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Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Les expériences de mort imminente (EMI) sont des phénomènes complexes d’état de conscience modifié qui peuvent survenir lors de la perte de conscience consécutive à une menace pour la vie de l’individu. Bien que l’étude de ces phénomènes relève principalement de témoignages des individus, il apparait un certain nombre d’évènements récurrents tels que des émotions agréables, la vue d’un tunnel et/ou d’une lumière, la vue de proches décédés, une expérience de sortie du corps ou encore un retour conscient à l’intérieur du corps.

Certaines études neuroscientifiques sous-tendent que ces EMI peuvent être vécues par des individus atteints d’épilepsie, et ce durant leurs crises. Ces derniers seraient également à même d’expérimenter des phénomènes de décorporation si leurs crises provoquent une activation de certaines zones cérébrales, en particulier de la région temporo-pariétale. Afin d’investiguer plus en profondeur dans ce domaine, nous proposons d’étudier les interactions qu’il existe entre les EMI et l’épilepsie ainsi que la fréquence d’apparition de ces phénomènes chez des individus épileptiques. Pour ce faire, nous recruterons des patients épileptiques pris en charge au CHU de Liège, notamment par le Dr. Olivier Bodart. Ces patients seront soumis à divers questionnaires, d’une part standardisés, et d’autre part établis par nos soins afin d’obtenir un maximum d’informations sur leur vécu.

Ramtha and Me.One Woman's Journey in a School of Ancient WisdomFirst Edition
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0977623114 Year: 2005 Publisher: S.L. S.N.

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Pseudoscience and the Paranormal.A Critical Examination of the Evidence
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0879754192 Year: 1988 Publisher: Amherst, New York Prometheus Books

Fits, Trances, & Visions.Experiencing Religion and Explaining Experience from Wesley to James
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0691010242 0691028761 0691212724 9780691010243 Year: 2000 Publisher: Princeton Princeton University Press

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Fits, trances, visions, speaking in tongues, clairvoyance, out-of-body experiences, possession. Believers have long viewed these and similar involuntary experiences as religious--as manifestations of God, the spirits, or the Christ within. Skeptics, on the other hand, have understood them as symptoms of physical disease, mental disorder, group dynamics, or other natural causes. In this sweeping work of religious and psychological history, Ann Taves explores the myriad ways in which believers and detractors interpreted these complex experiences in Anglo-American culture between the mid-eighteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Taves divides the book into three sections. In the first, ranging from 1740 to 1820, she examines the debate over trances, visions, and other involuntary experiences against the politically charged backdrop of Anglo-American evangelicalism, established churches, Enlightenment thought, and a legacy of religious warfare. In the second part, covering 1820 to 1890, she highlights the interplay between popular psychology--particularly the ideas of "animal magnetism" and mesmerism--and movements in popular religion: the disestablishment of churches, the decline of Calvinist orthodoxy, the expansion of Methodism, and the birth of new religious movements. In the third section, Taves traces the emergence of professional psychology between 1890 and 1910 and explores the implications of new ideas about the subconscious mind, hypnosis, hysteria, and dissociation for the understanding of religious experience. Throughout, Taves follows evolving debates about whether fits, trances, and visions are natural (and therefore not religious) or supernatural (and therefore religious). She pays particular attention to a third interpretation, proposed by such "mediators" as William James, according to which these experiences are natural and religious. Taves shows that ordinary people as well as educated elites debated the meaning of these experiences and reveals the importance of interactions between popular and elite culture in accounting for how people experienced religion and explained experience. Combining rich detail with clear and rigorous argument, this is a major contribution to our understanding of Protestant revivalism and the historical interplay between religion and psychology.


Psychology, Religious. --- Methodism. --- Experience (Religion) --- Methodism --- Psychology, Religious --- Religious experience --- Psychology of religion --- Religion --- Religions --- Religious psychology --- Psychology and religion --- Arminianism --- Church polity --- Dissenters, Religious --- Episcopacy --- Evangelical Revival --- History --- Psychological aspects --- Psychology --- Buddha. --- Emmanuel Movement. --- Magnet, The (Sunderland). --- New Thought. --- Presbyterians, Scottish. --- Puritanism. --- Quakers. --- Theosophy. --- adepts, theosophical. --- agency, human. --- catalepsy. --- clairvoyance. --- consciousness. --- delusions, religious. --- enthusiasm. --- fluids: magnetic. --- hell. --- imagination. --- inspiration. --- mental weakness. --- nervous instability. --- out-of-body experience. --- psychical research. --- race: and congregational makeup. --- shamanism. --- shekinah. --- temple: as biblical type. --- voices. --- Experience (Religion) - History - 18th century --- Psychology, Religious - History - 18th century --- Methodism - History - 18th century --- Experience (Religion) - History - 19th century --- Psychology, Religious - History - 19th century --- Methodism - History - 19th century --- religious and psychological hsitory --- fits --- trances --- visions --- speaking in tongues --- clairvoyance --- out-of-body experiences --- possession --- religious experience --- Anglo-American culture --- Evangelism --- Enlightenment thought --- religious warfare --- professional psychology --- the subconscious mind --- hypnosis --- hysteria --- dissociation --- supernatural phenomena --- religion and nature --- Protestant revivalism

Parasciences, n° 120, Mars 2021 : Messages sur Polaroïd - Rêves et visions de fin de vie
Authors: ---
ISSN: 11430982 Year: 2021 Publisher: Agnières JMG Editions

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parasciences --- para-sciences --- pseudo-sciences --- pseudoscience --- parapsychologie --- paranormal --- Guadalupe --- Masaru Emoto (江本勝) --- Vierge de Guadalupe --- miracles --- spiritisme --- Victor Hugo (1802-1885) --- effet placebo --- ondes alpha --- aura --- Harry Houdini (1874-1926) --- livres --- expérience de mort imminente (EMI) --- guérisons miraculeuses --- télépathie --- psychokinèse --- ufologie --- UFO --- OVNIS --- Père-Lachaise --- sychronicités --- chamanisme --- transcommunication (TCI) --- biophotons --- photographie paranormale --- auto-hypnose --- Uri Geller --- Alexandra David-Néel (1868-1969) --- Madame de Thèbes --- Tibet --- Soufanieh --- linceul de Turin --- suaire de Turin --- plantes --- rêves --- John William Dunne (1875-1949) --- prophéties --- Jean-Claude Pantel --- machines occultes --- perception para-optique --- âme --- out-of-body experience (OBE) --- expérience de hors-corps --- tombeau de Jésus --- rationalisme --- Col de Vence --- crop circles --- antiquité --- médiums --- Charles Darwin --- agroglyphes --- médecine et spiritualité --- Christianisme --- personnalités multiples --- statues qui pleurent --- thérianthropie --- enlèvements extraterrestres --- état modifié de conscience (EMC) --- Robert Monroe (1915-1995) --- apparitions --- apparitions mariales --- mariophanie --- diméthyltryptamine (DMT) --- illusions --- orbs --- boules lumineuses --- spiritualté animale --- anhydrie --- aquaglyphes --- images miraculeuses --- reliques miraculeuses --- Garges-lès-Gonesse --- transcorporation --- lieux fantômes --- licorne --- Dewey --- mediumnité --- psychométrie --- Bermudes --- synchronicité --- Raspoutine --- musicosme --- musique transcendentale --- pèlerinages --- fontaines miraculeuses --- Arthur Koestler --- réincarnation --- abbaye de Glastonbury --- archéologie --- zeppelin --- Geraldine Cummins (1890-1969) --- neurosciences --- précognition --- pareidolie --- sciences parallèles --- clairvoyance --- île de Pâques --- Thérèse de Lisieux --- Denis Vrain-Lucas (1818–1882) --- forgerie --- faussaire littéraire --- idéoplastie --- téléplastie --- ectoplasmes --- hallucinations collectives --- Maitreya --- manuscrit de Voynich --- cryptographie --- superstition --- Jeanne d'Arc --- clairaudiance --- chapelle de Lorette --- karma --- expériences paranormales truquées --- maisons hantées --- fantômes --- possession --- exorcisme --- Charbel Maklouf (1828-1898) --- Prieuré de Sion --- Bugarach --- médiumnité --- visage de Mars --- arbologues --- Rennes-le-Château --- Bérenger Saunière (1852-1917) --- Glozel --- Jean-Paul I --- Église catholique --- Gilles Bouhours --- Institut Français de Recherches et d'Expérimentation Spirite (IFRES) --- darwinisme --- Francis Crick (1916-2004) --- Wolf Messing (1899-1974) --- théorie de dédoublement --- Jean Pierre Garnier Malet --- énergie de résonance --- Oliver Lodge (1851-1940) --- Daniel Dunglas Home (1833-1886) --- combustion humaine spontanée --- mains brûlantes --- Gérard Croiset --- chemtrails --- manipulation des masses --- Stanley Milgram (1933-1984) --- Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) --- Giuseppe Joseph Calligaris --- extase --- lévitations --- transe --- Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) --- Charles Fort (1874-1932) --- Rupert Sheldrake --- résonance morphique --- Notre-Dame d'Akita --- Ted Owens (1920-1987) --- médecine holistique --- déjà-vu --- psychothérapie spirituelle --- lieux hantés --- presbytère de Borley --- Gustav Meyrink (1868-1932) --- Première Guerre mondiale --- spiritualisme --- pentacle --- église Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais --- faux souvenirs --- énergie nucléaire --- pluies de pierres --- dématérialisation --- Chupacabra --- cryptozoologie --- suaire d’Oviedo --- reliques --- peinture précipitée --- William Barrett --- sainte face de Manoppello --- image acheiropoïète --- Roswell --- Stonehenge --- Avebury --- Agatha Christie --- Bertha Mrazek --- transcommunication hypnotique (TCH) --- ectoplasmie --- Pearl Curran --- Patience Worth --- Indridi Indridason --- sorties hors du corps --- conscience --- Qumran --- Alec Harris (1897-1974) --- effet Oz --- Raymond Réant --- Harry Price (1881-1948) --- transcommunication --- scientisme --- Pierres d'Ica (Pérou) --- pseudoarchéologie --- pseudo-archéologie --- fées de Cottingley --- Edward Warren (1926-2006) --- Lorraine Warren (1927-2019) --- rétrocognition --- géobiologie --- Fatima --- Luc Montagnier --- Haravilliers --- Helen Duncan (1897-1956) --- ouija --- hypnose --- Lourdes --- Mina Stinson (1889-1941) --- Mina Crandon (1889-1941) --- disparitions paranormales --- Smurl Haunting --- animaux --- hantise --- extraterrestres --- Rudolf Steiner --- vision à distance --- Keith Milton Rhinehart --- Frédérique Pétorin --- George Spriggs --- Padre Pio --- loup-garou --- lycanthropie --- ovnis triangulaires --- Adrienne Bolland --- triangles volants --- Minnie Harrison (1895-1958) --- prosopométamorphopsie --- château Houska --- Charles Fort --- sphère Bellosean --- Stewart Alexander --- pluies paranormales --- divination --- château de Fougeret --- prédictions --- complotisme --- transhumanisme --- corona --- coronavirus --- covid-19 --- pandémie --- Versailles --- conscience animale --- Natuzza Evolo --- Eleonore Zugun --- wikipedia --- Mont Athos --- obscurantisme --- enfants aux yeux noirs --- légendes urbaines --- hallucinations --- objects paranormaux permanents (OPP) --- lignée secrète --- Maria Valtorta

Le Monde des Religions, Mai - Juin 2020, n° 101 : Le retour des sagesses de la nature
Authors: ---
ISSN: 17433346 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris Malesherbes Publications

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religions --- Histoire des religions --- Islam --- Bouddhisme --- Christianisme --- Spiritualité --- Coran --- Bouddhisme Tibétain --- géo-religion --- Pentecôtisme --- Kippour --- art religieux --- Judaïsme --- Euthanasie --- architecture religieuse --- Chiisme --- Vatican --- Paganisme --- Amérique --- Fondamentalisme --- Fondamentalisme protestant --- Fondamentalisme chrétien --- États-Unis --- radicalisme religieux --- Canon biblique --- Ramadan --- France --- Irlande du Nord --- Laïcité --- port du voile --- Rwanda --- génocide --- Bouddhisme Mongol --- Mongolie --- Moïse ben Maïmonide (1138-1204) --- antisémitisme --- islamophobie --- anticatholicisme --- Fête religieuse --- Achoura --- Eglise orthodoxe --- Russie --- Christianisme africain --- dialogue interreligieux --- Christianisme orthodoxe --- musulmans --- Iran --- Sénégal --- Turquie --- Egypte --- Chavouot --- Anglicanisme --- femmes prêtres --- Djihad --- terrorisme --- neurothéologie --- science et religion --- Dieu Créateur --- monothéisme --- Wahabisme --- Qatar --- Shirin Ebadi --- gastronomie --- Suède --- Eglise suédoise --- alimentation --- Japon --- gourmandise --- Protestantisme --- nourriture --- Timkat --- Ethiopie --- mondialisation --- Jansénisme --- immortalité --- suaire de Turin --- Irak --- église et état --- religion et état --- confrérie mouride --- Catholicisme --- rites funéraires --- âme --- résurrection --- au-delà --- culte des ancêtres --- Tse Chou --- Algérie --- Hubert Reeves --- Qumrân --- archéologie --- éducation religieuse --- enseignement religieux --- sexualité --- religion et genre --- chasteté --- célibat --- pédophilie --- Hindouisme --- Philae --- Arianisme --- mystique juive --- Kabbale --- Moïse de Léon (1240-1305) --- Zohar --- Bénarès --- Alfred Red Cloud --- Diable --- Juliette Binoche --- catastrophes --- tsunami --- Satan --- satanisme --- exorcisme --- religion et diable --- Mal --- polythéisme --- diabolique --- psychanalyse --- Judas --- Mont-Saint-Michel --- Milarépa --- Tibet --- Lao Zi (老子) --- Taoïsme --- Candomblé --- Adin Steinsaltz (1937-2020) --- Talmud --- livres --- Préhistoire --- Eglise catholique --- papauté --- totémisme --- chamanisme --- art préhistorique --- paléolithique --- évolution religieuse --- Temple de Jérusalem --- Bouddha --- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) --- évangiles apocryphes --- Konya (Turquie) --- sema --- danse rituelle --- derviche --- Axel Kahn --- Benoît XVI --- canonisation --- énigmes religieux --- miracles --- pensée magique --- Arche d'alliance --- franc-maçonnerie --- Golem --- Graal --- stigmates --- Nostradamus --- Shambala --- Templiers --- Potala (Tibet) --- Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie --- Hanoukkah --- Maxime le Confesseur (580-662) --- hadith --- Mali --- Dogon --- Thich Nhat Hanh (1926-2022) --- Mazarine Pingeot --- renouveau identitaire --- religieux --- réveil identitaire --- renouveau charismatique --- hindouïté --- extrémisme --- quête spirituelle --- ésotérisme --- réveil religieux --- Mecque --- pèlerinages --- Kaaba --- reliques --- Salomon ben Isaac de Troyes (1040-1105) --- éther --- Chine --- Arnaud Desjardins --- Yves Boisset --- évangiles --- écritures chrétiennes --- évangile de Jean --- Nouveau Testament --- Mont Carmel --- Baha'i --- histoire musulmane --- Kabir (1398–1518) --- Torah --- Cordoue --- Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak --- Catharisme --- Cathares --- hérésie --- athéisme --- incroyance --- communisme --- sans-religion --- Europe --- ibadisme --- islam ibadite --- Mzab --- Confucius --- Confucianisme --- Mont Athos --- Hassidisme --- Abraham Ifrah --- Abel Ferrara --- Jean-Jacques Annaud --- Philippe Sollers --- Islam en France --- islamisme --- musulmans en prison --- institution pénitentiaire --- Chrétien de Troyes --- littérature arthurienne --- littérature et films --- culture populaire --- Da Vinci Code (fiction) --- Mont Kailash --- Martin Luther (1483-1546) --- Sikhisme --- Harmandir Sahib --- Dhammananda --- Syhem Belkhodja --- Jésus --- évangile de Judas --- Bouddhisme Occidental --- chrétiens bouddhistes --- gnose --- gnosticisme --- Dargah de Nizamuddine --- Edith Stein (1891-1942) --- idolâtrie --- pèlerinages bouddhiques --- Aïcha al-Mannaï --- Agnès Varda --- Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber --- Didier Decoin --- Dessein Intelligent --- pseudo-science --- pseudoscience --- créationnisme --- néocréationnisme --- néo-créationnisme --- écritures religieuses --- interprétation coranique --- Lourdes --- Bernadette Soubirous (1844-1879) --- apparitions mariales --- Bahaïsme --- Baha'ullah --- Fu Xi --- mythologie chinoise --- Abu Gosh --- Elie Chouraqui --- textes religieux --- Expérience de mort imminente --- sagesse --- philosophie --- Safed --- Mansour Hallaj (858-922) --- Islam mystique --- Nestorianisme --- Pétra --- Mata Amritananda Mayi (Amma) --- Boris Cyrulnik --- Jean d'Ormesson --- Ordre du Temple --- Catholicisme en France --- Catholicisme français --- Sanliurfa (Turquie) --- Harran (Turquie) --- Église de la Justice --- Mani --- Cuba --- Chögyal Namkhaï Norbu --- chevalerie du Christ --- Laïcité française --- législation --- commission Machelon --- manuscrits de la mer Morte --- rouleaux de la mer Morte --- écrits religieux --- écrits juifs --- Esséniens --- Vézelay --- Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Vézelay --- Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) --- Coptes --- Église copte --- Marie-Dominique Philippe --- Trinh Xuan Thuan --- Wayn Traub --- Jacques Attali --- archéologie biblique --- Inca --- culte du Soleil --- Machu Picchu --- mystique --- mysticisme --- mystiques --- néoplatonisme --- Plotin --- Hildegarde de Bingen --- Jalaleddine Roumi --- François d'Assise --- Jean de la Croix --- Thérèse d'Avila --- béguines --- Baal Chem Tov --- Ramakrishna --- Marthe Robin --- Padre Pio --- Ma Anandamoyi --- ascétisme --- Ise (伊勢) --- Japan --- shintoïsme --- Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) --- Tombouctou --- manuscrits --- Annick de Souzenelle --- Luc Ferry --- Jean-Claude Carrière --- tombeau de Jésus --- Talpiot --- Saint Sépulcre --- Gaule --- Gaulois --- celtisme --- celtomanie --- néodruidisme --- Celtes --- panthéon gaulois --- druides --- Fêtes païennes --- Éphèse --- reine de Saba --- Regraga --- Essaouira (Maroc) --- Edgar Pacheco --- Kallawaya --- protestantisme français --- Christian Bobin --- apostasie --- femmes musulmanes --- guerre sainte --- jihad --- islam et sexualité --- homosexualité --- loi islamique --- charia --- Temple de Besakih --- Eckhart von Hochheim --- Maître Eckhart --- Madagascar --- Gilles Bernheim --- Julia Kristeva --- fin du monde --- 2012 --- fin des temps --- apocalypse --- histoire du Christianisme --- chrétien --- judéochrétiens --- persécutions --- Taj Mahal --- Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949) --- Frères musulmans --- Mont Garizim --- Samaritains --- Philippe Dautais --- religion et science --- neurosciences --- Juifs --- Juifs en France --- antijudaïsme --- Tikal --- John Henry Newman (1801-1890) --- Bombay --- Zoroastrisme --- Ahura Mazda --- Khandro Rinpoché --- René Girard --- rêves --- prémonitions --- Assia Djebar --- parapsychologie --- mécanique quantique --- dieux --- déesses --- Mésopotamie --- antiquité --- anciennes civilisations --- Égypte --- ancienne Égypte --- Grèce --- mythologie --- Mont Nébo --- tombeau de Moïse --- Thomas Müntzer (1489-1525) --- Hong Kong --- Jean-Michel Quillardet --- inquisition --- chahada --- conversion --- inquisition espagnole --- chasse aux sorcières --- misogynie --- Tomas de Torquemada (1420-1498) --- Temple de Shaolin --- Moïse ben Maïmonide (1135-1204) --- Nouvelle-Calédonie --- Rose Hudson-Wilkin --- Régis Debray --- Frédéric Lenoir --- vie extraterrestre --- astrobiologie --- exobiologie --- ufologie --- Sunnisme --- Hadith --- Soufisme --- Mahdi --- Fêtes religieuses --- Qing Cheng Shan --- Henri de Lubac (1896-1991) --- Lalibela --- Axoum --- Alexandro Jodorowski --- tarot --- Fabienne Verdier --- musulmans français --- Bible --- Bible hébraïque --- Septuaginta --- histoire biblique --- Levant --- Abou Gosh --- Thoubten Gyamtso (1876-1933) --- Jaïnisme --- Marie de Hennezel --- femmes --- Église catholique --- religion féminine --- masculinisation --- féminisation --- féminisme --- nonnes bouddhistes --- Monastère de Rila --- Abraham Heschel (1907-1972) --- Bouddhisme Japonais --- Mont Koya (高野山) --- Koyasan (高野山) --- Shingon Bouddhisme --- André Gouzes --- religion et démocratie --- Philippe Val --- Emmanuel Todd --- Islam et femmes --- religion et femmes --- religion et internet --- cyber-religion --- églises virtuelles --- religion et philosophie --- philosophie ancienne --- philosophie occidentale --- philosophie juive --- philosophie islamique --- philosophie indienne --- Rétchoung Dordjé Dragpa (1083-1161) --- Khalil Merroun --- Jean Calvin (1509-1564) --- intégrisme catholique --- monachisme chrétien --- monachisme bouddhiste --- Europe monastique --- vie religieuse --- moines --- moniales --- Caodaïsme --- Vietnam --- Abd-el-Kader (1808-1883) --- Jean-Sébastien Bach (1685-1750) --- religion et musique --- Jean-Robert Pitte --- bioéthique --- religion et sexualité --- prostitution sacrée --- virginité --- érotisme --- morale catholique --- Taoïsme et sexualité --- Bouddhisme et sexualité --- Islam et sexualité --- religion et homosexualité --- Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) --- Freudisme --- Tanger --- Confrèrie Alawiyya --- Thubten Ngodup --- René Descartes (1596-1650) --- Michel-Ange (1475-1564) --- Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt --- capitalisme --- André Comte-Sponville --- croisades --- colonisation --- identité musulmane --- Salafisme --- médias --- Côte-d'Ivoire --- Mormonisme --- Svami Prajnanpad (1891-1974) --- Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) --- Fra Angelico (1400-1455) --- Maurice Bellet --- Israël --- mouvement sioniste --- Sionisme --- état juif --- anges --- envoyés de Dieu --- monde angélique --- anges déchus --- sexe des anges --- iconographie --- Afrique du Sud --- Dja Tchékhawa Yéshé Dordjé (1101-1175) --- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) --- Marc Chagall (1887-1985) --- écologie et spiritualité --- écospiritualité --- Scientologie --- physique quantique --- cosmologie --- principe anthropique --- Big Bang --- évolution --- conscience --- Charles Townes --- William Phillips --- Jean Staune --- Jamaïque --- mouvement rastafari --- Malek Jân Ne'mati (1906-1993) --- Emmanuel Lévinas (1906-1995) --- Marie Skobtsova (1891-1945) --- niqab --- code vestimentaire islamique --- Pie XII --- mort --- réincarnation --- jugement --- Égypte ancienne --- livres des morts --- vie après la mort --- enfer --- purgatoire --- spiritisme --- Anvers --- Témoins de Jéhovah --- Maharal --- Juda Loew (1512-1609) --- Yehouda ben Bezalel Loeb --- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) --- Carl Dreyer (1889-1968) --- Michel Tournier --- Vincent Peillon --- Pentecôtisme évangélique --- Tziganes --- bonheur --- Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) --- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) --- Dagpo Rimpotché --- pensée chinoise --- Jean-François Colosimo --- Éthiopie --- Mennonisme --- Anselm Grün --- Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) --- Fabrice Hadjadj --- Arméniens --- Arménie --- astrologie --- Rome --- Inde --- Mexique ancien --- Michel Cazenave --- histoire de l'astrologie --- zodiaque babylonien --- théologie astrale --- Tonalamatl --- calendriers --- astrologie indienne --- astrologie grecque --- astrologie tibétaine --- astrologie occidentale --- astrologie orientale --- Georges Gurdjieff (1870-1949) --- hallucinogènes --- Andreï Tarkovski (1932-1986) --- Alix de Saint-André --- Pierre Hadot --- Mahomet --- Brésil --- théologie de la libération --- Muhammad --- Prophète --- Prophète de l'Islam --- Stonehenge --- Nanak Dev Ji (1469-1539) --- Salomon Itzhaki (Rachi) --- exégèse --- Paul Claudel (1868-1955) --- Jean-Luc Marion --- Fabrice Midal --- Satish Kumar --- histoire des francs-maçons --- sociétés secrètes --- complotisme --- conspirationnisme --- théories du complot --- évangélisme --- Karlfried Dürckheim (1896-1988) --- Simone Weil (1909-1943) --- Abdennour Bidar --- Bernard Sesboüé --- Église orthodoxe russe --- Orthodoxie --- religion et politique --- Abraham --- patriarche biblique --- matriarche biblique --- Sarah --- Ismaël --- Isaac --- Ibrahim al-Khalil --- Roumanie --- Juifs en Roumanie --- Alioune Diop (1910-1980) --- Grégoire Palamas (1296-1359) --- Henri Matisse (1869-1954) --- Francis Wolff --- Stéphane Hessel --- papes --- schismes --- béatification --- béguinages --- histoire de la papauté --- histoire du Vatican --- Nagarjouna --- Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) --- Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) --- Tobie Nathan --- Antoinette Fouque --- Jacques de Longeaux --- Libye --- migrants --- immigration --- Baphomet --- Jacques de Molay --- Gujarat --- conflits interreligieux --- anti-islam --- Pierre Rabhi --- Hadewijch d'Anvers --- Vladimir Jankélévitch --- Georges Brassens (1921-1981) --- Bertrand Méheust --- Élisabeth de Fontenay --- Soka Gakkai (創価学会) --- nouveaus mouvements religieux (NMR) --- Bouddhisme de Nichiren --- Chantal Delsol --- Élisabeth Badinter --- Bernard Besret --- musulmans américains --- Islam en Amérique --- Paolo Dall'Oglio --- Mollâ Sadrâ Shirâzi (1572-1641) --- Molla Sadra Chirazi --- Kim En Joong --- Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) --- Jacqueline Kelen --- Medjugorje --- Mayanisme --- calendrier maya --- 21 décembre 2012 --- internet --- Saint Malachie --- prédictions --- eschatologie --- religions monothéistes --- religions indiennes --- clochards --- Angelus Silesius (1624-1677) --- Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) --- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) --- Corine Pelluchon --- Nicolas Grimaldi --- argent --- religion et finances --- possession de biens --- finance islamique --- méditation --- transe chamanique --- état modifié de conscience (EMC) --- psychédéliques --- Mexique --- pénitences physiques --- Gérard Garouste --- Léon Tolstoï (1828-1910) --- Pauline de Préval --- Yves Bonnefoy --- révolutions arabes --- amour et compassion --- François Bayrou --- printemps arabe --- amour --- Mahayana --- bodhisattva --- agapè --- acédie --- amour courtois --- Philippe Lefebvre --- Pythagore --- Daniel Darc --- Edgar Morin --- Claude Debussy (1862-1918) --- religion et psychologie --- protestantisme évangélique --- ethnopsychiatrie --- histoire de la folie --- psychiatrie --- religion et psychiatrie --- hôpital psychiatrique --- Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) --- Françoise Dolto --- extase religieuse --- Sant'Egidio --- communauté de Sant'Egidio --- Henri Bergson (1859-1941) --- Alain de Botton --- guérison --- Afrique --- religion et maladie --- cultes à mystères --- religion et guérison --- médecine --- guérisons miraculeuses --- thérapie et spiritualité --- magnétisme --- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) --- Simon Claude Mimouni --- Cyrille J.-D. Javary --- Yi Jing --- islam politique --- minorités religieuses --- Raphaël Liogier --- religiosité globale --- Platon --- Antoine Sénanque --- apocryphes --- textes apocryphes --- art chrétien --- écrits apocryphes --- Hénoch --- Protévangile --- enfance de Jésus --- Nag Hammadi --- écrits gnostiques --- évangiles gnostiques --- René Guénon (1886-1951) --- Marie Balmary --- Françoise Héritier --- Samarcande --- Christ --- Brahmanisme --- Gyalwang Drukpa --- Khaled Bentounes --- Lytta Basset --- Amma --- Spiritualité laïque --- druidisme --- Richard Wagner (1813-1883) --- Albert Einstein (1879-1955) --- Christiane Rancé --- Napoléon Bonaparte (1769-1821) --- homosexualité initiatique --- juifs orthodoxes --- homophobie --- mariage homosexuel --- homoparentalité --- sociologie des religions --- Arche --- Vivekananda (1863-1902) --- Jean Vanier --- pape François --- âme universelle --- animaux --- éthique --- Out of body experience (OBE) --- esprit humain --- Crypto-judaïsme --- Marranisme --- Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) --- Charles Enderlin --- Consistoire --- Judaïsme français --- Terre-Mère --- féminin sacré --- mystique féminine --- Ghriba --- Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) --- christianophobie --- Intégrisme catholique --- fruit défendu --- halal --- religion et nourriture --- Manichéisme --- végétarisme --- casher --- cacherout --- interdits alimentaires --- alcool --- cochon --- John Martin Sahajananda --- Angkor --- Jérusalem --- miracles de Jésus --- sainteté --- Danila Castelli --- Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) --- anthroposophie --- Abdelwahab Meddeb --- Benjamin Stora --- Rupert Sheldrake --- Denise Desjardins --- Valaques --- Valachie --- pomana --- rite de passage --- personnages religieux --- Moïse --- Aztèques --- Zhuangzi --- Épopée de Gilgamesh --- Sylvie Germain --- fondateurs de religion --- Jean Baubérot --- Marc de Smedt --- mazzeru --- Corse --- radicalisme musulman --- Nahda --- réformisme musulman --- bouc émissaire --- yoga --- Ecclésiaste --- Thomas Römer --- Village des Pruniers --- banque de Vatican --- religion et argent --- Libéralisme --- économie et religions --- Sitting Bull --- Pentcôte --- Upanishads --- Paul Veyne --- Mer et Prière --- retraite --- péché de chair --- inceste --- Noé --- textes bibliques --- polygamie --- violence dans la Bible --- Charles Péguy (1873-1914) --- haïku (俳句) --- poésie japonaise --- Jean-Marie Pelt --- dalaï-lama --- Légionnaires du Christ --- Bariza Khiari --- Légion du Christ --- Marcial Maciel --- Agnes Abuom --- karmapa --- Tenzin Gyatso --- panchen-lama --- Jean Jaurès (1859-1914) --- sharia --- Angelin Preljocaj --- Emmanuel Carrère --- Corinne Van Oost --- Jésus canonique --- biographie de Jésus --- Marie-Madeleine --- vie de Jésus --- Jésus en Inde --- Machik Labdrön --- Yézidis --- religion gauloise --- Christine Jordis --- Phakyab Rinpoché --- Palestine --- fanatisme --- radicalisation --- Matthieu Ricard --- Iqrit --- Palestiniens chrétiens --- fondamentalisme hindou --- moines-guerriers --- Zoroastre --- califat --- Sioux --- pipe sacrée --- Indiens sioux --- Abd al Malik --- État islamique --- chrétiens d'Orient --- Dieu --- origine de la religion --- Yahvé --- Christiane Singer (1943-2007) --- Alexis Jenni --- Stan Rougier --- Hébreux noirs --- violence religieuse --- voile --- Asma Lamrabet --- hijab --- Romain Rolland (1886-1944) --- Aram Ateshian --- Corée du Sud --- Yoïdo Full Gospel Church (YFGC) --- Église évangélique de Yoido --- megachurch --- Shripad Yesso Naik --- religion et humour --- humour juif --- Nasreddin Hodja --- Bouddhisme Zen --- koan --- Kabir --- Marc Aurèle --- Xavier Emmanuelli --- Samuel Grzybowski --- Thaïlande --- tatouages --- moines tatoueurs --- Wat Bang Phra --- Mark Alizart --- Marcel Conche --- Swami Ramdas --- Anandashram --- Kudsi Ergüner --- Corine Sombrun --- Antoine l'anachorète --- blasphème --- Genèse --- André Paul --- Carolyn Carlson --- Grand Magal --- éthique musulmane --- Jean le Baptiste --- évangiles canoniques --- Joseph --- Marie --- famille de Jésus --- apôtres --- Jésus et les femmes --- femme de Jésus --- papyrologie --- Osiris --- Abd el-Kader (1808-1883) --- sépulture --- Guru Granth Sahib --- Olivier Germain-Thomas --- Jean Birnbaum --- religion et violence --- Dominique Rankin --- sacrifice d'Isaac --- sacrifices humains --- Daech --- rhétorique du mal --- Baal Shem Tov --- shahâda --- Marguerite Kardos --- Michel Onfray --- Stéphane Allix --- Kiran Vyas --- ayurvéda --- Kerala --- Theyyam --- déclin religieux --- religion universelle --- religion globale --- transhumanisme --- Sutra du Lotus --- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592) --- Vandana Shiva --- Kim Keum-hwa --- haredim --- politique et spiritualité --- sondages --- Laïcité en France --- indifférence religieuse --- miséricorde --- écologie --- Jean-Yves Leloup --- textes sacrées --- Yézidisme --- cosmos --- mythes cosmogoniques --- physique des particules --- boson de Higgs --- théorie de l'évolution --- Charles Darwin (1809-1882) --- Ahmad al-Alawi (1869-1934) --- Kurdes --- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) --- Ogyèn Trinley Dorjé --- Jean-Louis Debré --- Marie Darrieussecq --- sorcellerie --- wicca --- Starhawk --- Hayat Nur Artiran --- voilement --- histoire du voile --- perruques --- psychologie --- Nour Ali Elahi (1895-1974) --- Ostad Elahi --- kippa --- cosmogonie --- François Sureau --- Swami Jayramdas --- Tantrisme --- Izumo-taisha (出雲大社) --- Fête religieuse^ --- communautarisme --- thèse mythiste --- Sumer --- Jean de la Fontaine (1621-1695) --- Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) --- Olivier Roy --- Daniel Radford --- Birmanie --- shin pyu --- enfants moines --- occident chrétien --- Christianisme et Paganisme --- Judaïsme en France --- humanisme --- Krishna --- Sénèque --- carnaval --- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) --- Karima Berger --- église luthérienne de Suède --- Jacques Arnould --- Réforme protestante --- Contre-réforme catholique --- Luthéranisme --- Calvinisme --- Olivier Abel --- Chenrezig --- Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) --- Constance de Polignac --- Pauline Bebe --- Zhu Xiao-Mei --- Alexandre Jollien --- Paris --- Bertrand Vergely --- blasphème et législation --- Charlie Hebdo --- caricatures --- Isabelle Eberhardt (1877-1904) --- iconoclasme --- mythologie celtique --- Cuchulainn --- Mitchélée --- Californie --- Surfeurs chrétiens --- féminisme religieux --- femmes juives --- Femen --- Maïmonide --- Cantique des oiseaux (poésie) --- femmes et religions --- Dominique Blanc --- Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) --- Yom Kippour --- Gérard Riffard --- Maroc --- Juifs et Musulmans --- Marcel Gauchet --- étymologie --- démons --- religions asiatiques --- diabolisation féminine --- controverses --- Livre des Haltes --- Adam et Ève --- Delphine Horvilleur --- Rachid Benzine --- Espagne --- Zhor Rehihil --- jardin d'Éden --- serpent --- préhistoire --- Paul Valéry (1871-1945) --- chapelet --- Apocalypse --- Laurence Nobécourt --- islam et politique --- Mohammed Iqbal (1873-1938) --- Samayasara --- Charles Pépin --- Marie Keyrouz --- Jérusalem chrétienne --- Jérusalem en islam --- tribu Jahalin --- Bédouins --- histoire de Jérusalem --- Bernard Enginger (1923-2007) --- Pèlerinage de Vie Humaine --- Guillaume de Digulleville --- sorcières --- Philippe Foussier --- Henri Gougaud --- Sharon Salzberg --- Mohammed Bajrafil --- médecine populaire --- Mélusine --- Jeanne d'Arc --- vaudou --- culte vaudou --- littérature enfantine --- Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) --- arts martiaux japonais --- échelle de Jacob --- Anne Sibran --- Jean-Pierre Chevènement --- Robin Sautter --- ayahuasca --- religion et écologie --- Henri Tincq --- érémitisme --- ermites --- Olivier Remaud --- vipassana --- hésychasme --- tourisme spirituel --- Primo Levi (1919-1987) --- Pyrrhon --- Bhoutan --- Gabriel Ringlet --- Kamel Daoud --- Étienne Klein --- Punakha --- Jésus historique --- archéologie évangélique --- Henry Corbin (1903-1978) --- Sioux Lakotas --- Yahne Le Toumelin --- Nouvelle Calédonie --- Franz-Olivier Giesbert --- Thierry Janssen --- Hakim El Karoui --- droit --- Marwan Muhammad --- éducation musulmane --- Ibn-Khaldoun (Marseille) --- islamisation --- conversion à l'islam --- population musulmane --- Dit du Genji (源氏物語) --- littérature japonaise --- Hugo Pratt (1927-1995) --- Françcois Pétrarque (1304-1374) --- Alejandro Jodorowsky --- Frédérique Lemarchand --- Christine Pedotti --- Népal --- Khenpo Tashi Rinpoché --- philosophie des sciences --- Michel Bitbol --- José Le Roy --- psychotropes --- Olivier Cottencin --- addictologie --- Silvère Jarrosson --- Cochin --- Patrice Franceschi --- Amin Maalouf --- Communautés juives --- prêtresses --- écoféminisme --- Lama Tsultrim Allione --- diaconat féminin --- Kahina Bahloul --- imamat des femmes --- Shams de Tabriz --- Lucrèce --- épicurisme --- Hermès Garanger --- Bretagne --- Ernie LaPointe --- Jean-Philippe de Tonnac --- vierges --- religion et virginité --- encratisme --- ceinture de chasteté --- Asie --- femmes asiatiques --- hyménoplastie --- abstinence --- eunuchisme --- eunuques --- castration --- Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695) --- Melchizédek --- alchimie --- Michel Kirch --- Amélie Nothomb --- Ghaleb Bencheikh --- Rohingyas --- iconographie alchimique --- Fulcanelli --- Kateri Tekakwitha (1656-1680) --- Iroquois --- Genjo koan (現成公案) --- noël --- Véronique Desjardins --- Aurélien Barrau --- Hela Ouardi --- Valérie Zenatti --- Ukraine --- Église orthodoxe --- Mithra --- Mithraïsme --- néo-paganisme --- néopaganisme --- nativité --- Père Noël --- symboles de Noël --- Ellam Onru --- Christian Delorme --- Odon Vallet --- Jean d’Ormesson --- Leili Anvar --- Kensho Oyamada --- Islam en Chine --- Éric Geoffroy --- Haïm Korsia --- Magda Hollander-Lafon --- Ouïghours --- Brooke Medicine Eagle --- spiritualité --- Maurice Zundel (1897-1975) --- soutra du coeur

Cultic Studies Journal. Psychological Manipulation and Society. Volume 18, 2001
ISSN: 07406499 Year: 2001 Publisher: American Family Foundation (A.F.F.)

