K. law. The difference in spreads persists in the secondary market even after 180 days, perhaps because of the lack of liquidity, as investors tend to buy and hold these more attractive bonds on a longer term basis.

Onderzoek naar een liquiditeitspremie op Euronext Brussel BEL20 en Euronext Parijs Alternext
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2012

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Net zoals in de ondernemerswereld is in de financiële wereld rendement en risicoonlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Het is niet mogelijk om hogere winsten te behalenzonder een hoger risico te nemen.In deze thesis wordt er gebruik gemaakt van een model dat gebaseerd is op het CAPM. HetCAPM wordt in de praktijk vaak gebruikt om het rendement van aandelen te verklaren. In ditmodel wordt het rendement van een aandeel gerelateerd aan het rendement van eengekende marktindex.Er werd gekozen om de BEL20- en de Alternext-index te gebruiken als verklarendemarktindexen. Vaak is met een index alleen echter niet het volledige rendement van aandelente verklaren. Daarmee start dan ook de zoektocht naar extra factoren voor het verklaren vanhet excess rendement van aandelen.In de literatuurstudie worden er meerdere liquiditeitsmaatstaven besproken. Aan de handvan deze maatstaven wordt in het onderzoek geprobeerd om het excess rendement vanaandelen verder te verklaren. Hiermee wordt mogelijks het bewijs van een liquiditeitspremieaangetoond. De economische gedachte zegt immers dat aandelen die minder liquide zijn,meer risico met zich meebrengen. De personen die bereid zijn dit hoger risico te lopen, zullenhiervoor een extra rendement eisen. Concreet zullen er regressies getrokken worden waarbijhet excess rendement van aandelen de afhankelijke variabele vormt en deliquiditeitsmaatstaven (samen met het excess marktrendement) de onafhankelijke variabelen.De resultaten worden geanalyseerd en vervolgens besproken.

Bank Lending Rates and Spreads in Emdes : Evolution, Drivers, and Policies
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper analyzes the main trends and patterns of nominal lending interest rates and lending-deposit interest rate spreads in emerging markets and developing economies. Using data from 140 emerging markets and developing economies, analysis shows that nominal lending rates and spreads declined between 2003 and 2017, with regional heterogeneity. In addition, it finds that less economically and financially developed countries tend to exhibit higher lending rates and spreads. These higher rates tend to be driven by higher spreads, not deposit interest rates. Also, illustrative regressions suggest that relevant correlates of nominal lending rates include inflation, public debt, and policy interest rate (macro-fiscal conditions); overhead costs, nonperforming loans, and non-interest income (banking characteristics); and credit bureau coverage and time to resolve insolvency (business environment). Finally, illustrative decompositions of the level and 10-year change between 2007 and 2017 of nominal lending rates find relative differences across regions. On the decline of nominal interest rates in that decade, rising public debt and nonperforming loans have pushed rates up, which was counterbalanced by a reduction in inflation, the policy interest rate, and overhead costs and a better business environment. Since the global financial crisis, a common global factor has increased in importance and has contributed to the downward trend in nominal lending rates.

Bank Efficiency, Ownership, And Market Structure : Why Are Interest Spreads So High In Uganda ?
Authors: ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Using a unique bank-level data set on the Ugandan banking system during 1999-2005, the authors explore the factors behind consistently high interest rate spreads and margins. While foreign banks charge lower interest rate spreads, they do not find a robust and economically significant relationship between privatization, foreign bank entry, market structure, and banking efficiency. Similarly, macroeconomic variables can explain little of the over-time variation in bank spreads. Bank-level characteristics, on the other hand, such as bank size, operating costs, and composition of loan portfolio explain a large proportion of cross-bank, cross-time variation in spreads and margins. However, time-invariant bank-level fixed effects explain the largest part of bank variation in spreads and margins. Further, the authors find tentative evidence that banks targeting the low end of the market incur higher costs and therefore higher margins.

Bank Efficiency, Ownership, And Market Structure : Why Are Interest Spreads So High In Uganda ?
Authors: ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Using a unique bank-level data set on the Ugandan banking system during 1999-2005, the authors explore the factors behind consistently high interest rate spreads and margins. While foreign banks charge lower interest rate spreads, they do not find a robust and economically significant relationship between privatization, foreign bank entry, market structure, and banking efficiency. Similarly, macroeconomic variables can explain little of the over-time variation in bank spreads. Bank-level characteristics, on the other hand, such as bank size, operating costs, and composition of loan portfolio explain a large proportion of cross-bank, cross-time variation in spreads and margins. However, time-invariant bank-level fixed effects explain the largest part of bank variation in spreads and margins. Further, the authors find tentative evidence that banks targeting the low end of the market incur higher costs and therefore higher margins.

Brazil's Bank Spread in International Context : From Macro to Micro Drivers
Authors: ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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In an international context, this paper analyzes the main drivers of Brazil's bank spreads measured by the net interest margin, by estimating internationally comparable measures for (i) institutional and regulatory (micro-) factors; (ii) macro-economic factors; and (iii) banking competition factors. The paper produces and applies a novel data set covering 197 areas and countries; ranging from 1995 to 2009, including 106 banks for Brazil and 16,434 banks worldwide. The analysis finds that micro-factors are the main drivers of spreads across the world. In the case of Brazil, the spread is found to be strongly accounted for by micro-factors-also in international comparison. For example, micro-factors contributed 7.2 percentage points (79 percent) of the 11.5 percent total spread in Brazil in 2009, while macro-factors and banking competition factors jointly accounted for only 1.9 percentage points (21 percent). Conversely, Brazil does not rank high in international comparison in terms of macro-economic risk: Brazil and other countries from Latin America and the Caribbean are found to feature the highest micro-factors in the world while having the second-highest spreads and the second-lowest contribution of macro-factors. These unique findings suggest that countries striving toward reducing bank spreads should consider policies aimed at reducing microeconomic frictions in their banking sectors, in particular, (i) the economic costs of holding reserves, (ii) credit risk, and (iii) implicit interest payments. In terms of policy dialogue, this would be especially relevant for Brazil and for Latin American and Caribbean countries in general.

Assessing the Returns on Investment in Data Openness and Transparency
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper investigates the potential benefits for a country from investing in data transparency. The paper shows that increased data transparency can bring substantive returns in lower costs of external borrowing. This result is obtained by estimating the impact of public data transparency on sovereign spreads conditional on the country's level of institutional quality and public and external debt. While improving data transparency alone reduces the external borrowing costs for a country, the return is much higher when combined with stronger institutional quality and lower public and external debt. Similarly, the returns on investing in data transparency are higher when a country's integration to the global economy deepens, as captured by trade and financial openness. Estimation of an instrumental variable regression shows that Sub-Saharan African countries could have saved up to 14.5 basis points in sovereign bond spreads and decreased their external debt burden by USD 405.4 million (0.02 percent of gross domestic product) in 2018, if their average level of data transparency was that of a country in the top quartile of the upper-middle-income country category. At the country level, Angola could have reduced its external debt burden by around USD 73.6 million.

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