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The Bible Belt-de Bijbelgordel: aspects of the language of fundamentalist Christians in the US and the Netherlands. A comparative study
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Year: 2010 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstelling: Deze masterproef heeft als doel de gelijkenissen en verschillen aan te tonen tussen het taalgebruik van de fundamentalistische Christenen in de Bible Belt van de Verenigde Staten en de Nederlandse Bijbelgordel. Middelen of methode: Er werd een corpus samengesteld van zestien toespraken: acht van twee vooraanstaande Amerikaanse fundamentalistische Christenen (Pat Robertson en Jerry Falwell) en acht van Nederlandse tegenhangers (SGP-politici en Ds. W. Pieters). De Amerikaanse en de Nederlandse teksten werden met elkaar vergeleken op basis van een aantal taalkundige aspecten: enerzijds het gebruik van de religieuze termen God, Jezus en Bijbel, hun synoniemen en afgeleide woorden, en anderzijds de religieuze werkwoorden, zoals geloven, bidden, zondigen... Daarnaast werd het gebruik nagegaan en vergeleken van de volgende tien stijlfiguren: antithesen, archaïsch taalgebruik, opsommingen, uitroepen, metaforen, parallelismen, vragen (open, retorische en vragen waar de spreker zelf het antwoord op geeft), citaten, herhalingen en superlatieven. Resultaten: Er werden opmerkelijke verschillen en gelijkenissen gevonden tussen het taalgebruik van de vijf sprekers. Vooreerst de vergelijking tussen de Amerikaanse boegbeelden van het fundamentalistische Christendom (Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson) en de Nederlandse (W. Pieters en de SGP-politici Bas van der Vlies en Kees van der Staaij). De teksten van de Nederlandse sprekers zijn minder exuberant en soberder dan die van de Amerikaanse. Stijlmiddelen zoals antithese, opsomming, parallellisme en herhaling komen veel vaker voor bij Falwell en Robertson. Wat betreft de vergelijking tussen het taalgebruik van de predikanten (Jerry Falwell, W. Pieters) en dat van de politici (Pat Robertson, de beide SGP-politici), valt het op dat de predikanten veel meer verwijzen naar God, de Zoon van God en de Bijbel, dan de politici. Pat Robertson verwijst frequent naar God en af en toe naar de Bijbel. Bij de SGP-politici wordt sporadisch naar de God en de Bijbel verwezen. Als we de predikanten met elkaar vergelijken, stellen we vast dat Jerry Falwell zijn toespraken kruidt met archaïsche Bijbelcitaten. W. Pieters doet dat eveneens, maar zijn eigen woordenschat is ook archaïsch. Falwell gebruikt opsommingen en parallellismen om zijn toespraken te structureren. De teksten van W. Pieters lijken eerder ongestructureerd. Wat betreft de onderlinge vergelijking tussen de politici, zien we dat Pat Robertson zijn toehoorders alert houdt door veelvuldig herhalingen in te lassen, door zowel religieuze als non-religieuze bronnen te citeren en door vragen te stellen, die hij zijn publiek als het ware in de mond zou willen leggen en waarop hij zelf meteen een antwoord formuleert. Het discours van de SGP is veel zakelijker.

Militants de la Bible aux Etats-Unis.Evangéliques et fondamentalistes du Sud
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ISBN: 2746705354 9782746705357 Year: 2004 Publisher: Paris Editions Autrement

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Un an après la guerre contre l'Irak conduite par George Bush jr., ancien gouverneur du Texas à la piété démonstrative, des milliers d'Églises du sud des États-Unis ont “adopté” des soldats. Tout au long de l'année 2004, les assemblées évangéliques s'engagent à prier pour eux régulièrement afin que Dieu les protège. Mais les prières visent aussi, et surtout, la situation intérieure américaine, jugée préoccupante. La sécularisation menace, la dignité humaine n'est plus respectée, aux Églises de se mobiliser ! Vu depuis l'Europe déchristianisée, un tel militantisme religieux effraie. Et la tentation du mépris vient souvent suppléer l'effort d'analyse. Ce livre invite à aller plus loin. Il décrypte un univers socioreligieux complexe, unique au monde. Plutôt que d'enfoncer brutalement des portes, il propose des clefs, à la lumière de l'histoire, de la sociologie et de la culture d'une région qui mérite bien son surnom de “Bible Belt”. Cette partie des États-Unis correspond aux anciens États confédérés, auxquels s'ajoute le Kentucky. C'est dans ce bastion sudiste que l'on rencontre la plus grosse concentration de protestants évangéliques, chrétiens “again” qui mettent en avant fidélité biblique, conversion et engagement. On comprend, dès lors, le poids de ce colosse évangélique et fondamentaliste,qui bouscule l'échiquier américain et international de son zèle missionnaire.