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American Family Foundation (AFF) --- new religious movements (NRM) --- extremist cults --- definitions --- cults --- mental health professionals --- training --- countertransference --- treatments --- cult members --- therapy --- abuse --- child abuse --- mistreatment --- neglect --- Neo-oriental groups --- Neo-Christian groups --- Bible cult --- Cultic Child Abuse --- narcissism --- dependency --- mental health --- pseudotherapy --- Re-Entry Therapy, Information and Referral Network (RETIRN) --- interventions --- post-cult syndromes --- deprogramming --- exit counseling --- prevention --- education --- cult preventive education programs --- data analysis --- manipulation --- manipulative processes --- counseling --- surveys --- The Missing Student Project (1979-1981) --- cult involvement --- social influence --- mind control --- social psychological research --- compliance --- detachment --- discontinuities --- Jim Jones --- Jonestown --- Peoples Temple --- People's Temple --- semantic distortion --- false analogies --- metacomprehension --- reactance principle --- persuasion --- groupthink --- resistance --- proselytizing --- evangelical groups --- proselytization --- Maranatha --- evangelicals --- code of ethics --- religious pluralism --- Shepherding movement (New Covenant) --- absolute obedience --- tithing --- recruitment --- love-bombing --- Maranatha Campus Ministries international --- Crossroads (Shepherding movement) --- Christian Growth Ministries --- youth ministries for secondary schools --- youth ministers --- Unification Church (UC) --- Sun Myung Moon --- moonies --- testimonials --- testimony --- recruitment process --- group sharing --- preaching --- Second Vatican Council --- Declaration on Religious Freedom --- European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms --- Maranatha Christian Ministries (MCM) --- doctrine --- theological methodology --- Opus Dei --- jews --- United American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) --- disciple abuse --- discipling --- proselytism --- evangelism --- secular schools --- religious freedom --- anti-religion --- religious diversity --- role theory --- Catholic Church --- Decree on Missionary Activity --- Christian evangelizers --- Judaism --- Jewry --- Hebrew Christians --- Christian Fundamentalist groups --- deception --- Emotional Manipulation --- pluralism --- criticism --- book reviews --- charisma --- charismatic leadership --- Charismatic Covenant Community --- sects --- Transcendental Meditation (TM) --- Israel --- behavior control --- thought reform --- influence techniques --- control programs --- self-concept --- coercive techniques --- brainwashing --- Mental Manipulation --- milieu control --- coercive influence --- physical abuse --- women --- battering --- victim blaming --- pathological attachment --- cultic relationships --- physical violence --- marital mind control --- treatment --- People of Praise Charismatic Community --- Catholic charismatic renewal --- covenant community --- The People of Praise --- obedience --- Theodore Ratisbonne --- Mallet-Bluth Affair --- Linneweil Affair --- Notre Dame de Sion --- spiritualism --- spiritual seekers --- gurus --- Vatican report --- cultism --- TM-Sidhi Program --- social research --- hypnosis --- therapeutic relationship --- American culture --- psychological perspective --- moral concepts --- freedom --- psychological integration --- tolerance --- pragmatism --- social conditioning --- cultural change --- cultural legacy --- high-control --- cult development --- sexual rituals --- induction --- ex-cult members --- children --- children and cults --- parental reactions --- parental actions --- family therapy --- Youth With a Mission (YWAM) --- Christian missionary groups --- intercession --- confessions --- suppression of individuality --- control mechanisms --- psychotherapy --- cult therapists --- therapeutic process --- non-verbal communications --- hypnotizability --- hypnotic behavior --- transference --- interspersal --- metaphors --- hypnotic techniques --- First Amendment (US) --- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) --- Bill of Rights (US) --- Fay Stender --- law --- legislation --- psychoanalysis --- psychiatric interventions --- psychiatric sessions --- missionary children --- vulnerability --- doctrines --- dogmatism --- dogmatic fundamentalism --- pedagogy --- epistemological relativism --- church-related schools --- fundamentalism --- psychological research --- Jewish families --- Family Environment Scale (FES) --- Cult Hot-line and Clinic --- ethnic identity --- statistical analysis --- psychosocial functioning --- cult-involved families --- adolescence --- Cult Awareness Network of Citizens Freedom Foundation --- assessment --- Cult Awareness Network (CAN) --- Family Questionnaire --- psychopathology --- Wilks' lambda (Λ) --- methodology --- statistics --- self-transformation --- mind reading --- extrasensory perception (ESP) --- mentalism --- mentalists --- social-psychological influence --- cognitive dissonance --- pseudoscience --- coercive persuasion --- loyalty-betrayal funnel --- bicameral systems --- excommunication --- Plymouth Brethren --- utopia --- OASIS --- sin-potential --- expulsion --- psychological mechanisms --- shunning --- deviance --- litigation --- child custody --- Sullivan Institute for Research in Psychoanalysis --- Fourth Wall Repertory Company --- New Age --- New Age groups --- systematic manipulation of psychological and social influence (SMPSI) --- Re-Entry Therapy, Information & Referral Network (RETIRN) --- New Age movements --- spiritual technologies --- therapist-client --- Systematic Manipulation of Experience (SME) --- Dabblers --- out-of-body experience (OBE) --- Hoppers --- therapists --- cultists --- New Age cults --- symptomatology --- depersonalization --- physical disability --- psychosis --- mind manipulation --- isolation --- nutritional deficiencies --- dietary restrictions --- voluntary deprogramming --- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) --- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) --- Bender Gestalt Test --- Rorschach Inkblot Test --- Holtzman Ink Blot Test --- Thematic Apperception Test --- Forer Structured Sentence Completion Tests --- mental disorders --- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders --- ritual abuse --- ritualistic abuse --- child sexual abuse --- sexual abuse --- Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) --- child maltreatment --- false confessions --- coerced confessions --- polygraph --- ethics --- manipulative psychological techniques --- psychotherapists --- American Psychological Association (APA) --- legal system --- continuum model --- intent --- liability --- exculpability --- coercive psychological influence --- social values --- psychological problems --- research --- Cults in Israel --- Church of Scientology --- dianetics --- guilt --- parents --- parents and cults --- case study --- group process --- behavior change processes --- International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) --- Hare Krishna movement --- cult conversion --- mystical manipulation --- purity --- language --- newspeak --- doubling --- social-psychological models --- persuasive conversion --- Information Processing Models --- snapping --- kidnapping --- deprogramming process --- European Parliament --- reintegration --- Voluntary Code of Conduct --- Cottrell Report --- human rights --- European Parliament’s Resolution (1984) --- Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) --- lawsuits --- twelve-point model --- family --- family intervention --- Fishbowl Phenomenon --- totalist groups --- college students --- college campuses --- Chickering's Theory --- Psychosocial Development --- Cognitive Development --- Perry's Theory --- Moral Development --- Kohlberg's Theory --- sociocentristic reasoning --- cult recruitment --- recruitment methods --- Student Religious Organizations --- educational programs --- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- Likert scales --- Delphi procedure --- analysis --- Psychotherapy Cults --- persuasive techniques --- Bible-Based Cults --- violence --- cult violence --- indoctrination --- behavior changes --- thought reform programs --- Sullivanians --- Center for Feeling Therapy --- psychological cults --- totalist cults --- Wingspread Conference Report --- Identity Movement --- white supremacy --- conspiracy theories --- Richard Brothers (1757- 1824) --- Aryan Nations --- Ku Klux Klan --- Posse Comitatus --- Christian Conservative Church of America --- far-right --- extreme right --- The Covenant, the Sword, the Arm of the Lord (C.S.A.) --- Michael Ryan --- psychological dynamics --- Experiencing Scale --- Focus of Attention (FoA) --- Deprogramming Statements Checklist (DSC) --- speaker within a speaking turn (SWST) --- statement coding unit (SCU) --- ideological totalism --- Armageddon --- confession --- loading the language --- literalism --- historical dislocation --- mainstream religions --- cults and mainstream religions --- characteristics --- Jewish people --- Jewish community --- Jews --- Protestant Fundamentalist movement --- cult membership --- Freedom of Religion --- Covenant Community groups --- cult phenomenon --- International Conference for the Unity of Sciences (ICUS) --- conversion techniques --- control techniques --- commitment --- therapeutic groups --- cult indoctrination --- cultic evolution --- cultic residential treatment centers --- environmental control --- supervisor-supervisee relationship --- recommendations --- Holy Spirit Association --- coercive influence programs --- behavioral science --- conversion --- ritual child abuse --- ritual crimes --- terminology --- Pacific paradigm --- religious change --- cosmology --- pseudoreligions --- nazism --- fascism --- communism --- New Age Movement --- neo-hinduism --- Neo-Buddhism --- Theosophy --- Anthroposophy --- Gnosis --- Tree of Knowledge --- Neo-Gnosticism --- East-West spirituality --- recoding --- anti-cult movement (ACM) --- Fundamentalist Christianity --- Pentecostal movement --- fundamentalist religions --- socio-political communes --- Communes --- Communal organization --- millenarianism --- Native Americans --- Black Americans --- cult of Mary --- Pentecostal sects --- millenarian movements --- contemporary cults --- modern cults --- psychological intimidation --- questionnaires --- Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion (CSER) --- satanism --- wicca --- witchcraft --- neo-paganism --- heavy metal music --- Church of Satan --- neo-nazis --- Nazi occultism --- necronomicon --- H.P. Lovecraft --- Ockham's razor --- interviews --- Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) --- political cults --- psychiatric problems --- Workers Democratic Union (WDU) --- Doreen Baxter --- Marxism --- Marxism-Leninism --- leadership --- psychological effects --- deception, dependency, and dread syndrome (DDD) --- modified DDD syndrome --- self-criticism --- Word of Life Bible School --- faith movements --- Word of Life (Sweden) --- hallucinations --- psychosomatic problems --- psychiatric care --- floating --- Council of Europe --- Legal Status of Sects --- Belgium --- Council of Europe Member States --- case-law --- laws --- freedom of religion --- psychotherapy cults --- occultism --- cults and occultism --- psychological abuse --- post-cult --- ethical conduct --- thought-reform --- indoctrinee syndrome --- group dynamics --- therapeutic cults --- categories of conduct --- Synanon --- Compulsions Analysis --- standards of conduct --- group therapy --- individual therapy --- physiology of emotions --- physiological reactions --- Louis Jolyon West --- exploitative cults --- psychological coercion --- cult-related myths --- contumely --- defamation --- magick --- Aleister Crowley --- Order of the Golden Dawn --- Arthur Machen --- Inklings --- aestheticism of evil --- Films of the Occult --- suicide --- literature --- Howard Phillips Lovecraft --- H. P. Lovecraft --- gothic novel --- gothic fiction --- Cthulhu --- Old Race --- Necronomicon --- Abdul Alhazred --- lovecraftian --- blavatsky --- Cthulhu mythos --- Marion Zimmer Bradley --- neopaganism --- Wicca --- Stephen King --- the occult in literature --- mind, autonomy, identity, dignity (MAID) --- Post-cult distress --- psychological tests --- Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) --- ex-cultists --- Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) --- Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL) --- Staff Burnout Scale (SBS-HP) --- Multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) --- Contract and Probate Law --- psychiatry --- undue influence --- contract law --- legal concepts --- probate law --- Stockholm Syndrome --- law cases --- cultic misappropriation --- quasitherapeutic techniques --- psychotherapeutic techniques --- Neopsychoanalytic Groups --- Sullivanian Institute (Fourth Wall Theater) --- William Alanson White Institute (WAW) --- psychopolitical groups --- New Alliance Party --- Institute for Social Therapy and Research (NAP) --- Lyndon LaRouche organization --- substance abuse groups --- Special Illness Groups --- triune brain --- Carl Sagan --- triune model --- reptilian brain (R-complex) --- neocortex --- mammalian brain --- limbic system --- love bombing --- deconversion process --- research projects --- New Age characteristics --- Johannes Aagaard --- ethnicity --- essence of religion --- Atlantic paradigm --- Mediterranean paradigm --- Dwight Eisenhower syndrome --- symposium --- countercult organizations --- secularism --- libertarianism --- phenomenology --- atheistic existentialism --- logical positivism --- relativism --- political correctness movement (PC) --- Exit Counselor’s Guidelines Study Group --- thought reform model --- Cults in Latin America --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPA) --- New Age movement --- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- New Age ethics --- Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) --- Eternal Flame (CBJ) --- cellular awakening --- immortality --- Charles Paul Brown --- BernaDeane --- James Russell Strole --- Servicio Para el Esclarecimiento en Sectas (SPES) --- SPES Foundation (Argentina) --- Argentina --- Cults in Argentina --- Pentecostal Groups (Argentina) --- Afro-Brazilian Cults --- Argentinian Foundation for the Study of Cults (FAPES) --- destructive cults --- controversial groups --- Electronic Church --- televangelists --- Umbandanism --- Umbanda --- evil spirits --- demonology --- covenant communities --- Satan --- exorcism --- Social Manipulation --- Group Intensity --- trauma --- measurement --- scale development --- Cincinnati Church of Christ (CCC) --- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) --- David Berg --- Children of God (COG) --- Children of God (The Family) --- psychohistorical studies --- Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion (RSSSR) --- psychohistory --- Methodism --- sexual problems --- sexuality --- sexual experimentation --- psychosexual history --- sexual liberation movement --- incest --- sexual child abuse --- personality analysis --- fundamentalists --- ex-fundamentalists --- Christian fundamentalism --- Shattered Faith Syndrome --- following orders --- psychological experiments --- communication technology --- sleep deprivation --- sleep cycles --- physiology of sleep --- sleep disturbances --- Cults in America --- American jurisprudence --- legal principles --- Case Law Developments --- psychologically manipulative cults --- Janis’s Groupthink Model --- groupthink phenomenon --- Unification Church (Japan) --- Fukuoka District Court (Japan) --- Japanese legislation --- women and cults --- qualitative research --- experimental method --- quantitative method --- research strategies --- experiment --- archival analysis --- history --- cult research --- clinical case study --- research methods --- research methodology --- research standards --- child assessment --- child development --- child psychopathology --- sociometry --- case studies --- consent forms --- form templates --- Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R) --- fantasy role-playing games --- Belief in the Paranormal Scale (BPS) --- Satanic and Fantasy Envelopment (SAFE) --- one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) --- fantasy gamers --- paranormal beliefs --- satanic practices --- Satanic and Fantasy Envelopment Survey (SAFE) --- Scheffe Test --- psychoticism --- extraversion --- neuroticism --- cult critics --- Massimo Introvigne --- Cult Watching Organizations --- anti-cult --- classification schemes --- typology --- gender --- New York Church of Christ --- satanic ritual abuse --- hypnotically refreshed testimony --- therapeutic hypnosis --- case law --- hypnotically enhanced testimony --- hypnosis and legislation --- post-hypnotic testimony --- hypnotically retrieved memories --- admissibility --- United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit --- repressed memories --- forensic hypnosis --- multiple personality disorder (MPD) --- Dissociative identity disorder (DID) --- incestuous child abuse (ICA) --- false memories --- iatrogenic consequences --- Recovered memory therapy --- fantasy induction --- delusions --- American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs (AMA) --- History of Forensic Hypnosis --- hypnotic age regression --- unreliable memories --- amnesia --- psychogenic amnesia --- ethical standards --- Thought Reform Consultants --- pseudo-identity --- personality change --- dissociation --- psychiatric disorders --- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- Patricia Hearst --- identity problem --- Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) --- Jeffrey Lundgren --- dissociative phenomenon --- regression --- dissociative symptoms --- cult victims --- personality disorders --- Dependency, Avoidant, Schizoid, Anxiety, Dysthymia scales --- psychological maltreatment --- psychosocial assessments --- forensic assessments --- informed consent --- emotional disturbance --- assessment techniques --- Re-evaluation Counselling (RC) --- co-counselling --- innovative therapies --- theory of restimulation --- group manipulation --- Lafayette Ronald Hubbard --- L. Ron Hubbard --- Dianetics Institute --- Harvey Jackins --- New Age Management Training Programs --- New Age training methods --- self-help --- ownership of women --- sexual exploitation --- cultic sexual abuse --- psychoeducation --- character disorders --- cult leaders --- cult leadership --- psychosexual abuse --- Thematic Aptitude Tests (TAT) --- interpersonal process --- mothers in cults --- mother-child bond --- pregnancy --- Cult parents --- recovery --- psychological captivity --- coercive control --- fear induction --- destruction of autonomy --- breaking of personality --- sexism --- closed groups --- courtship process --- anger --- passive aggression --- intuition --- Jehovah‟s Witnesses --- Watchtower Society --- Charles Taze Russell --- submission --- non-Witnesses --- blood transfusions --- disfellowshipping --- patriarchy --- locus of control --- high-control groups --- Control Scale (CS) --- former Witnesses --- Symptoms Scale (SS) --- Patriarchal Egalitarian Scale (PE) --- empowerment model --- female survivors of cults --- pseudopersonality --- counseling relationship --- Jehovah's Witness women --- postcult distress --- hypnotically influenced testimony --- borderline personality disorder (BPD) --- hypnotic testimony --- recovered memories --- Buridan‟s Ass dilemma --- confirmatory bias --- American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) --- false memory syndrome (FMS) --- False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) --- recall --- dissociative amnesia --- childhood sexual abuse --- iatrogenesis --- forensic rules --- United States Supreme Court --- polygraph evidence --- American Medical Association (AMA) --- Individual Cult Experience Index (ICE) --- Los Angeles Symptom Checklist (LASC) --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPAS) --- antistalking --- state rape laws --- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA 1994) --- stalking --- rapists --- rape victims --- Rape Shield Laws --- Marital Rape --- cult-rape --- statutory rape --- acquaintance rape --- domestic violence --- domestic partnership --- left-wing organizations --- political cultism --- Committee for a Workers' International (CWI) --- Revolutionary Socialist League --- Militant Tendency --- Trotskyist political parties --- entrism --- Democratic Workers Party (DWP) --- left-wing cults --- left-wing political cults --- extreme left --- catastrophism --- Trotskyism --- ritual of confession --- Trotskyist organizations --- students and cults --- residence hall (dormitory) systems --- university campus --- Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) --- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IV) --- Emissaries of Divine Light --- ex-members --- dysfunctional system --- recovery process --- dysfunctional behavior --- Self-Realization Fellowship --- Siddha Yoga --- Church of the Living Word (The Walk) --- Restoration Movement --- Latter Rain Movement --- Jesus Movement --- Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (GAP) --- pseudo-identity syndrome --- Symptom Checklist 90, Revised (SCL-90-R) --- Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Revised (EPQ-R) --- psychiatric symptomatology --- Global Severity Index (GSI) --- psychological distress --- emancipation laws --- jurisprudence (US) --- cultic children --- minors and cults --- medical treatment --- International Church of Christ (ICC) --- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship graduates (IVCF) --- Boston Church of Christ --- stress disorders --- Sweden --- Swedish government --- Center for the Study of Questions of Belief (Sweden) --- Roman Catholic movements --- new Catholic movements --- Focolare Movement --- Neocatechumenate (NC) --- Communion and Liberation (CL) --- Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships --- Catholic new religious movements --- Charismatic Renewal movement --- France --- Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement --- Béatitudes --- Pain de Vie --- Verbe de Vie --- Emmanuel --- Fondations du Monde Nouveau --- Chemin Neuf --- American Catholic charismatic covenant communities --- Sword of the Spirit (SOS) --- Lamb of God (LOG) --- Word of God (WOG) --- Mother of God (MOG) --- People of Praise (POP) --- Servants of Christ the King (SOCK) --- Opus Dei Awareness Network (ODAN) --- Belgian government --- Parishioners Against a Secret Church (PASCH) --- Intentional communities --- role-playing games (RPG) --- medical neglect --- Re-Indoctrination Programs --- mystification --- Group Philosophy --- Falun Gong --- Falun Dafa --- faith healing --- child mortality --- child fatalities --- faith-healing sects --- Christian Identity Movement --- neo-nazism --- right wing militias --- Identity theology --- The Armageddon Paradigm --- Survivalism --- British Israelism --- cult dynamics --- relational violence --- Teen Training Camps (TTC) --- Victor program --- pro-cultists --- anti-cultists --- harm --- anti-cult movements (ACM) --- apostates --- Belgian Parliament --- mental manipulation --- Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) --- philosophy of separation --- membership --- social organization --- philosophy of purity --- segregation --- philosophy of indulgence --- Chinese government --- Li Hongzhi (李洪志) --- psychological manipulation --- pro-cult --- Italy --- Gruppo di Ricerca ed Informazione sulle Sette (GRIS) --- Italian Law --- psychological movements --- pastoral memorandum --- pseudo-Catholic cults --- Fringe Catholic Movements --- behavior, information, thought, and emotional control (BITE) --- freedom of belief --- Aum Shinrikyo (オウム真理教) --- Shoko Asahara (麻原彰晃) --- Aleph --- sarin --- Poa (Buddhism) --- Sarin gas attack --- cults in Japan --- Live Space movement --- Kofuku no Kagaku (幸福の科学) --- Soka Gakkai (創価学会) --- Buddhist religion --- Nichiren Seishu Sect --- Millennium --- preventive programs --- unhealthy spiritual community (USC) --- recruitment techniques --- folk tales --- myths --- vampires --- Baha‘i Faith --- Mirza Husayn ‘Ali Baha‘u‘llah --- National Spiritual Assemblies (NSA) --- Baha‘i cyberspace --- indoctrination process --- intense indoctrination --- Happy Science (幸福の科学, Kōfuku-no-Kagaku)

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