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Rules and regulations to be observed by the officers and workmen of the colliery
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1848 Publisher: [England s.n.

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Articles, rules, orders & regulations, of the Colliery Viewer's Society : established the third day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ten.
Authors: ---
Year: 1821 Publisher: [S.l. s.n.]

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A Letter from the dead to the living, or, The collier boy and his mother : being an account of the dreadful inundation of Heaton Colliery, on May 3rd, 1815, by which forty-one men and thirty-four boys lost their lives.
Year: 1841 Publisher: Newcastle-upon-Tyne Printed at the office of the Great Northern Advertiser, and sold by all the booksellers

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ISBN: 1781386676 1846313244 9781846313240 9780853239024 0853239029 9780853238928 0853239029 0853238928 9781781386675 Year: 1999 Publisher: Liverpool Liverpool University Press

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The worst disaster of the North Wales coalfield – one of the worst in the history of the British mining industry – occurred in 1934, killing 256 men and devastating a small community. Stanley Williamson’s account draws on his own interviews with the bereaved and those involved in the rescue, as well as the reports of the subsequent inquiry and the records of the North Wales Miners’ Association. Williamson covers the inquiry, and the important issues it raised, in detail and charts the way in which Sir Stafford Cripps, representing the North Wales miners, launched an attack on the whole social and industrial system of which the industry was a part.

Extraction ecologies and the literature of the long exhaustion
ISBN: 0691230552 0691205264 0691205531 9780691205267 9780691205533 Year: 2021 Publisher: Princeton : Princeton University Press,

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The 1830s to the 1930s saw the rise of large-scale industrial mining in the British imperial world. Elizabeth Carolyn Miller examines how literature of this era reckoned with a new vision of civilization where humans are dependent on finite, nonrenewable stores of earthly resources, and traces how the threatening horizon of resource exhaustion worked its way into narrative form. Britain was the first nation to transition to industry based on fossil fuels, which put its novelists and other writers in the remarkable position of mediating the emergence of extraction-based life. Miller looks at works like 'Hard Times', 'The Mill on the Floss', and 'Sons and Lovers', showing how the provincial realist novel's longstanding reliance on marriage and inheritance plots transforms against the backdrop of exhaustion to withhold the promise of reproductive futurity.


Industrialization in literature. --- Mines and mineral resources in literature. --- English fiction --- History and criticism. --- Mines and mineral resources in literature --- English fiction - 19th century - History and criticism --- English fiction - 20th century - History and criticism --- Industrialization in literature --- Allan Quatermain. --- Arthur Rimbaud. --- Author. --- Barbarism (linguistics). --- Bildungsroman. --- Bloemfontein. --- Boiler. --- Book review. --- British Coal. --- Capitalism. --- Case study. --- Climate change. --- Coal mining. --- Coal. --- Commodity. --- Consolidated Mines. --- Crainquebille. --- D. H. Lawrence. --- Death drive. --- Dividend. --- DuPont. --- Ecocriticism. --- Ecological imperialism. --- Ecology. --- Energy crisis. --- Environmental politics. --- Environmentalism. --- Exhaustion. --- Externality. --- Fertilizer. --- Filth (novel). --- Finance capitalism. --- Fossil fuel. --- Fuel. --- Genre. --- Geologist. --- Geopolitics. --- George Eliot. --- H. G. Wells. --- H. Rider Haggard. --- Hartley Colliery disaster. --- Historical fiction. --- Historicism. --- Imagines (work by Philostratus). --- Imperialism. --- Inception. --- Industrial ecology. --- Industrial society. --- International Commission on Stratigraphy. --- Joseph Conrad. --- King Solomon's Mines. --- Labor theory of value. --- Latin America. --- Lecture. --- Literary realism. --- Literature. --- Lord Jim. --- Marriage plot. --- Medieval literature. --- Memoir. --- Meta-analysis. --- Metallurgy. --- Mineral Revolution. --- Mining (military). --- Mining accident. --- Mining. --- Moidore. --- Montezuma's Daughter. --- Montezuma's treasure. --- Narrative. --- National Policy. --- News from Nowhere. --- Nostromo. --- Ontology. --- Ornithology. --- Ownership (psychology). --- Patriarchy. --- Poetry. --- Slavery. --- Smelting. --- Sons and Lovers. --- Speculative fiction. --- Steam engine. --- Subject (philosophy). --- Subsurface (software). --- Sultana's Dream. --- Surplus value. --- The Bottoms (novel). --- The Coal Question. --- The Mining Journal (trade magazine). --- The Mining Journal. --- Thomas Newcomen. --- Timescape. --- Tono-Bungay. --- Torture chamber. --- V. --- Vril. --- Wealth. --- World War I. --- Worldbuilding.

Le dernier carré : les charbonniers belges, libres entrepreneurs face à la CECA (1950 - 1959).
ISSN: 09442294 ISBN: 9789052015743 9052015740 Year: 2010 Volume: 51 Publisher: Bruxelles Lang