Sport, Spirituality, and Religion: New Intersections
ISBN: 303921831X 3039218301 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The research studies included in this Special Issue highlight the fundamental contribution of the knowledge of environmental history to conscious and efficient environment conservation and management. The long-term perspective of the dynamics that govern the human–climate ecosystem is becoming one of the main focuses of interest in biological and earth system sciences. Multidisciplinary bio-geo-archaeo investigations into the underlying processes of human impact on the landscape are crucial to envisage possible future scenarios of biosphere responses to global warming and biodiversity losses. This Special Issue seeks to engage an interdisciplinary dialog on the dynamic interactions between nature and society, focusing on long-term environmental data as an essential tool for better-informed landscape management decisions to achieve an equilibrium between conservation and sustainable resource exploitation.

There is a crack in everything : education and religion in a secular age
ISBN: 3039212788 303921277X Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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There are two constants in academic and theological discourse throughout history, they are the debate around secularization and the dialogue concerning the intersection of religion and education. Each age has had its debate about modernizing forces that drive concerns of impending secularization. In this publication this theme is approached from perspectives of teachers, of students, of policy makers and situated in a politico-historical context. Aware of the fact that in today’s plural societies one sacred canopy is non-existent anymore, cracks of the sacred canopy/canopies are described, as well as ‘the light that gets in’, the possible and challenging ways out are roughly sketched. We expect that each of the contributions of scholars of the East and the West, of the North and the South, and their presented examples and case studies, will stimulate the ongoing exploration and elaboration on the relationship between education and religion in todays’ and the coming world – work-in-progress for coming generations.


classroom observation --- college --- n/a --- education --- social boundaries --- orthokardia --- metaphoric sensitivity --- orthodoxy --- secularization --- Muslim --- youth --- plurality --- universal design for learning --- identification --- secularity --- worldviews --- orthopraxis --- ethnography --- tolerance --- Ubuntu --- identity construction --- non-confessional --- narratives --- religious sources of meaning --- religion in public life --- symbiotic relevance --- Europe --- role playing/bibliodrama --- secularism --- interreligious encounters --- reflexive inclusion --- spirituality --- religious minorities --- Québec --- image of imams --- representation of religion --- inequality --- subjective-life --- secular --- life-as --- religious education --- pluralism --- university --- Bible --- strong religious schools --- post-secular --- state Druze education --- Dutch Bible Belt --- Qur’an --- Weltanschauung --- inclusion --- state Jewish religious education --- radicalization --- life orientation --- values education --- state Jewish secular education --- citizenship education --- teachers --- morality --- liberal society --- inter-worldview education --- school identity --- secondary education --- inventive imagination --- religion education --- power --- rationality --- state Arab Moslem education --- immigration --- religious and heritage education --- medicine --- popular religiosity --- theology --- symbolic language --- religion --- worldview education --- learning in the presence of the other --- philosophy of life --- Christian --- bibliodrama --- state Christian education --- spiritual religiosity --- Religious education. --- Secularism. --- Ethics --- Irreligion --- Utilitarianism --- Atheism --- Postsecularism --- Secularization (Theology) --- Ethical education --- Theological education --- Education --- Moral education --- Québec --- Qur'an

The gospel of J. Edgar Hoover : how the FBI aided and abetted the rise of white Christian nationalism
ISBN: 0691244987 Year: 2023 Publisher: Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press,

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"The shocking untold story of how the FBI partnered with white evangelicals to champion a vision of America as a white Christian nationOn a Sunday morning in 1966, a group of white evangelicals dedicated a stained glass window to J. Edgar Hoover. The FBI director was not an evangelical, but his Christian admirers anointed him as their political champion, believing he would lead America back to God. The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover reveals how Hoover and his FBI teamed up with leading white evangelicals and Catholics to bring about a white Christian America by any means necessary.Lerone Martin draws on thousands of newly declassified FBI documents and memos to describe how, under Hoover's leadership, FBI agents attended spiritual retreats and worship services, creating an FBI religious culture that fashioned G-men into soldiers and ministers of Christian America. Martin shows how prominent figures such as Billy Graham, Fulton Sheen, and countless other ministers from across the country partnered with the FBI and laundered bureau intel in their sermons while the faithful crowned Hoover the adjudicator of true evangelical faith and allegiance. These partnerships not only solidified the political norms of modern white evangelicalism, they also contributed to the political rise of white Christian nationalism, establishing religion and race as the bedrock of the modern national security state, and setting the terms for today's domestic terrorism debates.Taking readers from the pulpits and pews of small-town America to the Oval Office, and from the grassroots to denominational boardrooms, The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover completely transforms how we understand the FBI, white evangelicalism, and our nation's entangled history of religion and politics"-- "This book examines one powerful but largely neglected ally of this rising white conservative coalition: J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI he led for almost a half-century. Revered by the evangelical faithful, Hoover was a powerful ally of and partner to the mainstream evangelical movement, working alongside Billy Graham, the mass circulation magazine Christianity Today, the National Association of Evangelicals, and other evangelical institutions and leaders to advance a Christian nationalist vision of America. In some ways it was an odd partnership. Hoover, for one thing, was not himself a "born-again" evangelical. And he maintained a domestic partnership with a male senior FBI agent that did not cohere with Christian conservative family values. Yet white Christian conservatives readily looked to Hoover and his FBI for their civic and political salvation. The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover explains why white evangelicals from the pulpit to the pew honored Hoover as their anointed Christian champion. Part one of the book illustrates how Hoover made white Christian nationalism the bedrock of the modern national security state by shaping the FBI in his own image as soldiers advancing toward a white, Christian America. The second part explains how Hoover materially supported the white Christian nationalist project of fusing conservative Christianity with American civic life. Along the way, Martin considers broader questions about the relationship between religion and national security in American history, and what Hoover's bureau might reveal about the nature of white evangelicalism"--


Christians, White --- History --- Hoover, J. Edgar --- United States. --- United States --- Church history --- Race relations --- American Dream. --- Baptists. --- Ben Bradlee. --- Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. --- Bible Belt. --- Bible prophecy. --- Billy Graham. --- Books of Samuel. --- Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes). --- Carl McIntire. --- Catechism. --- Catholic Church. --- Charles Hodge. --- Christ. --- Christian Order. --- Christian nationalism. --- Christian republic. --- Christian. --- Christianity Today. --- Christianity. --- Church of the Brethren. --- Church service. --- Clergy. --- Divine providence. --- Doctrine. --- Dutch Reformed Church. --- Epistle. --- Essay. --- Eugene Carson Blake. --- Evangelicalism. --- Faith of Our Fathers (hymn). --- Fulton J. Sheen. --- George McGovern. --- Grace Baptist. --- Harold Lindsell. --- Harry S. Truman. --- His Holiness. --- Ignatian spirituality. --- Image of God. --- Immanuel. --- Introduction to Christianity. --- J. Edgar Hoover Building. --- J. Edgar Hoover. --- J. Edgar. --- J. Howard Pew. --- Jehovah's Witnesses. --- Jehovah. --- Jeremiad. --- John Raines. --- John Wesley. --- Laetare Medal. --- Lay preacher. --- Lincoln Memorial. --- Lord's Prayer. --- Louis Harris. --- Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. --- Lutheran World Federation. --- Lutheranism. --- Martin Luther King, Jr. --- Martin Luther. --- Martin Marty (bishop). --- Marxism and religion. --- Maryknoll. --- Mennonite. --- Methodism. --- Minister (Christianity). --- Monograph. --- National church. --- Old Testament. --- Parish. --- Pastor. --- Philosophy. --- Preacher. --- Precept. --- Preface (liturgy). --- Presbyterian polity. --- Prophet Jeremiah (Michelangelo). --- Protestantism. --- Publication. --- Puritans. --- Reprint. --- Roy Wilkins. --- Samuel. --- Second Vatican Council. --- Sermon. --- Society of Jesus. --- Special agent. --- Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola. --- Stanley Levison. --- The Eleventh Commandment (novel). --- The Lutheran Hour. --- The Word of the Lord. --- Theocracy. --- Treasurer. --- United Church of Christ. --- United Lutheran Church in America. --- United States Intelligence Community. --- World revolution. --- Yale Divinity School. --- Yale University Press.

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