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Fuels --- History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- Mining industry --- European Coal and Steel Community --- anno 1950-1959 --- Coal trade --- Belgium --- Charbon --- Belgique --- History --- Foreign economic relations --- Industrie --- Histoire --- Relations économiques extérieures --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 331.19 --- 334.150.4 --- 338.733 --- BPB1012 --- Charbonnage --- CECA --- Geschiedkundige en andere inlichtingen over industriële, financiële en handelsondernemingen. --- Europese gemeenschappen. EEG. EGKS. EGA. --- Steenkool. Steenkoolhoudende mineralen. Vaste brandstoffen. --- Steenkoolwinplaats --- België --- EGKS --- Kohlenindustrie --- Kohlepolitik --- History. --- Geschichte 1950-1959. --- Belgien --- Kohlenindustrie. --- Kohlepolitik. --- Belgien. --- Relations économiques extérieures --- Coal industry --- Fuel trade --- Geschiedkundige en andere inlichtingen over industriële, financiële en handelsondernemingen --- Europese gemeenschappen. EEG. EGKS. EGA --- Steenkool. Steenkoolhoudende mineralen. Vaste brandstoffen --- European coal and steel community --- ECSC --- Coal mines and mining --- 1950-1967 --- 20th century --- Mines and mineral resources --- extração de carvão --- szénbányászat --- minería del carbón --- imminar tal-faħam --- steenkoolwinplaats --- těžba uhlí --- coal mining --- вадење јаглен --- nxjerrje e qymyrgurit --- akmens anglių gavyba --- ogļu ieguve --- ťažba uhlia --- добив на въглища --- копање угља --- kolgruvedrift --- ugljeno rudarstvo --- miniera di carbone --- górnictwo węglowe --- Kohlenbergbau --- söe kaevandamine --- hiilenlouhinta --- kulminedrift --- mină de cărbuni --- ανθρακωρυχείο --- pridobivanje premoga --- karjers --- ogļraktuves --- Kohlenrevier --- uhoľná jama --- uhoľné pole --- uhoľná panva --- окно --- hiilikenttä --- Steinkohlenförderung --- mina de carvão --- uhelná pánev --- kulbrydning --- rudnik ugljena --- bacino minerario --- ανθρακοφόρος περιοχή --- minë qymyrguri --- kolbrytning --- ugljenokop --- nalazište ugljena --- bányamező --- bassin minier --- zăcăminte de cărbuni --- Kohlenabbau --- akmens anglių telkinys --- pus miniere --- Kohlenzeche --- λιγνιτωρυχεία --- Steinkohlengrube --- Bergbaurevier --- fushë qymyrguri --- giacimento di carbon fossile --- steenkolenbekken --- extracção de carvão --- colliery --- exploração de minas de carvão --- houillère --- наоѓалиште на јаглен --- cuenca minera --- söekaevandus --- uhoľná baňa --- pit --- šachta --- kolenbekken --- јагленокоп --- stenkulsbrud --- akmeņogļu atradnes --- coal field --- jáma --- explotación carbonera --- kulbækken --- exploitation charbonnière --- kulbassin --- minierë qymyrguri --- mina hullera --- akmens anglių šachta --- Kohlenförderung --- steenkolenmijn --- szénbánya --- coal mine --- söeväli --- akmens anglių kasykla --- vađenje ugljena --- Steinkohlenbergwerk --- kivisöekaevandus --- uhelný důl --- aknamező --- stenkolsgruva --- hiilikaivos --- Comunitatea Europeană a Cărbunelui și Oțelului --- KEQÇ --- ΕΚΑΧ --- Europos anglių ir plieno bendrija --- ЕЗУЧ --- Evropské společenství uhlí a oceli --- Европейско обединение за въглища и стомана --- EKSG --- Europska zajednica za ugljen i čelik --- EHTY --- Европска заедница за јаглен и челик --- ESZAK --- ESTÜ --- ESUO --- EKSF --- ESPJ --- KEFA --- EWWS --- EOTK --- Hohe Behörde --- Alta Autoridade --- Comunità europea del carbone e dell'acciaio --- Советодавен комитет на ЕЗЈЧ --- vysoký orgán --- Főhatóság --- Comité consultatif CECA --- komiteti konsultativ i KEQÇ-së --- Komuniteti Europian i Qymyrgurit dhe Çelikut --- ESZAK Konzultatív Bizottság --- EAPB --- EHTY:n neuvoa-antava komitea --- Raadgevend Comité EGKS --- Consultative Committee of the ECSC --- Ülemamet --- ESTÜ nõuandekomitee --- korkea viranomainen --- ECSC consultative committee --- Hoge Autoriteit --- Haute-Autorité --- Európske spoločenstvo uhlia a ocele --- EAPB konsultacinis komitetas --- Den Høje Myndighed --- High Authority --- ЕЦСЦ --- Aukščiausioji valdžia --- Alta Autoridad --- Augstā iestāde --- Comité Consultivo CECA --- Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal --- Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα Άνθρακα και Χάλυβα --- Euroopa Söe- ja Teraseühendus --- az ESZAK Konzultatív Bizottsága --- Höga myndigheten --- Beratender Ausschuss EGKS --- Europeiska kol- och stålgemenskapen --- Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl --- Alta Autorità --- Det Rådgivende Udvalg for EKSF --- Eiropas Ogļu un tērauda kopiena --- ESUO konzultačný výbor --- Европска заједница за угаљ и челик --- Det Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab --- Európai Szén- és Acélközösség --- Συμβουλευτική Επιτροπή ΕΚΑΧ --- EZUČ --- comitetul consultativ ceco --- Comitato consultivo CECA --- Comunidade Europeia do Carvão e do Aço --- Konzultačný výbor ESUO --- EOTK padomdevēja komiteja --- Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier --- Euroopan hiili- ja teräsyhteisö --- Ανωτάτη Αρχή --- Autoritet i Lartë --- Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero --- EKSG:s rådgivande kommitté --- ЕЗЈЧ --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- CEGC --- mianadóireacht guail --- Coal trade - Belgium - History - 20th century --- Montan-Union --- --Belgique --- Industrie et commerce --- 1945-1970 --- Europe

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